Chapter 333 Romance?

Rain is not terrible,
The scary thing is how big it is,

Terrible is where you are,
Terrible is the environment for shelter from the rain
Mao Ziguo was a bit self-defeating, and their camp was by the river.

This is also self-confidence to blame.

On the first day when I arrived at the survival site and searched for water sources, I found a suitable permanent shelter to build. Because of my absolute confidence, I built a temporary residence not far from the river.

Their progress in the first two days was indeed in the forefront of all the teams.

However, for the first time, variables affected the progress.

I tasted the sweetness, I want to do it again, I never thought about it.
Even the fighting nation was a little panicked when they were notified by the program group that the storm was coming.

Their temporary shelter is really a bit rotten. They just tie tarps to a few trees that grow together, and sleep at night relying on their bodies for support.

But now, he had to make up for it, and within a few hours, he had to build a settlement that could withstand the wind and rain.

Netizens and fans of Kangaroo Country are also full of worries.

Their master decided to build a ship, which directly affected the entire plan and progress, and now, they are also in a hurry to remedy it.

In fact, it's not just the three teams, the remaining fifteen teams are also strengthening their shelters.



The whole forest is under the baptism of the wind,

Heavy rain may fall at any time, it is natural, a test for the 89 contestants.

Of course, not everyone is bitter and bitter.

When Lewis from the Beautiful Country was working, he suddenly laughed: "This storm came too timely, and it can help us drive away some rookies.

The forest is very large and can accommodate countless animals,
The forest is not big enough, ninety people are too many."

The team members were originally top-notch existences in their respective fields, and they felt proud after hearing his words.

Except for the beautiful country, Britain, Maple Leaf country, Germany, several top teams, they are also not particularly worried about the storm that comes at any time.


Nini, who stayed on Golden Skull Island for two months, was not a fool for nothing. The other three were still at a loss. After observing, she gave the correct answer.

It's the ditch. Although the Huaxia team's temporary shelter is not in the lowlands, looking at the current situation, the rain is a big deal.

If it takes a whole night, or two or three days, the forest will not be able to digest it, and it will definitely form a small stream, which will eventually flow into the lake.

In the shelter, there are only pine branches on the ground. If water gets in, don't sleep.

"The left side is slightly higher. Just dig a small ditch here to drain the water. Don't we still have stones? The side is higher."

Another half hour passed.

Shaking the beams and roof, only a slight shaking, Ning Fang nodded in satisfaction.

At this time, the thunder has disappeared.

But the wind is still blowing, and I feel that the temperature has dropped a lot.

Instead of letting out a sigh of relief, everyone felt that it was the calm before the storm.

Nini looked at the time, it was almost ten o'clock.

If it were yesterday, everyone would be asleep.

Lao Hu yawned, Lao Zhang looked outside in a daze, and Lao Wang lowered his head, wondering what he was thinking.
The bonfire had been moved to the shelter before they could finish their work. With the bonfire in front of them, the five of them didn't feel cold.

Ning Fang took the backpack, and Lao Hu automatically fetched the sleeping bag, and fell down with a whimper.

There is not only meat in it, but also stones and pine branches.

Pat, clack, the trash is picked out and thrown out.

"Have some supper."

I didn't eat much for dinner, and I worked overtime for two hours. Nini was hungry, let alone the others.

"The time for smoking is not enough. If it is really going to rain for two or three days, there is no need to dry it out. It is a waste of fat."

Ning Fang passed the fish piece over.

"Why don't you cook soup, it will be cold later."

"Nini, rest, let me come, Lao Hu, pour me some water and wash my hands."

Zhang Yi walked out of the shelter.

Ten minutes later, the fragrance wafted.

Cooking outside is so easy.

Quantitative, five pieces of fish, plus two mushrooms, boiled, add some salt.

Even so, when drinking the soup, everyone's face is full of happiness.

The audience can experience their happiness even more.

The other teams, the better ones, boil some water, one chocolate per person, sit down and rest, and prepare for the coming of the wind and rain, the next ones, after finishing the work, only water, the worst, not only no food, the shelter is still in a mess In such a situation, the team members were even a little desperate.

The cause of everything is because of that porcupine.

If Ning Fang didn't hunt the porcupine and didn't get three A-level clues, maybe he would take the initiative to find other shelters, then he didn't need to single out the wolverine. If he couldn't get so much meat, he had to work, so he couldn't catch to walleye bass
Well, let alone drinking fish soup now, it is estimated that they are also struggling to consolidate the shelter.

All of this... is the reverie of the team behind a certain team.

Many viewers looked at the current situation of the Huaxia team through the camera, and felt inexplicably envious.

Outside is a wind-ravaged forest, but the shelter is very strong, and the position of the door is for a circle of stones.

Through the small door, the not too high roof increases the sense of security, and the bonfire brings warmth.

Five people, sitting in a circle.

Under the body is a pine branch, a sleeping bag, holding a hot fish soup in his hand
All this is very romantic.

He, tui!

Among the five people, choose someone at random, and tell him if you think it's romantic now, it's probably the same reaction.

Come and have a try.

Tired all day, it was finally dark, and I could pack up and go to sleep. As a result, the weather suddenly changed, and I had to waste more energy to work.

That's fine.

Do you feel romantic when it rains?
Dude, the temperature outside is estimated to be about ten degrees, and it will continue to drop.

When it rains, not to mention freezing like a dog, I have to worry about whether the shelter can survive.

In the next two or three days, all plans will be disrupted.

Eating food for free and not working is not acceptable.

From different perspectives, the results of looking at the problem will be different, and everyone is right.

After drinking the soup, there is no need to wash the dishes, there is nothing left, and besides, there is not much water.

"How about I go get some pots of water and come back." Lao Zhang wanted to get up, but Ning Fang pulled him back.

"Let me go, you guys tidy up and go to sleep."

Ning Fang got up, picked up all the kettles and pans, and went out.

I don't feel much in the woods yet, the windbreak forest and the windbreak forest are more or less effective.

And when we got to the lake, there are obviously two scenes.

In the distance, it still lights up from time to time, and before walking out of the woods, you can hear the sound of the waves, crashing.

Going to the lake, the originally clear lake water was muddy under the light.

Ning Fang hung the kettle on his arm, and after scrubbing the pot, he just returned with a basin of water.

There are too many impurities, and the precipitate must be boiled before drinking.

Back at the camp, everyone lay down.

It doesn't matter whether you are worried or not, the rain has to fall, and you will be woken up anyway.

"Whoever is thirsty, drink the rest of the water first."

He confessed a few words, then got into the sleeping bag and closed his eyes.

I don't know how long it took.

(End of this chapter)

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