Chapter 334 The storm is coming
A gust of wind blew by,

The supports of the camp fell,

Half the shelter also collapsed,

In the panic, when the members were hiding, the sleeping bags touched the bonfire inside.
burn straight up,

The exclamation sounded,
Several people who were sleeping were startled by the sudden occurrence.

Stayed for a few seconds.

"Quickly put out the fire!"

Shouted quickly up and down the mountain.

Takayuki Yamada and others hurriedly searched for the kettle.

After a lot of work, the fire was extinguished.

"Damn it, isn't it raining? Why did Sakura Country give me a shelter?"


"The house leak happened to be on fire?"

"Oh, is Sakura Country going to GG?"

At this time, the five people in Sakura Country had been squeezed into a corner.

The original shelter was more than four meters long, but now it has collapsed by a third, and the wind and rain directly poured in.

The cold rain hit the face, and the coldness of the body was not as cold as the heart.

In front of him was a mess.

Of the four pillars, the tree growing on the ground was blown down, causing the shelter to collapse, leaving half of it exposed.

Similarly, in order to keep warm, Sakura Country put the bonfire into the "indoor",
The tarp was thick, and it didn't get damaged from the rain.

However, the sleeping bags of Takayuki Yamada and Shun Oguri who were sleeping next to each other were burnt and the other was completely wet.

At this moment, there is only one expression on everyone's face, despair!

No one can imagine, falling asleep, falling asleep,


"Let's fix it first!" Shan Shang Shan Xia stood up, found the jacket, and put it on.

The others followed him.

"It's so cold!"

When I walked out of the shelter, I found that not only was it cold, I couldn't open my eyes, and the wind and rain were too strong, but also, the lightning and thunder returned.

Throw the broken tree aside, find a new log, dig a hole, tie the rope.
When everyone who had finished all this returned to the shelter, they were all trembling, and Yui Xinheng's lips were even more purple.

And the worst news is not over yet.

None of the firewood stored in the shelter was spared, and all were wet.

Bang bang bang.
Split the wood up and down the mountain, remove the wet part outside, and scrape out the tinder.
Others were holding the only three sleeping bags left, their eyes were dim... or they were looking at the walkie-talkie beside them.

Finally, with great effort, the fire was lit again.

It's just that the firewood was too wet, before it could bring warmth, it turned into a puff of green smoke.

Up and down the mountain is also tired at this time, hey. Let out a long sigh.

Sakura Country is in a desperate situation.

The sleeping bags were destroyed, the fire was gone, everyone was soaked, and it was still stormy outside.

All the bad things happened to them.

I checked the time, it was 25:[-].

There are still three hours until dawn.

"The rain will definitely not stop for a while, what do you think?"

The voices up and down the mountain are a bit hoarse.

No one answered.

They all understand the situation at the moment, but they don't want to be the first to say that sentence.

The entire shelter fell into silence again, and the only thing that could be heard was the sound of wind and rain.

"If we survive tonight, can we survive?"

After a long time, Yui Xinheng asked the key point.

"If the wind and rain stop after dawn, we have a chance, but it will last for two or three days"

I didn't finish the words up and down the mountain, but I understood them all.

"Then let's leave our fate to God," Takumi Kimura, the most senior among them, said, "If the weather turns better tomorrow, we will continue to work hard. If it is still like this, then only..."

Sakura Country is not the only one that is in trouble.

The shelter in Britannia was leaking, it was a minor problem, it was fixed quickly,

The kangaroo country worked overtime temporarily, and there were not enough covered branches outside. It seemed that the whole shelter was about to be blown away, and it had to be supported by manpower.
Ah Sanguo slept for a while and found that the shelter was flooded
An expected storm caused trouble for most of the team.

There are also those that are as stable as Mount Tai.

For example, Bangzi Kingdom, although the strength of the general has been questioned, but the place to sleep is indeed solid, and because of the appropriate location, the wind has limited influence on them, so they slept soundly.

Beautiful country, Germany, and Maple Leaf country are all facing the heavy rain calmly.

