Entertainment: Desert Island Survival with Celebrities

Chapter 177 Ning Fang Was Bitten by a Snake

Chapter 177 Ning Fang Was Bitten by a Snake
As soon as the cannon rang, Ning Fang didn't know which team of ABC was dropped, but he knew that there were 17 people left on the island at this time.

Yes, Group B is also possible, don't forget, Wu Jingke is outside.

As long as it doesn't appear in front of your eyes, it may be eliminated.

Peng Yuyan and the others were not too worried.

All four of them are together, and the one who goes out is relatively stronger, and the chance of being eliminated is relatively small.

But there are five girls in group A, maybe
If you think so in your heart, you definitely won't say it out of your mouth.

The two girls made lunch together.

Today is stewed vegetable soup with smoked rat meat.

After three consecutive days of constant fish and meat dishes, the complexions of the players in Group B became much better.

In fact, there is nothing serious about the players, most of them are malnourished.

Eat well and sleep soundly.

Although it is impossible to return to peak form immediately, the situation is indeed improving.

Needless to say, lunch was still emptied.

It seems that in the three groups, there has been no phenomenon of leftovers for the time being.

It's very hot at noon today.

In particular, there was no wind at all, and the banana leaves on the edge of the camp were wilting.

This will be inappropriate for everything, and if you expose yourself to the sun for a while, you may suffer from heat stroke.

Ning Fang just sat there, struggling to breathe.

"Where are you going?"

"Take a shower, I can't take it anymore."

"Oh!" Peng Yuyan lay down again.

Although the stream water was a little hot at this time, the sticky feeling disappeared, and the whole person became much more comfortable.

After thinking about it for three seconds, he lay flat in the water and lowered his head.

The water is actually not quiet.

Ears can hear strange sounds.

When the bare skin touches the aquatic plants, it feels cool and icy.
Ning Fang raised his head abruptly, a stabbing pain came from his calf, he raised his foot and saw a small brown snake as thick as a little finger just slipped down, disappeared along the creek without a trace.

"Fuck, Ning Fang was bitten by a snake."

"No, he's my favorite player."

"Is Ning Fang going to be eliminated?"

"this this"

The program team, Fue, did he commit a Tai Sui today? Only one contestant withdrew due to injury in the morning, and another was bitten by a snake in the afternoon, and he was still a star contestant.

The chief director who was in a meeting rushed back to the studio when he heard that someone had been bitten by a snake.

"What snake, what's the situation now?"

"I can't see clearly, I just know it's a small gray-brown snake, and it's already recording."

"Let the doctor prepare."

"Already notified."

The barrage was frantically swiping the screen, and the director ship was anxious.

The party involved, Ning Fang, seemed unusually calm.

He didn't see clearly what kind of snake bit him. At that time, he only felt that his feet felt a little strange. He probably moved too much, which frightened the snake, so he turned around and took a bite.

However, after seeing the tooth marks on the calf, the nervousness gradually calmed down.

The wounds are two rows of eight-shaped, very small tooth marks.

Normally, if it is a poisonous snake, there will be two deep wounds due to the two fangs.

Obviously, he was bitten by a non-poisonous snake now.

On the director ship, the doctor also gave an affirmative answer through the scene of Ning putting the wound on. It is a non-venomous snake, and it may feel a little uncomfortable. The problem is not big, just observe and observe.

Ning Fang knew that there might be audience watching him.

Put the calf into the stream, and squeeze it with both hands: "Don't worry, everyone, it's a non-poisonous snake.

I was careless.

I usually remind Nini and the others to be careful when they go out, but in the end, I got caught.

Fortunately, it is not poisonous, otherwise, it is estimated that it will be fired again.

Some people are probably wondering what it feels like now.

A little pain, to put it bluntly, is not as good as a bee sting.

The teeth of non-poisonous snakes are generally relatively small. I don’t know if you have seen it, but the one that bit me just now was also a small snake.

But to be on the safe side, squeeze the wound to avoid bacterial infection. "

"Tough guy!"

"I was scared to death, I thought Ning Fang was going to quit."

"Fuck, this is a real man. If he was bitten by a snake, he can be so calm."

"What's wrong with Group A, this is one bad thing after another."

"People safe is good."

"As a man, I feel terrified. He is really strong."

The program team also conveyed the expert's judgment that it is indeed a non-poisonous snake, so don't worry.

Coincidentally, Lao Hu saw this scene.

At the same time as clapping and applauding, another one hundred thousand was swiped out.

And his actions have also attracted many other fans to donate generously, just for this, it is worth buying some gifts.

Some celebrities are injured, and they will heal when they go to the hospital later, so they also want to gain some presence on Weibo.

As for Ning Fang, who was bitten by a snake, he squeezed the wound very calmly, looking calm and calm.

As expected of a Chinese soldier!
Ning Fang didn't know what he did, and he earned hundreds of thousands of dollars for him, but he saw his popularity skyrocket, and he guessed that there must be a lot of people watching the live broadcast outside.

After squeezing the wound for a while, the bleeding stopped, and he stood up.

After a little movement, I felt no discomfort.

He casually picked a dandelion growing beside him, washed it in water, put it in his mouth, chewed it, and applied it on it.

"what happened to you?"

Ning Fang raised his head, Su Bingtian didn't know when he came over.

"Why are you here?"

"It's too hot, I really can't sleep, and I want to rush." ​​Su Bingtian came over: "No, what's wrong with you?"

