
The two little guys came to the door of the dojo, but they dared not go in.


The courtyard door opened.

Ghost Wood Flood Dragon came out from inside.

"Master and miss, the master let you in."

Seeing it, Xu Pingan quickly apologized: "Ghostwood Jiao was wrong last time, we shouldn't have used spells to confuse you."

Xu Changan nodded, and said, "Don't worry, if Daddy punishes you, I will intercede for you. If Daddy refuses to agree, I will accept the punishment for you."

"You two are showing loyalty, why don't you come in quickly?"

"Daddy's voice."

The young lady and brother looked at each other and walked in cautiously.

Looking at Xu Rui standing in the yard.


The two boys shouted at the same time.

"After all, where did you go just now?" Xu Rui asked calmly.

"Father, don't you always teach us that as righteous monks, we should always remember to kill demons and eliminate demons to protect the peace? My sister and I went out to play this time and found a spooky locust forest, where many demons lurk."

"My sister and I showed great power and wiped out all the demons and ghosts there, and even killed a golden core-level bronze armor corpse."

The more Xu Changan talked, the more excited he became, and at the end he was even more elated, wishing to show Xu Rui the scene of beheading the bronze armored corpse again.

"Peace, is that so?"

Xu Pingan nodded again and again, "Daddy, that bronze armored corpse is very powerful, thanks to Chang'an's yin and yang scissors ability, he was able to kill it in one fell swoop."

Hearing this, Xu Changan pinched his waist with both hands, held his head high, with a look on his small face that I am very good, please praise me soon.

Seeing it, Xu Rui flicked his fingers.



Xu Changan clutched his forehead and let out a cry of pain.

"Don't take credit for yourself, if you don't have a sister, can you kill the Bronze Armored Corpse by yourself?" The topic changed, "However, it is extraordinary that the two of you can achieve this result with your own abilities. We will investigate the matter of you going out privately."

"Thank you dad." Xu Pingan said quickly.

Xu Changan also said 'thank you' a little unhappy.

"Okay, now tell me the process of you fighting with that bronze armored corpse."

Mentioning this, Xu Changan quickly regained his spirits.

Hands and feet are used vividly, and the eyebrows are dancing.

But soon Xu Rui interrupted him mercilessly.

In his eyes, the fighting skills of the two children were full of randomness, they didn't work together to use the spirit weapon he gave, and the cooperation between the two was extremely rough.

Time passed quickly during Xu Rui's preaching.

"Okay, that's all I want to say, next time you encounter the same thing, don't think about being so reckless today." Xu Rui turned his head, "Ghostwood Jiao, tell Li Xiaohong and Dong Xiaoyu to get them something to eat. "

"Yes, sir."

Guimujiao led the order and left.

"After dinner, go to bed early."

"Got it, Dad."

After patting the two children on the head, Xu Rui turned and left.

When his back disappeared, the two boys heaved a sigh of relief.

"By the way, why didn't dad ask us about the bronze armored corpse?" Xu Ping'an said suddenly.

"Maybe Dad forgot." Xu Changan scratched his head, a little uncertain.

"Such an important matter, will dad forget?"

"Then why do you say?"

Xu Ping'an didn't know either, "Maybe Dad wants us to learn how to deal with it ourselves."

"Who knows. Fortunately, Dad didn't ask, otherwise I would have no chance of finding another bronze armored corpse."

Xu Changan patted his belly, "I'm starving to death, I'll go find Aunt Li and the others for food."

"I'll go as well."

Xu Pingan hurriedly followed.

Seeing them bouncing away, without worry or worry, Xu Rui couldn't help but smile on his face.

With a wave of his right hand, a water mirror about the size of Zhang Xu appeared in front of him.

The inside is exactly the situation in the cave.

This is a backhand he left behind.

"I want to see who left this place?"

Thoughts have not come to an end.

Boom boom boom...

There was a sudden knock on the door.

Xu Rui's heart moved, and Uncle Jiu's figure appeared in his heart.

"Ghostwood Jiao, go and open the door."


The adult Ghost Wood Jiao, which maintained its human form, opened the gate of the courtyard.

Uncle Jiu looked at the middle-aged man in a blue robe with an indifferent expression in front of him, and couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

In his induction, the person in front of him is ordinary, as if he is not a practitioner.

This is also normal, Guimujiao's current cultivation base has half a foot into the late stage of Golden Core, and the gap between the two sides' cultivation bases is huge, so it's strange that he can feel it.

"Lin Daochang, my master invites you in."

Uncle Jiu came back to his senses and knew that the master the other party was talking about was Xu Rui.

"Thank you."

Stepped in.

Led by Guimu Jiao, he came down to the middle courtyard.

Xu Rui greeted him from the main room.

"Why did Brother Dao come here?"

"I hope to forgive you for disturbing me."

"You and I are old friends, brother Dao, you don't need to be so polite, please."


When he came to the main room and sat down, Guimu Jiao intuitively stood behind him.

"Ye Suo, serve tea."


Accompanied by a crisp voice, a pretty servant girl in a long red dress came in with a teapot and cups.

Seeing her, Uncle Jiu was startled.

The maidservant in the red dress is actually not inferior to him? !
However, this woman doesn't have the slightest breath of a living person, she is obviously a ghost cultivator.

"Daoist, please use tea."

Uncle Jiu quickly thanked him.

After watching her go down, Uncle Jiu couldn't help but said: "Fellow Daoist, this dojo is really not bad, even a maid serving tea and water has such cultivation."

"Hehe, eight years ago, Brother Ling and I were hunting demons in Baishui Town. We happened to meet Ye Suo, who had become a spirit from plantains. It was inevitable that she would lose control and kill people, so I took it by my side to watch over her. Aptitude, practice and hard work, it can be considered a small achievement over the years."

