Chapter 379 Encountering the Wolves
However, the footage that Park Ritian bought with his life didn't last long before it was snatched away.

In the main live broadcast room, a scene that many people had imagined appeared.

Man meets wolves.

This is starting from the beginning.

Ning Fang couldn't sleep in the morning, so he got up to watch the sunrise.

The overall feeling is just like that, and it has not been sublimated.

When he opened the door and went back to the house, Lao Zhang woke up, and everyone else followed suit.

Ning Fang told about the effect of air-drying the meat, and everyone was very satisfied.

Especially Lao Zhang.

Sitting by the campfire all the time is actually quite uncomfortable, with no place to lean on my waist.

There is not so much meat to roast, so the work will naturally change.

Nini and Lao Hu went to the woods together, Lao Wang was responsible for finishing the rest of the work at home, and Ning Fang and Zhang Yi went to the lake to fish.

Zhang Yi said all night that he wanted to show his strength.

For the first few hours, it was normal.

There is no fish, and nothing happens. I keep pulling the fishing line and talking about household chores, so I have nothing to do.

Ning Fang made sure again that he had nothing to do with fishing, so he couldn't be idle. He went back to the camp and brought an ax and a saw.

There is still some wood here, don't waste it, even if you can't catch fish, at least bring some firewood back home.

The basic qualities of a survivor.

Originally, I thought that an ordinary morning would pass like this, but at ten o'clock, it changed.

"Old Zhang, hurry up, old Zhang, come here!"

Ning Fang, who was sawing wood, heard a strange sound and looked up.

Five coyotes appeared tens of meters ahead.

Zhang Yi turned his head, his smile froze in an instant, he didn't have time to scold, he threw the wooden block in his hand, and ran to Ning Fang's side in a few steps.

"Take it."

Ning Fang handed the one-handed saw to Lao Zhang, held the ax with both hands, and took a step forward.

The hungry wolf apparently spotted the two of them.

With its tail drooping, it kept changing positions.

And one of the hungry wolves, which was obviously much bigger, was licking something by the river.

"Damn old king!"

Ning Fang cursed.

What the hungry wolf was licking was naturally blood.

Even if it bleeds all the way, there is still blood left during the slaughter, plus some inedible parts, it is estimated that Lao Wang just discarded it at will.

Now, come the hungry wolves.

Leaving aside the head wolf, the size of the other four wolves is not small, basically the same as the wolf dogs seen in daily life.

The program team thought of such a situation, so they prepared bear repellent cannons and horns for the contestants.

However, the two didn't bring it.

"Does Lao Zhang have the physique to lure wolves into the house? Last time he was a lone wolf. Now there will be five."

"What a strong wolf, what to do, what to do?"

"Aren't the show crew going to help?"

"Survival must depend on the players."

"Impossible. When the wolves come, the program team will definitely take action. It will really kill people."

The hearts of the Huaxia audience hung up.

The aunt at home was asleep, but was woken up by the daughter, and the elder brother encountered wolves,
Lin Tai received the call and quickly turned on the computer at home,
Wu Jing clenched her fists tightly, encouraging them both,
Comrades can't wait to get into the screen to help.

The hearts of everyone in the live broadcast room were suspended.

No one expected that such a dangerous and urgent scene would appear.

The five hungry wolves didn't intend to leave at all.

The leading wolf king stuck out his tongue and licked his teeth, revealing his huge canine teeth.

Apparently, that was not enough to fit between the teeth.

"Old Zhang, don't be nervous!"

Ning Fang stared at the pack of wolves.

"It's not the first time we've met."

Zhang Yi squeezed out a smile, but in just a few seconds, he felt his back was soaked in sweat.

A lone wolf is a completely different concept from a pack of five wolves.

Hairs stand on end, heart beats faster, adrenaline soars.The pressure felt was not a little bit.

It seems that they will rush over together at any time, open their mouths wide, and attack.

"What do we do now?"

"Try to see if we can scare them away. I'll count to three, two, and one, and let's shout together."

"it is good!"

A loud cry came out, and sure enough, two wolves took a few steps back.

The first wolf growled, and the two wolves turned back.

Ning Fang and the two didn't stop. According to what Lao Zhang said, they shouted and threw stones towards the opposite side.

It can only be said that the effect is minimal.

The first few were frightened, but behind, the pack of wolves ignored them completely and just lowered their heads.


Lao Zhang swallowed, and gripped the saw more tightly in his hand. He could even feel his teeth chattering.

Yes, he was scared.

Those were five wolves, with strong stature and fierce eyes. In their eyes, the two of them had already become prey.

"This is how to do ah?"

"Five Wolves"

"I can't watch it anymore."

"Program crew, hurry up and help, no one's life is important in the game."

There is a rule in the competition rules, whether it is the contestant who takes the initiative to contact, or the program team feels that the situation is urgent and must provide help, in the end, the contestant must withdraw from the competition.

At this time, no one cares about these.

The host also said in the live broadcast room that the staff has already set off and will arrive soon.

However, after a stalemate for 2 minutes, as the first wolf roared, the four wolves behind him moved.

When wolves hunt, they are all tactical, not swarming.

Five wolves ran over in four directions.

"Old Zhang, stand behind me, don't panic, and attack when you see it."

"Roger that!"

Zhang Yi shouted to embolden himself.

He knew that today he would definitely not be able to escape, and he would definitely have to fight the wolves.

"Come on, I haven't eaten wolf meat yet."

Ning tightened his stiff fingers.

Thirty meters, 30 meters, ten meters, he could already see the hot breath from the wolf's mouth and the scars on his body.

The two didn't turn around, but followed the hungry wolf's pace from time to time, changing directions slightly.

"Wolves are opportunists. If we run away, something will happen,"

Ning Fang gritted his teeth and said.

"As long as we resist, it will not be able to tell the difference in strength, and will only try to attack first.

Don't panic. "

"I'm ready." Lao Zhang nodded, staring at the two wolves beside him.

stalemate again
"Old Zhang, we still have a choice," Ning Fang glanced to the right.

The lake was only a dozen meters away from them.

"Going into the lake, however, is a bit risky. If you run wildly, you may be thrown down by wolves, so now, slowly, slowly, move to the right."


After speaking, the two moved a small step.

The wolves didn't react much.

Another small step,

Apparently, the wolf king seemed to have given another order. The wolf in front of Ning Fang's left was very close, with a distance of five or six meters.

"Old Zhang! Ning Fang knew that there was no chance to go to the lake: "My left front, ready to follow me. "

"it is good."

Ning Fang took a step back with his right foot, saw the wolf's opportunity to turn around, kicked hard, and rushed over with the ax in hand.

(End of this chapter)

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