Chapter 83 Glass Products
Half an hour later, Mo Zhen followed Inspector Han to a secluded mansion in the city center.

In the center of a city, creating a secluded environment, one can imagine that the grade of this mansion is high.

The entire area around the mansion was closed by the Bureau of Order for "road renovation", and what happened here was completely blocked for the time being.

The figure in black uniform kept the entire mansion airtight.

Standing in the middle of the mansion, Inspector Han, a burly and solemn man, knew him. He was Luo Sen, the deputy head of the emergency countermeasures department of the [Order and Order Bureau] in Ham City.

Seeing the arrival of Inspector Han, the two sides saluted each other, without too much nonsense, the other party said routinely.

"Inspector Han, don't worry too much. There will be [experts] arriving early tomorrow morning. Just hand over the preliminary investigation information to them."

Hearing that an [expert] would take over the matter tomorrow, Han Mingzhe not only did not relax, but became more nervous.

He has seen the methods of these [experts] before.

No one knows what kind of consequences those guys will cause.

After giving Mo Zhen a look, Han Mingzhe took the lead and walked into the mansion.

"Wait a minute, who is this squinting guy?"

Mo Zhen's way was stopped by a tall figure, Han Mingzhe quickly explained.

"Oh, he is the 'expert' we hired. He is very good at solving crimes. He is an old acquaintance, no problem."

Seeing Mo Zhen's mean smile, Rosen said coldly.

"Sign the confidentiality agreement and the terms of conduct."


This is Mozhen's evaluation of the crime scene.

Red and white decorations are laid out in extremely dynamic patterns on the golden floor.

Mo Zhen had observed all kinds of crime scenes, but this was the first time he could manipulate the dead in such a stylish way.

If I had to describe the crime scene in one word, it would be this.

"This person seems to be broken."

Mo Zhen stroked his chin and said to Inspector Han very seriously.


Han Mingzhe nodded slowly, highly approving this conclusion.

"We can all see this, can you say something more constructive?"

Mo Zhen paced back and forth, admiring the masterpiece on the floor from various angles, showing an interested smile.

"No, the crushing I'm talking about is not the method of cutting it into pieces or smashing it with a blender. This kind of crushing method is like a piece of porcelain falling on the ground and shattering."

Han Mingzhe and the surrounding detectives looked at each other, completely unaware of what Mo Zhen wanted to express.

This peculiar way of expression is the result of Mo Zhen's careful observation.

The victim's body was divided into countless large and small fragments, and the way these fragments were scattered, the degree of crushing, and the scattered locations were all extremely strange.

The blood on the ground showed that this was indeed the scene of the first crime.

Whether it is cutting with a sharp weapon, hitting with a blunt weapon, or carefully placing the cutting plate, it is impossible to achieve this kind of effect of dynamic strike and fragmentation.

Therefore, the most suitable explanation for the current situation is that the victim was a piece of porcelain, which was hit and fell to the ground, and shattered into what it is now.

"Although this person is dead, please respect his identity and don't use strange things like porcelain to compare him to a dead person, okay?"

Mozhen continued to explain indifferently, he was used to the slowness and low comprehension ability of these guys.

"Whether you believe it or not, the deceased became what he is now, and only received one blow."

"how is this possible?"

Mo Zhen pointed at the debris on the ground and began to analyze it.

"Judging from the fractured section and fragments, the blow point should be the left chest, where his body began to shatter, and the force was transmitted along the cracks. After he fell, the landing part of the whole person was hit twice. Shock, become shattered."

Inspector Han suddenly understood what Mo Zhen meant.

"Hey, hey, what you said is completely analyzing that person on the ground as a human vase!"

With a helpless look on his face, Mo Zhen spread his hands at Inspector Han.

"But this is the reality. To put it simply, when the victim dies, it's very... fragile."

Carefully looking at the scene again and again, although this statement is absurd, Han Mingzhe is more and more convinced in his heart that what Mo Zhen said may indeed be true.

How to make a person brittle?

The easiest way should be to freeze people into popsicles.

Following this logic, Han Mingzhe raised his doubts.

"Then how did the criminal manage to freeze the victim and smash it into pieces? Isn't this superfluous? Could it be that he carried a liquid nitrogen freezing tank with him?"

Mo Zhen enlightened Inspector Han in a natural tone.

"You have to switch to a logic that conforms to reality. If the other party already has the ability to freeze items, or to make them brittle, isn't that reasonable?"

Ignoring everyone's bewildered expressions, Mo Zhen continued to talk eloquently.

"Judging from the time of the crime and the traces on the ground, it doesn't look like it was frozen. If you don't believe it, you can do a cell test. The cells that rupture after freezing are easy to identify. Therefore, the truth is that the murderer is a The guy who can make people brittle, we can give him a code name, let's call it 'glass product'!"

"Clap clap-"

This wonderful reasoning won applause from Han Mingzhe.

"Mr. Mo, your reasoning is really exquisite. It strongly proves that your mental illness is getting deeper and deeper. After the invisible man, there is a glass man, right? Seriously, Mr. Mo, why do you have to Take all the information in an illogical direction? Can't you reason properly and come up with something that is in line with reality!"

Mo Zhen slapped his chest and said with a heartbroken face.

"No, on the contrary, I am obviously using the information I have obtained to try my best to outline the [reality]. But you have been bound by the stagnant [cognition], and you are afraid to face the world the truth."

Han Mingzhe put his hands on his hips and looked at Mo Zhen with the eyes of a madman, and the eyes of the detectives around him seemed to say "this guy is hopeless".

Sensing the gazes around him, Mo Zhen sighed lightly, with a relaxed smile on his face, and said nonchalantly.

"In the face of the truth, the biggest obstacle is not the absurd appearance, but the erosion of cognition by the ordinary life of being content with the status quo. Facing the fear of breaking the status quo and looking directly at the truth, not everyone can take the part to change the courage to know.”

All the agents were shaking their heads. They expected this guy to be of help, but they didn't expect him to become a lunatic talking to himself.

Only Han Mingzhe's gaze became hesitant, and he stroked his mustache, as if he was thinking about something.

Seeing everyone's expressions, the smile on Mo Zhen's face became more and more relaxed.

"If you think I'm mentally ill, I don't mind. The fact will not be changed by anyone's opinion. It just exists quietly."

No one spoke for a while, and they looked at Mo Zhen and gave the answer.

As if accepting the fact, Mo Zhen nodded, gave a farewell salute to everyone, turned and left with a smile.

"In this case, there is no need for me to stay here. Good night, gentlemen!"

(End of this chapter)

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