Entertainment: Desert Island Survival with Celebrities

Chapter 310 The king called me to patrol the mountain

Chapter 310 The King Asked Me to Patrol the Mountains
In the main live broadcast room, Ning Fang's main screen was also cut at this moment.

It has been nearly four hours since the game started, and it has been a while since the players arrived at the survival area.

The work everyone is doing is similar, either exploring, building temporary shelters, or resting.

The audience will not be bored watching it.

There are too many people, ninety.

It's just that some families are not very happy. Their relatives or friends don't have many shots in the main live broadcast room.

No way, with ninety people, the bosses must have the most shots.

Little plum, Dragon Ma, Beckham, Bell
They are sitting there, fans are willing to watch, most other people can only be green leaves compared to big stars.

If you don't have any special performance, like Maple Leaf Country, if you catch fish, you will definitely be photographed, otherwise, it will just pass by in a flash.

In addition to the bosses, the main players are also the key targets of the program group.

Survival has just begun, and the initial decisions of each team will affect the overall arrangement in the future.

Especially the choice of permanent shelter is crucial.

Furthermore, the division of labor in the team and the cooperation between each other all need to be assigned by the master in the future, which is a test of his level and strength.

Of course, if you do a good job, there will be a camera, and acting stupid is also fine.

Park Ritian has proved it before.

From time to time, the main live broadcast room will show Bangziguo pictures to see what will happen next.

Ning Fang squatted down and took the bow, which attracted the director's attention.

Immediately cut the screen, and at the same time, zoomed in on his sight lens.

A dark animal.

"what is that?"

"I can't see clearly."

"This man is so powerful that he can be found in the grass."

"Is it a porcupine?"

"That's right, it's a porcupine."

As Ning slowly moved a few steps to the side, the thorns on his body already showed his identity, North American porcupine.

In summer, porcupines are nocturnal, and they mainly come out of branches, bark, roots, strawberry bugs, etc. They do not hibernate, but they sleep for a long time, and now they have to work overtime to eat.

Ning Fang swallowed, this guy is not small, probably more than half a meter tall, fat and full of meat!

He who had already drawn up the bow and arrow put it down again.

There was a distance of nearly ten meters between the two, and there were many bushes beside the porcupine, so it had to be sure enough to meet the prey.

Keeping your body as low as possible, approach slowly.

A branch under his feet was broken by him, making a noise.

Ning Fang didn't dare to move at all, Ma De, don't run.

Look up.

The porcupine didn't seem to hear it at all, and was still eating there with its buttocks up. Ning Fang could hear the rustling sound very clearly.

Oh, I remembered, I heard it in class.

Because of myopia, the North American porcupine moves slowly and clumsily. It is often attracted by insects and falls directly from trees. The sharp spines on its body make it have few natural enemies, so it is less alert.

However, this sound seemed to step on the hearts of thousands of netizens, and they all sweated.

Seeing that the porcupine did not flee in fright, Ning Fang continued to move forward.

At this time, the field of vision is wide, and the distance of six or seven meters can keep the power of the bow and arrow at its best.

He took a deep breath, put on the bow, and drew the string.

Such a large target requires little aiming.

With a whoosh, the arrow flew out.

In a few tenths of a second, the arrow pierced the porcupine.

A strange cry sounded.

Ning was overjoyed, he had already made a plan, the only ones that could be killed with a single arrow from a recurve bow were squirrels, pheasants and other small prey.

Porcupines are not included.

After the animal is injured, there are only two choices: to fight back, turn around and run away.

Seeing the porcupine's next move, Ning Fang felt relieved.

It didn't come towards itself, let alone use the thorns on its body as a weapon, but started to run away.

Moreover, not forgetting to threaten the enemy who does not know where, the spikes are all erected, and together with the arrows inserted on the side, they make a rustling sound.

At this time, the speed of the porcupine has increased a lot, escaping for his life can stimulate his potential.

Ning Fang took out another arrow, but couldn't find the shooting angle for a while, so he followed it first.

For him, it can only be said that he has got half of the prey.

There were slight bubbles in the blood on the ground, which meant that the arrow had injured his lungs, and death was only a matter of time.

Then why say half of it.

When an animal is injured, it will also want to go back to the nest. It is a safe place. The porcupine nests are all in deep caves. If they really want to go back, they will die in it, but they will not be able to get out.

"Ning Fang is invincible!"

"Hahahaha, it's too awesome."

"It must be taken back."

"It is estimated that Lao Hu and others will be shocked."

"I would like to call Ning Fang the No.1 jungler in the national server."

With this arrow, many people were shot high C. Foreigners were dumbfounded, and the Chinese rushed to tell each other.