"Oh, I was bitten by a little snake."


Su Bingtian's voice was so loud that Ning Fang scratched his ears unconsciously.

"It's all right, no poisonous snake."

Unable to wring it out, Ning Fang opened the dandelion that had just been applied.

Two teeth marks were exposed.

"Are you sure it's a non-venomous snake, or else, contact the program team."

For Su Bingtian, this was a big event, and he was very excited.

"It's okay, it must be non-toxic, and it doesn't hurt now." Ning Fang patted it a few times as he said.

"Don't, don't! Put the medicine on it, where did you get bitten?"


Ning Fang raised his chin, Su Bingtian became alert instantly, his eyes glanced around.

"Already ran away, but ah, this also reminds us that it is summer, the peak period of snake activity,

I was also careless. From now on, when you go out, you must each have a stick. "

"Yeah, let's go." Su Bingtian learned that Ning Fang was bitten here, and he didn't want to take a bath for the time being, so he reached out to help him.

"It's okay to say."

Ning Fang even jumped a few times.

But even so, as soon as he returned to the camp, God Su told everyone about it.

Well, everyone wakes up immediately.

Let alone being bitten, normal people don't have many chances to see the wound.

This caring made Ning Fang sweat profusely.

"You can't be poisoned, you sweat so much." As soon as Xiaoqin said, Xiaoru patted her: "How did you talk?"

"Try to see if you can't sweat being surrounded in the middle on such a hot day." Ning Fang was very helpless.

"Does it still hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt a long time ago, it feels almost like you were scratched by a tree branch."

"Hey, what are you doing taking the medicine away? Let's apply it for a while."

Xiao Ru was in a hurry.

"It's done."

Ning Fang said helplessly.

"Don't move, I'll pick the dandelions, right?"

Peng Yuyan ran into the woods, but waited for 10 minutes.

After returning, not only Ning Fang, but everyone was shocked.

He hugged a large handful, estimated to weigh several catties.

"No!" Ning Fang shook his head straight there: "Are you planning to boil a pot of water for me to take a bath?"

It has been almost an hour since Ning Fang was bitten, but he is still alive and well, except for a little redness and swelling on the wound, he has no other symptoms.

Let the members and fans of the program group feel at ease.

However, this matter is still on the hot search.

For reporters, any injury to a celebrity is worth reporting.

Although Ning Fang is not a star, as long as the show is filming and he is still on the island, he is popular and has value.

Besides, being bitten by a snake is a big deal.

In many reports, only snakes, being bitten, and other keywords are mentioned. As for the word non-toxic, it is absolutely invisible in the title.

The effect is naturally excellent.

The program group is also contributing to the flames here. Jiang Donghao has been sent to the hospital and is receiving hospital treatment.

It would have made them a little passive.

However, nothing.

After a systematic examination, the person also came to his senses.

Ning Fang is really a treasure player.

No matter where you are, you will do things, and they are all good things.

I have only been in Group B for a few days, and my living standard has soared. I was accidentally bitten by a snake and gained attention, but nothing happened.

The show crew loves him so much.

In every show, we hope that there will be special guests, and Ning Fang obviously did a good enough job.

And the chief director is also very helpless, it is useless to mention some points, maybe this is his characteristic.

Although Ning Fang repeatedly emphasized that he was fine, the four people in Group B forced him to rest in the base camp.

They're going to catch fish together, and you're hurting your calf.

In case of inflammation, it is not good.

Ning Fang was only polite.

It is impossible to give 100% to the B team, he is not that great, if you win in the end, you can share the bonus with yourself if you don't see it.

After being polite, he stayed in the camp with peace of mind.

Even fans of Group B have nothing to complain about.

In the past few days, Ning Fang has done enough and is good enough. If the skills taught are used properly, it will not be a big problem to survive for a few more days.

It's a bit like teaching people how to fish.

As for Group A, the atmosphere can be said to be quite low.

To put it bluntly, the loss of Jiang Donghao is really not a big deal to them, and they are even secretly happy.

However, the price is too high.

I have experienced how easy it is to use a speargun. Ning Fang didn't even think about it at the beginning. After winning the variable, he made a decision.

Later, it also proved that the speargun was really easy to use and brought a lot of food to the team.

Only a third of the game has passed, but the sharp weapon is gone, so what should I do.

The program team will not pay for you, and make up for you.

It is estimated that I can't wait to see such a scene happen, so that the plot can feel ups and downs.

Cameron was very sensible, knowing that the atmosphere in the camp was not good, so he went to the woods early to find a place to take a rest.

The audience didn't scold him either.

If you act normally, you are not a member of Group A. With special circumstances, you would be a fool to stay there. It is better to save your energy and play the game smartly.

The one who blames himself the most is Reba.

Really, it has nothing to do with her, Jiang Donghao asked for it.

But Miss Sister doesn't think so.

Ning Fang left, she felt that she was the keeper of the spear gun, just like Nini was in charge of bows and Song Tie was in charge of the camp.

Each has its own responsibilities.

Now that the boss is gone, she should shoulder her own responsibilities, but she didn't do it.

Seeing her depressed mood, Wang Meng could understand and let Song Tieduo comfort her.

"So, what are you worried about?"

Song Tie couldn't help asking.

Reba raised his small face aggrievedly: "I'm afraid!"

"What are you afraid of?"

"I'm afraid that Ning Fang will come back and beat me up!"

Song Tie: .
(End of this chapter)

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