The heavens start from the bottle mountain

Chapter 463: Innate Eight Trigrams Array

Chapter 460 Three Innate Bagua Formation

Urging Dunguang to move, he soon came to the top of the eight trigrams formation.

Looking down, you can see the giant yellow cloth banners with a height of one foot on eight sides, which are listed in order according to the directions of Qiankun Xunzhen and Kanli Gendui Bagua.

Eight yellow cloth banners enclose an open space with a radius of several acres.

Lin Fengying and the others each guarded a giant yellow banner, pinching their sword fingers with solemn expressions.

Although it was far away, Xu Rui could clearly sense the strong mana fluctuations on the eight huge yellow banners, which were all high-quality magic weapons.

"Uncle Nine spent a lot of money in order to wipe the ass of the two apprentices. However, it seems that the status of the bank's top class is really fast. In the past, he didn't have the resources to gather the eight-level magic weapon level Changban. "Xu Rui said heartily.

Looking at the Maoshan people standing quietly in front of the eight-faced long banner, Xu Rui made a gesture with both hands.


A bird's-eye view appeared in front of him.

From the sky above Eagle Town at a height of [-] feet, a giant white crow with a wingspan of [-] feet overlooks the rivers and mountains below.

Although it is night, no movement can be concealed from its eyes.

It was the phantom crow that Xu Rui used the marrow washing point to promote to the innate spirit species.

In the past five years, it has also made rapid progress, from the middle stage of foundation establishment to the late stage of foundation establishment.

Through sharing vision, Xu Rui quickly found the figure of Qiusheng Wencai.

The two each held a pot of tofu and walked around the streets.

Behind them, followed by a large group of ghosts, greedily devouring the tofu in their hands, as if it was some delicious food.

Even, there are many ghosts coming from more than ten miles away.

The number is no less than a hundred.

A yellow talisman was pasted above the heads of the two to protect them from being infected by ghost energy.

"Interesting, I don't know what is so mysterious about this tofu that it can provoke a group of ghosts to fight for food?" Xu Rui thought.

Suddenly, a tyrannical Yin Qi flew out from halfway.

When she landed, she turned into a beautiful, plump female ghost in a long white dress.

Qiusheng and Wencai seemed to know him very well. Seeing her come out, they quickly moved over to him.

"Interesting, it's actually a spirit ghost."

He felt the strong rhythm of the water path on the female ghost in the white dress.

Its cultivation is also at the peak of Foundation Establishment.

After a little thought, he slapped the Jiuxian gourd.


36 Tiangang locked the soul lock, spanning more than ten miles in an instant, penetrating the female ghost's body like lightning.

The jade lock retracted, and the female ghost disappeared at any time.

"Little Li?!"

Qiu Shengwen was in a hurry, so he hurriedly searched for it.

But there is still a trace there.

"What are you two still dawdling about? Bring the group of ghosts here quickly. It's too late, be careful that these dirty things treat you as tofu."

Listening to the master's voice in the sound transmission talisman, and seeing the hundreds of ghosts behind them, the two trembled in their hearts.

Ignoring Xiaoli, she hurriedly ran towards the 'Xiantian Bagua Formation' at the entrance of the town.

Under their guidance, the group of ghosts was successfully introduced into the formation.

Uncle Jiu activated the formation and trapped the ghosts.All the teachers and brothers joined forces to capture the ghosts.

Among the crowd, Shi Jian, who practiced the "Shangqing Shenlei Method", was the most domineering. Under the lightning and thunder fist, countless ghosts and ghosts were turned into powder.

The murderousness was so serious that Xu Rui couldn't help frowning.

Although he often kills ghosts and demons, and his methods are also ruthless, there is always a distinction between good and evil.Never before has Shi Jian made no distinction between good and evil, blindly killing.

This is the way of magic.

"Such a person is actually the eldest disciple of Maoshan?"

Because of Shi Jian's indiscriminate killing, the surrounding ghosts were terrified, and there was no need to catch them later. In order to survive, they took the initiative to sneak into the ghost-absorbing magic weapon of other Maoshan disciples.

In less than a quarter of an hour, all the ghosts had been subdued.

But these days, the ghosts who escaped from Youying Town had already dispersed.

Although there are the most in Eagle Town, there are also many other places.

Need to subdue one by one.

The nine towns in Hongya County basically have to run once, at least half a month.

However, Shi Jian, Taoist Shanyang and others had no complaints.

Because every collection of ghosts will take away many dead souls who have not returned to the underworld, which is a merit for them.

Except for Xu Rui watching the excitement once in Youying Town, the rest basically watched the excitement through the eyes of Huancrow.


Xu Rui, who sat cross-legged on the throne, opened his eyes and frowned slightly.

"This guy is really cautious. It's been more than half a month and he still hasn't shown up."

During this period of time, he has been monitoring the underground cave in the zombie forest, but he has not seen the person who controls the bronze armored corpse until now.

Let him who originally planned to prevent future troubles, the plan fell through.


There was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

A beautiful woman in a long white dress with high hair came in.

"My lord, your tea."

"Let it go."

The woman responded and put it on the low table in front of the throne.

Glancing at her, Xu Rui waved his right hand, and a sword light flew towards the woman.The latter hurriedly caught it.

"This Lingxiu sword has developed spirituality, so I will give it to you."

"Thank you sir."

The woman happily accepted it.

