Chapter 394

At ten o'clock at night, the five members of the Huaxia team returned to the base camp.

At the moment, they are all sleepy.

Light the fire, check the state of the meat, and then go to bed as soon as there is no problem.

"Hey, I still feel that my nest is solid." After getting into the sleeping bag, Lao Hu said.

Everyone else feels the same way.

I didn't feel anything before, but after washing it, I will smell some peculiar smell.

As Lao Hu said.

Be solid!

The resort is nice, but it's just a dream.

Waking up, you have to return to reality.

"Good night." Following Lao Zhang's good night, everyone closed their eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

On the other hand, the netizens of Maple Leaf Country couldn't sleep.

Except for Avril Lavigne, the four chatted more and more excitedly.

I feel that the Huaxia team may have a 4-member establishment, and one person left,
I feel that there must be a hearty victory tomorrow,

I think the game is a personal show,

I think ten pounds of rice is delicious,


Taking away the key survival items of the Huaxia team should have full effect and make the audience happy.

for example,.

Take it away, probably about to quit the game soon.

The program team has actually considered this issue.

Later, it was decided not to limit the items.

The competition is cruel, try hard to win, if you are not as good as others, you can only blame yourself for your lack of ability.

At present, there are still too many players. If Britain is not eliminated, there will be 21 players in 75 days.

Standing at the shooting angle, it is not easy to focus.

In addition, although flint and steel is a particularly critical item, the probability of selection is not too high.

The second variable belongs to the game related to the Flintstones. It can be guessed that there is a high probability that it will not be repeated in the later stage.

If you take the flint and steel, [-]% of the time you can make your opponent quit.

Can be considered cost-effective.

Because, there are still fifteen opponents outside, and if one is killed, thirteen teams will benefit.

Taking an extra flint and steel has little effect on itself.

Take the bow and arrow, you can be many hunters,

Take fishing gear, you can have multiple anglers,

Take the tools you don't have and save trouble,
Take food, let alone.

The flint and steel can't maximize the benefits, unless you have enmity with the opposing team, no matter what else, you will be eliminated.

This is a competition, and it's okay to pass the mouthful, but normal players will definitely make reasonable choices.

Of course.

It doesn't matter if there is a tough guy who has to kill him.

One, it can also increase the fun, so why not do it.

"I beg you guys, go to sleep now."

"He soaked in the hot spring, and when he was full, he came back and fell back to rest."

"Don't be deceived by the appearance, the Chinese people are too thieves."


Six o'clock in the morning the next day is also six o'clock in the afternoon in China time, which happens to be Friday.

Many people specially held a dinner party, returned home, and waited eagerly.

Domestic reporters are even more ready.

Let's look forward to the performance of the Huaxia team in the third variable.

Zhang Yi woke up the earliest, at 05:30.

Seeing that the teammates were still sleeping soundly, instead of waking them up, they burned a large bucket of hot water.

After the others woke up, they washed up quickly.

"What's for breakfast?" Old Hu added, "Actually, I'm not even hungry."

How could you be hungry? How much did you eat yesterday?

However, it is necessary to replenish some physical strength before the competition, and some of the events are more energy-intensive and time-consuming.

At 07:30, the five people only brought water bottles, went to the lake, and got on the speedboat of the program group.

Hiding in the cabin for an hour, I saw a bunch of workers and machines coming to the front from a distance.

"There are so many people!" Nini helped Ning Fang to stand on the bow.

"Yeah, I haven't seen so many people for a long time."

"Hey, it seems that Maple Leaf Country has arrived." Lao Hu reminded him.

The five of them quickly got into the mood, without any smiles at all, and they all looked worried.

"Nice job."

"If you don't know, you really think something happened."

"Who said Ning Fang is brave but not resourceful."

"Did anyone watch the chat on Maple Leaf Country yesterday? They were so mad, as if we were already in the bag."

"Let them be arrogant."

Voting channels appeared in all major live broadcast rooms.

For the opening match, there are more people paying attention.

However, everyone feels that although the Huaxia team has been in a brave state recently, it has also reached the number one position in the combat power list.

After all, Maple Leaf Country is the host country, and its hard power lies there, so the recent life is not particularly bad.

The two sides should show a fierce competition, which will probably end in 3:2.

In terms of approval rate, the Huaxia team is slightly higher, 56.33%, and the data is also changing at any time.

Dock, moor, land.

It's not an exaggeration at all, the eyes on the other side seem to want to eat people.

Ning Fang walked ahead, looked at the five members of Maple Leaf Country, raised his right hand halfway, and found that the opponent didn't seem to want to say hello, put it down resentfully, and forced a smile.

There was dissatisfaction on his face, but there was nothing he could do.

"It's too stupid!" Fans of Maple Leaf Country yelled.

The program team specially gave him a close-up, and then the camera turned.

Obviously, Charles found out, and nodded towards the team members around him, with a face full of jokes.

Just short of saying, look, what I said is not worth mentioning.

"Hello, audience friends, I'm the host Howell, first of all, the Wilderness Huaxia team and the Maple Leaf National team have come to the arena of the third variable opener.

I believe you have seen it.

At the scene, there are no modern tools and equipment, because what you have to compete is survival skills in the wild.

In the wild, even the seemingly trivial act of lighting a fire can be a matter of life and death.

Today's opening game is also quite exciting.

On my right hand is the second variable champion. The Huaxia team, who have just enjoyed the trip to the hot springs, have recharged their energy and adjusted their state. Presumably, they want to win this game. "

The five members of the Huaxia team took a step forward and waved at the camera.

"They're really going to play it to the end"

"On my left is the host Maple Leaf National Team, which is also the first team in the pre-match power list. As the host, they naturally hope to prove their strength in the first team confrontation, and they will never allow failure."

"come on!"

What the hell!

Not only the Huaxia Five turned their heads, but countless audiences were even more surprised.

Because they shouted in Mandarin.

What is this, a naked provocation.

After shouting, one of the contestants made a gesture of wiping his neck, which was full of gunpowder.

"come on, come on, come on!"

The Huaxia team pretended not to see it here, and several people gathered together. After discussing a few words, they shouted three times.

The host turned his head away.

"Hahahaha, look, Howell couldn't help it."

"I was laughing all the time."

"Play pig eat tiger."

"You have to win, otherwise it's a joke."

Avril Lavigne was a little shaken, looking at the appearance of the Huaxia team, it was really a bit.
Howell is a professional host and generally doesn't laugh unless he can't help it.

After adjusting his mood, he said the rules of the game again.

It was exactly nine o'clock.

The familiar box was brought up.

Each team takes turns to draw an item, and the last one is drawn by the host.

"You please."

Maple Leaf Country raised his hand generously.

The Huaxia team was impolite and sent Nini forward.

Crash, clatter, you can hear the sound of the ball hitting.

The young lady chose one and handed it to the host.

Howell rolled up his sleeves to prove that he hadn't cheated. Under the close-up of the camera, he turned his hands and a small note fell out.

"I announce that the third variable opening match, Huaxia VS Maple Leaf Country, the first event is"

(End of this chapter)

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