Chapter 393 Huaxia's Opponent

The third variable came very suddenly, which is for the audience and the players.

As for the program group, it has actually been arranged long ago.

First, the time is almost up, and it's time for the third variable.

Secondly, the Huaxia team is strong and has basically locked in the top three positions.

It would be more interesting to let the players choose the lineup by themselves.

Moreover, you can see their reactions and thoughts at the first time.

Lao Zhang fiddled with the box, not only the weak teams such as Italy, the Three Kingdoms, and the Bangzi Country, but also the fans of the strong teams such as the Beautiful Country, Germany, and Maozi Country, did not want to be singled out by him.

There is no other reason, that man is too strong.

Porcupine, wolverine, reindeer, wolf.
Even without mentioning him, the other four members are no worse than ordinary members of other teams.

Most critical.

The whole state and momentum are different.

The first variable, one of the winners of the Huaxia team, the second time, Zhang Yi did his best and won, and the 1th time, Ning Fang predicted success and won again.
Their survival journey can be described as smooth sailing.

The most difficult thing was that Zhang Yi went to participate in the individual competition, and there was not much food at home.

But it was resolved quickly.

From the perspective of the audience, the Huaxia team is like a chariot running at high speed, and the momentum has already picked up.

But the players don't know.

I still think it is the Huaxia team that ranked eleventh before the start of the game. Maybe the so-called seeded team will take it lightly when they meet them.

I didn't expect that people ate and drank well in these 21 days.

Moreover, before the start of the game, I also soaked in a hot spring and ate a few full meals.

You let an athlete not eat well and sleep well for 20 days, and let him face a person who eats well, sleeps well, and his strength is not much different or even stronger than you.

Which is better, needless to say.

So, just pray.

Crash, clatter, Zhang Yi stirred it a dozen times.

The few people around him didn't speak, there was no need to put pressure on him.

Finally, buy it and let it go.

Holding the ball tightly in their hands, the audience couldn't see clearly who was chosen.

"Ahem." Lao Zhang cleared his throat, took two steps back, and covered his hand with his other hand to take a look: "Damn it!"

"Strong team?" Old Hu's eyes widened.

"Very strong!" Lao Zhang slapped himself in tears.

"You won't be able to draw the beautiful country, will you?"

Although I am not afraid, but to be honest, everyone does not want to go head-to-head with the seeded team.

"It's Maple Leaf Country."

He showed the ball in his hand.


This sentence is not only said by the Huaxia team, but also by the Huaxia audience, Lin Tai, Wu Jing, and Su Bingtian.

The maple leaf country is exactly the same.

Audiences from other countries are happy, yo, the first scene is a comet colliding with a blue star.

"It's a little exciting!"

"Is this the first and second place in the combat power list?"

"Hahaha, you must spell out a real big brother."

"Old Zhang's hand, should I say he is good or bad?"

The program group was immediately arranged here.

The venue for the team's competition was placed on the territory of Sakura Country, a neutral location.

There are two arenas in total.

Different projects have different time to carry out, and it is possible to compare five, six, seven or eight hours.

Notified the Maple Leaf Country directly, you will gather by the river at [-]:[-] tomorrow morning, and there will be a third variable game, the rules are right?
Then, the opponent was the Huaxia team.

After hearing this, Charles, the leader of the Maple Leaf Kingdom, couldn't stop laughing. And the fans in their country cried.

The most worrying thing happened.

The most well-known team in the entire Maple Leaf Country is nothing more than two people.

The actor Ryan Gosling, the female singer Avril Lavigne, and Bieber were not invited.

The other two belong to the stars of local development, and they usually go to the mountains to live for two days, hunting and so on.

The commander himself is a professional hunter, survival expert, and rock climbing expert.
The advantage of being born and bred made their combat power come to the first position before the game.

"What's the ranking of the Huaxia team?" Charles asked.

"Forgot, anyway, there are no them in the top eight, and there is very little information about Huaxia in the team analysis." Avril replied: "However, I don't think the enemy should be underestimated.

After all, yesterday the helicopter was flying the national flag of China. "

Ryan Gosling waved his hand: "For a person to survive, luck is the majority. As long as he is lucky and catches two fish, he can last for a long time.

The point is that it rained.

Everyone felt that there was no need to hold on to a variable, but he took advantage of it in the end. "

"However, our recent state is mediocre. Don't forget, the Huaxia team went to a hot spring for vacation, and they must come here after eating." Avril insisted on her opinion.

"You guys are right."

Charles stood up.

"A great man in China said that strategically despise the enemy and tactically value the enemy.

Even if what Avril Lavigne said was true, the one who participated in the individual competition was probably the strongest player in the team.

We are going to compare five items.

Lose one person, so what, rank more than ten teams"

Charles smiled.

"It's not that I look down on them. Survival is really not suitable for them. Why don't you think about it, what reward to choose?"

"It must be the first item," someone said: "Huaxia should eliminate itself. If there are no tools we need, it is better to use flour."

