Entertainment: Desert Island Survival with Celebrities

Chapter 283 The ownership of pets and...

Chapter 283 The ownership of pets and.
The itinerary for the next five days made Ning Fang truly understand what Nini said on the boat:

The true meaning of the busiest time for entertainers in the entertainment industry is not as relaxed as Golden Skull Island.

It took two and a half days to shoot just the beer commercial.

On the first day, it was all kinds of posters.

For Ning Fang, it was a very novel experience.

It’s just that after the novelty, there will be a set of clothes, different expressions and movements, look here, look there, smile, be serious.
There are many people, only one boy, so his photos need to be particularly large, 1v1, 1v2, 1vN.

This time, the beer gold owner intends to change all the packaging on the market, and the time is tight.

At the end of the day, besides the sore hands and feet, there were stars in my eyes.

Being flashed hundreds of times a day is really overwhelming.

Much better the next day.

It was an advertisement with a plot.

Ning Fang's performance can be said to amaze everyone, and Nini even gave a thumbs up.

The most common mistakes newcomers make are:

out of the camera,

eye shot,

forget the lines
You can't see it in him at all, and what you show can be described in four words.

Even Reba and Song Tie NGed a few times, Ning Fang was fine, and there was no problem.

The director was amazed: I thought it was a collaboration with a veteran, the camera sense is so good.

The only regret is that Nini thought that Ning Fang might get drunk when shooting beer commercials, but in the end, she couldn't see the cute scene.

Normal commercial shooting is a big deal, and after the end, there will be a dinner party.

However, the six of them were not free, so they took a plane to another city that night.

By the way, Nini and Ning Fang are officially positioned as the image spokespersons of beer.

This is different from shooting an advertisement.

If it's just an advertisement, it's just a one-time fee, and the rest has nothing to do with him.

However, to become a spokesperson, there is something special about it.

Most simply, they are not allowed to drink other brands of beer in public.

During the period, it is necessary to cooperate to complete some activities of the brand, such as helping the platform, shooting posters and so on.

Prices are also different.

Both are two-year contracts, Ning Fang is 170 million, and Nini is 550 million.

The price of the latter is normal, and what Ning Fang offered can be said to be quite generous.

This is also the effect of the brand's liking for him, the excellent negotiators, and the double blessing.

What Ning Fang needs to pay is the normal tax and 10 points of interest, which is much better than ordinary artists.

Even for Nini, the commission from the company and the agent far exceeds this figure.

Earning millions of dollars in two days would not make him happy.

But, for the next three days, I couldn't laugh anymore.

Went to a total of six cities, participated in interviews on five TV shows, three radio shows, four magazines, and seven websites.
It's not an exaggeration at all. When I go back to the hotel every day, I am so tired that I just want to sleep.

As soon as the alarm clock rings, get up immediately, put on makeup, change clothes, and head to the next city and the next itinerary.

The point is that Ning Fang has never experienced all of this.

Simply put, it is easier to sit there and accept an interview than go fishing with a speargun.

The last stop came to Linchuan, a very beautiful city.

But just like before, there was no time to hang out at all.

Arrived in the middle of the night last night, slept, got up and ran two schedules, and then went to the venue where the awards ceremony will be held tomorrow for rehearsal.

Back at the hotel again, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening, and everyone began to eat the first formal meal of the day.

In the private room, only the artists were present, and the place where they lived was upstairs, and the managers went back to rest in peace.


The six people toasted together, and the sound of ding ding ding was very pleasant.

"Hey, I can finally take a break." Wang Meng behaved similarly to Ning Fang.

Even if there was work before, it was not arranged so intensively.

"You call this a break," Reba sipped his red wine, "I'll be tired tomorrow, the award ceremony, three hours of live broadcast, tsk tsk."

"If you persist for more than 50 days, you are still afraid of three hours." Nini laughed beside her.

"On the island, you don't need makeup, you don't need to step on high heels, and you don't need to care about other people's eyes. It's much easier."

Reba brushed his long hair.

"If it wasn't for having nothing to eat, I would rather like life on Golden Skull Island."

"Then what, I think we can decide now." Song Tie suddenly said.

"Now?" Wang Meng glanced: "Isn't it all decided?"

"I'm talking about the belonging of Xiaodun'er and Xiaohua." Song Tie blinked.

"Oh" everyone was stunned.

Xiaodun'er and Xiaohua left Hudao with the program group.

Although it is a pheasant, it is equivalent to being domesticated again, and it is not afraid of people at all.

The sisters are outside these few days, and the program team is taking care of them for the time being. After such a long time, if they have feelings, they want to take care of them.

"Anyway, I can't give it to Ning, or one day, Xiaohua will become a pot of chicken soup."

Ning Fang straightened his back: "Tie Tie, what you are drinking now is the soup made by Xiao Hua's friend."

"It's different, don't change the concept secretly!" Tie Tie was not fooled.

Along the way, the five young ladies discussed this issue countless times.

From everyone's feelings for the little ones, to the raising environment at home, from how many times each person has been fed, to whether they can spend more time with them
There are no details, but no one can convince anyone, and no one is willing to back down.