She is the spirit ghost 'Xiaoli' that Xu Rui captured from the street a few days ago.

Acquired spirit ghost of water attribute, good aptitude.

It was just a whim when I caught her, but when I got back, I found that it was actually useless.My own "five ghosts transporting technique" has already been established in the courtyard, and it has also upgraded the acquired spirit ghost to the innate spirit ghost.

But it is impossible to let go.

A ghost in the late stage of foundation establishment is wandering in the world, if any trouble is caused, there will be his karma.

He simply stayed in Qinglinju and worked as his maid.

"Go down."

Xiaoli backed out respectfully.

She had just left when Ghost Wood Jiao walked in.

"Master, Daoist Lin is here."

"Bring him in."

Xu Rui got up to greet him.

Not long after, Guimujiao brought Uncle Jiu in.

Compared to last time, Uncle Jiu's expression was much better.

"People are refreshed on happy occasions, brother Dao, congratulations."

"Well, it took more than half a month to finally solve the trouble caused by those two brats." The topic changed, "Daoist friend, tonight I will hold a banquet at the Hongbin Building in my town, and I would like to invite you to appreciate it." Come and get together with a thin noodle."

"Brother Dao personally invites me, Xu will not refuse."

The joy on Uncle Jiu's face was even brighter, he cupped his hands and said, "I'll be waiting for the visit of Fellow Daoist that night."

"Good to say."

"I have to go back to prepare the banquet, so I will leave first."

"I'll give it to Brother Dao."

Just after sending Uncle Jiu away, two small figures rushed out from the side, hugging his legs one from the left and the other from the right.

"Daddy, let's go tonight too." Xu Chang'an said.

"Daddy, staying at home every day is boring to death, so you can take us out to play." Xu Ping'an begged.

"Daddy, please."...

The two little guys acted like a baby, and Xu Rui nodded considering that he had never let them go out for more than half a month.

"Wow, long live Daddy."

"Daddy is the best."

"Okay, listen to me first. You can go out with me tonight, but you must be obedient. Otherwise, I will send you back to Shennongjia and hand it over to your mother."

The sister and brother looked at each other.

Both of them recalled the fear of being dominated by the old lady in the past five years or so.

In an instant, the two said in unison.

"Daddy, we all listen to you."

"Hehe, that's about the same."


It's night time soon.

Hongbinlou is the largest and most luxurious restaurant in Eagle Town.

Of course, luxury is relative.

You can't expect anything from a hotel in the middle of nowhere.

However, although the taste is average, it is better than the large quantity.

There is a large table of chicken, duck and fish, which looks rich.

Because the guest of honor hadn't come yet, Lin Fengying and his brothers sat together to chat, and the topic of course was Xu Rui.

"Senior Brother Lin, how did you meet 'Iron Palm Immortal' Xu Zhengyang?"

A tall, thin figure in a yellow Taoist robe asked.

He is also a direct disciple of Maoshan, but his aptitude for cultivation is generally not high.

Lin Fengying looked at the curious eyes of all the seniors and organized her words.

"Speaking of it, it has been more than ten years. At that time, senior brother Yimei set up a dojo in Jiuquan Town and needed a few fellow practitioners to help him. Xu Daoyou, who stayed in Jinchanfang City with senior brother Simu at that time, was joined by fellow Taoist Simu Pulled over. That's how we got to know each other."

"Later, Fellow Daoist Xu traveled around the world. When he came to my ashram in Renjia Town, he also relied on me for more than half a year. In the middle, he also beheaded the evil Red Lantern Festival 'Red and White Shuangsha'. Thanks to him, I and the concubine Auntie can come together."

All the brothers and sisters were stunned.

"Senior brother Lin, what was the cultivation level of the 'Iron Palm Immortal'?" Shanyang Taoist asked.

"Later foundation building."

All the brothers and sisters showed admiration and envy on their faces.

"In just seven or eight years, you can achieve the golden elixir state from the late stage of foundation establishment. Xu Zhengyang's aptitude and understanding must be extraordinary." Shanyang Taoist said enviously.

Glancing at him, Uncle Jiu didn't say much.

He, his brother Lin Fengjiao, and Simu had talked about Xu Rui many times.

According to Simu, who was the first to know the other party, when he first met Xu Zhengyang, the other party's cultivation was only in the early stage of foundation establishment.

Therefore, others did not advance to the golden elixir in seven or eight years, but achieved the golden elixir from the early stage of foundation establishment in seven or eight years.

This kind of aptitude is really shocking.

"It took seven or eight years to cultivate from the late stage of foundation establishment to Jindan, and my master can do it too."

A sudden voice broke in suddenly.

The crowd looked at the sound.

A handsome but feminine young man in a moon-white robe with a ponytail behind his head came into view.

"Shaojian, don't talk nonsense."

Although he scolded him, his tone was very calm.

As a senior brother of Maoshan, he also has his own arrogance, and he thinks that his aptitude is not inferior to Xu Zhengyang.If it weren't for the fact that he was young and idle, greedy for beauty, and broke his pure Yang body, he would have advanced to Jindan long ago.

"Senior Senior Brother's aptitude is naturally not inferior to that of Xu Zhengyang, it's just that he lacks some opportunities."

Shi Jian is the [-]th generation master of Maoshan, and his master is Qingyang Taoist who is the head of Maoshan's seven true masters. He has a great possibility of inheriting the position of Maoshan's head in the future, so there is no shortage of people who follow his power.

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