Seeing that Xia Chuyi stopped the little girl from showing him the sword, Li Chuan purposely put it off: "Does the Queen Mother of the West know?"

Shen Guanyu: ...

Xia Chuyi: ...

"The one who won't let the seven fairies go down to earth to get married?" Ao Xian, who had been silent all this time, was the first to cheer.

Li Chuan smiled and said: "It's her." Then he reacted: "How do you know?"

Ao Xian didn't even want to talk about him: "Of course it's from Shen Guanyu." About the Tablet and Dragon Ball Space, will it tell him?
Xia Chuyi already had some understanding: "Li Chuan, don't tell us that this sword is made from the peach root of the Queen Mother."

"Really." Li Chuan said with great certainty: "My grandfather kept a three-inch dagger in his collection, which is made of exactly the same material as this one.

It is said that a long time ago, there was a great monk in his hometown who ascended and passed it down. "

Shen Guanyu flipped through it twice and said: "Peach trees can ward off evil spirits, and flat peach trees should also work.

Mother, it just so happens that you have wood spirit roots for you to use. "

"Shen Guanyu, his heart is in his armpit.

Obviously, I am a serious swordsman.

You give Danxiu a fairy sword that needs to reshape the heart and body of the sword? "Li Chuan was very greedy.

Xia Chuyi originally waved his hand to decline, but after hearing what he said, he accepted it and said, "I can't use it, so I can give it away. How about Xiaoyu?"

"It's yours to give it to you." Shen Guanyu suppressed her smile: "But I have to take it to ask my uncle to palm my eyes."


"I will go with you."

Xia Chuyi and Li Chuan spoke at the same time, but Shen Guanyu's spiritual consciousness had penetrated into the constantly flashing identity jade badge around his waist.

It reads: "The direct disciples above Foundation Establishment will arrive at the Taiyi Hall as soon as possible."

"Father, mother, the suzerain is calling, you guys play with the sword first." Shen Guanyu rushed to Xuanxiang Peak with Ao Xian together.

She met several personal bishops on the way, and everyone came in groups.

The direct disciples are not only those who worshiped under Yuanying's sect, but also those who worshiped the monk Jiedan as their teacher.

Anyone who has formed alchemy for more than ten years can be accepted as a disciple.

Some monks don't like vulgar things, and they don't want to accept disciples, while some monks like to teach more disciples and pass on their own lineage.

In addition, after the apprenticeship, the master and the apprentice get along with each other for a long time, but the parents rarely see each other.

Therefore, most of the time in the world of cultivating immortals, the master-student relationship is more intimate than the father-son relationship.

Closer to home, when Shen Guanyu rushed to the Taiyi Hall, he saw all the elders of Yuanying in the sect, and the masters of alchemy gathered together to make their appearance.

Together with everyone, she bowed to the resident master who was sitting upright.

Chang Ju said: "I just received news that since last year's Ghost Festival, ghosts have appeared in many places in the mortal world.

The disciples who received the mission to suppress them recently saw a large number of foundation building and Qi refining ghost cultivators haunting them.

Among them, the cultivator of Huolingen was severely hit by the ghost cultivator.

The Cultivation Alliance sent a note stating that there have been varying degrees of casualties in the Mortal Realm, and the souls of the dead have been detained, and it is difficult to bring them back to life.

And we, as monks, not only pursue longevity, but also support justice, eradicate evil and help the weak. "

She got up slowly and said: "As direct disciples, you receive the most support from the sect, and the sect receives support from the cities of cultivating immortals and the mortal kingdoms under its jurisdiction.

Now, do you dare to take on the task of protecting Fancheng and driving away ghost cultivators? "...

"Dare! Dare! Dare!"

"Very good. Go back and prepare. Gong Ge will give you [-] contribution points in advance to purchase supplies.

Two hours later, gather at the outer gate square and set off. "

"Receive the decree of the suzerain." The disciples left quickly, and they wanted to exchange some useful things with the brothers and sisters of the sect.

Shen Guanyu did not leave, but came to the pavilion not far outside the hall with Senior Sister Yun and Senior Sister Xun.