Ning Fang woke up from his sleep, opened his eyes in a daze, and saw Lao Zhang with his back to him, sitting by the campfire, blowing on the flames.

He coughed twice, so as not to frighten Lao Zhang by speaking suddenly.

"Why don't you sleep?"

Old Zhang turned his head and grinned his teeth under the firelight: "I slept for a long time, and just woke up, and found that the fire was about to go out."

Ning Fang got up and moved to the edge of the campfire.

Zhang Yi stretched out his hand and tucked the sleeping bag for him: "Be careful, don't burn it."

"Give me some water." Ning Fang stretched his neck.

"Slow down." Lao Zhang didn't have any dissatisfaction, and helped him.

Including domestic audiences, they just felt that the relationship between the two was good, and this scene was very comfortable to watch.

"Our shelter is not bad," Ning Fang didn't stick out his hands, and wiped the water on his chin on the sleeping bag: "I didn't even hear the sound of thunder."

"You are all tired," Old Zhang laughed halfway, and lowered his laughter: "Lao Hu also woke up just now, but fell asleep soon."

Ning Fang turned his head, and the heads of the other three were buried in the sleeping bags, and Wang Kai even snored cheerfully.

He didn't notice the wind and rain outside at all.

"Yeah, I'm tired."

Zhang Yi added a piece of firewood to the fire: "The rain won't stop for a while, it's difficult."

"How can it be difficult!" Ning Fang disagreed: "To be precise, it's not just us who are difficult.

The eighteen teams are all in the forest. Even if they are lucky and find a cave as a shelter, they will still be affected by such a heavy wind and rain.

Through our own hands and our own efforts, we don't have to worry about the wind and rain.

However, there will definitely be teams that will run into trouble, and there will definitely be players who will drop out.

Moreover, even in the next few days, we don't have to worry too much. "

"Food!" Zhang Yi thought.

"Yes, I don't believe that there are many teams like us that can have so much food."

Ning Fang is not arrogance, but a practical analysis.

When everyone came up to survive, they definitely focused on the shelter.

Ni spent too much time and energy looking for food, but had no shelter.

Now this storm can send people away.

The outside is not as peaceful as in the shelter. Through the small cracks in the door, one can still feel the power of nature.

Besides, he killed the porcupine and the wolverine not only because of luck, but also because of his strength.

If any team can get dozens of catties of meat after they come, then it can't be called survival, but life.

"Hey, tell me, how many players will quit in the next three days?"

Zhang Yi has become interested. He is still representing the country in the competition. He definitely hopes to get a better result, so that he will be less scolded after returning home.

That's right, as long as you don't win the championship, people will scold you.

Now that the team has an advantage, they definitely hope to expand their advantage.

It might have taken half a month or a month for the players to leave, but now they leave immediately, and it feels good to think about it.

"Why don't I ask the program team," Ning Fang said with a smile: "There is no sound of cannons to know, the exact number is not clear, it's just a pity for you, it's raining before you take a hot bath. "

"Hey, what a big deal, it's too late when the weather clears, I think, we still can't be idle, tomorrow is dawn, I'll go get some wood back.

In the event that the next few days were to come, there would not be enough firewood left. "

"No problem, let's go together." Ning Fang yawned: "Okay, the fire is on too, let's sleep."


"Old Zhang is really good!"

"Although I'm not particularly good at survival, I'm a real person. I'm afraid everyone will be cold in the middle of the night, so I get up to add firewood."

"Hey, tell me, what's wrong with the other three?"

"I hope this storm lasts for a week, and it is estimated that two-thirds of the people will be lost."

"One week, be crazy, let alone the contestants, the program crew can't stay."

"It doesn't matter what the others are, as long as our Huaxia team holds on, come on."

In this way, for many players, a very difficult night passed.

But, disappointingly,

day is getting brighter,
But the wind and rain did not mean to stop.

Zila, Zila.
The intercoms of all teams are ringing!
(End of this chapter)

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