Chapter 193 Why is it so great?
That night, Ning Fang slept soundly.

When she opened her eyes, the outside was only dimly lit, she turned her face, and Nini was facing herself, with her head slightly lowered, curled up, sleeping soundly.

Ning Fang stood up carefully, covered his clothes, and slowly moved out of the shelter.

It was foggy in the deep forest, the bonfire had already been extinguished, and the sun had not yet risen, so it was a bit early to get up.

Eat well, sleep well, and Ning Fang's spirit is naturally good.

Kakaka moved his body, put on his equipment, and after glancing at Nini, whose eyes were still closed, he got into the woods.

Hearing the sound of footsteps going away, the corners of Nini's mouth showed a beautiful smile.

Although Ning Fang was very careful, she was a light sleeper and was easily awakened. She thought that her little brother would do something while she was asleep, but she didn't think about it. She just helped cover her clothes.

Needless to say, he must be out looking for food at this moment.

It felt good to be taken care of, and Nini enjoyed it very much. After tightening the clothes on her body, she fell asleep again.

"It's too early for Ning Fang, it's not even six o'clock."

"Oh, it's useless to give you a chance."

"If it were me, I would definitely not want to get up."

"There are still five nights, cherish it boy."

Ning Fang, holding an axe, became the only target the director could pursue. Whether it was Qingping Island or Golden Skull Island, the other contestants were still asleep, so it was indeed early.

Now the island is a little cool, not suitable for diving.

He turned his gaze to the land.

It's not just walking around, walking along the stream, where there is water, the vegetation is more lush.

The woods are not quiet at all now, with the chirping of birds overhead and the chirping of insects in the grass, even in the early morning, one can feel the vitality of the island.

The weather here is the most comfortable, usually only need to walk for a few minutes, sweating profusely.

Ning Fang breathed in the cool air greedily. He knew that it might not take another hour before he would face the temperature like a stove again.

Along the way, he found a lot of coconuts on the ground, either matured and dropped naturally, or blown by the wind.

At the same time, there are also banana trees, but unfortunately, there are only leaves on them, but no fruits.

Ning Fang is not in a hurry, as long as you search patiently, there will always be gains.

"Hey, didn't you say that plantain cores can also be eaten, it's very sweet, why Ning Fang turned a blind eye, don't you understand?"

"It's Xiaobai who was deceived by video bloggers again."

"I tell you responsibly that plantain cores are edible, but they are bitter and astringent when eaten raw."

"Is that so? I always thought it didn't taste like sugar cane, and it was almost like corn stalks."

"I'm thinking too much, I'm starving to death, and I basically don't know how to touch banana cores. Group C has eaten them. Didn't you see their expressions?"

What Ning Fang hopes to find most is the banana flower.

The main reason is that it is rich in nutrition, and the taste is much better than other boiled wild vegetables. Nini likes to eat it very much.

After walking for about half an hour, the sky was completely bright, and finally there was a harvest.

In front of them are two consecutive banana trees, the red and yellow colors are particularly conspicuous.

The ax was raised and the ax fell, and the trunk fell in response.

Counting, three flowers, sixteen plantains, seven of which are ripe.

Ning Fang was not in a hurry to go back, but continued to move forward.

In the camp, Nini woke up again: "Ning Fang, Ning Fang"

I shouted a few times, but there was no response, so I must have not come back.

Get up, wash, light a fire, fetch water.

All in one go.

Hang Chi Hang Chi moved a few more stones to strengthen the simple stove, Nini did not rest.

Instead, he went to the beach.

Now the girls in Group A don't need guidance anymore, they know what to do.

Don't say it, it's really rewarding.

The tide will have receded long ago. They built several dams last night. As soon as they arrived at the first one, they saw a crab that spit bubbles.

Nini pressed the stick down and tamed her directly.

Looking at the guy with his teeth and claws in his hands, she nodded in satisfaction.

