Chapter 378

On the 16th day of National War No., the program team announced that the first physical examination will be carried out in five days.

This is just to inform the audience first, the players did not reveal it.

They somewhat overestimated the strength of the players. To put it bluntly, the harshness of the living environment exceeded everyone's expectations.

Many players have transformed into a ketogenic state in a short period of time.

The so-called ketogenic state is a metabolic state of the human body. Without carbohydrates, protein and high-fat food intake for a long time, the body's energy source is originally glucose, which is converted into ketone bodies, that is, fat.

Depending on the state of each person, the time to enter is also different. It may be a few days, a dozen days, or several months.

This is also one of the principles of weight loss.

Fat, placed in life, will cause headaches for many people.

But in the survival competition, it is a baby.

Entering a ketogenic state, the most notable feature is that people will lose weight.

There were players like this in several teams at the bottom of the ranking. It's been half a month. It's hard to say how many, but the belt has moved back one notch.

With unshaven hair and messy hair, he looks like a street bum.

You know, during the Golden Skull Island competition, the contestants really didn't eat anything, and they basically didn't show up until a month later. Even if they lost weight in the early stage, they were still a little bit.

Bangziguo got up very early today.

At the beginning of six o'clock, the chief general, Park Ritian, opened his eyes, clapped his hands, and woke up the others.

The four of them struggled to get up.

It's not that I stay up late, I go to bed very early.

Still hungry, malnourished, becoming lethargic.

"Li Shiying and I will go to the woods today and set up a few traps. You two will look for wild vegetables. If you don't get anything, go fishing with Ma Dong."

After eating the beef, Bangziguo has been hungry for two whole days.

We all know that we must go out, otherwise, it will only be a vicious circle.

Pu Ritian regretted that he didn't bring a bow and arrow.

No way, none of the five people is good at it.

During the preparation, the team behind mentioned that your archery skills are too bad and you must practice more.

However, everyone felt that it didn't matter.

Go every two or three days, stay for half an hour and leave.

After the final inspection, forget it, don’t bring it, it’s a waste of a grid, it’s better to choose other items.

They don't really care if they don't bring bows and arrows.

Great fishing.

Going to the pool and holding a fishing rod, even Li Shiying, who is inexperienced, caught several fish in one morning.

Just eat fish, it has protein and fat.

But when I arrived at the living place, after trying it, I realized that the concept of fishing here is completely different from that at home.

Just give you a fishing line, and you have to make the bait yourself, and the difficulty rises sharply.

60 meters of fishing line and eight hooks. Up to now, ten meters of line and three hooks have been lost.

In this half month of life, there have been many wonderful shots.

Take the Huaxia group as an example. The 15-second video of Ning Fang single-handedly killing Wolverine has already had [-] million hits worldwide. Lao Zhang's diving into the water to snatch fish and confrontation with hungry wolves are all classic scenes.

There are good ones, and naturally there are bad ones.

The sanctuary of Sakura Country collapsed, the Italian contestant cut himself with his hand, and the Che Yin of Bangzi Country hooked me with his own hand, which also entered the funny version.

When this young player was fishing a few days ago, for some reason, the hook passed through the tiger's mouth.

Blood flowed.

Fortunately, the hook given by the program team does not have barbs.

Otherwise, he will probably have to withdraw from the game.

Facing the ridicule from netizens all over the world, Xiao Xiba actually said that he is not good at fishing to defend himself.

No, you are a player who is going to survive, even if you are not good at it, you shouldn't speak out with honor.

Can it be understood as, rookie, make up the number.

"Come on, catch a deer and come back."

"For Bangzi Country, you have to work hard to become a big stick."

"There's another wild boar next door, so you can do it too."

The members of the Bangzi Kingdom set off one after another, and Xiao Xiba and the others were all cheering for them.

Park Ritian obviously made a plan.

The environment around the camp has been almost touched in the past half a month.

Animals have a very keen sense of smell.

Five people live in this area, and they escape by themselves.

Therefore, if you want to hunt near the camp, there are only small animals such as squirrels and grouse.

Pu Ritian planned to go a little further.

What he is best at is setting rabbit traps. With luck, he can catch prey the size of a porcupine.

Therefore, today I brought enough ropes and prepared to show my hand in front of the young lady.

