1850 American Gold Tycoon.

Chapter 438 You just want to dance with the foreign woman!

Chapter 438 You just want to dance with the foreign woman!

North America deserves to be a land of abundant products.

At first, Liang Weiming was worried that if he went hunting in the mountains with such a big fanfare, he would scare away the prey, but it turned out that he was worrying too much.

The birds and beasts everywhere here made Liang Weiming overwhelmed. He had never seen so many wild animals in the Mulan Paddock, the royal hunting ground of the Qing emperors.

A flock of passenger pigeons swept over their heads like a huge white cloud, and it is no exaggeration to describe it as covering the sky.

As the flock of passenger pigeons flew over everyone's heads, colorful snow fell from the sky.

Soon, everyone's clothes and hats were also colored by the sudden snowfall and became smelly.

It's passenger pigeon shit.

A few unlucky ones looking up at the sky even accurately caught these gifts from nature with their mouths. They hurriedly lowered their heads and spat out these things together with their own saliva.

Everyone pointed their guns at the "white cloud" in the sky and shot randomly. Liang Yao also raised the volcanic stone rifle in his hand and fired a burst of rapid fire, enjoying the pleasure brought by the rapid fire of the lever rifle.

The moose is the largest animal in the deer family and the genus Moose.It is named for its high shoulders, like the hump on the back of a camel.

Liang Weiming immediately became emotional: "It's insulting to the gentleman! Absurd! Lewd! Unheard of! Su Wenxi's morals are corrupt, and their lives are extremely promiscuous. I don't think it's true!
It's already against the rules for these rich ladies to show their faces in public, but they still dance shoulder to shoulder with men at night, how decent it is! "

Seeing that he didn't get much in the forest, Sartre led the group to a wide field where there was a stream flowing through and a shallow pool, which was the source of water for many animals.

In Liang Weiming's quiver, there were only 12 arrows in total, that is to say, when Liang Weiming was chasing an object running at high speed, only three arrows were empty.

After all, the dance at night is the essence of the picnic.

After harvesting 1 moose and 6 red deer, they caught more than [-] catfish and grass carp in streams and small ponds on the return journey, hunted more than a dozen rabbits and [-] wild boars, and finally returned with a full load.

The deer herd obviously hadn't realized the coming of the crisis, everyone got off their horses, bowed their bodies and slowly approached the deer herd under the cover of weeds.

When they came near the water source, everyone was pleasantly surprised to find that they were very lucky. At this time, a herd of deer was bowing their heads to drink water and eat grass beside the pool and stream.

Then he turned his head and asked Liang Yao: "Is that true?"

If Liang Yao guessed correctly, these deer were North American red deer, that is, the Roosevelt red deer named after the old American Governor Roosevelt.

He hurriedly got on his horse to check, and saw that Liang Weiming had already ridden away from the crowd, and was chasing a moose that they hadn't spotted just now.

The men foster friendships on the hunt.

After the dishes were served, people began to feast on them.

Men feasting, listening to singers singing, watching maiko dancing, this is the dance in Liang Weiming's cognition.

The weeds here are as high as a person's waist and are very dense, which is an excellent cover for hunters.

"Your brain is full of these dirty things!" Liang Weiming blushed immediately when he heard this, pointed at Liang Shaochen's nose and reprimanded him.

Liang Yao said with a smile: "It's true, you can still touch your hands, and if you have a good relationship, you can kiss your cheeks. Grandpa, you are the protagonist of this banquet, and this banquet is for you. Who do you see tonight?" Ladies and gentlemen, just invite them to dance, no one will refuse you."

"Grandpa, this is the United States, there is no rules and regulations. If you drink alcohol and play prostitutes in the capital and Guangzhou, isn't it an insult to gentleness?" Liang Yao laughed.

It's just that they didn't get much harvest in the mountain forest. They only hunted two North American grizzly bears in estrus and mating.

In the face of such a large number of passenger pigeons in such a dense formation, as long as the guns are pointed in the right direction, there will be gains, and aiming is superfluous.

Before Liang Yao could answer, Liang Shaochen, who was nibbling corn and drinking beer, interjected excitedly, "What's the fun of watching other people dance, but dancing by yourself.

The servants hurriedly followed the bloodstains to find their prey.

After a burst of gunfire, hundreds of passenger pigeons fell from the sky like fighter jets hit by anti-aircraft missiles.

Seeing this, the rest of the people didn't bother to count the prey they had just hunted, and followed suit.

As for aiming?nonexistent.

"Today we were a bit unlucky and didn't encounter a herd of bison." Liang Yaofan race track.

And the dance party at night is the best opportunity to enhance friendship between men and women.

Some people choose to take a nap in the afternoon in order to recharge their batteries for the evening dance.

"Yes, the North American bison herd can be counted by the hundreds or thousands." Liang Yao said, "But the number of bison in California is getting less and less, and there will be more in the Oregon region to the north."

"Can this be the same? Such a lewd banquet, it doesn't matter if you don't stay, you call me a carriage, I want to go back to Jinshan!" Liang Weiming got up and said.

Liang Yao wasn't used to the strange taste of wild animals, but he didn't eat much after eating some fish.

It's just that the arrow was not shot very accurately, and it hit the moose's thigh. The male moose that was hit by the arrow just wailed in pain. It didn't slow down its running speed because of the injury, but ran faster and faster.