The program crew, audience, fans, reporters, and countless pairs of eyes from all over the world are watching Ning Fang.

He always kept a safe distance of five or six meters, and picked up a wooden stick by the way.

The blood was flowing all the time, but the arrow was not pulled out, but continued its life.

After following for a long distance, just as Ning Fang was considering whether to step forward and use the wooden stick to give the final blow to prevent the prey from returning to the lair, the porcupine slowed down.

very slow very slow

Struggling to move forward a few meters, he tilted his body and lay down on the ground.

Ning Fang is not too aggressive, you can't walk anymore, and I don't need to take risks.

Just squatting on the side.

After waiting for another five or six minutes, the prey stopped heaving. He put down the bow and arrow, held the wooden stick with both hands, and moved forward slowly.

I touched the porcupine with a stick, but it didn't move or make a sound.


With Ning Fang taking a long breath, everyone knows, it's done!

Xuefei Beer gave away [-] bottles of beer on Weibo: Congratulations to the successful hunting of the brand spokesperson.

He Jiong and Huang Lei posted a group photo of the three of them: Sharks can be caught, not to mention porcupines, Ning Fang, come on.

Su Bingtian recorded a video of himself jumping up: This is my current mood.

Reba is wearing a costume: This is the captain of our Clover!
In a certain Internet cafe, there was a sudden burst of cheers.

An otaku lying on the bed sat up and clapped his hands.


In the office of the director of Jianzhou Satellite TV, the guy with glasses stood up and clapped his hands: "Old Jiang, are you still convinced now?"

The creases on the fat guy's smiling face can be clearly seen: "I'm convinced, I'm convinced, you are still a cow, you have chosen the right person, this is so cool to watch."

"Bring back porcupines weighing more than a dozen or twenty pounds, our Huaxia's advantage will be infinite in an instant."

"Yeah, with so much meat in the early stage, you don't have to worry about food, and you can focus all your energy on the shelter."

"Sleep well tonight."

At this time, Maple Leaf Country time, 45:[-].

Ning Fang used a bow and arrow and a porcupine to make countless audiences in the world remember this face from the East of China.

He was naturally happy, but after calming down, he felt lingering fear.

It's not that I'm worried about being counterattacked by the prey, but tens of meters ahead, there is a cliff, and I don't choose the way to go. If the porcupine falls, my mentality will collapse.

Ning Fang pulled out the arrow, wiped off the blood on the arrow with leaves and soil, and put it back into the quiver.

In a dead porcupine, the spines are no longer strong, but hang down naturally, carefully grasping the front paws, and leaning back. It seems that it weighs more than twenty catties.

He was in a panic for ten minutes just now, he ran a lot, and it would take about an hour to go back.

But the heavy harvest on his shoulders put Ning Fang in a good mood.

"Your Majesty called me to patrol the mountains. I will turn the world around and beat my drums and gongs. Life is full of rhythm."

Loud singing sounded in the live broadcast room.

"What song is this? It's very interesting."

"Who among you can speak Chinese, go to the Huaxia live broadcast room and ask."

"This is the song sung by the little monster in "Journey to the west". There is a singer in Huaxia who sang it. It's called Zhao Yingjun."

"Very interesting song, I'm going to download it."

"Ning, awesome."

Zhao Yingjun, who was creating in the studio (in this world, he is alive and well), suddenly received a call from a friend: Dude, you are hot.

Just because Ning Fang sang a few lines just now, the song "The King Called Me to Patrol the Mountain" rushed to the top of the download list in just 5 minutes.

Some people are happy, others are naturally worried.

Teams from the other seventeen countries will all know by now that China's chief general, Ning Fang, just killed a porcupine weighing at least ten kilograms with a bow and arrow.

On the spinach website, the various odds of the Huaxia team dropped in an instant, and the score went from 76.7 to 80.5 points, entering the [-]-point club.

This score is mainly for porcupines.

Getting more than 20 catties of meat at the beginning is a huge advantage. You must know that the three teams gave up one tool for less than three catties of beef.

When Ning Fang was returning home, Lewis, the leader of the Pretty Country, accidentally became the laughing stock of the world, causing countless Pretty Country netizens to cover their faces across the screen.

Their strategy is exactly the same as that of the Huaxia team.

After finding a suitable temporary shelter location, the four of them worked, and the general went out with a bow and arrow to patrol and collect information. At least six teams operated like this.

In this way, information can be collected without delaying the problem of sleeping at night.

The main general, with relatively rich experience, may be able to bring back surprises.

