Chapter 496


"This is the Black Stone Cave?"

Looking at the huge hole with a diameter of a hundred feet in front of him, his eyes were full of shock.

"Is this too big?"

Looking inside, it was pitch black and bottomless.

The sound of whistling wind, like the howling of ferocious beasts and the howling of monsters, made people feel numb.

After Xu Rui glanced briefly, he urged Kongtuo Lingye to fly in.

The black stone cave slopes downward, and the more you go inward, the more forks, and there are always thousands of them, just like a maze.

Xu Rui turned around for a long time before finding the tunnel leading to the core of the Black Stone Cave according to the strength of the monster energy in each passage.

The moment he walked out, his eyes suddenly opened up.

As far as the eye can see, there is a huge underground space in front of him.

At a glance, it is a hundred miles wide.

Thick stone pillars support a stone cave that is hundreds of feet high.

And tens of feet below the cave is boiling magma.

Roasted by the billowing hot air, this huge underground world looks extremely hot.

"What a strong aura?!"

Xu Rui keenly sensed that the aura here is much richer than that outside, and the more you want to go inside, the richer it becomes.

Looking at this huge stone forest, Xu Rui urged Kongtuo Lingye to fly forward.

Soon, a deep isthmus appeared in front of him.

The isthmus twists and turns, hundreds of miles wide, and looks like a 'V' as a whole. The bottom of the ditch is crimson magma, and there are caves of various sizes on both sides.

After flying for a while, the second isthmus appeared in front of us.

The terrain is the same as the previous isthmus, but there are not many caves on the stone walls on both sides, but there are many centipede-like cracks.

These cracks do not know where they lead, and the billowing wind howls out from them.

The strong wind swelled throughout the isthmus, and the sound was like thunder.

The third isthmus is the largest, and the terrain is much higher. There are a series of large and small lakes in the middle of the isthmus.

The three isthmuses are about the same distance, and they are arranged around this huge underground world.

At the same time, he also guessed that the isthmus where the wind is rolling is the "Black Wind Stream" in the mouth of the Snake Demon, the one with a series of lakes is the "Eagle Sorrow Stream", and the last one full of large and small caves is the "Evil Ghost Stream".

"It's no wonder that these monsters can all gather in such a harsh underground environment. The aura is really rich."

After clarifying the terrain inside, Xu Rui flew towards the evil ghost stream.

At the place where the deep stream adjoins the magma lake outside, a pass city built of bluestone appeared in the eyes.

The magnificent city wall is thirty feet high, almost occupying one-fifth of the height of the evil ghost stream.

On the nine-foot-wide city wall, groups of demon clans armed with weapons patrolled back and forth.

Judging from their cultivation, most of them are foundation building, and the only leader is Jindan.

Xu Rui saw it and didn't go up rashly.

Don't look at the gate that doesn't cover the entire evil ghost stream, but under his divine gaze, a thick barrier separates the inside and outside, and only the gate is the only entrance and exit.

Although Xu Rui has the strength to break in, if he does so, it will undoubtedly alarm the group of monsters in the entire evil ghost stream.

But he is not helpless.

"According to what the snake demon said, the magma is three hundred feet deep, and there are many stone caves leading to the evil ghost's creek where the ban cannot cover."

Thinking of this, Xu Rui urged Kongming Lingye to fly straight down the magma.

The deeper you go, the higher the temperature is geometrically.

When it reaches three hundred feet, it already has the ability to melt metal into iron, and it is impossible to pass without a powerful magic weapon.

Back then, the snake demon survived with a protective talisman at the bottom of the box.

However, the other party is fleeing from the inside, so it only needs to block the scorching of the magma, and there is no need to consider any path.

But he is different, not all caves can lead to the ghost stream, he has to stay in the rolling magma for a longer time, so this is destined to be not an easy task.

But fortunately, he had a lot of spiritual weapons in his hand. When Kongtuo Lingye was about to lose his hold, he put it away decisively and replaced it with Qingyunju.

This dojo, which has been refined into a high-quality spiritual weapon by him, has a defensive power higher than that of the Kongtuo Spiritual Leaf.

After appeasing the many spirit birds that had become restless due to the heat, Xu Rui quickly found a path leading to the inside.

He was lucky and successfully chose the right place.

After breaking away from the magma, Xu Rui walked up the cave, and after about two hundred feet, a fishy smell came.

"It seems that this cave still has an owner."

After Xu Rui pondered for a moment, he entered the Kongtuo Lingye.

The cave gradually became flatter, and soon a huge boulder blocked the upward path.However, although this boulder is large, there are many gaps at the edges.

After Xu Rui urged the Kongtuo Lingye to pass through the gap, a stone cave about several hundred square meters appeared in front of him.

On the floor of the cave lay a giant wolf with two heads.

It looks very similar to the two-headed giant wolf "Crystal Freedom Mountain" that Xu Rui met in Kunlun Mountain, the ghost blowing lamp world.

Its aura is so strong that it is not inferior to the snake demon that was killed by Xu Rui.

The giant wolf was probably very reassured about his own safety. Two wolf heads three or four times larger than the water tank lay on the ground, snoring like thunder.

The smelly and viscous saliva soaked the ground.

After Xu Rui urged Kongtuo Lingye to circle it around, he felt relieved when he saw the restriction at the entrance of the cave.

