Chapter 192 The Kiss

"The fifth change has been going on for thirteen hours, and this is only the first day of this change.

However, there are already some gaps.

The first is Group C, at this time their points are temporarily 0.

James and the jungler Xiaowan have a clear game plan, and today will be used as an adjustment.

As we all know, the remaining seventeen players survived for such a long period of time, and the entire state is not online.

After arriving at Qingping Island, the two built a shelter, ate some bananas, and the conch and a fish harvested at night were temporarily used as energy supplements.

As for the effect of this decision, we have to continue to wait and see.

Group B currently has 0 points. Obviously, Su Bingtian and Xiaoru are mainly members of the base camp. They are still busy at the beach.

The only food I ate was a small pot of wild vegetable soup.

The manipulators in Group B used their 2.5 points in exchange for 1.5KG of potatoes.

Some viewers may be curious, can potatoes be grown, and will it affect the balance of the game.

Please rest assured that the cycle is too late. When the potatoes are ripe, our game is over.

I believe that many fans, like me, hope that the two players in Group B can achieve a good balance.

Finally, Group A.

In the third variable, the combination of Ning Fang and Nini overcame the harsh weather and braved the heavy rain to win the championship. Many people should still remember it.

The combination of the two was also the highest team in the audience vote.

I believe that many fans who voted are very happy. For now, the performance is also the best.

Until ten o'clock.

Dada in Group A scored a total of 7.7 points.

All the composition is, coconut 3.2, shellfish 1.9, fish 2.6, a good harvest.

Not only that, but they also had a hearty meal.

Compared with group C, they gained more points, and compared with group B, they filled their stomachs.

And there are 2.7 points left, temporarily ranking first among all teams.

From the manipulator, they exchanged 500 grams of rice and a six-piece condiment set. Obviously, the biggest beneficiary of this change for the time being is Group A.

But our fans know it.

In survival, everything is possible, and no accident is considered an accident. It is too early to judge who will be the final winner.

Remind everyone, what to watch in the next few days.

Will Group A spend a lot of points to regain their speargun after accidentally losing it? Group B has a gap in strength with the other two groups, can they catch up and create miracles? Group C will focus on survival items or supplies .
On the first day, three items were sold out. Let us pay attention to what will happen next. "

A simple 10 minutes, plus a review of the highlights, let some viewers who watched the live broadcast at night understand what happened.

Some work or studies don’t have time to read, once you come here, you will be confused.

Where is this place, what are the points, and what are they doing? Question marks are all over their heads.

This meal in the evening was the best meal Nini had after returning from the resort.

One whole grilled fish per person, as well as fat sea bass.

Ning Fang obviously gave in to her, only picked up a few chopsticks, and more than half of them went into his stomach.

With food in her stomach and the exhaustion of running around all day, Nini yawned.

"Go to rest early or not." Ning Fang raised his head and said.


Ning Fang was suddenly a little nervous.

He took out the toiletries from the bag and went to the edge of the creek. After tidying up, Nini got into the shelter first.

Ning Fang lowered his head and climbed in after finishing the finishing work of the bonfire.

The width inside is only about a meter or so.

The young lady turned sideways, the curve of her shoulders and waist made Ning Fang swallow unconsciously.

Using the backpack as a pillow, lie down carefully, leaving a small gap in between.

"Program crew, what about the camera, can't you see the inside?"

"I think, how about calling them Nining (muddy) CP in the future? (Thanks to book friend AA Kaguang)"

"Will it be unlucky, muddy, it means it's difficult."

"I can only see the feet!"

"It doesn't matter, I'm on duty tonight, so I'll just keep an eye on them to see if they'll get rolled together."

"Thinking too much, it's a big crowd."

"Oh, I can't hear anything, I'm so anxious!"

Feeling the temperature coming from around him, Ning Xin jumped up and down.

On Golden Skull Island, they also slept next to each other, but the situation was definitely different from being alone in a small space now.

Glancing from the corner of her eyes, Nini probably wasn't asleep.

The two stayed in silence for ten minutes.

"Do I smell something?"

Suddenly, Nini asked.

"How come?" Ning Fang said hastily.

I don't mention it when I'm working, but before going to bed, the ladies and sisters will take a bath or something, especially now that there is shower gel and shampoo.

Although he couldn't do it like in his usual life, he could only smell a faint smell of body wash in the same environment.

"Then why is your breath so heavy?" Nini turned around as she said that, and the two of them lay flat side by side, with their arms inevitably touching.

It's just that both sides didn't move, and felt each other's temperature through that little skin contact.

"Maybe I have a taste."

"Well! A little bit of sweaty smell, but not annoying."

When the members are sleeping, they are not required to bring cameras and radios. In the area where they stay, the staff temporarily installed a few cameras at night. Therefore, it is much easier for the two to communicate, because they know that the audience cannot hear them.

"Or, I'll go wash it again."

Nini pulled him back: "What a trouble, tell me, I don't hate the smell on your body."

"Oh." Ning Fang didn't know what to say.

Nini is very beautiful, there is no doubt about it, especially when she looks down at you and smiles, it can penetrate people's hearts.

"Are you nervous?" The young lady raised her mouth.

"A little bit!" Ning Fang nodded dully.


"Because I'm nervous."

"Hahaha!" Nini laughed tremblingly, "Can I ask you a private question?"

"You said."

"Outside, do you have a girlfriend?"


"Yes, I see." Nini patted his chest and yawned: "Go to sleep, I'm so sleepy."

That's it, that's it?
Ning Fang didn't dare to expect anything to happen, he was still in the wilderness, under the camera.

However, after asking endlessly, I immediately became sleepy, what's the matter.

Does she have feelings for me too,

Impossible, big star, don't think too much,
But the behavior is a bit like,

What if.
As he was thinking wildly, his eyelids became heavier and heavier, and he finally fell into a deep sleep.

What he didn't know was that Nini, who said she was sleepy, suddenly opened her eyes, and looked tenderly at her little brother who was close at hand.

After confirming that Ning Fang was asleep, he kissed him lightly.

(Come on! Add one more!)

(End of this chapter)

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