Lewis had some harvests, but they were all blueberries. He collected a handful and ate some by himself. After remembering the approximate location, he didn't stop any longer.

Then, a grouse was spotted.

The feathers on this thing are quite protective. Lewis saw it and shot it to death with an arrow.

Up to here, there is no problem, everyone will say awesome.

However, what Lewis did next was a little funny.

The grouse was about as big as his fist.

After picking it up, I set up the camera and rapped for the camera.

The general idea is that I am so good, I must be the first one among the ninety people to catch the prey, and the rest of you can't do it. The champion definitely belongs to the beautiful country.

The program group is also bad.

Swish swish!
The screen is divided into three.

On the far left is the Maple Leaf National Team, a huge pike, Ning in the middle, carrying a porcupine on its back, and on the right, Lewis, a grouse weighing a pound.

When the Maple Leaf Country caught the prey, the contestants clapped each other to celebrate,
Ning Fang hunted a porcupine and sang "The King Called Me to Patrol the Mountain",
Lewis caught the grouse as if he had won the championship, and all the other players were garbage, not a match for each other.

Foreigners can understand that they have a detached personality, but when the three teams are compared together, even their own family members feel ashamed.

Shut up, you, your grouse is not as heavy as a pig's head.

The Huaxia team has a good mentality.

The three rookies had been looking forward to the game for a long time, and they would rather leave as planned.

Wang Kai and Zhang Yi ran back and forth to the lake twice, and brought back four dry logs.

Within an hour, the bonfire was lit.

With the fire, there were smiles on the faces of several people.

Then, build a trapezoidal temporary shelter with the back against the slope.

Such a choice can not only make full use of the soil slope to block the wind, but also save a lot of wood, which means saving energy.

It's just that they are as casual as the Ah San team, and everyone can't do it.

It was estimated before the game that the official shelter would take at least a week.

This is not the Golden Skull Island. Although there is no harassment from bugs, it will be even more frighteningly cold.

After more than three hours of hard work, the shelter has taken shape.

Lao Hu and Wang Kai took turns to cut trees, and the wood with a large bowl mouth was their first choice, which was not too laborious.

After one person saws off the branch, the other removes the branch with an axe and transports it.

The two people in the camp were not idle either, boiling water in a pot and cleaning up the ground.

There are too few ten survival items, so I didn't choose a shovel, which will be a bit strenuous to work.

Nini used the pine branches she picked up as a broom, while Zhang Yi struggled to dig a small hole.

With such cooperation, the pillars have been erected.

Their thinking is relatively simple.

The shelter does not need to be too high, about 1.5 meters is enough, the four corners are made of wood as pillars, covered with waterproof cloth, the left and right sides are drawn into a triangle with the pillars, supported by shorter wood, and covered with a layer of branches outside .

In this way, three sides are protected from wind, and the bonfire can be lit in front of you, which not only keeps you warm, but also gives you a sense of security.

After working for several hours, they were a little tired. The four of them sat by the campfire, drinking water while snoring.

The three men are now wearing only one piece of clothing.

Work done, hot.

Nini can already foresee that when your stinking treasure is not a joke, you can take a bath at any time on Golden Skull Island, here
"I'm a little hungry!" Wang Kai rubbed his belly.

"It's time to be hungry, how long has it been?" Lao Hu smiled.

Breakfast is provided and, moreover, they try very hard to eat it.

"Hey!" Zhang Yi stood up, put on the jacket, and picked up the axe: "You guys have a break, I'll go outside and see if I can get some berries or something."

"be careful."

The three of them didn't stop them. They stayed as a team for more than a month, and they had a tacit understanding. It didn't matter if they worked more or less.

"what time is it?"

"It's past two o'clock." Nini looked at her watch, there was a button to call for help to avoid being discovered in case of an accident: "I don't know what happened to Ning Fang."

"Yeah, I've been there for so long, hey, tell me, will you come back with food?"


Lao Hu stood up and pointed: "Look."

The two turned their heads when they heard the words, and Ning Fang walked over from a distance with a smile: "Come on!"

Now the three of them couldn't sit still and rushed over.

"Is this a porcupine?"

"Ning Fang, how did you catch it?"

"Hahaha, it's great, there's meat to eat."

Ning Fang came all the way, and his mood had calmed down long ago, but the three of them were different. A huge porcupine was placed on the ground, which brought a full sense of happiness.

"Don't tie your hands." Old Hu said to Nini, but he couldn't help stretching out his hand.

"Good guy, it must be about twenty catties."


"There is meat to eat."

"Go, go to the river to deal with it." Ning Fang first stretched out his hand, and Lao Hu took the lead with the porcupine.

(End of this chapter)

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