Chapter 469 Ulla
From the beginning of the national war to the present, the traffic in the world cannot be calculated.

Excluding Xiao Lizi, Jason Statham, Avril Lavigne and other original superstars, many players have also become the objects of attention.

For example, Lao Hu and Lao Zhang.

It's true that they are big players in China, but in most other countries, one is just handsome, and the other is not so good looking.

But after living for a long time and showing their unique charm, everyone became interested in them, and by the way, searched for the works they starred in.

Only then did I know that they are all excellent actors and have won many awards.

Mao Ziguo is no exception.

The main player, Ostrovsky, and two players, Ivanov and Alexey.

Before the game, not many people knew about them.

Old Hu Zhangyi, at least in Asia, still has a lot of fame. The three of them, including the two who quit, are almost only famous in their own countries.

Up to now, no matter which country the audience is from, they will all shout Ulla.

The Maozi showed their strength with their actual performance, coupled with their rough appearance and heroic actions, they attracted countless fans.

Especially Alexey, he is the most troublesome contestant in the program group.

There is only one reason. He has swim naked in the lake four times, and he is the player with the most mosaics.

The personality is a bit similar to that of Lao Zhang, with its own funny attributes, and the audience likes it very much.

Maoziguo was also the team that got the most large prey besides the Huaxia team. They caught three of the deer alone.

During the heavy snowfall, all three of them went out and set a lot of traps.

They also talked about follow-up plans.

They didn't even intend to quit, and it was not their own style to leave when they encountered a strong enemy.

However, there is no certainty about how long it will last. It is more pragmatic to take one step at a time.

The players are all smart.

Before the start of the game, in the early stage, it doesn't matter how you brag, just to attract attention.

Now, the audience can clearly see what happened, and they don't believe the big words they say, let alone the audience from God's perspective.

You can't fool anyone.

Today, while the other two groups of contestants are still dreaming, Mao Ziguo got up.

Simply eat some fish, drink some hot water, and go out!

The first inspection location was the location where the two deer were captured.

This is their blessed land.

It is said that there are only three things, and Mao Ziguo has not been able to escape.

However, the program team set up a machine here and watched it in advance.

There are indeed deer passing by here, but they did not guess the trap, which made many viewers feel sorry.

However, the next scene made countless people's jaws drop. Did they fall into a rabbit's nest?

At 37:[-], Alexey found the first rabbit under the tree.

This time, the hare has changed into white winter fur.

Although I don't know when I caught it, but when I picked it up, it had already become a frozen rabbit stick.

The whole body hangs stiffly in the air.

"Hahahaha!" Alexey laughed and showed his teammates what he had gained.

And this is just the beginning.

At 53:[-], the second one,

Seven minutes past nine, the third one,
At 31:[-], the fourth...
One morning passed, and a total of six hares were harvested.

Ostrovsky never expected that there would be such a rich harvest.

You know, even if you caught a rabbit before, it would only come every few days.

An average of 4-5 pounds, 6, [-] pounds, can withstand the weight of the head deer.


In the deep forest, it can be described as flooding.

Maple Leaf Country encourages the people to hunt and kill, too many, too productive, affecting the ecological balance.

For contestants, rabbit skin can keep warm, rabbit meat can supplement protein, and rabbit legs can also bring luck.

The only fly in the ointment is that the fat content is too little.

"How dare you dislike it, then give it to the team next door."

"Next, we can focus on catching fish, which have more fat."

"They still have a fish bar, it feels like they are at least No.2."

"Poor pretty country just woke up."

The members of Maoziguo returned to the camp with a full load and immediately began to pack up the hares.

It's a pity.

White spots appeared on the liver of one of the rabbits.

This is most likely a parasitic infection.

Most of the fat in rabbit meat is in the visceral abdominal cavity.

With white spots, the contestants of Maoziguo dare not take the risk of eating viscera, so they can only reluctantly give up and use it as bait for making nests.

But the meat doesn't matter too much, it can still be eaten after it is cooked.

And the rest of the internal organs were stewed in one pot for lunch.

The taste is very "strong".

The three of them ate very happily. This soup and this meat contained all kinds of nutrients that their bodies needed, and none of them was wasted, and all went into their stomachs.

The Huaxia audience was a little nervous.

Mao Ziguo's strength is self-evident, and his luck is not bad.

Suddenly, six rabbits came into the account, and their strength suddenly became much stronger.

Of course, it cannot be compared with the Huaxia team.

Even if more than [-] pounds of meat were exchanged, there would still be a hundred or so catties left. Three people, no one weighed a catty a day, could last at least fifty days.

Normally, it would be very difficult to lose, but there is a contingency in everything.

As long as the champion is not won, the heart is always hanging.

The other two teams got up groaningly, their fans saw that Mao Ziguo had caught a lot of hares, and hoped that the home team would gain something.

Desire is beautiful, reality is cruel.

Beautiful Country, Maple Leaf Country has been busy for several hours and returned empty-handed.

Sitting in the shelter, gawking at the campfire.

Polenta was cooking in the pot, and they looked at each other in silence.

Winning or losing does not matter!

The one-to-four way of survival makes the main general feel pressured.

In normal competitions, you just need to take care of yourself.

A fish can barely survive five or seven days with a frugal diet.

The more people there are, the more food will be consumed. Even though they have obtained a lot of prey before, with so many mouths, the consumption is very fast.

You need to keep going out to consume energy in exchange for more food.

in turn.

When there are many people, the work is faster, and there will be unexpected gains. Today you catch a fish, and tomorrow he will find some wild vegetables and fruits.

I've said it many times.

Humans live in groups. The loneliness when living alone and the miss of family and friends are the main reasons why players quit in many competitions.

There is an extra companion by your side who can support and encourage each other.

Don't choose to leave directly when you have a nervous breakdown.

The solution is to have enough food like the Huaxia team.

Easier said than done.
Lewis is thinner than before, so forget it.

The biggest difference is the eyes, which have lost their brilliance.

In such a situation, he knew what to do.

hunting, fishing.

It's just that the success rate is out of control.

When you fish, you have to squat by the lake, and the cold wind blows, which wears your patience.

Hunt, get out, squeeze out your potential.

"Rock, what do you think we should do tomorrow?"

He no longer knows how to choose.

Johnson pulled the pot, and there was only a little polenta every day, let alone the two of them, one meal was not enough for one person.

"Or. Let's go home.
It is basically impossible to win the Huaxia team.

Without the hope of winning the championship, I don't think there is much difference in the number of places.

Mainly, I'm tired!

All I want to do right now is sleep in a warm room.

When you wake up, take a hot shower, shave your hair, and eat a big meal. "

As he spoke, he touched his head.

Bald, so bald.

When I got here, I couldn't deal with the hair that grew out, and contributed to the Mediterranean hairstyle.

"Are you no longer insisting?" Lewis was very calm.

"When I was climbing, my legs were shaking, you know," Dwayne Johnson pointed at his thighs: "In the past, this happened only when there was too much training.

Last night, the calf was still cramping, and this is not the first time it has happened.

The state of the whole person is already reminding me that there is no need to persist. "

"Understood." Lewis filled him with a bowl of polenta.

Ninety percent of it is soup, with only a little bit of corn mush at the bottom.

"It's not as good as this. Hold on for two more days, just two days.

We do our best, whether it's fishing, trapping, or hunting.

If you still have no gains, then retreat.

If there is a good”

"Okay, then two days."

Johnson cut him off, holding out his right hand.

"Hope, good luck."

"good luck!"

(End of this chapter)

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