
"Why is there no such disciple under the poor Taoist sect?!"

Mr. Songda was jealous.

However, envy and envy, he didn't dare to damage the cultivation of the two of them, otherwise, anyone who came out of Qingyunmen Elder Hall would beat him to the ground.

"Hmph, I'd like to see how much you can comprehend."

Unhappy, Mr. Songda changed his established speaking strategy.

Originally, the sermon on the first day ended in two hours, but when the time was up, there was no intention of ending it.

The vast majority of people are immersed in the mysterious Taoism, and have not noticed any abnormalities.

The Qingsong Guanzhong people who were protecting the Dharma around, as well as people from other factions who were secretly observing, although they were surprised, they did not intervene.

Four hours, eight hours, a day passed in a blink of an eye.

Mr. Matsuda still has no intention of stopping.

Continue the next day.

Arriving here, the way of green wood has become more and more profound.

Many people with low cultivation bases started to scratch their heads, but then gave up helplessly.

By the beginning of the third day, the number of people listening to the sermon had been reduced by half.

From the third day on, Mr. Songda's explanation of Qingmu Dao became more profound. If one can comprehend it, one will be able to advance to the Jindan realm in the future.

When they got here, most of the monks who didn't practice Qingmu Dao started to leave.

On the fourth day, the difficulty level went up to a higher level.

Qi Hao frowned, the silver-white small tree above his head had turned half white and half green, and had grown to a height of ten feet.

He has been sucking nourishment from Qingmu Dao all this time to improve his realm of Ice Dao.

Hence the spectacle of the silver trees.

But later on, after the Qingmu Dao became more advanced, the integration became more and more difficult, and the manifested different phases became half-green and half-green.

And the green grows visible to the naked eye.

Compared with him, Xu Rui's expression is still very calm, he just came to comprehend the Qingmu Dao, and he didn't intend to let it merge with his own Fenglei Dao.

So the difficulty is much less than that of Qi Hao.

The green wood abnormality on the top of his head has grown to three feet.

The canopy is like a cloud, slim and graceful.

It exudes a strong green wood dao rhyme.

Time soon came to the fifth day.

The sermon on the fourth day is already the way of green wood in the early stage of golden elixir, and the fifth day is the middle stage of golden elixir.

By the time we got here, most of the listeners had left.

There are still less than a hundred people left.

Both Qi Hao and Xu Rui were among them.

However, most of the green wood above Qi Hao's head turned blue, only the root of the tree remained some silvery white.

The green wood above Xu Rui's head has become six feet long.

His expression was still calm.

By the sixth day, the Tao of Aoki had really entered the late stage of Jindan.

Qi Hao shook his head, he couldn't understand it at all when he got here.

Opening his eyes, he subconsciously looked at Xu Rui on the left.

At this moment, he has a solemn expression, his brows are slightly wrinkled, and it is obvious that he has become strenuous even here.

Different from Qi Hao, with the previous accumulation of Qingmu Dao, coupled with the already innate aptitude, even here, he can still understand.

But compared to the smoothness before, here, Aoki Road has become obscure to him.

Qi Hao looked around again.

Those who are still immersed in the Dao realm, excluding him, there are only thirteen people left.

These thirteen people are monks who have cultivated the Cyan Wood Dao to the late stage of Jindan, among them there are casual cultivators, and there are also monks from small sects.

They all came here to listen to Mr. Songda's lecture on Aoki Dao, so naturally they would not leave.

Since he didn't understand, Qi Hao didn't insist. He stood up and bowed to Mr. Songda who was still preaching, then turned and walked towards the way he came.

After leaving the area covered by the giant pine, he soon saw the disciples of the Qingyun sect gathered not far away.

"Brother Qi?"

Cheng Chong waved quickly.

Qi Hao urged the escape method to fly over.

"Junior Brother Qi, are you out? Where is Junior Brother Xu?"

Looking at the curious eyes of everyone, Qi Hao smiled and said, "Junior Brother Xu is still listening to the sermon."

"Still listening? My Grandpa Tianzun, Junior Brother Xu's aptitude is too high." Someone exclaimed.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Senior brother Qi, what level has Mr. Songda's explanation of Qingmu Dao reached?" Cheng Chong asked.

Qi Hao smiled, "If you can comprehend all of it, it will be enough to break through to the late stage of Jindan by relying on Qingmu Dao."

The crowd exclaimed.

"So Junior Brother Xu will be able to cultivate Taiji Xuanqing Dao to the eighth level, or even the ninth level soon?"

"Junior Brother Xu attained enlightenment through wind and thunder, but not Qingmu. This time, he only learned by analogy. Using green wood to help Fenglei, how could he attain enlightenment through green wood?"

Listening to everyone's discussion, Qi Hao frowned slightly as he looked at the vast square under the giant pine.

He was very clear that Xu Rui didn't just regard Qingmu Dao as nourishment like him, but a real comprehension.

"Junior Brother Xu, what are you thinking? Are you really planning to change the way?" Qi Hao thought to himself.

Quickly shook his head.

He didn't believe Xu Rui would do such an unwise thing.

Time came to the seventh day in a blink of an eye.

Mr. Songda's preaching has once again climbed a level, directly from the Jindan level to the Yuanshen level.

Here the preaching slowed down.

Even Mr. Songda had to pause for a few minutes before speaking.

