Chapter 491 25 points, champion
However, the organizer didn't keep it hidden for long, and the team formation information of the two was accidentally announced.

It's the German team's problem.

A team member got too drunk at a party with friends, and revealed that Clemens has teamed up with Ning Fang.

In an instant, the phone calls of several parties were ringing off the hook.

Seeing the situation, there was nothing to hide, so they all admitted it.

The reporters were amazed, you two are really good at acting.

On the day Huzi went back, he was interviewed at the airport and made a regretful expression. Ning Fang even said that he was still in distress.

They were all lied to.

By June [-]th, all [-] players had formed teams.

There are strong alliances, and there are also combinations that are not very optimistic.

Similarly, the organizer gave the latest estimated combat power list:

No.1: Lewis Hudson, 85.3 points,
No.2, Ning Fang Clemens, 84.6 points,
No.3, Ostrovsky Charles, 83.27 points,
And the lower rankings are also expected, such as Bangzi Country, Sakura Country, Ah San Country and other teams.

The organizers also said so.

This is just an inaccurate score based on paper strength, and there will be more accurate data after the game starts.

After the team formation was completed, each team started the final sprint before the game.

Some players do nothing but rest and adjust their body and mind to their best condition.

Some players went to the jungle and wanted to experience it again.

Some players are saying goodbye, such as Ning Fang.

First, I went to Nini's crew to visit the set, and then I didn't see each other for at least two or three months.

After staying for two days, he flew to Yanjing, Wu Jing, Huang Lei and other friends prepared a practice feast for him.

Ended up going home for two days.

The organizer has issued the itinerary, and we will gather in Brazil on July [-]th.

I didn't let Brother Beard come over again, just meet at that time.

After half a year of self-cultivation and exercise, Ning Fang has already recovered.

After stepping on the plane to Brazil, the system came to the task.

[Release mission: "New Journey"

Tropical rainforest is a huge challenge. If you win, you will get a mysterious gift. 】

After getting off the plane, the camera immediately turned up.

The live broadcast starts in advance.

"Ningfang player, the competition will start immediately, do you have any plans?"

"No, until now, I don't even know the rules of the game, so I'm a bit confused."

"What kind of results do you think will satisfy you?"

"Strive for it as much as you can, and don't put pressure on yourself. There are so many masters. In case of Waterloo, wouldn't you slap yourself in the face?"

"Apart from your own team, which team do you value more?"

"All attention"

In this interview, if you say it, you don't say it.

I didn't stay in the urban area at all, I got on the car directly, and it was a few hours of running around.

When we set off, we could still see the city buildings. As we walked, the roads became desolate. In the afternoon, we could already see the edge of the jungle.

Finally the car stopped.

As a result, I was told that it was only a temporary stay for one night.

Early the next morning, I ate something casually and continued on the road.

It was not until noon that we arrived at the base camp, which was also a small village.

When I got out of the car, I saw various program materials, small flags, banners, and a hot air balloon hanging outside the fence.

"Ning, you are finally here."

"haven't seen you for a long time."

"Hey, you're not fat, I thought you'd gain weight again!"

The village is full of thatched cottages, and the contestants who arrived earlier sat under the shade of the trees drinking beer, playing chess and chatting.

Seeing the champion coming, they all stood up and came forward to greet him.

The game has not yet started, and everyone is in a relatively relaxed mood.

We all know that the coming days will not be easy, so there is no need to tense up too much now.

Clemens took him to the residence, which was also a thatched hut, but the environment was good, with clean sheets, comfortable mattresses, air conditioners and bathrooms.

It must have been prepared by the organizer, and it will be given directly to the local villagers in return.

Not bad for money.

Ning Fang, who went out again, took the beer from Charles, it was cold and very refreshing.

During the chat, I learned that he came yesterday, and some players arrived earlier, a few days ago.

However, they are not allowed to go out and can only be active in the village.

I heard that there are only three people left, and they will arrive in the afternoon.


Howell, who came out after the meeting, was very happy to see Ning Fang, and came up to give him a bear hug.

"Have you finished all the vaccinations?"

This way of greeting is a bit novel.

Ning Fang nodded. He was vaccinated in the country. In the jungle, there are many diseases that are impossible to get in the country, so he must be careful.

"It's very relaxing now."

"You see Ostrovsky is still sunbathing."

"Relax at the end, the game is over, you must adjust your mood."

"I'm a little excited!"

The popularity in the live broadcast room is not bad, there is only one live broadcast room for the time being.

When a player arrives, it will switch.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, an announcement will be made in the studio, and at eight o'clock tonight, the rules will be announced.

The staff is here.

