Chapter 282 The Uninvited Guest

Ning Fang was not greedy and just stayed in the hotel for one night.

After waking up the next day, he talked to Brother Chen, borrowed a car from the hotel, and went to his remaining home.

Being able to owe 2000 million, it is conceivable that the old Ning's family was not bad.

This suite is not in the city center, but the location is okay.

It had already entered the foreclosure process.

However, due to some problems, the transaction has not been successful, and now it can be said that a lot of things have been saved.

The community environment is good, with flowers, grass and butterflies.

A three-bedroom and one living room of about 120 square meters is just right for three people to live in.

As he had imagined, the room was empty, with nothing in it.

However, the lighting is good, the three rooms plus the living room can all be exposed to the sun, after walking around, Ning Fang sat on the floor alone.

"Ah, this is home from now on!"

Didi, a video call invitation from Nini.

"You're awake!" The young lady seemed to be at home.

"That's right, let me show you my home." Ning Fang got up and turned around with his phone.

"Why is there nothing?" Nini was curious, as if it was a hardcover room that hadn't been checked in yet.

Ning Fang was a little embarrassed: "It's all been vacated. I have a headache now, and there are still many procedures to go through. Now there is no water, no electricity, and no place to sleep."

"Take your time. When will Auntie come over? It's okay to ask her to help."

"It's not that fast. It will take a few days for my sister to transfer to another school, but it will be very annoying. She is not in good health, and it will be troublesome to move." Ning Fang was a little distressed.

During dinner last night, Xiaolan called and told her to prepare some materials, and it was estimated that it would be ready in about a week.

"At that time, I was definitely out and couldn't come back, and I didn't have the kind of friends who could completely entrust these things to me!"

Nini smiled slightly: "I thought it was a big deal, leave it to me."


"That's right!" Nini grabbed the pillow and put it in her arms: "I'll let my assistant go over there."

"Is this good?" Ning Fang was a little moved.

"Hey, don't worry, Xiaoqin has been with me for many years, she loves me like a sister, and she already knows about our affairs."

"your company"

"Don't worry about this. Talk to your aunt later, and then give them the contact information. Xiaoqin will take care of the rest. If you believe in her aesthetics, I will ask her to come over tomorrow to help you fix the bed and electrical appliances at home. Everything is set up."

Ning Fang was naturally happy: "Will it bother her too much?"

"Don't worry, she's reliable. What's your budget?"

"About [-]." Ning Fang planned to save some money for himself.

"No problem, wait for my notification." After finishing the business, Nini blinked her smiling eyes: "Are you still drinking at night?"

"Why do you ask that?" Ning Fang was a little surprised.

"Because you are so cute after drinking, and you like to act like a baby."

"Ah, stop talking."

Ning Fang collapsed a bit.

"Nini, I miss you so much, I want to hug you so much." Nini's eyes turned into crescent moons.

After being drunk, Ning Fang showed a completely different side, with a lot of nasal voice and winking eyebrows. Never seen him behave like this on the island.

After playing tricks on him for a while, Nini let him go.

"Okay, see you tomorrow."

"Well, see you tomorrow."

After finishing the sweet chat with his girlfriend, Ning breathed a sigh of relief and was about to call his aunt.

Tuk Tuk Tuk!
There was a knock on the door.

Ning Fang is a little strange, who can come to the door.

After getting up and opening it, there were two people standing at the door smiling.

Second uncle, second aunt.

"Why are you here!"

Ning Fang immediately put away his smile.

These two people, the original owner, Ning Fang, can be described as hate.

When Dad’s business was still there, he borrowed money to buy a house, a car, and do business, and continued to borrow when he lost money.

After the accident, the relationship is over faster than anything else.

The most impressive thing is that my parents left and wanted to build a grave outside, but ended up throwing away 2000 yuan: now it’s all cremation, it’s the same.

Ning Fang remembered very clearly that he didn't ask for it in the end, but walked out directly.

And the rain that day was heavy, heavy, heavier than the day Yiping asked her father for money.

After walking alone in the rain for a long time, he made up his mind that he would never communicate with each other again.

