Entertainment: Desert Island Survival with Celebrities

Chapter 311 The Huaxia Team Has Zero Food

Chapter 311 The Huaxia Team Has Snacks
Ning Fang wanted to fight, but Wang Kai picked up the knife.

"Let me try, you can guide me on the side."

He has dealt with chickens, ducks and rabbits before, but this is the first time for such a large prey.

"Okay!" Ning Fang didn't object: "Let's move forward."

"I know that the smell of blood and fur will attract predators, right?" Nini said.

"That's right, our shelter is not too far away, in case it attracts people." Ning Fang paused: "I went out just now and saw a grizzly bear."

"Face to face?" Old Hu was taken aback.

"You don't want me, right?" Ning Fang couldn't help complaining, "Face to face!"

"Mine, mine!"

Lao Hu knew he had made a slip of the tongue and apologized quickly.

"It's quite far away. After swimming in the lake, I went to the forest opposite. I'm reminding you that this place is much more dangerous than we imagined. When you go out in the future, you must go in groups of two, no matter what you do."


The three nodded, safety is no small matter.

As he walked, Ning Fang was taken aback: "Where's Lao Zhang?"

Only then did he realize that there was one person missing.

"Go outside and have a look 10 minutes before you come back, oops, it's against the rules."

"How about I look for it first!" Nini asked.

Ning Fang shook his head: "How do you find such a big forest, but it's true that you don't waste your time. There's so much meat, we can't finish it. Old Hu, do you remember how to make a bacon rack?"

"Remember, I'll go back first then?"

"Well, Nini, why don't you stay with Lao Hu."

"Can you take a look before leaving!" Nini clasped her hands together.

"Of course, as long as you don't find it disgusting."

Almost at the position, puff.

Under Ning Fang's guidance, Wang Kai stabbed the porcupine in the neck without any hesitation.

There was almost no blood, and it ran away when I ran away.

However, when the belly was cut and the viscera gushed out, Nini tugged at Lao Hu's sleeve: "Let's go."

"Boil a pot of hot water."

"Roger that!"

Ning Fang didn't feel disgusted, and asked Wang Kai to cut off the porcupine's organs and throw them away. The stuff had a strong smell, and then he reached out his hand to search for something in the sticky viscera.

"Seeing parasites?"

"Yeah!" Ning Fang lowered his head and agreed: "The meat looks fine, and we cooked it.

Internal organs are most likely to grow parasites, but they are also a high-quality source of fat, so you have to watch them clearly. "

Wang Kai expressed his understanding.

Fat is very important in long-term survival in the wild. He has learned this, not only to keep the body warm, but also to provide a source of energy.

The means of obtaining fat are very limited outside.

Take the porcupine in front of us as an example, there is a lot of meat, but not much fat, including fish, only the skin of the fish contains fat.

Chinese people have the habit of eating animal offal, as long as it is safe, there is nothing unacceptable.

"How is it?" Wang Ning Fang withdrew his hand.

"There should be no problem, but don't take the intestines, just keep the heart, liver, kidneys, and brains."

"Understood, the porcupine quill can also be kept, I always think it will be useful in the future."

After taking out the internal organs, Ning put his hands on it, rinsed the much lighter porcupine in the water, and brought it back to the camp.

A handful of firewood was also added over there, and the water was boiling.

It is similar to killing a chicken to remove its hair. The boiling water scalds the outer fur and brings it back to the river.

Scratching with the back of the knife, the hard thorns fell out, and I found a few long and hard ones and put them aside.

Porcupines without quills are a bit ugly, but to them they're valuable food.

After finishing all this, Ning Fang returned to the camp.

The pot was removed and the whole porcupine was roasted over the fire, not to cook but to deal with the bristly hairs.

When everyone was busy, Zhang Yi came back.

Originally, I was quite proud of carrying dozens of blueberries, but as a result, I smelled a sticky smell from afar.

When he got closer, he thought he had caught a rabbit, but after learning that it was a porcupine, he stepped forward and gave Ning a big hug.

Dude, it's just that, the others are done getting excited, and he's the only one writhing around there.

Wang Kai took a long time to finish the internal organs.

"What shall we eat?"

This sentence made many audiences from other countries burst into tears. Their teams were thinking about what to eat, while Huaxia was thinking about how to eat.

"The internal organs have a strong fishy smell, and we don't have any condiments. Let's fry or grill them."

"Then fry it, and the oil will be wasted."

The hair was almost cleaned up, and he took a knife to scrape off the black ash outside: "Hey, where is the axe?"

"Lao Zhang will make a cooking shovel, it will be ready soon." Nini agreed.

Ning Fang held the knife, but he was not disassembling the porcupine, but cutting the skin. The foreigner was puzzled and thought that his knife skills were so poor that he couldn't even disassemble it.

Huaxia's audience understood.

"Is this for oil extraction?"

"It is estimated that only we people will do this."

"Awesome, who would have thought that the team that ranked eleventh at the beginning would already be storing up fat on the first day of the competition."

"I remember that when the list was announced, many people felt that Ning Fang was not worthy, and they really missed Aite and the others."

