I'm not a lawyer anymore

Chapter 215 New Song

Chapter 215 New Song
Chapter 50 new song
When Lin Huan came out of the room, Lin Ying was lying on the sofa in the living room, with two mobile phones in front of him, wondering what he was doing.

On another sofa, Sun Shengwan was sitting cross-legged, holding a pillow in his arms, and was concentrating on watching what was playing on TV...

[What drama is this?The picture quality is so blurry]
Lin Huan looked at Huo Jianhua on the screen suspiciously, this outfit... so familiar.

Wait a minute!
"Is this "No. [-] in the World"?" Lin Huan said in surprise.

"You came out?" Sun Shengwan looked back at Lin Huan and said, "Yes, I'm almost done chasing "No. [-] Under Heaven."

Lin Huan: "..."

How can this Sun Shengwan be raised a little crookedly?
"What is he doing?" Lin Huan asked.

"Store photos." Sun Shengwan explained.

"Finally you want the phone you've been thinking about?" Lin Huan said with a smile.

"It's about to pass." Sun Shengwan also laughed.

Lin Ying has been thinking about her mobile phone for a long time.

"How is your song writing going?" Son Seungwan asked.

"It's finished, this is the one who came to call you."

"Where is it? I'll go and see." Sun Shengwan became interested and paused the TV.

"In the computer."

"Let's go." Sun Shengwan stood up from the sofa and went back to the bedroom with Lin Huan.

Lin Huan sat on the chair and clicked on the score.

The music sounded, and the lyrics were also put on it, but there was no demo recorded, no vocals in it.

"The violin is beautifully added." Sun Shengwan admired the beautiful music of the violin.

Looking at the score and the corresponding lyrics, humming softly.

"Memories are just suitcases, filled with mountains and oceans"

"What will happen in the future, but it will definitely not be like this"

With the sheet music, Son Seungwan can hum the song along with the lyrics after a little familiarity.

She has read the lyrics a long time ago, but this is the first time she has seen the music.

"I want the moon in the sky and the frost on the ground"

"The study room that wants to see through the light and the madness of teenagers"

These two familiar lyrics are especially beautiful with the music, but...

"I can't capture the taste of the song." Son Seung-wan said with a frown.

"I used the violin, bass, guitar and drums in this song, and the main body is still the violin. The emotional tone of this song is gradual. It should be light at the beginning, and the emotion will continue to advance. The power of the voice will continue to advance in the chorus... ..." Lin Huan, as the creator, is naturally more aware of how this song should be expressed.

Sun Shengwan's music skills are definitely not weak. With her by his side, Lin Huan can tell her his thoughts without reservation, and the two of them can better perfect the song by discussing it together.

The two exchanged ideas and discussed information about the song.

Lin Huan has a lot of musical instruments at home, and the recording equipment is not as good as the studio, but since he occasionally contacts at home, there are recording equipment, even if it is not as good as the top equipment in the studio, it is still very good equipment.

It is enough to record this song.

After discussing for a while, Lin Huan and Sun Shengwan went upstairs together.

Lin's father and Lin's mother also came down when Lin Huan and Sun Shengwan were discussing the song. After learning that they were going to record, the old couple, who had never seen a singer record a song except Lin Ying, followed curiously.

Without a professional sound engineer, Sun Shengwan made a cameo appearance. After recording songs for so many years, he will still be able to, but he is not so professional.

Lin's father and Lin's mother looked at the dazzling buttons and buttons, and asked them one by one. Sun Shengwan patiently introduced them, but many of them involved professional knowledge. Even if Sun Shengwan explained, Lin Father and Lin's mother were also confused.

And Lin Huan in the recording studio is also ready to start recording.

Lin's father and Lin's mother went out after watching it for a while. They really couldn't understand it, and the recorded song was actually not so smooth for onlookers, without the slightest sense of musical beauty.

If the song is sung by many people, it is okay, but if it is sung by one person, it will be numb.

At the beginning, Lin Huan and Sun Shengwan planned to finish singing and recording in one go, but after thinking about it, they decided to forget it. At worst, they will make a live version later, and the studio version should be done honestly and step by step.

The recording of the song will not be too fast, but Lin Huan and Sun Shengwan did not delay too much time, and this song is more of a live version. After a simple meal at noon, it is considered finished before the evening break first edition.

Although the neighbors can't hear the movement here at all, the rest of the family still have to rest.

The first version of the recording was sent to the professional sound engineer in the studio, and he was asked to watch the post-production, and then re-recorded the parts that were not available in the post-production.

Lim Hwan and Son Seung Wan started recording the live version on the second day.

The so-called live version is to finish singing in one breath in front of the camera.This kind of video is easy to shoot, and there is no requirement for shooting technology, but it has high requirements for singers who sing.

If there are any problems in the middle, I have to re-sing, especially when Sun Shengwan is by my side. Sometimes Lin Huan laughed while recording, and then I had to re-record.

Over and over again, Lin Huan couldn't find his emotions in the end.

It sounds simple, but in fact it is quite rare, especially the singer himself is frantic with the exhaustion and uncontrollable emotions after recording again and again.

Anyway, Lin Huan experienced it himself.

The live version was recorded for three full days, and the studio sound engineer of the studio version finished the post-production repairs, and it was finally over on his side.

However, it doesn't matter if it takes a long time, as long as the result is good.

After the preparations were completed, this song composed by Lin Huan was officially uploaded to QQ Music, and at the same time, Lin Huan's accounts on major platforms updated the live version of the MV.

It is said to be a MV, but it is actually sitting in the usual live broadcast position and singing while sitting.

However, Lin Huan had an idea.

Soon after the new song was uploaded with Sun Shengwan's consent, Lin Huan's Weibo and INS updated the dynamics.

[February NO.12 at [-]:[-] p.m., live broadcast at station B (no games)]
Because of delaying Sun Shengwan's solo, Lin Huan was scolded every day. In addition to promoting the new song, this live broadcast also let Sun Shengwan appear on the scene, so that fans who hated him could also come and watch.

Spray to spray, you should provide traffic or have to provide it.Don't watch if you have the ability?
If they really had such a temper, they wouldn't take it out on Lin Huan.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is an accident that cannot be influenced by human will, and blaming Lin Huan unreasonably is a very strange and confusing behavior in itself.

But, black fans are also fans, if you are black, you can be black, anyway, black and red are also red, complimenting him and spraying him can bring traffic to Lin Huan, ignoring what they say and letting them spray instead can bring heat, this is Good thing.

(End of this chapter)

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