Chapter 456 Goodbye Ninth Uncle

The night passed quickly.

The next day, the father and son came to the roof at the same time, facing the east, and swallowed the purple air from the east to temper their mana.

After finishing morning class, I packed up and headed towards Youying Town.

Because it is located in the deep mountains and close to the zombie forest, it is far less prosperous than Renjia Town.

But it is also much stronger than ordinary villages.

Standing on a hillside, overlooking the small town shrouded in mist in the canyon below.

"Father, is this Youying Town?" Xu Chang'an asked.

"Well, that's it."

"It looks so broken, why did Uncle Lin choose such a place as the dojo?" Xu Ping'an said.

Hearing this, Xu Rui subconsciously looked towards the west, which was the direction of the zombie forest.

That's where he beheaded the six-eyed earth dragon back then, and he got the half-step bronze armor corpse who didn't know who kept it inside.

"After I clean it up, there won't be any ghost disasters and corpses for at least 30 years. How come it happened again in the past seven or eight years?"

"Could it be that the man who raised the half-step bronze armored corpse is doing something wrong?"

"Father, what are you looking at so engrossed?" Xu Chang'an asked.

"It's nothing. Let's go, let's go to your Uncle Lin's dojo."

As soon as Xu Rui took a step, he flew down the mountain lightly.

Xu Chang'an looked at the direction Xu Rui had been looking at, and his heart moved. The two pupils in his eyes shot out a strange light, and everything in front of him instantly became colorful.

Soon he saw that in the mountains dozens of miles away, a black evil spirit several feet thick rose into the sky.

The strong evil spirit means that there are tyrannical demons and ghosts residing here.

"Sure enough."

Xu Changan was happy, not only not afraid, but also eager to try.

"Chang'an, you want to do something bad again."

Xu Changan's heart was shaken by his sister's voice, and he quickly shook his hands.

"No, sister, you misunderstood me."

"Hmph, don't pretend to be a fool. My parents may not know it, but I know that every time you show this expression on your face, you are going to do something bad."

Xu Pingan stepped forward pinching his waist, wrinkled his little nose and stared at his younger brother, "If you don't say anything, I will follow you every step of the way to see what bad things you can do."

She knew that her younger brother was born with supernatural powers, and his eyes could see many things that were invisible to the naked eye.

Xu Changan had no choice but to agree.

"Good sister, can I tell you off?"

"That's about the same, let's talk."

"Say yes, but you are not allowed to tell daddy."

"Yes." Xu Ping'an nodded.

"You two come down soon." Xu Rui's words came from afar.

"I'll talk about it later, Daddy called us."

After Xu Changan finished speaking, he hurried down the mountain.

Xu Ping'an also hurriedly followed.

"If you don't follow up quickly, what are you muttering on top?"

Afraid that Xu Pingan would miss the point, Xu Changan said first: "Father, my sister said that the scenery here is really beautiful. After seeing Uncle Lin, we should have fun around here."

"Is that right?"

Xu Pingan nodded in agreement.

Although the little girl doesn't lie much, it doesn't mean she can't.

"Okay, when I see you, Uncle Lin, it won't be too late to go sightseeing."

The father and son came to the foot of the mountain and soon found Uncle Jiu's dojo.

This time he did not open Yizhuang again.

Looking at the spacious and tall two-story building in front of him, Xu Rui couldn't help laughing: "It seems that after you Uncle Lin became the head class in the underworld, your pockets have indeed become much richer."

"Father, what is the Underworld Taipan?" Xu Changan asked curiously.

"I'll explain it to you later when I have a chance."

After the words fell, he stepped forward and knocked on the door.


A low voice came from inside.

"Is it a literary talent?"

Wen Cai was stunned for a moment, "This voice is so familiar."

Hastily stepped forward to open the door.

Looking at the tall, handsome figure in front of him, with long hair tied behind his head, Wen Cai was full of surprise.

"Uncle Xu?"

"Hehe, is your master at home?"

"Here, uncle, please come in."

Just as Xu Rui was about to step in, he stopped quickly, slapped the Jiuxian gourd to put away the ghost wood Jiao who had been following around, and then came in.

Lin Fengying's ashram enshrines various Taoist guardian gods and gods, and is extremely sensitive to ghosts and evil spirits.

If the Ghost Wood Flood Dragon came in, it might provoke a great battle between good and evil.

The Jiuxian gourd is a magic weapon, which can just block its breath.

He strode in and walked into the main hall under the leadership of Wen Cai.

As before, the hall enshrines the three patriarchs of Maoshan Mountain, as well as the ranking of the patriarchs of the past dynasties.

"Master, brother, Master Xu is here."

There were rapid footsteps.

Lin Fengying, who was dressed in a blue cotton robe, came down from upstairs, followed by Qiu Sheng who seemed to have matured a lot.

"Friend Xu Daoist?!"

With one step, Lin Fengying jumped directly from the second floor and landed lightly in front of Xu Rui.

Xu Rui clasped his fists and said with a smile: "I haven't seen you for a few years, Lin Daoyou's cultivation is better than before. If you practice for a few more days, there is hope for the golden core."

"Although my cultivation base has advanced, it is not comparable to the Golden Core Dao Fruit of fellow Taoists."

"Hehe, I'm just one step ahead. With the aptitude and heart of a fellow Taoist, I will definitely be a member of the Golden Core in a while."

"That's a good word for fellow Taoists."

After a pause, Lin Fengying saw the two children following behind.