After dinner, thirty contestants came to the open space in the middle of the small village.

It has been completely decorated here, with the torches behind, some skeletons, the placement of totems, and the bonfire in front of it.

The feeling of primitive tribe came out at once.

Howell arrives in front of the camera in a local outfit.

"Dear viewers, welcome to "Survival in the Wild - Star Large-scale Variety Reality Show International Edition - Season [-], Battle of Amazon", I am the host Howell.

It has been three months since the location of the national war was announced.

Thirty countries, thirty powerful players, formed fifteen teams.
Invite them to come on stage"

Although it is said in the subtitles, the rankings are in no particular order.

However, fans in some countries still feel hurt, such as Bangzi Country, Ah San, and Sakura Country.

Why do you look familiar?
Since the parts are in sequence, why would Ning Fang be the last to appear.

Huaxia fans comforted: "Because he was the champion of last season, don't care"

For the audience, one-third of the contestants are old faces, and they look kind.

After the appearance is completed, it is self-introduction.

Everyone stand up and say a few words.

It is to leave an impression on the audience first.

The biggest difference between survival programs and other programs is that it's useless for you to speak harshly, and you still have to see the truth.

After introducing the players, a video of the Amazon jungle was played, and Howell did not delay, and directly started to introduce the key points.

"We have a total of fifteen groups of players. Tomorrow morning, ten groups of players will be transferred to another location for final preparations."

Not unexpected.

Thirty people set off together, which is indeed a bit too much, after all, they are on the periphery.

Of course, compared to the entire jungle, let alone 30 people, 300 million people are nothing.

“Let’s talk about the equipment for this competition first.

The latest drones
A watch that can locate and detect your real-time health
bear horn
Bear Repellent Cannon."

Howell put all kinds of equipment on the ground in the same way.

"In the past few days, the players are concerned about two issues.

First, the rules of the game.

Second, survival equipment.

I'll combine the two and let you know."

He took out a backpack.

"Among the basic items, apart from the ones just mentioned, there are also two sets of clothing, a pair of shoes, a hat, a kettle, a small pot, and a flint and steel."

As a basic item, flint and steel did not make it easy for the players to smile.

To put it bluntly, this national war is a purely master game, and the difficulty will definitely increase.

as predicted.

It's not an increase, but directly into the nightmare difficulty.

Howell took out a stack of papers and distributed them to each team, Ning Fang took it and glanced at it.

Nothing special, equipment list.

"Each team can choose ten items."


Everyone was surprised that so much was given.

"Isn't it true that the professional level also gives ten samples?"

"It's a little too much."

"Is it because the jungle is too difficult?"

"Listen, don't worry."

Howell smiled: "Don't be too happy.

Choose ten items, but only one can be taken away. "

Many players in the arena showed the expected expressions, and they knew that there would be variables.

"We take Ning Fang, Clemens for example,
The two of them chose ten survival items, but each of them could only choose one of them to bring into the competition.

So the question is, how to get the remaining eight? "

Howell looked around the players, asked them to stand in front of him, and then moved forward to separate the two.

"It has to be combined with the rules of the game.

First of all, the players of each team will not start at the same time and place.

In other words, the ten contestants at this starting point will be divided into two groups."

The players are not so calm.

We have to separate.

Many people immediately looked at their companions.

Thighs are not so easy to hug.

"A group of two people will be randomly placed somewhere in a forest with a diameter of 5 kilometers.

Unlimited time.

Successfully find teammates, unlock a survival item, and get a point!
Note that scores matter.

In this survival competition, it is not the team that has survived the longest in the jungle.

Instead, look at the score.

There are two ways to win.

The first.

Which team is the fastest to score 25 points.

The second kind,
After all the teams withdraw from the competition, but did not get 25 points, they will be ranked according to the specific points obtained. "

Howell did not continue, but left a little time for the players and the audience to digest the information.

25 points, I have no idea yet, believe it, it is definitely not easy.

It is said that there is no need to compare the survival time.

But if you want to get points, you have to stay in the jungle and change the situation.

For the players, the difficulty comes.

First of all,

It is a way to get points, and I will definitely say it later, so I won't consider it for the time being.

Secondly, there is virtually one more variable.

In the first season of National War, the condition for winning is that the program team will come forward to find you.

Here, for example, after staying for a month and getting ten points, it is difficult to judge the specific ranking.

In other words, players not only have to survive, but also have to do tasks.

Difficulty rises linearly.

"Next, please pay attention, I will announce the way to get points"

(Thanks to the boss who doesn’t want to be unhappy for rewarding 5000 points, the boss will get rich!)
(End of this chapter)

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