
In fact, Milong had also told him about the giant pine in Qingsong Temple, but no matter how magnificent the description was, it was not as intuitive and shocking as seeing it in person.

"Junior brother, let's go. If it's any later, I'm afraid we won't be able to get a good seat." Qi Hao said.

Seeing the figures fleeing quickly around him, Xu Rui nodded.

The group quickly flew under the canopy of the pine tree.

The closer you get, the more you feel the magnificence of this pine tree.When they came close, the shape of the tree was no longer in front of them, only the eyes were full of dark green.

Unexpectedly, when they walked under the huge canopy, it was not as dark as they had imagined.

A layer of hazy green light spilled from the canopy of the tree, illuminating the surrounding area of ​​tens of thousands of acres of light.

And there is another world under the canopy.

A piece of blue boulders was paved, a huge square comparable to Qingyunmen Jiuding Square appeared in front of him, but what was placed on it was not a giant tripod, but a bronze statue holding a spear.

Majestic and solemn, like a loyal guard.

Passing through the wide square, there are layers of upward steps, with as many as a thousand steps, like a ladder to heaven, which makes people respectful at a glance.

At the top of the steps is a very majestic building with a veranda roof of gold bricks and Han tiles.

Although it was far away, Xu Rui still clearly saw the bright golden characters on the plaque at the main entrance of the main hall.

Floating Cloud Palace.

There are some pavilions behind the Floating Cloud Hall, but the preaching place this time is only in this square full of bronze statues holding spears, outsiders will not be able to appreciate it.

Because of the preaching, hundreds of monks have gathered in the square.

But when the people from Qingyunmen came, they seemed like superstars in the sky, instantly attracting everyone's attention to themselves.

The crowd in front also consciously gave way.

"Look, the people from Qingyun Sect are here?"

"It's really majestic, if only I was also Qingyun's disciple."

"I want it too."……

The complex gazes of respect and admiration made all the disciples of Qingyun sect subconsciously raise their heads too high, and their faces showed complacency.

"By the way, who is that Xu Buzhou who beat away the deputy head of Xuanwu Hall of Ghost King Zong?"

"It's the one with the black knotted bamboo in his hand."

"So young?! It doesn't look more than ten years old."

"It is rumored that this child has achieved the fourth level of Taiji Xuanqing Dao in just three years since he started, and created the history of Qingyunmen."

"So powerful?"

"Anyway, that's what I said. I don't know if it's true, but since he can defeat Xue Ba in the late Jindan stage, we know that his strength is extraordinary."

"Is that Qi Hao from Longshou Peak wearing a white robe and carrying a magical sword?"

"It should be. The young man is really a talent."

"To be able to fight against that old monster Centipede Taoist, this person is also a genius who does not belong to Xu Buzhou."

"It is rumored that in the Qingyunmen Seven Meridian Competition last time, this person only got second place. There is also a person named Xiao Yicai, whose strength is even more astonishing."

"The Qingyun Sect is lucky, and this kind of genius appears one after another in the sect."...

Amidst the discussion, everyone walked to the vacant seats in front and sat down.

"Junior Brother Xu, it seems that you have become famous this time." Qi Hao said via voice transmission.

"Isn't Senior Brother Qi the same?"

"Hehe, but this kind of reputation is not a good thing. When we walk in the world of practice in the future, we must be careful of the plots of people from the Demon Cult."

"If you want to wear the crown, you must first bear its weight. If you want to achieve fame, you must accept training. But this is also a good thing. I happen to kill a few more people from the devil's way, and I can count it as a contribution to the common people and the righteous way."

"Junior Brother Xu is so brave."

While the two of them were talking, more and more people gathered around to listen to the sermon, and the discussion was full of enthusiasm.

Xu Rui collected his mind, opened the golden finger, and looked at his attribute panel.

Host: Xu Rui.

Qualification: Innate Spirit Body (778‰)
Qi training: Sun Sutra (Sixth Grade Superior/Golden Elixir Realm/Progress 39%).

Body Refining: Dragon and Tiger Golden Body Jue (Seventh Grade Superior/Golden Core Realm/Progress 59%)

Spells: 1. Lingbao puppet technique (fifth-grade upper class/primordial spirit realm/progress 9%)...

Marrow washing points: 153 points.

Thanks to the gains from killing those demon monks some time ago, plus the gains from Xu Rui's deity, Xu Xuandu and Xu Kunlun.

His marrow washing point reached a new high.

"Next, I will listen to Mr. Songda and Elder Liu Mufeng's preaching. Higher qualifications are more beneficial to me. There is no need to keep them."

The thought was certain, Xu Rui's heart moved.

Leave three marrow washing points just in case, and add all the remaining 150 points.

In an instant, the deity who is still in the spiritual world of Maoshan, his blood boiled instantly.

Visible to the naked eye, the realm of Dragon and Tiger Golden Body Art on the attribute panel has risen rapidly.

When everything returns to calm.

All of his twelve meridians have been opened up, and all 360 acupuncture points have been opened.

The eight extra meridians have also successfully opened up the Yangqiao and Yinqiao channels.

The cultivation of the Golden Core Realm of the Dragon and Tiger Golden Body Jue has been completed for the most part.

However, these things did not affect Xu Buzhou who was in Zhu Xian's spirit world. The only thing that could make him feel something was that his slightly chaotic mind seemed to have been wiped several times by countless cold waters.

become clearer than ever before.

