The heavens start from the bottle mountain

Chapter 495 Xiaochi Town, Black Stone Cave

Chapter 495 Xiaochi Town, Black Stone Cave

Chapter 490 Xiaochi Town, Black Stone Cave

"Hehe, it's a pity. It would be great if the Miss Huang family could marry you, Mr. Xiucai, wouldn't it?" the short and thin man teased.

The scholar glared at her with pride.

"My fair lady and a gentleman are so good. I, Huang Youcai, have achieved fame anyway, so it's not considered high-ranking to match that young lady of the Huang family."

"Hey, Mr. Xiucai's confidence, we can't keep up with flattery." The short and thin man sneered.

"Li Ergou, you..."

"Okay, okay, eat wine, don't hurt our brother's peace because of these dirty things."

The last person at the wine table became a peacemaker.

The scholar and the short and thin man glared at each other and gave up.

"I heard that Huang Yuanwai has gone to 'Tieyuan Temple' to ask Taoist Master Tie Xin to catch the demon."

The short and thin man was obviously talkative, and he chatted again after being quiet for half a minute.

"Daoist Tie Xin has great magic power, if he makes a move, he will definitely be able to catch it."...

"Tieyuan Temple?!"

Xu Rui pondered for a moment, but didn't have any impression in his mind.

"I just don't know if the person who stole the woman is the six-tailed demon fox?"

He originally wanted to go directly to Heishidong, but after thinking about it, he decided to visit Xiaochi Town first.If the six-tailed demon fox or the three-tailed demon fox did evil things, it would be much better to sit on the sidelines and wait for a rabbit than to find a needle in a haystack.

After eating some food and wine, he left the restaurant.

Xiaochi Town is not too big, so they found Huang Yuan's family very quickly.

With one step, Xu Rui flew up into the air lightly, and soon landed on the roof of Yuanwai Huang's backyard. After a brief induction, he frowned slightly.

"It does have a demonic aura."

Reach out and grab.

Billowing air flowed from all directions, and quickly gathered in the palm of the hand, waiting for everything to calm down.

A wisp of blue-black breath snaked like a snake in the palm of his hand.

"It's a pity that the 'Seven Star Stone Plate' is not with me, otherwise I would have found this monster in time."


The thunder manifested, directly crushing the green and black demonic energy into powder.

Look at the sky.

After leaving a part of his consciousness outside, Xu Rui's figure flashed and flew into the dimensional space of Kongtuo Lingye.

Sit down cross-legged and continue to comprehend the law of wind and thunder.

Originally, his plan was that the natal puppet would only cultivate mana and not practice Taoism, but Qing Yunmen's "Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao" was too cheating, and he could not improve his realm without practicing Taoism.

Moreover, Master Tian is not easy to supervise, even if he wants to be lazy.

Helpless, we can only practice Taoism and Dharma.

Fortunately, with his current aptitude, coupled with the strong aura of Zhu Xian's spirit world, it is not difficult to cultivate.

Time passed little by little.

It was gradually getting dark, but the entire backyard of the Huang Mansion was brightly lit.

An old man in a uniform with a mournful expression stepped forward to salute with the support of several men.

"Master Dao, please rescue the little girl. My Huang family is very grateful."

"Master Huang, don't worry, killing demons and subduing demons is my duty in the righteous way. This time, I will definitely kill that evildoer and rescue Miss Huang."

The person who spoke was short and thin, with a dark complexion, and there was a sense of determination in his brows.

After thanking Mr. Huang, he waved his hand.

The servant next to him came over with a tray in his hand, and uncovered the red silk on it, and ten huge ingots of silver appeared in front of him.

"These are some thoughts from the old man, please accept it from the Taoist priest."

Daoist Tie Xin didn't refuse either.

His Tieyuan Temple still has a large family to support, but these yellow and white things are inseparable.

Wait until the accompanying disciples accept the silver.

"Master Huang, stand back, the poor man is about to cast a spell."

The old man quickly retreated to the periphery with his sons.

In the courtyard in the middle, Taoist Tie Xin has already set up a dojo.

Surrounded by prayer flags, in the middle is a dharma altar with stacks of yellow watches. There are all kinds of swords and tokens on the altar. Eight disciples with dharma swords on their backs sit cross-legged holding spiritual flags.

Taoist Tiexin sat down on the futon in the center of the altar.

Sit quietly with your eyes closed and recite the scriptures silently.

Time passed little by little.

The night is getting darker.

Taoist Tiexin suddenly opened his eyes, and the two lights were like two bright lights in the dark night.

"The time has come, open the altar."

After the eight disciples around got up to agree, they waved their Dharma flags violently.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a huge crimson gossip diagram in mid-air.

After spinning for a while, the Eight Diagrams suddenly fell down and merged into the Dharma platform.

The surrounding prayer flags moved automatically without wind, and a thick breath permeated.

As soon as Taoist Tiexin drew his mana, the magic sword on the table fell into his palm, and he stepped on his feet, chanting words.