"Makes sense."

Avril still wanted to say something, but found that she was willing to listen at all, so she had to give up.

I can only pray secretly, hoping that the Huaxia team's victory is really a miracle as they say.

"Charles, you idiot!"

"Did you think you met a weak team? They are now number one in the combat power list."

"It's over, I have an ominous premonition."

"Not necessarily, look at the competition items, there are really some comparisons."

Ning Fang has a lot to talk about here, but there is no time for now, and the lottery has to continue.

Ah San VS Mao Ziguo, Mao Ziguo was ecstatic, and came to the Huaxia live broadcast room to express his thanks.

Because there are only three people left in Ah Sanguo, their players are allowed to play repeatedly, but not more than twice, which is understandable.

Kangaroo Country VS Italy, netizens from Kangaroo Country came to thank you, Italy. No response, there are only three of them left.

Bangzi Country VS Pretty Country, this directly made Xiao Xiba dizzy, what's the situation, all the netizens are making fun of it, it's interesting.

Germany VS Finland is a strong-strong dialogue.
The matchup list is released one by one, some people are happy and some are worried.

The audience absolutely believed that there was no fraud.

Because it is impossible for the Huaxia team to draw Maple Leaf Country as their opponent.

Including them, there are three strong battles in total, which is a little more than the program team expected.

The reason why Huaxia Group was asked to draw lots was a bit of a throw away.

No matter how you arrange it, you will be scolded, including random assignment.


It would be much better to be a player.

In particular, the Huaxia team also found a strong opponent for themselves, as the opening match of the third variable.

It can only be said that God is on the side of the program group.

All eight matchups took place. Of course, many viewers were scolding, you can't satisfy everyone.

After the lottery was drawn, the main screen was given to A Sanguo and Mao Ziguo. The two teams will compete tomorrow afternoon.

Ning Fang looked at the time first, it was past four o'clock, he clapped his hands and stood up.

"Come on, let's talk in the entertainment room."

When everyone was seated, Ning Fang spoke directly.

"Old Zhang, you don't need to say much, it's just a variable, it doesn't matter who you meet.

So what about Maple Leaf Country, is it that Nini can't raise fire, or that I can't shoot arrows, or that Lao Hu can't fish?

We've done it all, and we're proficient at it.

Among these many projects, you all beat me.

I am actually very happy to meet Maple Leaf Country.

Remember right, they are the number one team on the combat power list.

Fighting against them, I can collect a lot of useful information, and I have more or less a bottom line for the next survival.

Our advantages are obvious.

In their eyes, maybe our Huaxia team is a weak team and won't take it too seriously.

And, Zhang, how do you feel now? "

"You're full of energy!" Old Zhang patted his chest.

"I didn't ask you, I know you can hit eight!"

Seeing Lao Hu eager to try, Ning Fang smiled.

"We are definitely on the winning side no matter in terms of state or psychology, so my idea is very simple.

From now on, don't talk about the game, just relax.

It's useless if you think about it, you don't know what you are comparing. "

The crowd nodded.

"Again, they're all actors, right?" Ning Fang raised his eyebrows: "When I meet them tomorrow, they all give me timid expressions.

The exposure is over, why did I meet you, [-] catties of rice are gone.

Lao Zhang, show yourself! "

Zhang Yi got up and came to the crowd.

Don't even think about it.

He raised his head first, then lowered his head immediately, glanced at him with small eyes, did not dare to look directly at the other person, tried to put his hands in his pockets, but failed two or three times, and simply put his back behind him, then straightened his waist, did not hold on for a few seconds, and then stooped up again.

Papa papa, the four laughed and applauded.

Some viewers from Maple Leaf Country saw it, and the one who scolded it was ugly.

"You guys are too shameless."

"How can this be."

"Can you have a little fighting spirit?"

"Don't do that, please."

The Huaxia audience is also laughing, it's so insidious, I like it.

"Isn't your team also talking about tactics?"

"We are not Maoziguo, what kind of fighting spirit do we need?"

"I was quite nervous at first, but now it if that's the case."

Ning Fang applauded Zhang Yi.

"Just act like this, regardless of whether it works or not.

Furthermore, we have more than a dozen tools, even if we accidentally lose, it doesn't matter if they take one away.

So, there is no need to stress at all.

But there is one thing, when the competition is drawn tomorrow, Lao Zhang, you should take a break for a while. "

Old Zhang nodded repeatedly.

"Okay, that's all I want to say, is there anything else I want to add?"


"So be it."

"Ning Fang, do you want me to train your acting skills?"

"You know what, he is very good at acting." Lao Hu said with a smile: "He is definitely a qualified actor, and he still needs you to teach."

Lao Wang touched his head: "Oh"

(If I’m not mistaken, today is the birthday of reader Xiaoqiang 19860627, I wish Boss Xiaoqiang a happy birthday, and all wishes come true!)

(End of this chapter)

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