At this moment, the giant tree above Xu Rui's head had grown to twelve feet. Under the bright turquoise light, his brows were tightly frowned, fine sweat kept oozing out, and his teeth were clenched, as if he had encountered a huge difficulty.

I don't know how long it took, but his expression suddenly became joyful.

It was a kind of ecstasy of encountering rain after a long drought, and meeting an old friend in a foreign land.

But the joy didn't last long, and soon fell into entanglement and hesitation.

Not only him, but the rest of the hearers around him.

Because Mr. Songda's reasoning is too profound now, every sentence has to be thought for a long time.

Once you understand it, you will be overjoyed.

If you don't understand, you will get tangled, sad, and scratch your head.

I don't know how long it took before Mr. Songda's preaching finally stopped.

Everyone also opened their eyes.

Including Xu Rui, although everyone's heads were about to explode due to overuse, everyone's face showed a strong joy.

Great harvest.

If you usually go to listen to sermons, who will tell you the principles above the primordial spirit?It's not bad to be able to talk about the middle stage of Jindan.

Xu Rui also showed joy on his face.

Although he didn't intend to become enlightened with 'Qingmu', what is certain is that when he goes back to digest and absorb the Taoism he heard today, his other Taoism methods will make great progress.

Mr. Songda looked a little complicated.

Although he wanted to see how far Qihao and Xu Rui could comprehend Qingmu Dao, he didn't want to understand the part above Yuanshen.

But the strange thing is that as he continued to preach from low to high, he himself fell into the Tao and gained more understanding.

The opportunity was rare, and he was unwilling to give up, so he persisted until the end.

As a result, by mistake, these people got cheap.

But he also got something, and it wasn't a disadvantage.

"Thank you Mr. Songda."

Everyone bowed to thank them.

Anxious to go back and understand what he learned from this sermon, Mr. Songda waved his hand.

"You don't need to thank me. In the future, my disciples in Qingsongguan will be in trouble. I hope you can read this old Taoist lecture and help me a little bit. This is the greatest thanks to me."

After everyone responded, Mr. Songda waved his sleeves.

"Come on, let's go back."

All Taoist boys, warriors and generals surrounded Fajia, and soon disappeared in the Fuyun Temple.

Seeing him go away, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

They have received so many favors today, if they really use this to become enlightened in the future, then Mr. Songda will be a half-teacher to them.It is not an excessive request for the disciples of Qingsongguan to help one or two when encountering difficulties.

Although Xu Rui doesn't intend to use Qingmu to become a Taoist, he also accepts Mr. Songda's affection.

After taking a last look at the Floating Cloud Palace, he turned around and walked outside the giant pine.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, please stay."

A slightly hoarse voice stopped him.

Turning his head to look, a middle-aged man with an elegant demeanor, wearing a blue robe and carrying a dharma sword, hurried over.

He stepped forward and clasped his fists to salute.

"In the late Yang Li Guo, I admire the reputation of fellow Taoist Xu. I wonder if I can get acquainted with him?"

Xu Rui examined this man named 'Li Guo'.

Being able to persevere until now, the cultivation base is naturally extraordinary.

Judging from the appearance, the nose is wide and the lips, especially the upper lip are wide and thick. People with this face generally have a mellow heart.

Of course, there are no absolutes, and we need to get along with each other to know how to really do it.

"Li Daoyou is polite, there is nothing wrong with meeting each other. It's just that I'm going to join the same family now, so I can only leave it for later."

"This is what should be done. Fellow Daoists can go to Hongde Building in Zhaozhou City when they have free time. Li Guo will sweep the couch and wait."

"Xu has remembered, please leave."

After cupping his fists and saluting, Xu Rui turned and left.

Three men with different appearances came over.

"Brother Li, it's a pity that others didn't like your devotion."

A middle-aged man in a yellow Taoist robe and holding a wooden staff said indifferently.

"Qingyunmen is the number one sect in the world, and Xu Buzhou is a peerless talent comparable to Qihao and Xiao Yicai, so it's right to look down on us casual cultivators."

The speaker was dressed in a blue Taoist robe and an iron crown. His face was thin and he looked a little mean.

"The two fellow Taoists are serious. I see that although Xu Buzhou did not agree to Li Daoyou's invitation, he also spoke politely without showing arrogance. It can be seen that he is not a person who sees profit and forgets righteousness, and is arrogant. After he has been busy these few days , I will invite you again, and I will definitely agree."

The one who spoke was a fat man in a purple robe, Mrs. Fu Fu.

"Fellow Daoist Shi's words are very true. You and I are in a hurry to go back and sort out what we have learned from listening to the sermon today, so let's talk about Fellow Daoist Xu." Li Guo said.

"Since that's the case, let's try to invite again in a few days. If Xu Buzhou still excuses himself, then our 'Four Friends of Sheyang' will not do the shameful act of clinging to the powerful." The middle-aged man in the yellow robe said humanely .

"According to what Fellow Daoist Wen said."

Taoist Iron Crown echoed.

Li Guo also nodded in agreement.

The obese Shi Kuan looked at the three close friends with flickering eyes.

The reason why they want to make friends with Xu Buzhou is actually to cling to this powerful existence who will surely become the mainstay of Qingyun sect in the future.

With this level of relationship, they can also send their nephews to Qing Yunmen in the future to deepen the relationship between the two parties and seek safety for themselves.

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