1850 American Gold Tycoon.

Chapter 439 Contradictions

Chapter 439 Contradictions
Although the grandfather and grandson revolve around the question of whether to stay or not to attend the dance, there are stages.

But when Mrs. Sartre announced the start of the dinner at night, the most Buddhist person was Liang Yao.

Especially Liang Shaochen, who didn't care about food, and didn't care about drinking wine.

Those elderly wives, Liang Shaochen, naturally looked down on them. Although the makeup of these middle-aged wives had been specially modified for the picnic, they were still no match for the erosion of time.

He locked his eyes on Gavin's daughter Katie.

The dinner had just ended when Liang Shaochen rushed forward to invite Katie to dance.

Although Liang Weiming said something offensive and unreasonable, he was still very envious of the men and women dancing happily under the shining kerosene lamps.

When Wu Yuanhua's wife came forward to invite Liang Weiming to dance together, Liang Weiming held Mrs. Wu Yuanhua's hand very simply and mixed into the crowd.

The men who did not enter the dance floor were talking about politics and economics, topics that most women would not be interested in, while holding their glasses of wine.

"This time you won Borneo, and the population of Borneo also meets the requirements for statehood. If you submit a proposal to the Congress for Borneo to be a state, even according to the lowest standard, our people can get two votes in Congress. seat." Pan Zhengwei said to Liang Yao, holding a rosary in his hand.

Of course, this is also their desire to seek greater political interests.

Due to their early life experience in the Qing Dynasty, this group of Chinese people felt somewhat insecure. They worried that Borneo, which had been acquired at a great price, would soon be lost.

Historically, the incumbent president at this time was Pierce.

After Eugene, a city close to California in the south of the Oregon region, opened a railroad with California, the economic ties between the two sides have become closer.

People in southern Oregon are eager to establish a state, hoping to join forces with California politically and safeguard their own interests.

"The passenger from Borneo boarded the American ship without buying a ticket, and now he wants to enter the first class without paying for the ticket. Do you think other first class passengers will agree?" Liang Yao asked.

But the current Borneo is not only not a state of the United States, it is not even a quasi-state area, which makes Pan Zhengwei somewhat uneasy.

At present, California is the first to step into politics, and the Chinese who become state legislators are Chinese businessmen.

This fanatical slogan also won a large number of fans for the Northern Oregon faction centered in Portland.

Those who hold this political view are known as Southern Oregonists.

"Has the situation in Kansas gotten this bad?"

Creating a new state is only going to be harder now than it was in 1850.

Pierce was sympathetic to the South. On the question of which of the two governments in the Kansas region was the legitimate government, he recognized that the territorial government established by the slave owner group in Leconton was the legitimate government.The Free Soils established a free folk government in Topeka that was an illegitimate government.

The internal conflict in Oregon is only an internal regional conflict, and it has not yet risen to the level of the struggle for slavery and abolition.

Or simply let Borneo become part of California directly like the Western Nevada region.

There was no consensus within the Oregon Territory either.

The number of senators is fixed, and each state has only two.

"Don't talk about Oregon. Now Kansas is in a mess. In the past, the colonization groups of the North and South immigration companies in Casas, even if they didn't like each other, they just competed in the form of brawls and duels. Now the cannons are fucking. Use it." Fremont frowned.

The political slogan chanted by Northern Oregonians is Oregon for Oregonians.

However, in politics, the vested interest groups in the states will never share their political rights with other ethnic groups.

He didn't know much about the specific details.

But the northern Oregonians in northern Oregon, represented by Portland, hope to establish an Oregon state that is not attached to California and is relatively independent politically and economically.

The failure of Oregon statehood was also expected by Liang Yao.

These people are called Northern Oregonists.

"Mr. Pan is still too impatient. In the middle of last year, the population of the Oregon region had reached [-], which was completely enough to establish a new state. Mayor Thomas of Eugene, Oregon has submitted three applications to Congress for statehood, but Isn't it all over in the end?" Deng Wenyu said.

"It's good for you to care about politics, but you can't be too hasty. There are too many interests involved in the establishment of a new state, and there will definitely be no hope in the short term."

"After the establishment of the new state, the issue of whether the new state is a free state or a slave state is enough to make Congress quarrel. Not to mention the fact that Borneo is isolated overseas, and the island is full of Chinese. The establishment of the state, It’s not going to happen overnight.”

But if it weren't for Pierce's existence to subtly change the balance of power between the North and the South in Congress, a full-scale civil war might have broken out during the Kansas crisis.

Pierce was a president who was sympathetic to the South, and although he was a northerner, his attitude was one of sympathy for the South.

California, established in 1850, was a free state. In essence, California's successful statehood was a political victory for the abolitionists.

In 1850, the conflict between the two sides in the southern United States was not as tense as it is now, but the establishment of California also experienced ups and downs.

If the Chinese want to get more senator seats, the only shortcut is to create a new state.

Especially a valuable political resource like senatorial seats.

"Wen Yu is right. Instead of worrying about the irrelevant issue of the statehood of Borneo, you should focus on the Oregon region first. If Oregon can become a state, our people can at least occupy a seat in the Senate." Liang Yao said.

He knew that the conflict in Kansas was a preview of the Civil War.

There are many reasons for the failure of Oregon statehood, except that members of the North and the South in Congress cannot reach a consensus.

Later generations of history criticize Pierce for blindly conniving with the South, fueling the arrogance of the Southern slaveholders and accelerating the outbreak of the Civil War.

At this time, the North and the South cannot be said to be evenly matched in the game in the Congress, but the North has already occupied a weak advantage, and this advantage is still expanding.

What Fremont said made Liang Yao feel a little uneasy.

Although Liang Yao's army captured Borneo, Borneo is now becoming the back garden of California.

This idea of ​​Pan Zhengwei is also the idea of ​​many Chinese in California. They hope that Borneo can be established as a state, and then the two states will establish close and stable economic ties and seek common political interests.

Other states may accept the Chinese economically. After all, the Chinese in California now hold a large amount of capital. The California consortium has already ranked among the largest consortiums in the United States, and the capital is quite strong. Many states hope to obtain investment from the California consortium.

"If the two sides don't restrain themselves, the powder keg of Kansas will be ignited by these reckless people sooner or later!"

The problems in the Kansas area are the worst problems.

Pierce's decision somewhat comforted the southern slaveholders, making the South feel that it still had a chance, and it didn't have to break face with the federal government so early.

The current president is Fillmore, who has been re-elected successfully. He is a master of Tai Chi with muddy mud, but Liang Yao has no idea whether Fillmore can ease the conflict between the two sides when facing the crisis in Kansas.

Liang Yao was happy to see the outbreak of the American Civil War, which was an unstoppable historical trend.

But he didn't want the Civil War to break out so early, because California wasn't ready for it.

(End of this chapter)

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