Chapter 219

Before Ao Xian finished speaking, Shen Guanyu flew out.

She smashed the mountain and fell to the moon, and the Dragon Spear stabbed down like a flying dragon. The formation formed by several monks in the middle and late stage of foundation establishment suddenly made a hole from behind.

Facing a dozen or so robbers, after killing two of them, he was already enlightened. After realizing that it was Shen Guanyu who came to help him, he breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, the monk's robe on his body was stained with blood in many places, and his spiritual and physical strength were exhausted.

If it weren't for the natal magic weapon, Qi Mei Cudgel, who is good at group battles, and he has advanced to the middle stage of foundation establishment and has the protection of the Buddha treasure, he has already been bullied by several monks.

"Little fellow Daoist Shen, they may all be ghost cultivators."

As soon as he finished speaking, someone in Jiexiu threw a poisonous dart at him.

The dart missed, but was knocked down by Huazhan's spirit sword.

On this side, as soon as Shen Guanyu and Jianji Zhongqi fought, the prayer beads on her wrists started to move, so Juwu reminded her, and she threw out several fire talismans at the same time.

"Ah!" In the middle stage of foundation establishment, she didn't expect this female cultivator to be so rich, and all the fireball talismans exploded on her body.

He couldn't even escape from the bombed body.

After Shen Guanyu killed one person, seeing his senior brother coming to help, he quickly swept his spear away, blocking the three foundation-establishment monks, so that the senior brother could deal with the two late-stage foundation-establishment monks first.

This side only needs to fight against one person's awareness, and finally eats the last elixir, so there is no need to hold back.

Ao Xian on the cloud-piercing boat saw Shen Guanyu walking among the three monks with a spear and a fire talisman, preventing them from forming a joint force.

It really wants to help, but there are still four people in the warehouse who are still awake and have to stay behind.

However, Senior Brother Hua has thrown more talismans than Shen Guanyu, and he has already wiped out two late stage Foundation Establishment.

In the middle stage of foundation establishment, they saw that the companions with the highest cultivation bases were all dead, and quickly wanted to retreat.

But now they can't help it anymore, there are magic talismans blocking the road.

Although Huazhan cultivates both swords and talismans, he, like Shen Guanyu, can kill people with talismans without fighting hard with a sword or a spear.

What's more, the other party may not be a normal person cultivating.

The two senior brothers and sisters scattered the goddesses who used the fire talisman like flowers, making Jue Wu, who was not well-off, sigh how rich the two were.

For a while, there was constant bombardment and dust flying in this place, and someone was killed again.

Shen Guanyu finally ended the battle with a thunder talisman, searched all kinds of useful things on the corpse, picked up a few storage bags, and threw a few fireballs with his senior brother. This group of robbers couldn't die Die again.

When she brought the storage bag to Jue Wu, the Buddha cultivator who was leaning on an eyebrow-level stick fell face down beside Huazhan without warning.

The two senior brothers and sisters didn't think of it, so their consciousness fell for real.

When Huazhan lifted the person up, Shen Guanyu saw Juwu's two nosebleeds flowing non-stop.

As she helped perform the rejuvenation technique, she couldn't help but look sideways at senior brother Hua. Could it be that even Buddhist cultivators in the spiritual world have not been spared the magical power of senior brother?
"Look at me, he's injured." It's common for monks to be injured, and it's not an embarrassment, but Huazhan subconsciously took half a step back.

Shen Guanyu said "Oh", "Brother, bring people on the flying boat?"

Huazhan came out of consciousness and realized that the injury was serious, so she had to help her up.

Shen Guanyu took two steps to keep up, but unexpectedly the ground slipped, he staggered unstoppably, and bumped into Huazhan's back.


Shen Guanyu: It's decided, another day I will have a chance to trap my brother's sack.

When she thought this way, her consciousness swept over the slippery place just now, "What is this?"

A khaki ball the size of a grain of rice was rolling around.

"Huangquansha?" The consciousness just woke up at this moment.