Having said that, Ye Suo was able to achieve his current level of cultivation in the late stage of Foundation Establishment, thanks to the place where the tortoise sleeps and the Kongming Cave Heavenly Dharma Realm.

Without the extremely rich aura of the two places, she would not have the current cultivation base.

Except for him, most of the ghost slaves who followed Xu Rui in the early years were like this.

Li Xiaohong, Dong Xiaoyu, Annie, Sophia.

Now they all have the cultivation base of the later stage of foundation establishment.

The five of them were also in charge of sweeping up debris in Xu Rui's ashram.

"So that's how it is. Fellow Daoists teach well, and their merits are immeasurable."

"Brother Dao, you are welcome." Xu Rui picked up the teacup, "Please."


After picking up the teacup and taking a sip, Uncle Jiu's eyes lit up.

"Good tea."

Xu Rui smiled. His spiritual tea was called 'Perilla', which was a spiritual root cultivated by Zhang's family for many years. He exchanged a medium-sized spiritual weapon for a plant from his father-in-law.

"As long as Brother Dao likes it."

After three flavors of tea, Xu Rui put down the teacup.

"Brother Dao, do you have something important to do here?"

"It's nothing important. It's just that some of my senior brothers heard that Fellow Daoist is here, admire your reputation, and really want to pay a visit. I dare not agree without authorization, so I came to see Fellow Daoist first and asked about it."

"That's what happened."

Xu Rui paused, then pondered for a while.

"It's nothing serious for me, but brother Dao is in a hurry to take back the ghost, and if you delay it, I'm afraid it will be difficult for the underworld to explain. So, in my opinion, I'd better wait until brother Dao's matter is over before visiting."

"That's fine. I'll invite fellow daoists again at that time."

"Hehe, good to say."

"Come, come, have some tea."

After the two of them drank the tea in their cups, Xu Rui personally sent Uncle Jiu away.

After closing the courtyard door and coming back, he explained a few words to Guimujiao, then urged Kongming Lingye, and went back to Kongming Treasure Tree Cave.

Come to the refining room.

He likes to come here when he is free.

Maybe he is really talented in this area. Over the past five years, his weapon refining ability has improved rapidly. Before refining two medium-level spiritual weapons, one of them would definitely fail.

Now basically one out of four will fail.

The success rate reached 75%.

Although not [-]%, he felt that he already had rich experience in refining medium-level spiritual weapons.

An irrepressible longing came to mind.

"Maybe it's time to try refining a high-grade spiritual weapon."

Just do it when you think of it, stretch out your hand and make a move, and a piece of eighth-grade high-quality hardware stored around you will fly into the Taiyi Yin-Yang Furnace.

The Qingwu Spiritual Fire, which had been conceived to the peak of the eighth rank, was burning violently.

The magic-level Taiyi Yin-Yang Stove is like a high-power water pump, sucking in the surrounding aura and continuously increasing the temperature of the Qingwu Spiritual Fire.

The hero of hardware put into it melted quickly, and within an hour, it had already turned into a ball of five-color spiritual fluid the size of a football.

After refining for another hour, all the impurities were refined out.

Only then did Xu Rui silently recite the mouth-cleaning mantra, the body-cleaning mantra, and the mind-cleaning mantra to restore his state to its peak.

This time he was not using the Lingbao puppet technique.

It's a well-behaved handprint, a handprint's formula, and no mistakes are allowed.

Gradually, the five-color spiritual liquid turned into a three-foot-three-inch, three-finger-wide long sword on the back.

With the imprint of the spirit pattern, the sword energy became sharper.

A prohibition.

Two prohibitions.

Soon five restrictions were formed.

At this time, there was very little space left for him to brand the spirit pattern inside the long sword.

Xu Rui made three more fingerprints and hesitated.

Sweat dripped from his forehead, and his face was full of tangles.

After slowly pinching into the fourth handprint, there was a stalemate for a long time, unable to land for a long time.

He exhaled dejectedly, and dispersed his fingerprints.

The space left for him is too small to imprint the sixth prohibition.

Of course, if he filled in some of the eighth-grade high-end hardware heroes, it might work.

But now that his mentality is out of balance, he definitely can't continue to try.

"Fortunately it stopped in time."

After pinching the hand formula, slowly erasing all the restrictions in the unformed spirit sword, it turned into a ball of five-color slurry again.

"Stay here for now."

Shaking his head, he turned and left.

Coming outside the dojo, a spiritual light came quickly.

When it got close, the figure with the head of a dragon and the body of a turtle appeared.

It is the turtle spirit transformed by Xu Changan's birth.

Although this guy has already exceeded seven feet in size, he is still in his infancy.

"Ang Ang..."

A trace of prayer flowed out from the huge dragon eyes.

"No, you have a special status, so you can't go to Chang'an yet. Let's talk about it when your cultivation level breaks through the Golden Core."

Hearing this, a gloomy look appeared in the dragon's eyes.

"I did this for the safety of both of you. The outside world is not as peaceful as in the cave."

After patting its big head, Xu Rui stepped forward, opened the space passage, and returned to Qinglin Residence.

Looking at the sky, it was completely dark.

"Ghostwood Jiao?"


"Brother Lin Dao, is there any movement?"

"The old slave has been watching. Including Lin Daochang, there are eight disciples of Maoshan. They have set up a congenital gossip array in the eastern suburb of Youying Town, and they are preparing to receive a group of ghosts."

"Did you come to invite us?"


Xu Rui nodded.

The innate gossip formation is the secret of Maoshan, so it's normal not to invite him.

"By the way, are there any acquaintances of mine among those Maoshan disciples?"

"I didn't see Daoist Simu and Daoist Lin Fengjiao."

"Go and have a look."

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