"My nephew is back. As an uncle, I definitely want to come and see it!" The second uncle picked up the things in his hand: "You really didn't make a phone call. If I hadn't asked the hotel, I wouldn't know about it." !"

"Hey, why is the house so empty!" Second Aunt squeezed in directly.

"Don't you know why it's so empty?" Ning Fang simply stepped aside to see what the two of them wanted to do.

"It's okay, if there is an empty space, then the second uncle will help you with it."

He put down what he was holding.

"Ah, I've lost a lot of weight and darkened a lot. I've worked hard during this time." The second uncle showed a smile that he thought he was an elder.

"Heh!" Ning Fang smiled: "Come on, please sit down."

The two looked at the empty living room and saw him sitting on the ground, the well-dressed Second Aunt frowned.

"Second Aunt, sit down," Ning Fang invited again: "Isn't it a family, don't you look down on me?"

"How could it be!" The second uncle raised his head and winked: "Ning Fang, you see that you have nothing at home, so you might as well stay at your uncle's house at night, and let's have a good drink. It's been a long time since we saw each other. "

"Yeah, it's been several years, you know the hotel where I work, why didn't you visit me?" Ning Fang asked directly.


The second uncle didn't expect him to be so direct, and took out a handkerchief from his pocket to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

"Actually, your uncle also wanted to visit you," the second aunt helped, "it's just that I was really busy at that time."

"Oh!" Ning Fang nodded noncommittally: "So, come here today."

"Xiao Ning, this house has been taken back?" The second aunt seemed to be impatient.

"Ah yes," Ning Fang wanted to shake his head, but changed his mind: "I participated in the show, you know."

The two nodded wildly, expressing that they have been paying attention and are very concerned.

"It made a lot of money."

When it comes to money, Second Aunt's eyes are shining.

"According to the program group, it seems that there are more than 1000 million? I don't know too well."

The second aunt answered immediately: "Ning Fang, you are still young, the society is complicated, especially, and you have been living on the island, I heard that the gifts that people give you are tens of millions.

Very likely, swallowed the money that was due to you. "

"Yes, if you don't understand this matter, it's okay. Uncle understands. You can find a lawyer and check the accounts directly. You can't let them be confused."

"That's right, it's better for my family to be more reliable."

Ning Fang understood the purpose of coming.

Think for a while.

"What you said makes sense."

"Right," Second Aunt took out a bottle of drink from the bag and handed it over: "You may not understand yet.

A lot of people who participated in your show became popular, and they went on shows everywhere, and some even went to commercial performances.

You are the champion, you must be hotter than them.

Next, there must be an invitation or something. "

"That's right," Ning Fang nodded cooperatively, "Tomorrow I have to go to Jianzhou to shoot an advertisement."

"It's time to shoot an ad."

The corners of their mouths almost reached their ears.

"Did you say how much you will be paid?"

"Not really." Ning Fang was telling the truth.

The second uncle stretched out his index finger and nodded in the air: "Look, look, what am I talking about, I'm still too young, it's only natural to work and collect money, but you can't be a fool."

"That is, do you know the Yin-Yang contract? The one given to you may be completely different from the one actually signed, and it is easy to suffer."

"Then what should we do?" Ning Fang showed a worried expression cooperatively.

The second uncle patted his chest: "Isn't there an uncle here, leave it to me, and I will be your manager.

But what kind of contract, let us help you control it, and there will definitely be no problems. "

"Yeah." Ning Fang nodded: "But, you don't understand the operation of the entertainment industry either."

"What's the matter? It's also a business. For example, the hotel you worked in set up an image board on the beach to advertise and attract customers. Is there any money?"

"It seems that there are tens of thousands or 10,000+, I don't know."

The second uncle slapped his thigh heavily: "Look, it's a loss, just based on your current reputation, it's not too much to double it.

I know that young people are thin-skinned and loyal, and they don't want to lose face. They worked there before, so I'm sorry.

Give it to Uncle, and immediately ask him to make up at least [-]. "


"There are so many!" Ning Fang opened his eyes wide.

"That's a trivial matter." Seeing his expression, the second uncle felt extremely proud: "If you want to continue using it, you have to pay more, otherwise, see you in court.

