Huangfu Chaoyan escaped by chance, held the sword in his hand and said, "Thank you, Sword Spirit."

Sword Spirit: "You're welcome, saving you is saving myself."

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Huangfu Chaoyan felt that the sword spirit was smiling, and the place where she was staying was the Wusheng Temple where she and Chi Ai had been together?

Subconsciously, Huangfu Chaoyan made another seal to seal the sword spirit, but unexpectedly, the long sword was released, and a human figure emerged from it, and he tapped his eyebrows with two fingers, and he was frozen.

Chaoyan's heart skipped a beat, unable to move, "Are you a sword spirit? What do you want?"

Sword Spirit: "Of course I want to take you away. However, for the sake of bringing people to realize the concept of life and taking one of my ribs away from the land of the five yins, I will allow your soul to live."

"I have summoned..."

"This?" Sword Spirit held a Wanwanli Communication Talisman.

Hehe smiled and flew into Huangfu Chaoyan's eyebrows, no matter whether Huangfu Chaoyan shot again, he was still trapped in the sword and fell asleep.

"Ah, it's great to have a body." Jian Ling stretched his waist, and turned around in the water mirror to look at himself.

Then he stroked the spirit sword that fell on the ground and said: "It's also your bad luck, I originally chose that little girl Chi Ai.

Who knew that it was so easy to use your mouth to lure her to realize the concept of life, but when a ghost cultivator made trouble, you separated too quickly, so I had no choice but to use you. "

As soon as she put away the spirit sword, she felt a gust of wind blowing behind her, she turned around and slashed sideways, and said in surprise: "It turned out to be a wonderful speech! Tsk tsk tsk, before I was a ghost and you were a human, but now you are a human and I am ghost."

Miao Yan thought it was strange to kill Jian Ji casually, but she missed a single blow. She drew back her hands and said defensively, "Which ghost king is it?"

"You don't need to know about that." The sword spirit swayed, and his aura suddenly rose.

She let go of her spirit sword, swish, swish, swish, and transformed into nine swords, instantly besieging a witty word.

Feeling the overwhelming killing intent, Miao Yan immediately shouted: "Wait a minute, Ghost King! I know the secret treasure of King Gu You."

Sword Spirit raised his eyebrows and smiled, "King Gu You, your people don't seem to be very loyal."

Miao Yan suddenly trembled, she saw Yu Yuan approaching in her consciousness, no, Yu Yuan at this moment is King Gu You.

But King Gu You just flicked away the nine swords that besieged the witty words: "She is only protecting herself.

It was the ghost king who promised back then that I would help you condense your soul, and you would help me break open the wind crystal mine in Xiyu Mountain.

Last time, you had to pick a female alchemy cultivator from Lingquan Peak. Although she was not strong enough, she was still at the stage of alchemy.

But now, you just searched for a foundation building period, how do you break open the stone mine? "Human women are troublesome, they don't change their nature even after they become ghosts.

Miao Yan quickly retreated behind King Gu You, she lowered her eyes and thought: Could this ghost king be the one who could not survive the catastrophe of ascension a hundred years ago?

However, how did Gu You get online with her a hundred years ago, and why didn't she have any memory?
A nurturing alchemist from Lingquan Peak of Taiyi Sect?It can only be Lin Miaozhen who committed suicide decades ago.

The sword spirit said indifferently: "You are not in a hurry, now that the gate of the Jedi is open, don't you want to explore other realms first?"

Gu You: "It is because the gate of the Jedi has been opened that it will be sealed by the Tiangang Formation.

Otherwise, when Renxiu finds all kinds of spiritual materials in the other 27 worlds and sends them back to repair Jiyuan, those gods will come out. "...

"That's why I contacted my former subordinates and asked them to take away whatever they can when they come to the human world." Sword Spirit wanted to use this body to wander around, and was very unwilling to deal with him.

"It won't be long before all the sects and aristocratic families in Tiannan will be ours."

The sword spirit jumped onto the flying sword and said: "King Gu You, please be patient."

Gu You stared at the direction she was leaving and frowned. The ghost cultivator seized the human race on a large scale, and he might die faster.

He was thinking: what is the ultimate goal of the ghost king?
What bad thoughts could the ghost king have?But I don't want to weaken the strength of those guys in Guifang City, so that they don't ruin her family business that she worked hard in the underworld.

As soon as she left the Temple of Enlightenment, she met Chi Ai and Mo Yu who were surrounded by several foundation-building ghost cultivators.

Seeing the two little girls being knocked down, the sword spirit resolutely slashed out several swords, with a sound of swish swish swish, the ghost cultivators were all wiped out.

Chi Ai covered her wound and came up to her, "Senior Sister Chaoyan, how fast are you improving your swordsmanship?"

The sword spirit was proud: "That's right, even though I have practiced pills for many years, I dare not slack off in my swordsmanship.

What about Senior Brother Cao and Senior Brother Liao?You haven't found it yet. "

Seeing that Chi Ai and Mo Yu shook their heads in unison, Jian Ling pondered for a moment and said, "Let's leave here first."

"Okay!" Chi Ai was supported by the sword spirit, she turned her head and said, "Mo Yu, come up together, Senior Sister Chaoyan is not an outsider."

Mo Yu still can't speak, but there is absolutely no problem with the sound transmission of her spiritual consciousness: "No, it will consume more spiritual power for the senior sister to bring the two of us."

For some reason, she always felt that Senior Sister Chaoyan was different.

Find a chance to have a private talk with Sister Chi Ai.


On this side, Shen Guanyu had already started to exchange for what he needed at the Gong Pavilion.

She was queuing up when she received a message talisman from her father, and her consciousness penetrated: "Shen Guanyu, are you going to deal with ghost cultivators?

In addition, your mother and I are not many, and there are still many pills. In addition, you will come and take the sword away later.

Wannian peach wood is the best way to ward off evil spirits, and you also take the Buddhist beads we got from enlightenment. "

Ao Xian also read it together and said, "Why is your father so generous all of a sudden?"

Shen Guanyu smiled and said: "He is playing hard to get, and it is said to be a fairy sword, so he must not give up."

"Immortal sword? At best, it's close to immortal grade." Ao Xian still couldn't find the record of the flat peach fairy tree, "It's time to leave in less than two hours.

It was too late for the wooden sword to be refined by Uncle Yousheng.

What if there really is a soul hidden in it? "

Shen Guanyu patted it and said: "The chances are not high, peach wood is also known as ghost tree, and the soul cannot hide."

"Ghost horror wood?" Ao Xian suddenly thought: "I know, this wood comes from Taozhi Mountain in the underworld. If you want to repair it, you have to go to Taozhi to find ghost wood with the same texture."

"It seems that we have to go to the underworld in the future." Shen Guanyu was nodding his head when he heard senior brother Zhang Jun calling himself.

She wanted to go out of the queue, but Zhang Jun waved his hands, hurriedly walked over and said, "I'm here to exchange some things too, you bring them to Senior Brother Cao." His injuries have not healed, so he won't be able to go on the mission this time.

Shen Guanyu: "Brother Cao is very stable, nothing will happen."

Before she finished speaking, her messenger jade talisman flickered away: "Junior Sister Shen, we caught a ghost cultivator named Wan Fang, girl, she said she knew you."

"Where did Senior Brother Hua catch him? I haven't seen someone, so I'm not sure if I recognize him or not." Shen Guanyu quickly replied to Huazhan.

Huazhan is in a small town of cultivating immortals less than two thousand miles away from Taiyizong. He received a reply soon, then stared at Guixiu and said, "Where did you know Junior Sister Shen? To be honest, maybe it will be less painful." suffering."

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