How to say that sentence, I don’t know which will come first, tomorrow or the accident.

We set off before seven o'clock and walked for more than two hours.

Along the way, they were all bragging to Li Shiying about how he was when he was in the mountains.

The only girl.

When I arrived in an unfamiliar forest, I was lucky and found a few shallow footprints.

Park Ritian was so happy that he immediately set up three traps on this route.

Not only that, as he continued to move forward, Lao Pu was smiling.

"Look, I chose a good route, not only found footprints, but also mushrooms!"

Although it has fully grown, it does not affect the consumption.

The two happily put a few mushrooms into their pockets, no matter what they are, they are good to eat.

The fun is over, and the accident came.

On a mountain wall, they found a cranberry plant.

The red and purple fruits hang on the top, which is very attractive.

"How about I come!" Li Shiying said, "I'm lighter, so it's safer to go up."


Pu Ritian pulled the rattan on the edge of the cliff, feeling that it was no problem to support his weight.

Besides, in front of women, you must not show your masculinity.

The cliff is not at ninety degrees, but it is at sixty degrees. It grows in this place, so that it can retain so many fruits that it has not been discovered by other herbivores.

It is about four or five floors above the ground.

Before Pu Ritian arrived, the vine broke, and before he could react, he rolled down and fell to the ground, unable to get up for a long time.

In the camera, after he yelled, he swayed wildly, lying on the ground, motionless.

This made Xiao Xiba very anxious.

"What's going on."

"It's over."

"It's six or seven meters high."

"Not moving anymore."

"Ah, Xibala"

Li Shiying is an actor and an athlete, so he knows some common sense.

After rushing up, he didn't dare to help directly, but just asked from the side.

"Pu, Pu, how are you, Pu!"

After a while, Pu Ritian came to his senses and began to hum.

"Hands hurt"

After a while, with the help of Li Shiying, Park Ritian sat up slowly, his face was covered with mud and blood,
Abrasions on forehead, chin, left hand.

It doesn't matter.

Mostly his right hand.

People can protect themselves. When Park Ritian rolled down, his hands naturally wanted to grab something.

It should have been pressed or something happened during this period, which hurt the wrist.

I couldn't lift it up at all, and when I touched it lightly, it screamed like a pig being killed.

The program team felt relieved and would call, indicating that there was nothing wrong with him, although he was a little embarrassed.

"Maybe it's broken!"

Li Shiying had no choice but to take out the walkie-talkie, contact the program team, and ask them to help.

Rolling down from such a height, if one injures one's internal organs, one would be killed.

During the waiting period, Park Ritian kept wailing, it hurts, no matter what masculinity.

The regret in my heart should not be brave.

Soon, the staff of the program team arrived on mountain bikes.

After some inspection, he gave Xiao Xiba a thunderous news.

"Preliminary judgment, wrist bone fracture, must withdraw from the game to receive treatment!"

Oh open!

On the No. 15th day of the game, the No. 12 knockouts were born. The key is still the main player.

Seeing the staff take Park Ritian away, Li Shiying was like a dog.

You are really looking for death by yourself, I am dozens of catties lighter than you, so it should be fine to go up.

Well now, fuck off.

With the main general gone, she naturally lost the idea of ​​continuing to explore, so she hurried back and told others.

Netizens in Ah San Guo are happy.

"Hahahaha, you also have today."

"Laugh at us, laugh at us, keep laughing."

"Your general is out of his mind."

"The next one to be eliminated is your Bangzi Country."

Originally, they were all hard-working people and shouldn't laugh at each other.

However, Xiao Xiba went too far before, and this time the main players will be eliminated, and there are very few people who sympathize with them.

Li Shiying returned to the camp in dismay.

"Park Ritian has withdrawn from the competition!"

Then, he took out the eight mushrooms in the bag, and this was what the Lord General got in return.

The remaining three men were stupefied, what the hell, although the leader is a bit useless, he is still the leader anyway.

That's it, now what to do.
For half a day, it collapsed.

(Thanks to Boss Dongmu for rewarding 20000 points and becoming the first leader of this book, thank you big brother!

Thanks to the time wave in the book, saying that the wind is not the wind, the two bosses rewarded 1500 points, and the bosses made a fortune! )

(End of this chapter)

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