This made Ning Fang a little scared. Fortunately, there was no day when he ran out of ammunition and food on the island. Otherwise, if he really wanted to eat Xiaohua, it is estimated that the young ladies would take the initiative to withdraw from the competition.

When the problem came, they had consulted their opinions, and Ning Fang stood firmly on Nini's side.

As a result, it is directly invalidated.

Now mentioning it again, Ning Fang felt a headache.

"I think the one who should give up the most is Sister Nini." Song Tie took the lead in attacking.

"Why?" Nini objected.

"Because you are the busiest and don't have time."

"I'm sorry," Nini said proudly, "I haven't arranged any itinerary this year, the company said it's a holiday!

But little Ailing, forget it. "

"I do not!"

"You've got to go back to training, you've got to play games, you've got to run around the world."

"However, my family has a small farm, where Xiaohua and Xiaodun'er can live freely and freely. In my opinion, Sister Tie Tie quit. I heard you and your agent on the phone, and you will join the group next month. gone."

In this way, six people went around in a circle, and no one could convince anyone.

"Ning Fang, tell me, what to do. Don't side with Nini, be fair!"

It directly blocked his back path.

"Or, just put them in my house, you miss them, come and have a look."

"Isn't your house a building!"

"Yes, there is no way to raise it at all."


In the past few days, the furniture at home has been coming in one after another, and he often receives photos, so all the sisters know.


Ning Fang thought for a while: "Otherwise, it depends on luck.

Do you have all the cards? "

The ladies shook their heads.

"That's right. If you can adopt Xiaohua and Xiaodun'er, it must be a happy thing for you, right?"


"Then, let's just do this, you ask the assistant to take down your bank card or credit card, and when you will check out, let the waiter choose one.

The selected one pays the bill and has the custody of the little guy. "

This isn't a particularly good idea either.

It was just a few days of see-sawing, but there was still no result. Everyone discussed and picked up their phones one after another.

The broker assistants were still a little strange, suddenly wanting to do something.

After I got down, I heard that the ownership of the two pets was going to be determined, and I became interested, so I will not leave for the time being.

The meal has to be eaten again, and the bill can be settled first.

Ning Fang called the young lady, and put the six cards in a row: "You choose a card to pay for Miss Meng, you can't wink."

"She has to see it too."

"Let's all turn around, don't put pressure on her."

"it is good."

Although I don't know what the situation is, the young lady still feels that she should be more cautious.

After hesitating for a while, he picked up a card: "I have chosen."

The five of them turned their heads impatiently.

However, the cheers or disappointment that Ning Fang expected did not appear.

Ah. They probably seldom use the card to buy things by themselves, so they don't know what the card looks like.

Reba's assistant applauded there and told everyone the result.

"Is it me? Are you sure!"

After asking again and again, Reba didn't think it was enough to dance with hands and feet, and then he went to the four of them and twitched.

What to do, I am willing to bet and admit defeat.

The brokers saw it, yo, the matter is settled, and went back to sleep happily, you continue.

As soon as he sat down, Ning Fang felt a sharp pain in his leg, and Nini pinched her: "You came up with a bad idea."

He wants to cry but has no tears, you all agree, how can you blame me.

However, he didn't dare to resist, so he could only endure silently.

"Let's eat more, drink more, and eat poor and hot boss tonight." Wang Meng said viciously.

"Sister, as I said, my surname is Dilimulati."

"Okay Reba."

The ownership of the pets is over, and the attention will naturally be on tomorrow's awards ceremony.

"Hey, didn't the director say that there will be many guests, did you meet in the hotel today?"

"We are all together, if you don't see it, how can we see it!"

Tie Tie still held some grudges and deliberately targeted Reba.

"Oh, whoever comes," Wang Meng dundu poured himself a glass, "As long as we don't have to perform or watch the fun, it doesn't matter, the more people come, the better."

"That makes sense."

"We definitely don't need to do other things, otherwise, we will talk about it during the rehearsal."

"Brother Ning Fang, have you decided?" Xiao Ailing asked, "Do you want to join Sister Nini's company?"

In the past few days, during filming breaks, she would see her manager chatting with Ning Fang.

"No." Ning Fang raised his glass and touched Nini: "Don't worry, let's talk after this time has passed."

"I think you can give it a try," Wang Meng persuaded, "Let's forget about Ailing and I. Nini and the three of them are somewhat influential, so it's no problem to take care of them."


"You have been taking care of us on the island, it's time to change."

"When shooting commercials, I said that he has a good sense of camera, which should be quite good."

"That's fine, I would like to thank everyone in advance." Ning Fang raised his glass.

Although the awards ceremony was held on the second night, everyone was quite tired due to the schedule. Everyone drank a small half bottle of red wine, greeted each other and went upstairs.

The worst drinker was Xiao Ailing, blushing, and was sent back to the room by her sisters.

Ning Fang returned to the room, turned on the air conditioner, sat for a while, and took a shower.

While she was drying her hair, there was a knock on the door.

It's so late, who is it!
With doubts, he opened the door.

Nini rushed directly into his arms, and at the same time kissed him passionately, she lifted her calf.

Click, the door is locked.
(End of this chapter)

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