After coming out of the Kongtuo Lingye, Xu Rui spoke a mysterious sound.


Just aware of the danger, the giant wolf who opened his eyes felt his spirit shake and his mana scattered before he could make a move.

Immediately afterwards, a thick, dark blue aura poured down.

This clear and bright spiritual light contains a powerful force that can seal the sky and the earth.

The two-headed giant wolf was directly sealed by the Taiyi staff.

Seeing this, Xu Rui flicked his fingers, and a puppet seal was successfully integrated into the body of the two-headed giant wolf.

After removing the seal, the giant wolf changed completely.

A middle-aged man with a thin face and a sinister expression appeared in front of him, wearing a blue robe.

"I have seen the master."

"What's your name, and what is your position in this group of demons?"

"My lord, the little demon's name is 'Ling Qing', and he is the second general banner under the command of Deacon Sirius, one of the seven deacons of Evil Guijian."

From the mouth of the snake demon, he knew that there were seven deacons under Evil Guijian's command, but at that time all his thoughts were on the six-tailed demon fox, so he didn't ask much about the seven deacons.

"How many general banners does Deacon Sirius have under his command?"


"How is their cultivation?"

"Like the little demon, they are all at the middle stage of the golden core, but their cultivation bases vary. The strongest one is the first chief banner wolf Wuwei, who is only one step away from advancing to the late stage of the golden core. He is most valued by the deacon Sirius."

Seeing his appearance, Xu Rui said indifferently.

"Is this fearless wolf not dealing with you?"

"Master's eyes are right, Lang Wuwei is used to clever words, coaxing Deacon Sirius to be happy, and he has won many rewards for nothing. If not for this, how could his cultivation surpass me?"

Xu Rui smiled lightly, "If you asked him to come here for a talk, do you think he would come?"

"That guy is suspicious, if he wants to come to me with peace of mind, he needs to find a plausible reason." Lang Qing said.

"Since you are so familiar with him, what reason do you think would make him come here?"

Lang Qing pondered for a while.

"Master, this fearless wolf is the most suspicious. If I invite him hastily, he probably won't agree. If I don't invite it at all, I will invite some of the general flags who have a good relationship with me to have a drink. He got the news , I will definitely come to see what happened, and then the master will just start."

Xu Rui nodded.

"How many general flags are you close to?"

"Two. The fifth general banner, Langyun, the eighth general banner, Langfeng. In addition, Lang Wuwei is good friends with the fourth general banner, Langshuang, the sixth general banner, Langshi, and the ninth general banner, Langxiao; the third general banner Langyuan and the Seventh Headquarters, Langkong, do not help each other, and form a faction of their own."

Xu Rui then said, "Don't rush to find Langyun and Langfeng, call your subordinates over first. Remember, don't make too many each time."


Xu Rui heaved a sigh of relief. He planned to use Langqing as a fulcrum to gradually control all the monsters in the evil ghost gorge by using the spirit treasure puppet technique.

At that time, these monsters will be their own eyes.

If the six-tailed demon fox is really hiding in the evil ghost stream, no matter how deep he hides, he will be exposed.

As time passed, it took Xu Rui a month to control all 24 small flags under Langqing's command.

Next came the Fifth General Banner, Langyun, and the Eighth General Banner, Langfeng. Both monsters were in the middle stage of Golden Core, and when they were half drunk, they couldn't stop Xu Rui at all.

After controlling these demon queens, Xu Rui instructed Lang Qing, Lang Yun and the others to drink with their Xiaoqi, and spread the news at the same time.

Of course, when doing this, Xu Rui also used the help of Kongtuo Lingye to raise his eyebrows, and quietly searched all the caves, large and small, on the rock wall of the Evil Ghost Stream.

The result was nothing.

But there was one place he couldn't find.

Looking at the largest stone cave in the entire Evil Guijian, the words "Eight Kings Cave" on the plaque are shining brightly.

The naked eye can't see the reality of the Eight Kings Cave, but he can see the powerful forbidden aura in the cave with his eyes.

This is definitely the Seventh Rank Spiritual Taboo.

Only the restriction of the seventh rank can cut off his frowning prying eyes.

After hesitating for a while, Xu Rui didn't rush in.

That was the dojo of Yuanshen Daxiu, the Eight Great Kings, the master of the evil ghost stream. If he was not fully prepared, he was afraid that he would go there and not come out.

At this moment, a woman in a pink dress suddenly came out from the depths of the Eight Kings Cave.

Xu Rui's thunder eyes instantly saw her true face.

Three demon foxes with white hair all over their bodies.

"I don't know if this fox demon is mixing with the six-tailed demon fox now?"

Seeing her gloomy expression, Xu Rui quietly followed her.

After the three-tailed fox demon flew not far away for a while, it turned into a stone cave with a diameter of several feet.

Xu Rui followed behind.

Several guards guarding the gate could not find his existence at all.

After entering the stone cave and turning a few turns, a large stone room appeared in front of him, and everyone in the stone room saluted the woman in unison.

"See Deacon."

The Three-Tailed Fox Demon walked to the main seat in the middle and sat down, waving his hand.

"Excuse me, sit down."

Wait for everyone to sit down.

"The lord wants to retreat, let me protect the Dharma with several other deacons. So in the next period of time, you should perform your own duties, do my work well, and don't start disputes privately."

(End of this chapter)

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