I'm not a lawyer anymore

Chapter 216 Thank you for loving me

Chapter 216 Thank you for loving me
Chapter 51 Thank you for liking me

February NO.11, after two o'clock in the afternoon.

After lunch, the five members of the Lin family all came to the sofa to digest.

There are three sofas in total, two long and one short, and all five people occupy them.

Lin's father and Lin's mother were lying on the couch in the middle, playing with their mobile phones and watching videos.

Sun Shengwan was sitting on the couch on the left, and Lin Huan was lying down with his head resting on Sun Shengwan's lap.

Lin Ying, who was opposite, was kneeling on the ground, lying on the short sofa and playing games.

This strange game posture is not once or twice, the family members are used to it, including Sun Shengwan, who has stayed at Lin's house for half a month, is also used to this guy's weird game posture.

Lin Huan moved his head and rested his head on Sun Shengwan's lap. This movement immediately caught Sun Shengwan's attention.

"The response to the new song is very good."

"I saw that all the statistics are pretty good." Sun Shengwan said after hearing the sound. She has been paying attention to Lin Huan's new song, and the response is quite good, although it is not as fierce as Lin Huan's debut song "Exchange the Rest of Life". But it's the hottest song of all time.

The most intuitive thing is that the video BGM of the major short video platforms all use Lin Huan's new song.

Short video hit song is not a good word, but it does represent traffic, which is an objective fact.

You can’t say that Jay Chou is an Internet celebrity singer just because you use Jay Chou in all short videos, right?

"What are you going to sing in the live broadcast tomorrow? Chinese songs and Korean songs?" Lin Huan asked.

"Let's focus on Chinese songs and see how the audience responds flexibly." Sun Shengwan put down his phone and looked down at Lin Huan and said.

"Alright." Lin Huan responded, and picked up the phone again to fiddle with it.

Seeing this, Sun Shengwan also picked up his phone.

Ding dong.

WeChat reminder: The contact person Lin Ying sent a message.

Sun Shengwan raised his head slightly in surprise, and glanced at Lin Ying.

It was found that the other party was not looking at her at all.

Click on the message.

Lin Ying: Sister Wen, help!Find an excuse to call me out, I have something to tell you!Super super important thing!
Sun Shengwan raised his eyebrows.

Something super super important?
Although he didn't know what the "super, super important thing" Lin Ying said, Sun Shengwan still did it out of trust in Lin Ying.

He raised his hand and patted Lin Huan's chest.

"Get up, I'll send the photo to Lin Ying." Sun Shengwan said.

"Can't you send it directly from your phone?" Lin Huan said suspiciously.

"There are too many photos, and the computer uploads faster."

Lin Huan also sounded reasonable and sat up.

"Lin Ying."


Sun Shengwan looked at Lin Ying's poor acting with "contempt".

"Go upstairs and use your computer to send photos."

"Oh, good." Lin Ying put down the iPad "reluctantly", and went upstairs with Sun Shengwan to get the computer in his room.

The second floor.

Lin Ying sneaked out his head to take a look, and then went to his room with Sun Shengwan.

"Tell me, what's the matter." Sun Shengwan folded his arms around his chest, looked at Lin Ying and said.

"A girl in my class confessed to me, but I don't like her, so I don't know how to say no."

Sun Shengwan raised his eyebrows, but he wasn't too surprised.

"How long have you known each other?"

"A high school classmate who got into Fudan Medical College like me and became a classmate again. Just confessed to me." Lin Ying took out her phone, opened the chat page and handed it to Sun Shengwan.

Sun Shengwan took a quick look.

"What's the character of this girl?"

"What do you mean?" Lin Ying was stunned.

"Extroversion or introversion, if you are extroverted, like my sister and me, you can simply refuse and cut the mess quickly."

"If you are introverted, introverted children have to muster a lot of courage to be able to say this sentence. Compared with the straightforward "I'm sorry I have someone I like", you should say more, it is best to be gentle The response to the small composition will appear very sincere, and this child will definitely move towards the next stage bravely and firmly because of such tenderness."

Lin Ying scratched her head when she heard this.

"Sister Wen, have you ever encountered such a situation before?"

"Yes, that's what I did."

"Then how about... you write for me?" Lin Ying rolled his eyes and handed over the phone anxiously.

Sun Shengwan: "..."

He gave Lin Ying a helpless look, but still took the phone.

Lin Ying sat on the bed, looked at Sun Shengwan who was typing on his mobile phone, and said, "Why don't you sit down and write?"

"No, don't disturb my train of thought." Sun Shengwan said without raising his head, and continued typing.

Seeing this, Lin Ying waited quietly.

After an unknown amount of time, Sun Shengwan's "Okay" rang in his ears.

Lin Ying suddenly cheered up and stood up from the bed with a swipe.

"let me see!"

Sun Shengwan handed the phone to Lin Ying, and Lin Ying couldn't wait to look it up.

"Thank you for liking me. I think it is a very lucky thing to be liked by you. I am very happy to be a classmate with you. It is my luck to continue to be a classmate in college."

"But I'm sorry, I already have someone I like. I'm not as good as you think. I didn't expect that I could be liked before. I think being liked is a very happy thing. Thank you for liking me, Really thank you for liking me! I know you must have thought for a long time before you muster the courage to say it, I think you are very brave, I know it is hard to like someone, I have worked hard on you during this time."

"I won't tell anyone what you said to me, not my best friend, not my roommate. There must be someone who likes you like you like me. You are so good. There must be someone. There must be someone. I saw it. I hope I can be friends with you in the future. Don’t worry about anything when we meet again. What I said is a bit messy. If I say something wrong, don’t take it to heart..."

After Lin Ying finished reading, he looked up at Sun Shengwan who was opposite him.

"How is it?" Sun Shengwan asked.

"...Very good." Lin Ying nodded.

[Should it be Wendy? ]
It was something she could say. If she was rejected by such a person, she would definitely feel lucky.

Although she couldn't get together with such a person, what she did also proved to herself that she didn't misunderstand the person. If she likes such a person, her relationship is also meaningful.

"I'll just send it to her like this." Lin Ying calmed down and said with a smile.

"Yeah." Sun Shengwan didn't know what Lin Ying was thinking, and just nodded when he heard the words, "You post it, I'll go downstairs first."

"Sister Wen, I will come to you again in the future." Lin Ying said with a smile.

"Anytime." Sun Shengwan readily agreed. There is an old saying in China that a sister-in-law is like a mother.

As Lin Ying's sister-in-law, she was naturally willing to help her uncle as much as she could.

"I'm going down."


(End of this chapter)

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