"Heaven and earth are metamorphosed, longevity is infinite..."

The tedious incantation comes quickly to the end.

"The Taishang is looking for you, as urgent as a law, order!"

The dharma sword pointed sharply, 'shua', a ray of spiritual light escaped from the dharma sword and fell into the dharma platform, and several talismans flew up and turned into a strange spirit beast.

It was like a liger, but with a one-horned spirit beast. It sniffed around, roared, and then chased towards the southwest.

Taoist Tie Xin's face changed slightly, and he said loudly.

"All the disciples are here to guard the altar, and there must be no mistakes."


After the eight disciples responded with a bang, Taoist Tiexin grabbed the Dharma sword and the soul-absorbing bell on the table, and urged his mana to chase in the direction where the unicorn spirit beast left like lightning.

His speed was very fast, and within a few breaths he left the area where Xiaochi town was located.

Seeing the beast transformed by his Taishang's tracing spell plunge into the dark jungle in the distance, Taoist Tiexin followed and killed it.

After flying away in the forest for a while, a giant tree appeared in front of him.

Although it cannot be compared with the giant pine in Qingsong Temple, it is still thirty feet high, nearly a hundred meters high.

The beast transformed by the Taishang's tracing spell flew directly up to the lush tree canopy. Taoist Tie Xin followed and found a tree hole the size of Zhang Xu on the trunk covered by the canopy.

The tree hole is deep, and a faint fishy smell can be smelled faintly.

Taoist Tiexin made a simple seal, flicked his fingers, and a ray of spiritual light turned into a lantern about the size of a foot, and the soft white spiritual light sprinkled down.

This seemingly innocuous white light illuminated a space about ten feet away.

It can be seen that the tree hole extends straight down along the [-]-meter tree.

Taoist Tiexin took out a protective talisman from the dharma bag and stuck it on his body. Holding the dharma sword in his hand, he urged Dunguang to jump in.

The tree hole is deep, but it gets wider as it goes down.

After going deep into the cave for about twenty feet, a huge cave with tens of feet in length appeared in front of him.

At first glance, it was obvious that the cave was not formed naturally, and there were obvious traces of excavation around it.

Arriving here, the fishy smell became more and more intense.

In the center of this gigantic cave, there is a white jade bed with a diameter of several feet.

There is a brocade quilt on the stone bed.

A handsome man wearing a moon-white embroidered gown, a golden crown on his head, and a jade belt around his waist looks like a noble prince sitting on it.

But a good appearance can't cover up the bewitching and evil spirit between his brows.

In addition, there are several scantily clad women around it.

Whether they were sitting or standing, they were all clinging to the man, with seductive expressions, as if they loved him very much.

The handsome man looked at the alien beast transformed by the Taishang's tracing spell, and with a wave of his right hand, a powerful demonic energy flew over, smashing the illusory alien beast into pieces.

Taoist Tiexin who followed in saw this scene with anger on his face.

"Monster, you are responsible for the disappearance of the girl from Xiaochi Town?"

"You old man came quickly. The girls from Xiaochi Town are indeed with me, but look at their appearance, where is there a little bit of coercion?"

As he spoke, his fingers brushed lightly across a woman's face.

A strange flush appeared on the latter's pretty face, as if enjoying such a touch.

Taoist Tiexin said angrily: "Stop talking out your tricks, if you hadn't used demonic methods to seduce these girls, how could these women let you bully them?"

While talking nonsense, Taoist Tiexin was also looking for a flaw in this demon cultivator.

But no matter what Taoism he used, the poor women next to him made him use the mouse.

at this time.


The rolling mysterious sound resounded in the cave.

Regardless of the snake demon or Taoist Tiexin, his soul was knocked down instantly, his eyes rolled up, and he fell into a coma.

Xu Rui, who had been following behind, flew out from the Kongming Lingye.

Glancing at the old Taoist at his feet, he flew onto the stone bed, flicked his fingers, and a puppet mark melted into the man's body.After waving the Taiyi staff to put him away, with a wave of his right hand, the green aura sprinkled, replenishing the lost energy of the women.

If not, even if they are rescued, they will not live long.

After returning to the Kongming Lingye with the evildoer, he flicked his fingers, and a ray of spiritual light fell into the body of the Taoist Tie Xin, causing his soul to return to its place in an instant.

After staring at the disappearing evildoer for a while, he immediately became vigilant.

But soon he came back to it.

clasped fists.

"Thank you, senior, for your righteousness."

The voice curled up in the large cave, but there was no echo for a long time.

After thanking him three times like this, Taoist Tie Xin knew that the other party would definitely not show up.

After inspecting the demon cave first, these poor women were taken away.

When the calm here was completely restored, Xu Rui walked out from the Kongming Lingye again.

Leaving the strange man still on the ground, with his thunderous eyes, he could tell at a glance that the other party was a mid-Gold Core snake demon, not the six-tailed demon fox he was looking for.

After waving his hands, let his soul return to its place.