"Now the advantage is really great. Not to mention saving time looking for food, I think I feel very at ease."

"I have to take the college entrance examination tomorrow, and now I see it."

"It's okay, I'm going to the construction site to move bricks anyway."

In the main live broadcast room, experts in wild survival were also invited, and they praised Ning Fang's actions. On the first day, he could not only eat meat, but also store fat, walking in the forefront of all teams.

The sound from the hot pot was like the sound of nature, making the three men who were working turn their heads and swallowed.

It's one thing to be hungry, but another to be curious. You've never eaten porcupine pork!
Ning Fang here also handles the same.

He cut off the fatty parts of the porcupine with a saber and put them on the bark. He cut all the parts of the porcupine into small pieces with an axe, and kept some of them for dinner, while the rest were all smoked.

Even if the temperature in the forest is low, you can put the meat outside, regardless of whether it will attract other animals or not, it will still rot, and it will be much better when it snows, but I don’t know if you can catch large ones prey now.

"Use my kettle later." Lao Hu poured out the water in his own kettle: "You often have to go out, so you can't do without water. Anyway, it's fine for me to share it with Lao Zhang Lao Wang."

"OK!" Ning Fang did not refuse.

Grease must be stored in a container, and a kettle is the most suitable.

"It's dinner time!"

Nini called out, and everyone gathered around. The internal organs had been cut into small pieces, and the oil in the pot was sizzling, at least the aroma was acceptable.

Ning Fang took a wooden stick and inserted a piece of the heart, put it in his mouth and chewed.

"How about it?"

"Is it delicious?"

As a chef, Nini felt nervous.

"Xiang!" Ning Fang gave a thumbs up: "Do it all."

There are not too many internal organs, and many of them are thrown into the lake. It is impossible to eat enough, just to satisfy the gluttony.

As for the taste.
Except for salt, there is no condiment, and the fishy smell is very strong.

"I'm sorry!" Nini said after tasting it.

"It has nothing to do with you." Lao Hu ate happily: "I'm already very happy!"

After all, the game has just started, and everyone is in very good condition, so food must be saved.

But even so, it was already much more comfortable than many teams.

Not to mention the three with rations, the grouse in the beautiful country, the pike in the maple leaf country, and the squirrel in Britain.
Up to now, six hours into the game, there are still seven teams that don't even have to eat berries except water.

Fortunately, the contestants came prepared and anticipated various situations. Don't talk about being hungry for a day, there won't be any major problems if they come for three or four days.

Spend a day or two in the early stage to repair the temporary shelter, and then divide the work and cooperate, there will always be something to gain.

It's just that audiences and fans from different countries react differently. They don't care what the future holds and how well you plan.

What I saw was that Huaxia is so awesome. You brought back a porcupine. You guys can only drink water dryly.

"Take a break, don't tire yourself out all at once."

Seeing that the three of them were going to work again, Ning Fang waved, and everyone sat by the campfire together.

"This shelter is not completed, so I feel uneasy." Zhang Yi glanced back.

"The four of us, how can we not finish such a simple structure." Ning Fang comforted: "We must arrange our physical strength reasonably."

The three of them listened to the persuasion and drank hot water with a snort.

Nini was not idle, and she didn't need to wash the pot, she put the flesh and fat that Ning Fang had cut into it, and after a while, the aroma overflowed.

"Let's have dinner early in the evening. I left some spare ribs, added the porcini mushrooms I brought back, and stewed a pot of soup. It should taste good."

Several people just listened to what Ning Fang said, and they already had a picture in their minds.

Who would have thought that the first dinner at the competition would be pork rib soup with mushrooms.

After sitting for ten minutes, the four got up again.

It will be less than four o'clock, but it is obvious that the temperature is dropping, and the sunlight on the tree trunks has disappeared. Not only that, but it is also windy.

I can't continue to waste time. It is estimated that in another hour or so, it will be dark.

The shelter is more important, and the half-made smoking grill that Lao Hu made can be put down temporarily.

"Pull a little to the left."

"Don't break it too hard."

"Old Hu, give me a hug."


Even if there are four men covered with a tarp, they still get sweaty foreheads.

But it works well.

To enter the shelter, you need to bow your head. The inside is about four meters wide and two meters deep, and the positions near the soil slopes are all covered by tarpaulins.

The excess cloth on both sides was rolled up and pressed with stones. The branches cut off in the morning were not wasted, and all were covered. Seen from the side, it completely blended into the forest.

The five people stood in a row, looking at the results of the day, they were quite satisfied.

"It's still early, let's go get some branches and block the door a little bit, it's probably going to be quite cold at night."

"Don't worry, come, have some snacks first!"

The so-called snacks are oily residues, although the shapes are a bit strange, but they are delicious when eaten in your mouth.

Some have pig skin, which is tough to chew and tastes better than offal.

It was a little after five o'clock, and the whole forest was darkened, and it was dark.

And this got many players into trouble.
(Thanks to the book friend 1999 boss for rewarding 500 points! There are only two chapters tonight)

(End of this chapter)

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