Chapter 214

Chapter 49
February [-] was an unusual February, and many unusual things happened.

For example, since Lin Huan can remember, there has never been a city closure.

Lin Huan's family has always had the habit of stockpiling food. This is not due to persecution paranoia, but mainly because there are many people in the family, and occasionally they can eat for a while if they are too lazy to buy vegetables.

But now, after the closure of the city, they are quarantined at home, and the dishes are provided, but the price...

The family has a lot of food reserves, so there is no need to worry about eating in a short time.Even if there are more people like Sun Shengwan, she eats less than Mother Lin.

Lin's mother has always been complained by Lin's father for "eating cat food", but now that Sun Shengwan who "eats fish food" comes, Lin's mother does not seem to eat so little.

Besides, Lin Huan also has a supermarket. After getting the news of the closure of the city, Lin Huan took his family members to distribute the meat and vegetables that could not be stored for a long time in the supermarket to each family, and put the leftover snacks in the supermarket. Every week, a representative from each family will drive over to pick up daily necessities for the week.

The arrival of the epidemic has made the "sleep when you are full and eat when you wake up" that many people often ridicule have become a reality.

Every day at home is to sleep, surf the Internet, eat, and then the day passes.

Sun Shengwan also got acquainted with Lin's family and had a taste of married life in advance.Except that she didn't live in the same room as Lin Huan, she was exactly like the second daughter of the Lin family.

There is nothing else to do every day. After waking up, I make breakfast with Lin's mother, and then study to determine the meal to be made at noon, and then start playing.

When I don't want to play, I study new dishes with Mother Lin. During this period of time, the two of them have studied no less than five wonderful dishes, and they are very good.

In terms of business, work and production were completely suspended, and Father Lin's auto shop was also closed.Lin's mother is a civil servant and is quarantined at home with pay.The school is closed, and short videos can be shot at home. After the recording is finished, send it to the studio. Although the supermarket is losing money, it also brings necessities to several families. From the perspective of life, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

The rest of Sun Shengwan and Lin Ying...

One can't go back, one is a student, and a pure consumer belongs to it.


On the morning of the [-]th, nearly two weeks after the city was closed.


Sun Shengwan woke up in a daze, and took the mobile phone on the bedside to check the time.

Nine fifty-five.

There was no movement outside.

When he first came to Lin Huan's house, Sun Shengwan would set the clock to get up early, but now, the whole family has nothing to do when they get up early, that is, after breakfast, they sit on the sofa together, playing with their mobile phones and watching videos...

Therefore, in the morning, everyone sleeps until they wake up naturally. Whoever is hungry will make breakfast, and lunch will be handed over to Mother Lin and Sun Shengwan. Not even close.

The former is too lazy to do it, the latter is not able to do it.

Woke up?
That is impossible.

How can you get up without lying in bed and watching videos for a while?

Lie on the bed, open the short video software, and start scrolling!
It wasn't until after ten o'clock that Sun Shengwan heard the noise coming from outside.

get up!

After washing up, he came out with his bare face facing the sky.

If it was her two weeks ago, she would seriously put on her makeup and dress up before coming out.

If it was her a week ago, she would put on light makeup and come out.

But now, washing your face, brushing your teeth and getting your hair out is a great respect!
When he came to the living room, he saw Lin Ying lying on the sofa, the TV in front of him was on, and their group drama was playing on it.

Sun Shengwan was already numb.

The ghost knows why Lin Ying likes to cast screens so much when watching variety shows, and she still watches them in front of her client.

What's even more outrageous is that Lin's father and Lin's mother didn't like Han Zong at first, but after seeing that it was their Red Velvet variety show, they followed Lin Ying to watch it.

Societal death happens every day.

"You're watching our group show again." Sun Shengwan walked over, raised his hand and rubbed Lin Ying's head and said.

"Sister, are you awake?" Lin Ying looked back at Sun Shengwan and said.

"Are you hungry, can I get you something to eat?" Sun Shengwan asked.

"No, I just ate some bread and ham sausage, and I'm full."

Sun Shengwan nodded, there is no shortage of snacks at home.Lin Huan's domestic supermarket can provide too much food.

"Sister, let me take a look at your mobile phone photo album?" Lin Ying made such a request again.

Sun Shengwan gave him a blank look.

"You're really ungrateful."

"Hey~" Lin Ying chuckled. If Red Velvet fans want to see the mobile phone of the member most, it must be Pei Zhuxuan.

This woman can take pictures without the memory of her mobile phone. You can imagine how many photos there are in her mobile phone.But looking at the snapshot speed at which she can take dozens of photos in a single pose, it is not so difficult to understand.

However, Lin Ying couldn't get Pei Zhuxuan's cell phone, and there was Sun Shengwan in front of him, who was the next best thing.

"Go and see." Sun Shengwan unlocked the phone in his hand and handed it to Lin Ying.

The last time Lin Ying wanted to see that she didn't give it because there were some photos on his phone that were not suitable for him to see.

In the past few days, I put those inappropriate photos in the private safe, and the rest are some daily private photos. The members will occasionally put some on the bubble, so it's nothing to show Lin Ying.

"Thank you, Sister Wen! Long live Sister Wen!" Lin Ying took the phone excitedly, and Sun Shengwan, who looked at it with a treasured expression, smiled and shook his head.

"Can I keep it? I won't spread it!" Lin Ying asked.

"As you please." Sun Shengwan said casually.

"Okkk." Lin Ying excitedly started to look at the photos, and Tuanzong couldn't even bother to look at them.

"Did I watch TV?"

"Look, look." Lin said without raising his head.

"Is your brother up?"

"Get up, I'm writing a song." Lin Ying said casually.

Sun Shengwan knew that Lin Huan was writing a song, and he had been writing it for half a year, and he didn't know when he would finish writing this song.

Regardless of him, watch TV.

Son Seung-wan started watching TV since he was quarantined, and it was like discovering a new world.

Although the overall level of Chinese TV dramas is not very good, there are still some excellent works after all.

However, the number is too small.

She can't empathize with those red-themed film and television works with Chinese characteristics. After all, she is not Chinese, so there is no way.

Aside from these red themes, there are very few good works left, so Sun Shengwan started looking for unique Chinese martial arts dramas.


I started digging through antiques.

Wuxia dramas such as "No. [-] in the World", "Fengyun", "Yi Tian Tu Long Ji", "The Legend of Condor Heroes" and so on, just watch them one by one to pass the time.

(End of this chapter)

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