The snake demon who got up from the ground was very respectful to Xu Rui because of the puppet seal.

"See sir."

"Get up. Do you know the Black Stone Cave?"

"I know. The little demon grew up from the evil ghost stream in the Black Stone Cave. Later, he offended the Eight Great Kings of the evil ghost stream, and fled here just to survive."

Xu Rui woke up and was keenly aware of a problem.

"There are many demons in the Black Stone Cave?"

"Yes. In the entire Black Stone Cave, there are great forces of Evil Ghost, Yingshou, and Heifeng. Each force has thousands of monster clans, big and small. The leader of the three major monster clan forces is Yuanshen Daxiu..."

Hearing this, Xu Rui's expression became serious.

What was thought to be simple has become more complicated.

But think about it, the aura in the world of Zhu Xian is so strong, it doesn't make sense that only human races become immortals, and no demon races become spirits.

It's just that he didn't expect that there were three Primordial Spirit Daxiu in a black stone cave.

It can only be said that the real world is not a novel after all.

"Do you know the names of the three primordial spirits Daxiu in Heishidong?"

"I know. The leader of the Evil Ghost Stream is called the Eight Great Kings, the leader of the Yingshou Stream is called the Sky Eagle King, and the leader of the Black Water Stream is called the Jiaolong King."

Xu Rui asked, "Are there foxes in the Black Stone Cave?"

"Yes. There are seven deacons in our evil ghost stream, and the third one is 'Tianhu Deacon'. It is rumored that her true form is the three-tailed spirit fox."

"Do you know the six-tailed magic fox?" Xu Rui asked immediately.

The snake demon thought for a moment, then shook his head with certainty.

Hearing this, Xu Rui's heart sank involuntarily.

Without the Six-Tailed Demon Fox, how would you find the Xuanhuojian?

Quick second thought.

In fact, no news is the best news.

The six-tailed demon fox is holding Fenxianggu's Zhenpai Lingbao, and is being chased by Fenxianggu all over the world, so he must do his best to hide the news.

In addition, he was seriously injured, so he must hide.

"Fortunately, there is still a three-tailed fox. I hope to open a breakthrough from him."

With a certain idea, he asked the snake demon about the monster race in the black stone cave, and then urged the puppet seal to swallow its demon soul.

After refining, two marrow washing points were obtained.

I just wanted to go to Heishidong, but I stopped soon.

"No, you can't force your way in."

The ability of a primordial spirit-level monster does not have to be inferior to that of a human primordial spirit.

Although he has Kongming Lingye and Fengleiyi supernatural powers, they are still not enough.

After pondering for a while, I gradually had an idea in my heart.

He took out the storage bag at his waist, looked at the spiritual materials inside, and nodded in satisfaction.

"Thanks to the contribution of those devils from the Ghost King Sect, otherwise I would have a headache."

Seeing that the space under the tree hole was concealed enough, Xu Rui stayed here.

He took out Qingyunju and walked into the refining room.

Using the booty obtained from the disciples of the Ghost King Sect, a cauldron furnace was re-refined according to the prohibition of the 'Taiyi Yin-Yang Furnace'.

The Six Paths of Restriction, the first-class spirit weapon.

Xu Rui named it 'Taiyi Zizhi Furnace'.

Because there is no mature refining furnace, Xu Rui used his own mana to activate the forbidden refining materials and sacrificially practice the cauldron furnace, which was extremely time-consuming.

By the time it was refined, half a year had passed.

It will be much easier to refine the weapon later.

However, unlike the Taiyi Zizhi Furnace, there are mature restrictions to rely on.

Refining a new magic weapon this time is different from the past. The prohibition needs to be comprehended by oneself, which consumes more time.

After several failures, the restrictions were adjusted in the middle, which took more time.

By the time he had fully completed his vision and refined the spirit weapon, a year had passed.

Xu Rui looked at the mask in his hand, eager to try it.

Wei Wei took a breath, calmed down, and brought it to her face.

Soon, the mask disappears.

The muscles and bones of his face changed, and his face turned into that of the snake demon he had beaten to death.

And not only the face has changed, but also the temperament of the body has changed.

The vigorous Tai Chi vitality turned into a billowing monster energy.

Anyone who sees him now will think that this is a demon clan with a successful cultivation base, and will never think that he is a disciple of Qingyun sect.

This is what he has accomplished over the past two years.

Thousand Illusion Masks.

An eighth-rank superior spiritual weapon.

This is based on the magic weapon "Phantom Mask" that he has eliminated long ago, and he has continuously studied and improved it.

As long as you absorb a trace of the opponent's original mana, you can change into the opponent's appearance.

If there is no supernatural power like Xu Rui's God Eye that can see through the reality, even the Primordial Spirit cultivator will find it difficult to see through.

After taking off the phantom mask, Xu Rui flew into the Kongming Lingye and drove the spirit leaf towards the Black Stone Cave.

 During the Mid-Autumn Festival, I drank too much at noon, and today I only have a big chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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