Chapter 492 Stay or Move

All players are positive.

All the audience, some media reporters took out small notebooks.

I'm afraid I don't understand!

Howell asked Ning Fang to sit down, and took a yellow cloth belt from the staff.

"I don't know, do you guys still remember the first variable in the first season?"

"Treasure hunt!" A contestant replied.

"That's right,"

Howell nodded, squatted down, and tied a yellow cloth belt on a wooden totem in front of him.

"What you have to do is to look for the yellow cloth belt in the jungle.

Fifteen teams placed a thousand pieces in total.

Near each cloth belt, there will be a supply box.

The remaining eight items for each team will be given one at random, so at eight o'clock tomorrow morning, everyone needs to report all the survival tools they have chosen.

You can understand this point! "

"Excuse me, what is the scope of the supply box?" Someone asked.

Howell smiled.

"The whole rainforest,
Find supply boxes, get equipment, and get a point.

Of course, not all boxes are full of tools, and I will leave it to you to explore what you will find. "


"This is too cruel."

"One thousand, even 1 won't work."

"This is... not letting the contestants stand still!"

All players were shocked.

Before, I thought about what innovations the program team would have.

I just heard about the scoring system, but I still don’t feel much.

The method of earning points determines that this national war is no longer a fixed-point survival,


Forcing the players,
get moving.
A thousand supply boxes sounds like a lot, but let alone the entire jungle, it's just a small area, and it's hard to find.

It's okay for you to survive at a fixed point, but it's meaningless.

Because you can't find the supply box, you can't get points, and you can't win even if you survive for a year.

"This difficulty, just pull it up."

"Although I don't know the arrangement of the supply box, it must be difficult."

"No wonder I didn't bring the stars to play. I'm afraid I won't be able to persist for three days."

"I think it's also quite difficult for experts."

There were no smiles on the faces of the thirty players present.

Rainforest, move.

These two keywords are enough to explain everything.

The audience can think of it, but as players, how can they not be clear.

"It seems that our players all understand," Howell looked around again, and the camera showed a close-up: "This survival, the difficulty and danger increase.

Without strength, you can't survive for a long time, you can't find supply boxes, and you can't get points.

This is the second season of National War-Stay & Move!

In addition to supply boxes, there is another way to earn points.


After the game starts, you will receive extra tasks from time to time, and if you complete them, you will get corresponding points.

the above,

These are all the rules of this national war! "

"Difficulty rises, thirty contestants will fall into a hard fight"

"Separate at the beginning, merge to become the first task"

"One Survival Item, Bell predicts that within three days, there will be players eliminated"

Once the rules of the competition were announced, they quickly became popular searches in various countries, triggering discussions among netizens and audiences.

Obviously much simpler.

Fifteen teams can only bring basic equipment before departure, plus one survival item, get one point for gathering, one point for finding a supply box, and win variable points.

The first team to score 25 points wins.

It is true that the rules are easy to understand, but the difficulty is also obvious.

It is impractical to build a permanent shelter and go out to search every day.

A total of [-] supply boxes.

The surrounding area is lucky, I found one or two for you, if there are many, there must be none.

Going back and forth every day, there are always times when I can’t make it in time, and I have to sleep outside. Physical strength is a big problem.

Moreover, the first point, players will be given a point when they meet each other.

Within five kilometers, I don't know if there will be teams that are eliminated without even seeing their teammates.

Some people say how simple it is. I light a fire and let my teammates stand on a high rise, or they all walk along the river.

Those who say this have absolutely no understanding of rainforests.

Unless you set the woods on fire, the smoke won't get through the dense canopy.

Moreover, there is no so-called high place.


The rivers in the jungle extend in all directions, how do you know if you are walking in the right branch and direction?
The audience rejoices,

It is not yourself who needs to experience these.

the audience expects,

In the end, how do the players face such a cruel game?

After the rules were announced, Howell announced the disbandment. The players returned to their rooms without wasting any time.

Brother Ning Fang beard is no exception.

As soon as the door was closed, Kaka, Brother Beard opened two bottles of beer.

"What do you think?"

"Hey," Ning Fang held the wine bottle: "Our team guessed for a long time, and it's not right at all."

"Yes!" Brother Beard took a sip of beer and took out the list: "Let's decide on the items you want first."

"A saber, an axe, each of us takes the same."

Not just Ning Fang, all the teams have basically the same choice.

In the jungle, sabers and axes can open the way, kill prey, and self-defense. Compared with other items, they can play the greatest role in the early search for people.

Brother Beard has no objection.

As for the remaining eight items, they must also be studied carefully.

Fixed-point survival and moving to find items require different tools.


In fixed-point survival, it can very well help survivors cut down giant trees and save energy.

However, on the move, it is not used at all.

sleeping bag,

The most important thing is to keep warm,
It's so hot in the jungle, if you have to lie in a sleeping bag, you can get prickly heat.

There are differences and there are similarities.

Bows and arrows are necessities.

There is not much food that can be hunted in the forest.

Rope, no matter what you do, will do the trick.


Seven items were quickly selected, leaving only the last one.

"I think you should bring a tent!"

Ning Fang pinched his chin and looked at the list in his hand.

"Mosquitoes are a big problem in the jungle. With a tent, you can sleep more at night. Moreover, you don't need to build a temporary shelter every day, which can save a lot of energy."

"Okay, then listen to you."

Brother Huzi didn't have any objections, what was in the supply box was out of the control of the two of them.

He just felt that what to choose depends on luck.

After ticking off the remaining eight items like a menu, it's a serious matter.

Brother Beard confirmed again and again that there was no problem, and then clapped his hands.

"Okay, here comes the most critical question, how do we two meet?"

At eight o'clock the next morning, all the players got up.

Each team handed their choice to Howell, and he glanced at it: "It seems that everyone's choices are quite similar."

You don't need to hide it, you are all masters, you will be curious, but you don't bother to plagiarize, and besides, you can't change it.

"Then, please Bangzi Country, Maple Leaf Country, Maozi Country"

Howell called out twenty contestants in a row.

"Please pack your luggage and take a ride to another preparation point.

Don't worry, you can say goodbye to each other, because the next time we meet, I don't know how many days it will be. "

Ning Fang knew a lot, he didn't need to leave, so he went up to say a few words and wished him good luck.

after an hour.

The originally bustling village suddenly became quite deserted.

The staff came out: "Everyone, if you want a room one by one, you can satisfy it now."

Everyone smiled, no one changed.

They are all partners, and they need to cultivate a tacit understanding.

"For the next two days, everyone, take a good rest. The game will start on time at eight o'clock in the morning on July [-]th."

(End of this chapter)

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