When I returned to the camp with crabs and a few shells, I saw a familiar figure from behind.

"You're back!" Inexplicably, Nini was a little embarrassed.

that kiss last night
However, she was soon attracted by Ning Fang's gains.

What is on the ground?

1, 2, 3, 4 banana flowers, three bunches of bananas, and many things are ripe, not only that, a small pile of red, green and green wild fruits looks delicious.

"Come on, come and taste it." Ning Fang waved: "I've washed it for you."

"What kind of fruit is this?" After picking up one from Ning Fang's hand, Nini stuffed it into her mouth.

It is sour at first, and then slightly sweet, which is very refreshing.

"I don't know either." Ning Fang scratched his chin: "But don't worry, you can definitely eat it. I just don't know the scientific name."

"It's delicious!"

"Try this again." Seeing her eating happily, Ning Fang was also happy.

In this way, I tasted all the wild fruits. Among them, Nini's favorite is the cranberry. This kind of wild fruit is found all over the country. It is better than strawberries, but it is smaller.

"You eat too." The young lady fed him one backhand, no matter how you chop it, it feels a bit like a couple.

"It's amazing. I don't even know when you went out. After finding so many things, you're going to get rich when you come back."


Being praised by girls and beautiful goddesses, Ning Fang smiled embarrassedly.

"How to deal with these?"

"Leave two banana flowers."

"One, let's share it." Nini picked up the flower and weighed it in her hand, winking at Ning Fang.

The latter understands that the largest flower weighs two or three catties, but more than [-]% of the edible part has to be deducted.

"Let's keep the ripe plantains, and replace all the raw ones."

"Would you like to stay a little longer?"

"I went out for a walk in the morning, and it felt okay. Although I can't find wild vegetables or anything, it's not a big problem to feed the two of us."

"Listen to you."

The two chattered again, leaving only wild fruits and ripe plantains, and exchanged the rest for points.

"Director Director."

After they left, the staff opened the box, picked up the goods, and weighed them.

"What's the matter?" Chen Mu was also very curious, how many points they could earn in this wave.

"This Ningfang is a bit dark. There is still a long part of the plantain pole. Do you want to remove it and weigh it?"


After several assistant directors listened to it from the sidelines, they were also very happy.

Here, Chen Mu asked the director to adjust a camera to the main screen to have a look. It really is, it is estimated to be more than ten centimeters long.

"Director, look."

Although Chen Mu is the person in charge of this change, he is still a little brother in his position. The leader is present, so he should ask.

One of the older ones waved his hand: "It's a big deal, let's let it go first, Ning Fang is the star contestant of our show, and the chief director pays special attention to it.

However, the next is not an example. "

Chen Mu understood.

After weighing, I found out, good guy, the plantain alone weighs as much as thirteen catties. This thing is small, but it weighs the scale.

Ning Fang spent two hours in the morning, plus Nini's income, and scored 7.3 points.

Adding the remaining 2.7 points last night, exactly 10 points.

It's so rich, even the directors began to admire it.

In contrast to the other two groups, this meeting has just woken up.

It's not that they are too lazy, as I mentioned before, when people are malnourished, one of the manifestations is lethargy.

What's more, I came here yesterday, and I didn't stay idle. I hurried on the road, built a shelter, and did some work.

It has to be said that having good physical strength has a great advantage in survival competitions.

Ning Fang got the score here, and the manipulators at home will feel comfortable.

On Golden Skull Island, it was still raining heavily.

When Song Tie said that he was going to make breakfast, everyone stood up and waited and watched.

There are only a few wild vegetables left, however.

After adding oil, monosodium glutamate, and pepper, after tasting, Reba showed a crying face.

"It turns out that wild vegetables can be so delicious."

For four people, there was no soup left, and they were all wiped out.

"Let's save it, it's the two of them who earned it so hard!"

"Don't worry, I have a sense of proportion." Song Tie took out the prize list again, and could choose the reward again.