Feeling this change carefully, half an hour passed unknowingly.

Clang clang clang...

The mighty bell rang suddenly.

The tumbling sound wave swept across everyone like a tumbling wave, and everyone subconsciously stopped talking.

With the sound of the bell, a tall middle-aged Taoist dressed in blue Dao Po and holding Yu Ruyi in his arms suddenly appeared in front of the square.

After quickly sweeping his gaze over everyone, Hong Sheng said.

"Fusheng Wuliang Tianzun, Wu Jingzhi, the deacon of the Qingsong Temple of the Pindao, and the Taoist name 'Yiyang', have met all the fellow Taoists."

After playing a check.

"Everyone please be quiet and get up."

Everyone stood up.

Wu Jingzhi turned around, and said respectfully to the Fuyun Temple above the steps: "I invite the patriarch to guide me."


Hundreds of millions of rays of light rushed into the air from the Floating Cloud Palace, then turned back down, and fell straight to the front of the square.

It seems that a rainbow road about three feet wide connects the Fuyun Temple and the square.

Immediately afterwards, the vocal music woven by bells, drums, zithers and zithers sounded. Amidst this magnificent Taoist music, a pair of little Taoist boys wearing double-breasted blouses, trousers on their feet, and pink make-up and jade carvings held a magic sword and a magic conch respectively, and walked from the Fuyun Temple. out.

After them are two Taoist boys holding drums and zithers.

Two and two.

After four pairs of eight Daoist boys, each holding a Dharma artifact, came out, there was the lotus Dharma platform carried by eight shirtless men.

Behind the altar are two pairs of twelve guards with golden helmets and armor holding swords, guns, swords and halberds.

A group of people slowly came out of the Floating Cloud Hall, and walked towards the square below along the rainbow path paved by the rays of the sun.

Xu Rui's eyes flashed as he looked at the old Taoist in a gorgeous blue Taoist robe, a gorgeous cloak, and a high crown on the altar.

"Senior Brother Qi, is this old Taoist the master of Qingsong temple 'Mr. Songda'?"


"I don't know the old man's ability, but this scene is really big."

Qi Hao smiled, and said via voice transmission: "It's rare that thousands of monks in the practice world gather again today, why doesn't he show off?"

While speaking, Mr. Songda's dharma driver had already arrived at the stage.

The twelve Dharma protectors walked to the two sides first, and then the eight wrestlers put down the altar, while the eight sword-handling boys stood on the left and right sides of the altar, surrounded by Mr. Songda on it.

Under the attention of everyone, Mr. Songda slowly opened his eyes. The two deep gazes were like cold electricity, which made people feel intimidated. He lowered his head subconsciously, not daring to look directly at them.

But Xu Rui and Qi Hao didn't have the slightest intention to dodge.

The actions of the two of them were particularly eye-catching when everyone bowed their heads, and Mr. Songda saw it at a glance.

"The two fellow daoists are the Qing Yun sect disciples Qi Hao and Xu Buzhou, right?"

Although both of them looked down on Mr. Songda's extravagant ostentation and felt that it was not done by a cultivator, but if he is a Primordial Spirit cultivator, he still needs to be respected at least.

"Qihao, Xu Buzhou has met Mr. Songda."

After nodding his head with a smile, Mr. Songda continued: "I heard about the two of you trying to get rid of the Demon Sect. Qingyunmen is indeed very lucky."

Qi Hao and Xu Buzhou smiled lightly and didn't say much.

Mr. Songda took a deep look at them, and after quickly sweeping his gaze over everyone, his voice was like thunder.

"This sermon will be held for two hours in the morning every day, and will end after seven days."

"Thank you senior."

Everyone thank you loudly.

After Mr. Songda nodded slightly, he stopped talking.

"Everything in the world is based on green wood, and the key to longevity..."

As Xu Rui heard it, he understood more and more about Qingmu Dao.

Especially this time decisively spending Marrow Cleansing Points to improve his aptitude is a huge help.

Actually, he doesn't practice Qingmu Dao, but he doesn't reject it either.Because the more you know, it will be of great help to refining the Aoki Magical Artifact.

Mr. Songda sat at the top, and while preaching, he was also distracted to observe the people below.

The people sitting in the front row are all strong men from various sects and casual cultivators, and they are also the focus of his observation.

Among these people, Xu Rui and Qi Hao are the key points.

It can be seen that within a quarter of an hour of the start of his sermon, strands of green wood aura appeared around Xu Rui.

These light green Qi machines are like clouds and mist coiling around.

As the preaching goes deeper, it becomes more and more.

Finally, they gathered on the top of Xu Rui's head and turned into a three-foot tree with lush branches and leaves, which is still growing taller.

Not long after, wisps of pale green green wood aura appeared around Qihao, but what was strange was that as time went on, these light green green wood aura turned silvery white.

Finally, a silvery white ice tree exuding the meaning of endless ice appeared above his head.

Compared with the two, there are some overhead trees around them, even larger than the two.

But they have already practiced the way of green wood, and their comprehension on this is naturally far above the two.

"These two are really talented."

Mr. Songda was amazed.

In a short period of time, they all comprehended the Qingmu Dao that they had never comprehended to a certain level, and their aptitude was so high that none of the hundreds of disciples in the entire Qingsong Temple could compare with it.

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