Chapter 176 Jiang Donghao Withdraws

The so-called cables are actually ropes made of vines.

From Jiang Donghao's hand.

Ning Fang would have already gone to Group B at that time.

He believes that as a "captain", he should show a little bit.

They went fishing together two days ago, they went into the sea, they had nothing to do, so they collected vines and made a cable as a anchor.

The boat looks like nothing in the sea, but after landing on the shore with four logs and dozens of planks, there must be three or four hundred catties.

He didn't think too much about it, he was full of guilt.

One hard.

The vines snapped right off.

The whole person fell to the ground uncontrollably.

You know, the location where they parked the boat is not a gentle beach, there are many reefs on the side.

I saw his head straight hit the raised stone.

Cameron and Reba haven't reacted yet, half of their bodies are in the sea, pushing and pushing.

After pushing for a while, I felt that it was so strenuous.

Turning around to see, Jiang Donghao was lying on the ground motionless.

"Miss Reba, hurry up, something happened." Cameron shouted hastily.

"Don't touch him!"

When the two were about to go forward to help someone, the sound of a trumpet came from the sea.

Isn't the main broadcast room always paying attention to the follow-up?

The moment Jiang Donghao fell, the director realized something was wrong.

Normal people fall down, hum a few words, then stand up and curse a few words.

As a result, after he fell down, he had no other movements. After cutting a shot, he found that he was lying there upright.

It was determined that he might have fainted.

Immediately notified the doctor on board, and came by speedboat.

Seeing the two of them wanting to help someone from a distance, the doctor quickly reminded them with a loudspeaker.

I don't know the specific injury situation, so I can't act rashly.

The camera has been turned away, and individual shots of all three have been cut.

"It won't hang up, will it?"

"I thought I saw bleeding under his head just now."

"Although I don't like Jiang Donghao, I hope no one will die."

"Since Ning Fang left in Group A, nothing good has happened."

"What about the lens, don't cut it away."

The doctor quickly arrived at the shore and ran to Jiang Donghao's side.

After some operations, he woke up.

"What happened."

Obviously, people have been confused.

"Can you feel any pain?" The doctor took out the oxygen mask.

"Head, very dizzy."

Li Rui who came later asked, "What's the situation now?"

"I hit the brain, there was bleeding, and I fainted just now. Specifically, I can only make a judgment after an examination."

"So, can he continue to play?"

The doctor shook his head: "There is a lot of bleeding, brain CT and other examinations are needed."


Jiang Donghao closed his eyes again, put on an oxygen mask, looked weak, and was carried on a stretcher by the staff, ready to be transferred.

"You two, I announce that Jiang Donghao is no longer able to continue the game. I will inform you of the specific situation after the inspection."

Then, follow the doctor to leave.

Leaving the two people looking at each other in blank dismay, this...
A row of subtitles was also played in the live broadcast room. Jiang Donghao has been transferred to the director ship, and his life is not in danger. When the follow-up situation comes out, everyone will be notified in time.

The director team actually breathed a sigh of relief.

Injuries are not terrible. If someone is killed, the show doesn't have to be filmed.

At this moment, Reba couldn't get angry, but watched the speedboat leave worriedly.

"Let's go, we have to tell other people the news."

Back in the camp, Wang Meng just came over from the water pool after washing his face.

"Why are you two alone, and one more?"

"Sister Meng!" Reba threw himself into her arms and started sobbing.

"No, what's the matter." Wang Meng was puzzled: "Old Ka, did Lao Jiang bully someone again, where did he go?"

The other girls gathered around when they heard the movement.

Cameron told the story in detail.

When they heard that Jiang Donghao had lost his speargun, the ladies and sisters were about to blow up, thinking that he was absconding in fear of crime, and did not dare to come back to face themselves.

Before scolding, he said he hit his head.

The sound of the cannon representing Jiang Donghao's elimination sounded, and several people fell silent for a moment.

"It's all my fault, I shouldn't have let him into the water, otherwise, there would be nothing like this." Reba said sobbing.

"How can I blame you." Wang Meng also shook his head.

It's a mess.

People have already been eliminated, or have been injured, so it doesn't make any sense to scold them.

However, it is the few people who are still on the island who are suffering.

Without the speargun, it will be even more difficult to eat fish next.

Before leaving, Ning Fang also said that everyone must be well and wait for him to come back.

It was only halfway through, not to mention that there was one less person, and the spear gun was also lost.

"What should we do now?" Xiao Ailing was at a loss.

"It's raining in the sky demon, people will be eliminated, we still have to live on, let's hold on."

After Jiang Donghao was sent to the director ship, he immediately entered the medical room.

The chief director has no time to take care of other things at this meeting. Countless audiences and reporters are staring at him.

After waiting for half an hour, the doctor came out.

"How about it?"

"It will not be life-threatening, but the problem is a bit tricky. The boat can only be maintained. It is best to transfer it to the hospital immediately. It is impossible to return to the game."

"Okay, let the helicopter come over right away, nothing will happen during this period."

"Not really."

"That's good."

Hearing the exact news from the doctor, the director also breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly asked someone to draw up an announcement, to review it for himself, and then send it out.

As long as people are fine, everything else is fine.

The players all buy insurance, and it is clearly stated in the contract that there may be dangers.

At that time, let the assistant director go and have a look, send some condolence money, basically it can be done.

"Director, I have an idea."

Chen Mu ran over excitedly.

"What?" The chief director didn't understand.

"Jiang Donghao's elimination has pointed out the way for us." (It was guessed, so amazing)

"You made it clear." The director was a little impatient.

"Jiang Donghao was eliminated from Group A, leaving six people, one male and five females.

Cameron belongs to outsiders, the real power, there are only five girls left.

That is a very unfavorable situation for Group A.

In this way, all members can only be allowed to return to the team for the fifth variable.

Otherwise, something is bound to go wrong. "

The chief director immediately figured it out: "You're right, but it's a pity, if it's changed, there might be more things to watch."

"You can't have it both ways, and, judging from the ticket type, AB and AB are similar, no matter what we choose, we will be scolded.

But now it's different, the contestant has retired, and Ning Fang is the only male, so his return has become a matter of course.

Even if the audience can't think of this at once, let the navy help explain it and create momentum, and the public opinion must be with the program group. "

"Go, go, go, call everyone and have a meeting!"


(Don’t delay until tomorrow, just finish writing ok! I don’t know when the next chapter will be, so try to type!)
(End of this chapter)

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