"Why don't you come to the rice again, I guess, the score is definitely not enough now."

The last time last night, I also chose 1KG rice, reminding that the score is not enough.

"I think it's fine."

Unanimously approved, Song Tie picked up the walkie-talkie: "Call the program group."

"Received, please speak!"

"We choose to exchange 1 kilogram of rice."

"Group A exchange 1 kg of rice and wait"

The contact person just sat down and was about to drink a cup of coffee to wake up, when he received a call from group A, wiped his eyes, and looked down at the form.

He clearly remembered that when he got off work last night, Group A had 0.1 points left, and in the table, it was an integer, 10.

Looking at other numbers, the difference is not big.

"Please wait a moment!" He picked up the walkie-talkie again and said, then turned around and shouted: "Liu Jun, Liu Jun?"

The chief director happened to pass by with a teacup: "What are you shouting for? It's early in the morning."

"Director, this Liu Jun is too careless, look, the scores of Group A."

The director walked over: "That's right, it's ten."

"Huh?" It was his turn to open his mouth wide.

"In the morning, Ning Fang got more than a dozen catties of plantains and changed them for seven to eight cents. Chen Mu told me, why is Group A planning to change things?"

The director didn't blame him, it was a responsible act to find out the abnormal data and ask questions.

"For 1 kilogram of rice."

"Oh, don't you want a speargun?"

Another director who had been watching from the side answered: "Group A just wants to see how good they are, whether Rice is still there."

"That's it, okay, you can continue."

"The 1KG exchange was successful. Before the exchange, the total points of Group A were 10 points. The remaining points are 4.5 points. Please get the rewards in the mailbox one hour later. I wish you a happy life and goodbye!"

What the hell!

Wang Meng couldn't help but swear.

What's the situation, did you grab points?

It was only 2.7 last night, so I got [-] points after sleeping, and the exchange was successful!
"Ning Fang is really a monster."

"Then what to do, we just want to check."

"Rice was originally a necessary material that Ning Fang decided to produce together. It is a good thing to get it."

Song Tie's voice was a little trembling, happy.

Three catties of rice added at once, how great!

"Now comes the problem!" Song Tie quickly calmed down: "It's true that Ning Fang is great, which means that it may not be that difficult to get points.

For other foods, it is estimated that the two groups also changed some.

Should we take advantage of this meeting to grab food first, or save points and exchange them for spear guns? "

"Change the spear gun. This is more important. If you don't change the rice, 8.5 points will be enough." Reba said immediately.

"Don't jump to conclusions," Song Tie shook his head, and continued, "First of all, spearguns are very important, and that's okay.


It's not unique. "

"Oh!" Wang Meng clapped his hands: "The BC group already has one, so they don't think about it at all."

"That's what it means!" Song Tie analyzed: "However, one possibility is not ruled out.

Old Ka in Group C knows about our speargun throwing, will he make a move to block our retreat? "


"It's unlikely. After all, a speargun costs 18.5 points, how much food can be exchanged for."

"I can't say for certain, he looks quite sinister to me."

"I'm just raising this possibility," Song Tie smiled: "In my opinion, the chances are really small, and the price is too high just to weaken us.

They only have three survival materials, and they need more things than us. It is unlikely that they will spend so many points to exchange for things they don't need. "

After hearing this, the three young ladies nodded repeatedly.

"Then grab the supplies first? Flour is pretty good."

"There is also a problem with grabbing supplies first," Song Tie poured cold water on him again: "It must not be easy for two people to survive on the island, and their physical strength is declining day by day.

If we changed supplies in the early stage, and they can't get more points in the later stage, then the speargun may never have a chance to get it again. "

"Oh, you're so anxious to death, this doesn't work, that doesn't work, what should I do?"

Wang Meng scratched his head, this game is not suitable for her, it is better to be more straightforward.

(forgot to update)

(End of this chapter)

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