Moreover, you don't even need to show up, just leave it to us. "

"It's not bad, then second uncle," Ning Fang looked up, "How much will you charge for helping me like this?"

"Hey," the second uncle made a five in mid-air: "A family, what money are you talking about, right?"

"That won't work. You said it just now. It's only natural to collect money for work."

The second aunt moved closer: "Look, Xiao Ning is still sensible. Although we can help for free, some people are sophisticated and may need to spend some money."

"As it should be."

The two were overjoyed after seeing each other: "Then, when will you fly to Jianzhou tomorrow?"

"It seems to be one o'clock in the afternoon."

"Then we will accompany you, daughter-in-law, hurry up and book a ticket."

"Okay, what should we do if we only have first class." Second Aunt looked up, but she was looking at Ning Fang.

The second uncle also cast his gaze.

And Ning Fang was gurgling and drinking water, as if he didn't hear it.

"Order!" The second uncle waved his hand.

Hiss, I feel a little distressed. The original air ticket of more than 1000 has doubled in an instant, and it is still full price.

"Okay, it's booked." Second Aunt let out a long breath.

"Ordered?" Ning Fang put down the water: "What's ordered?"

"Air ticket, don't we go to Jianzhou together tomorrow?" The second uncle was taken aback.

"Go to Jianzhou together, what are you doing, you go on a trip?"

"No," Second Aunt said anxiously, "Didn't it be agreed that the two of us will be your agents and accompany you to shoot advertisements and negotiate contracts?"

"There is such a thing!" Ning Fang was surprised: "I said that I asked Ning Busheng to be my manager?"

"Ning Fang, what do you mean." The second aunt seemed to understand a little bit, she stood up, bent her waist and scolded.

From the beginning to the end, Ning Fang was playing with the two of them. Those expressions and words before were all fake.

"What do I mean?"

Ning Fang also stood up, a lot taller than her, looking down at her.

"I should be the one asking you this.

Do you think that I have forgotten the past?

How did my parents treat you two, and how did you two repay them?
This home is empty like this, so there is no embarrassment at all?
You're still staring at the door, thinking that I don't know what your plan is.

Still want to be my agent, want to eat farts! "

Ning Fang's sudden outburst was unexpected to the two of them, trembling with anger, but unable to speak.

"Yin-yang contract, it seems that you do this a lot, I think you can call the tax bureau and check your company.

Family members are in trouble, you can hide as far away as possible, you are stranger than strangers.

Seeing me well, I thought it would be profitable, but shameless came to my door again, I want to ask, why are you so embarrassed?

Or money has blinded your eyes, as long as you have money, what is your face? "

"Leave you alone"

"Don't give me a thumbs up."

Ning Fang took a step forward, with a fierce look on his face, the second uncle looked at his nephew who was 1.8 meters tall, and immediately became frightened.

He suddenly remembered that his nephew came out of the army, was bitten by a snake without changing his face, and had a face-to-face contact with a shark.

"Ning Fang, he is your second uncle."

If the hard ones fail, then come the soft ones.

"Now you know we are still related by blood?" Ning Fang laughed angrily: "When my parents left, you stayed in the mourning hall for less than 5 minutes, for fear that the creditor would find you.

In the past few years, let alone meeting, you didn't even make a phone call, now you know it's your nephew?

My relatives are family, my relatives are shit

A bubble of shit! "

After saying all this, Ning Fang didn't want to see these two people again, so he went to the door: "Please leave."

"Ning Fang."

The two of them couldn't have imagined that this would be the result, and they moved their steps, hoping that he would change his mind.

Seeing that they were not moving, Ning Fang came back and picked up the things on the ground and threw them outside.

The second aunt probably also knew that there was no way to return to heaven, so she turned back when she got outside the door.

"Then our ticket."

Ning Fang took out his wallet, looked for it, and threw another five yuan out.

"Air ticket, what's none of my business, I asked you to book it? The five yuan is for my drinking water, and you don't need to look for the rest. Goodbye."

After finishing speaking, the door was closed with a bang, and the two of them were isolated from the house.

At this moment, Ning Fang only felt extremely happy.

(End of this chapter)

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