Chapter 470 3V2
Six days of national war, the beautiful country withdrew, No.4,
Nine days of national war, the host Maple Leaf country withdrew, No.3.

The rest, Huaxia team, three people, Ning Fang, Hu Ge, Zhang Yi.

Mao Ziguo, three people, Ostrovsky, Ivanovsky, Alexey.


59 days, two months, 90 teams No. [-] people left six, not too small.

After all, this is very different from the Huaxia version.

One is a small tropical island in summer, and the other is a large frozen forest in winter.

It is more than ten times more difficult.

With a group of stars who don't know anything, they can persist for such a long time, most teams are already great.

It is not a surprise that Mao Ziguo entered the final.

The national style is sturdy, and the body is also good.

Before the start of the competition, all the contestants had a unified physical examination. Mao Ziguo's average height was 178 centimeters, and his average weight was 86 kilograms. Don't forget, there is a girl in the team.

The seeded teams, with the right amount of luck, made it to the finals.

What did the Huaxia team say?

It only took half a month from not being favored to being admired.

In the first few days, like most teams, it was quite satisfactory, and there was no special performance.

Even when it was decided to dig a pit house, some viewers complained.

You didn't choose a shovel, but you chose a difficult pit house. Isn't it a waste of energy? It is probably a supporting role that was eliminated early.

Since killing Wolverine in 13 seconds, things have slowly changed.

Not to mention the small gains, the first variable got three rewards in its entirety, Lao Zhang was awesome, won the championship by surviving alone, Ning Fang killed porcupines, singled out wolverines, slaughtered reindeer, fought hungry wolves, and hunted black bears.
The success of the Huaxia team is due to the abundant food sources. The beautiful country, Germany, and Maoziguo also maintained a good performance in the early and mid-term.

It's just that in the later stage, as the physical strength declines, the efficiency of obtaining food decreases, the state declines too fast, and the personnel are gradually eliminated.

In the past, I could still be alive and kicking without eating for three days, but now I don’t eat for three days, which means I haven’t eaten for more than ten days, and my body can’t bear it.

If, Ning Fang Laohu did not hunt the black bear, the situation is better than others, and the outcome is still unknown.

But, no if.

The eyes of the world are on these two teams.

The program team is quite satisfied with such a development.

Compared with the other two teams, Maoziguo still has a glimmer of hope.

When Lewis Charles and others withdrew, they were glad to see the food inventory of the Huaxia team and the life they lived.

If you want to hold on, you can still hold on for a few more days.

However, it doesn't make any sense, not to mention winning Huaxia, even Maozi can't do it.

It's better to stand in the audience's position and see who wins.

The program team has some headaches.

With two teams left, the game could end at any moment.

Before the start of the game, there is a rule.

All contestants must participate in the award ceremony after the game, and the venue is not fixed.

But whichever team wins the championship will go to which country.

According to the current situation, about 991, 99% of China, and 1% of Maoziguo.

Therefore, it is mainly to communicate with Jianzhou Satellite TV and the local municipal government on the follow-up work.

The headache is not this question.

is a guest.

The champion was born. In addition to inviting family members, the program team also invited the famous director Quentin and Tom Hanks.

They liked the show very much, and after contacting each other, they hit it off.


Boss, it's impossible to let people come over and stay in advance, and then wait for you to finish.

It is decided after discussion.

Whichever team ends up winning, let them stay for a day, so that there is time to arrange other follow-ups.

In addition, a special team of people went to Jianzhou to cooperate with the local TV station to plan the awards ceremony.

The game seems to be entering a quiet period.

Neither team knew what was going on outside.

In Maoziguo, the food is still plentiful. In the past two days, another fish and a hare were caught.

Not to mention Huaxia, eat and sleep, sleep in hot springs, watch movies, take a bath
Very happy.

The walkie-talkie rang for a long time, but no one answered.

The program team is very helpless, so send someone directly, anyway, I know you are all at home.

The three of them soaking in the hot spring and drinking iced pine water were researching something.

Said that Matsuba can make soda.

Ning Fang didn't know anything about this, and it didn't seem to be one of the skills he mastered.

Lao Hu expressed his interest and was ready to give it a try, since he was idle anyway.

It has been almost ten days since they came to the resort, and they are not bored.

It's still in the game!
Who can have a big bed, soak in the hot spring, play games, watch movies, I am very satisfied.

Think about what life is like for other players.

Just enjoy.

Da da da da
The roar of the helicopter made the three of them suddenly a little excited.

Half of the units they exchanged have not been used up yet, and the program group will appear, isn't it?
"Calm down, calm down!"

Lao Hu saw from the eyes of his teammates that they all had the same idea.

"Don't make a joke."

"Cough cough." Ning Fang nodded, just now I really felt a little blood rushing to my brain, and my mind went blank for a moment.

Is it really a champion?

Do you have to say something, it seems inappropriate to receive the trophy naked.

"Do you want to change clothes?" Lao Zhang suddenly asked.

The three of them will be wearing shorts and soaking in the water.

"Calm down, calm down."

The audience watched and laughed, of course they knew why.

Physical examination!

Seeing an acquaintance carrying a suitcase from a distance, Lao Hu was immediately discouraged: "Thinking too much, a physical examination."

"Not necessarily. The last time I went out by myself, I was teased by the program crew." Old Zhang still remembered.

"Three contestants, check your body!"

Ning Fang was the first to stand up, while Lao Zhang came to the side, wanting to see fireworks sticks or other things from the box.

Unfortunately, there is nothing, it is really a normal experience.

She was naked and didn't need to take off her clothes.

Weigh your body, measure your blood pressure, measure your heart rate.
Ask about diet, urine and bowel status.
After the physical examination, there will be a psychiatrist chatting with him, which is standard.

After half an hour, Ning Fang finished first.

"There are some physical problems, but conditions permit, and the game can continue."

No one is surprised that he passed.

If Ning Fang was screened out, the others would probably be even worse.

Then came Hu.

The stomach has long since disappeared, and the body is still quite white, but the arms and thighs are a bit girlish.

After some inspection and inquiry, it also passed smoothly.

Finally, it was Lao Zhang's turn.

"Old Zhang is too thin."

"You can't be eliminated like Ivan Ruov."

"This will lead to withdrawal from the game due to physical reasons, and it will probably be regrettable for several years."

Mao Ziguo had a physical examination in the morning, but Ivan Ruofu couldn't hold on, he lost too much weight, and the doctor judged that he was already consuming internal organs.

If you persevere, it will not simply recover from self-cultivation, but will cause permanent damage to the body.

After hearing this, Ivan Ruofu did not dare to insist any longer, and bid farewell to the two players with tears in his eyes.

At this time, it is beneficial to lose a person rationally.

It's missing a mouth.

There is almost no difference in what to do every day, one more person or one less person, and the food that can be consumed is real.

There is no difference between 2v3 and 3V3, they are all boiled.

Lao Zhang himself was also a little nervous, of course he didn't want to withdraw from the competition.

Frightened and stood on top of the electronic scale.

The numbers jumped for a while, and everyone lowered their heads.

Lao Zhang can't quit
(End of this chapter)

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