After drinking and eating, the wives helped their husbands to visit Sartre's manor.

Liang Shaochen, who had been suppressed for half his life in the deep house in Xiangshan, became active after coming to California.

After a while, several sacks of passenger pigeons were collected.

"What's the dance at night? Men dancing with men? Or men watching women dancing with women?" Liang Weiming lay on the recliner next to Liang Yao, looking at the naked marble statue in the center of the fountain, complaining dissatisfiedly.

After harvesting a few sacks of passenger pigeons, the crowd walked deep into the forest.

After the gunshots, the frightened herd of deer scattered and fled.

The male moose that Liang Weiming was chasing was very big, at a full 2 meters tall, and was a whole lot longer than the largest North American red deer that Liang Yao had just seen.

"Grandpa, you scared me to death." Seeing that Liang Weiming was fine, Liang Yao breathed a sigh of relief.

The shoulder height of adult individuals is between 1.2 meters and 1.6 meters, the body length is between 2 and 3 meters, and the weight ranges from more than 200 kilograms to more than 500 kilograms. The size of male deer is a whole circle larger than that of female deer, and these Bucks have large, beautiful, symmetrical antlers that make them excellent hunting objects.

After approaching the frightened moose, Liang Weiming deftly drew his bow and set his arrows, throwing the arrow at the moose's lungs.

"Careful, happy!" Liang Weiming said to the nervous Liang Yao.

Others patted Liang Weiming's horse, saying that he was indeed an oriental noble with such superb riding and shooting skills.

Liang Yao roughly estimated that the weight of this giant beast would not be less than 700 kilograms.

These deer are large in size.

Although the moose is very large, such archery is already very powerful in the eyes of the old hats in California.

Deer are different from people. As long as the heart and lungs are not severely damaged, they can often run for a long distance.

Liang Yao raised his binoculars and looked at the herd of deer drinking at the water source.

After all, shooting on horseback with a gun is not at the same level of difficulty as shooting arrows on horseback.

"There are too many birds and animals here." Liang Weiming lamented the abundance of products in the North American continent.

Liang Weiming was over seventy years old, and Liang Yao was worried that something would happen to Liang Weiming, so he chased after him with a gun.

Liang Yao also chose to take a nap in the afternoon. He leaned on a deck chair with a sun umbrella, stretched his waist, and lazily enjoyed the mild sunshine in the autumn afternoon.

Dad, I found out, it's a male and female dancing together!Just like the foreigners in Guangzhou, they hold hands, arms, and waists. "

Liang Weiming took his time and continued to draw the arrows from the quiver, and shot the arrows one by one towards the lungs of the moose's side.

Soon, everyone followed the moose's blood and found the moose's body in a piece of wild grass. They saw that the moose was shot with nine arrows, four of which were pierced in the heart and lungs of the moose.

These prey, together with the few sacks of passenger pigeons harvested on arrival, were enough for a wild picnic.

Since it is only three o'clock in the afternoon, there is still some time before the evening dance.

Everyone also looked at Liang Weiming in astonishment. There are not many people in California who can use bows and arrows. As for those who can ride and shoot, even Sutter admires Liang Weiming and admires Liang Weiming's superb riding and shooting skills.

Although the temperament of herbivores is relatively docile, rabbits will bite people when they are cornered.

In a high society picnic, whether the food is good or not is not the most important thing, but the presentation must be good-looking.

"Bison herd?" Liang Weiming's eyes lit up.

The women foster relationships during the daytime chatter and gossip.

At this moment, Liang Yao suddenly found that Liang Weiming was missing.

After the wild game was sent back to Sutterburg, it was soon cooked by the chef of Sutterburg into various delicacies and served.

Only then did Liang Weiming put away his bow and tighten the reins to stop the horse under his lap, waiting for the people following him.

The servants of Sutter Castle began to clean up the leftovers on the table, and the bustling Sutter Castle gradually quieted down.

The size of this deer herd is not big or small, there are about seventy or eighty heads.

Isn't dancing with other people's wives more interesting than smoking opium?Liang Shaochen regrets not coming to California sooner.

Not long after, eight or nine arrows were pierced into the moose's body, and Liang Weiming's quiver was also empty.

Liang Weiming's legs were only clamping the mount, and he was biting the moose tightly. At this time, he only had the moose in his eyes.

The chefs of Sutterburg are very experienced and knowledgeable in handling wild game, and soon, plates of beautiful dishes were served.

When they were less than [-] meters away from the herd of deer, everyone picked up the various powers that had already been loaded this time, and under the command of Sartre, they opened fire on the herd of deer almost at the same time.

The entourage accompanying these California gentlemen on the hunt threw the poor passenger pigeons into sacks.

"Naked, how decent is it?"

"They are all social activities to maintain friendship. What's the difference?" Liang Yao shook his head and said, "Grandpa, you should feel wronged and do as the Romans do."

"That's right, Dad. Besides, you are the protagonist today. Wouldn't it be embarrassing to have a banquet without you, Mr. Sutter? Yaoer will still stay in California to do great things in the future. You left so lightly and let Sartre Mister is embarrassing, how will Yaoer get along with Mr. Sartre in the future."

Hearing that Liang Weiming was leaving, Liang Shaochen hurriedly persuaded Liang Weiming to stay.

Liang Weiming was so angry that he slapped Liang Shaochen and scolded: "I think you just want to dance with the foreign woman!"

(End of this chapter)

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