"These two are the children of you and Zhang Daoyou?"

Xu Rui nodded.

"The elder sister is called Xu Ping'an; the younger brother is called Xu Chang'an."

"Greetings to you, Uncle Lin."

"Hello, Uncle Lin."

The two little guys walked up to the front respectfully and said respectfully.

"Good boy, get up."

Uncle Jiu took out two corpse talismans from the dharma bag and handed them over.

"Uncle Lin doesn't have any good things here, but the corpse town talisman is still pretty good, so I'll give it to you as a gift today."

He has been running Yizhuang all the year round, so Uncle Jiu is extremely skilled in corpse-suppressing charms and evil-exorcism charms.

Now I have realized the eighth grade.

The corpse-suppressing talisman for the little brother is a good thing of the eighth rank.

However, Zhang Jie usually strictly taught them not to take other people's things casually, so at this time the two little guys hesitated and couldn't help but look at Xu Rui.

The latter nodded.

"Don't dare to quit if you have thorns, you all keep it."

The younger sister and younger brother each took over.

"Thank you, Uncle Lin."

Lin Fengying patted the younger brother's head with envy on his face.

"Fellow Daoist has raised two good children."

"It's all thanks to their mother. By the way, why didn't you see Shugu Daoyou?"

"Master Qingmiao is about to break through the golden elixir, she has gone back to protect the dharma."

Shugu is a disciple of Master Qing Miao, one of the Seven True Masters of Maoshan, and the teacher is at the end of life, so naturally, as a direct disciple, he has a duty to do so.

"I see."

Xu Rui changed the subject and said with a smile: "I see Brother Dao looks gloomy, but because of the departure of Mrs. Sister-in-law, are you worried?"

"Your sister-in-law is in Maoshan General Altar, she is safe and sound, so I don't need to worry about it."

"That is…?"

Lin Fengying's face was full of anger, "It's not all because of these two villains."

Qiu Sheng Wen Cai lowered his head.

Xu Rui instantly thought of the ghosts in Hongya County.

"What happened?"

"A few days ago it was the Ghost Festival of the Ghost Festival, so I specially organized a water and land ceremony, and invited a troupe to sing ghost operas, thinking about accumulating some evil virtues. I never thought that the success of these two bastards is not enough to reveal the truth Yu Yu was actually bewitched by a female ghost, knocked down the errand, and ran away with three hundred ghosts, causing a big mistake."

Lin Fengying looked at Qiusheng and Wencai with hatred.

If it weren't for these two disciples who he had seen growing up since childhood and had deep feelings for them, they would have been expelled from the school long ago.

"Father, it's no wonder there are so many ghosts in the county, so they escaped from the master." Xu Changan suddenly realized.

After giving him a calm look, Xu Rui turned his head.

"Brother Dao, do you have a good plan to catch these ghosts?"

"I have already invited Maoshan to be a fellow disciple, and then I can set up my Maoshan 'Innate Eight Diagrams Formation' to subdue all ghosts."

Xu Rui said, "How do you explain to the errand?"

"They promised me seven days."

Xu Rui nodded.

Maoshan has a lot of face.

Switching to an ordinary casual cultivator, even if he made a mistake and escaped so many ghosts, he would have been drawn out by the underworld long ago.

"Do you need my help?"

"At that time, please invite fellow daoists to stand in line, just in case." Lin Fengying said.

With Xu Rui's Jindan level cultivation base, it can really help a lot.But he doesn't understand the Xiantian gossip array, and the latter is the untold secret of Maoshan.

It's really not suitable for him to participate.

Xu Rui could guess something from his expression, so he nodded without saying anything.

"Brother Dao, you have to receive many colleagues from Maoshan here. It's not easy for me to drag my family here."

"No, there is no reason for you to be turned away when you come from afar. Besides, there are enough rooms in my new ashram, and fellow Taoists can stay here as much as you want."

Xu Rui shook his head and said with a smile: "The two boys in my family are just naughty at the age. If they get into any trouble, it will be difficult for Brother Dao to be in the middle. It's better to live outside."

She waved her hand to block Lin Fengying's next words.

"Brother Dao, you don't have to worry about my father and son. I brought the dojo with me." After a pause, he turned around with a smile, "Brother Dao, come with me."

Xu Rui walked out of the ashram, and Lin Fengying and his disciples followed curiously.

After finding a flat ground outside the dojo, Xu Rui slapped the Jiuxian gourd.

Qinglinju, which had not been used for a long time, flew out of it.

In the shocked eyes of Lin Fengying, Qiusheng and Wencai, it quickly zoomed in, and within a few breaths, it had already turned into a large house covering an area of ​​[-] square meters.

Strangely, the ground that was originally potholed and uneven automatically leveled off as the house fell, and everything seemed so miraculous.

"Brother Dao, please."

Taking a deep breath, Lin Fengying still couldn't hide her shock and followed Xu Rui into the courtyard gate.

Facing you is the screen wall, and entering through the moon gate on the left is the traditional upside-down house in the north.

Enter through the hanging flower door on the right, and you will find a spacious courtyard.

The main room in the middle is divided into five rooms, and there are three wing rooms on each side.

Judging from the vertical flower doors on the left and right sides of the main room, there is more space behind.

Exotic flowers and plants are dotted around the courtyard, especially a pomegranate tree in the middle stands tall and graceful, with an emerald green crown full of luxuriant branches and leaves, full of vitality.

Moreover, the aura in this courtyard is obviously stronger than that outside.

(End of this chapter)

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