She spoke first: "Senior Sister Xun, the disciple who received the task, did you suffer heavy casualties?"

"After being besieged, three out of ten are out of ten." Xun Zhi helped Master handle all kinds of summons and files every day, she said:

"Xiaoyu, Senior Brother Cao, Senior Brother Liao and Chi Ai, Chao Yan, and Mo Yu teamed up to the Mortal Realm. Before they disappeared, there was news of the Night Walk of Hundred Ghosts."

People have relatives and estrangements, and monks are no exception. Shen Guanyu's first reaction: "Chi Ai is brewing wine in the Spirit Beast Valley, how could he suddenly take on a mission?"

"Chi Ai always feels that Huangfu Chaoyan is pitiful, how pitiful is she when she is a monk?" Ao Xian said dissatisfiedly: "One is too pure, the other is too fine."

"Ao Xian." Shen Guanyu shook his head, not letting him speak.

The little divine beast was very perceptive: "Hmph, that's what it was. Ever since I returned to the sect this time, I think there's something wrong with that Huangfu Dynasty."

"What's wrong?" Yun Qianzhu asked it.

Ao Xian thought for a while: "Emotions, she never showed jealousy on her face before.

It doesn't make sense to grow up and build a foundation, but not as stable as when you were young. "

Xun Zhidao: "Yes, Chao Yan also found that she couldn't calm down to practice, so she asked Chi Ai to go to the mortal world to help and visit relatives by the way.

The two met Brother Cao and the others on the way, and formed a team together.

Now, Chi Ai's master Zuihe Zhenren has gone to the mortal world to find someone. "

Shen Guanyu frowned, she only met Chao Yan twice after she came back, she didn't pay much attention, "I hope to find them as soon as possible."

Yun Qianzhu patted her and said, "Chi Ai is a foundation cultivator, and it's not like he hasn't practiced before.

Now, you should exchange more Sunshine Pills with me, and then go to Gongge to exchange some pieces of Fire Spirit Jade. "

Shen Guanyu nodded quickly, "Why do low-level ghost cultivators always stay in the mortal world? The underworld is more conducive to their cultivation, right?"

Yun Qianzhu and Xun Zhi looked at each other, but they couldn't answer this question either.


At the same time, read by Shen Guanyu
"Really." Li Chuan said with great certainty: "My grandfather kept a three-inch dagger in his collection, which is made of exactly the same material as this one.

It is said that a long time ago, there was a great monk in his hometown who ascended and passed it down. "

Shen Guanyu flipped through it twice and said: "Peach trees can ward off evil spirits, and flat peach trees should also work.

Mother, it just so happens that you have wood spirit roots for you to use. "

"Shen Guanyu, his heart is in his armpit.

Obviously, I am a serious swordsman.

You give Danxiu a fairy sword that needs to reshape the heart and body of the sword? "Li Chuan was very greedy.

Xia Chuyi originally waved his hand to decline, but after hearing what he said, he accepted it and said, "I can't use it, so I can give it away. How about Xiaoyu?"

"It's yours to give it to you." Shen Guanyu suppressed her smile: "But I have to take it to ask my uncle to palm my eyes."


"I will go with you."

Xia Chuyi and Li Chuan spoke at the same time, but Shen Guanyu's spiritual consciousness had penetrated into the constantly flashing identity jade badge around his waist.

It reads: "The direct disciples above Foundation Establishment will arrive at the Taiyi Hall as soon as possible."

"Father, mother, the suzerain is calling, you guys play with the sword first." Shen Guanyu rushed to Xuanxiang Peak with Ao Xian together.

She met several personal bishops on the way, and everyone came in groups.

The direct disciples are not only those who worshiped under Yuanying's sect, but also those who worshiped the monk Jiedan as their teacher.

Anyone who has formed alchemy for more than ten years can be accepted as a disciple.

Some monks don't like vulgar things, and they don't want to accept disciples, while some monks like to teach more disciples and pass on their own lineage.

In addition, after the apprenticeship, the master and the apprentice get along with each other for a long time, but the parents rarely see each other.

Therefore, most of the time in the world of cultivating immortals, the master-student relationship is more intimate than the father-son relationship.

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