Busily took out a cloud bowl and passed it to Shen Guanyu's hand, saying: "Little Daoist Shen put it away quickly, this thing can be used to distinguish ghosts when refined into a vessel.

It should be that the ghost that was wearing on his body was blown out by the thunder talisman. "

It has to be collected quickly, Shen Guanyu put one grain in the cloud bowl, and found dozens of grains with Brother Hua and packed them up.

When she got on the flying boat, she said: "I've only heard that ghosts in the Yellow Spring regretted turning into sand, but this is the first time I've seen this thing today.

Master Awakening, here are 49 capsules in total, one for each of us. "

For some reason or another, many ghosts are stranded in the underworld and cannot enter the gate of ghosts.

If you can't enter the ghost gate, you can't reach the river of forgetfulness and cross the bridge of Naihe to reincarnate.

Over time, among these ghosts, the weak ones will disappear in the water of the Yellow Spring. It is said that the tears shed by the ghosts who died in it will condense into the bottom of the Yellow Spring to form the sand of the Yellow Spring.

The price of Huangquan sand refining into the device, which is more sensitive to the appearance of ghosts and ghosts than Buddhist beads, is priceless.

Not everyone has the opportunity to bring this thing back from the underworld.

Therefore, Shen Guanyu was not humble, and directly proposed to divide it into three shares.

I also put more than ten storage bags together, after going through the fire of the dantian together, put them on the table for awakening to choose.

His life was saved by others, and he realized it very well: "Just do as Xiaoyou Shen said, [-] pills per person, the extra pill is better to give to the little dragon king."

"Do I have it too?" Ao Xian immediately put his head on the cloud bowl to look: "Little fish, little fish, help me see which one is the biggest."


What it said caused the three of them to burst into laughter, and the wound that Jue Wu had just stopped bleeding burst open again.

A moment later, after dividing the things, Shen Guanyu said, "Why did Master Juewu leave the Great Buddha Temple alone?"

Jue Wu leaned on the floor and said: "Since the gate of the Jedi can be passed through, the monk can come and go freely.

After talking with your parents not long ago, I plan to practice in Tiannan Realm.

I took a task of finding people in the front city, but I didn't want to go halfway and heard a large number of ghost cultivators haunting Yangjie.

Coincidentally, the person that the monk was looking for appeared, and I caught up with him and found out that something was wrong was too late. "

The three of Shen Guanyu looked at each other, it was useless, "Is it the Zhaohua City ahead?
We happened to be going there to take the teleportation array. "

Huazhan also continued: "I don't know if you chased those people from Zhaohua City just now?"

"There is only one person, the others may have been in ambush outside before." Jue Wu said: "Are you two going to the mortal world to drive out ghosts?
The little monk is willing to help. "

"You're injured." Ao Xian thought it was better for him to stay in Zhaohua to recuperate, as the aura in the mortal world is not strong.

Awakening said, "It's okay, there is a big pill in the storage bag I just got.

I practiced in a small retreat for three or two days, and the injury was healed. "

Shen Guanyu was very welcome, after all, Huang Quansha hadn't been refined into a magic weapon yet, and it would be beneficial for them to have a Buddha cultivator who could recognize ghosts.

But the captain is a senior, she said: "What do you think, senior?"

Huazhan didn't object. After reporting to the Foreign Affairs Hall, he met a ghost and repaired his house, and said: "Then we can't stay in Zhaohua City, and we can only go to the mortal world to retreat after realizing that Master."

When the group of them sat in the teleportation formation, they didn't know that not long after Changju Zhenjun sent a note to the Cultivation Alliance and various sects, many ghost cultivators who robbed the human race were found out in various cities in the Tiannan Realm.

Chang Ju, Shen De, and You Sheng said: "Every city under the jurisdiction of the sect needs to set up a Lihuo exorcising formation at the gate of the city.

The cost of this item alone is more than the spiritual rice that the Zongmen eats in half a year. "

Shen De said: "We have to find a way to enter the underworld, and cut off the ghost cultivator from the source to the Yang world."

"Where is the passage?" You Sheng asked the key.

(End of this chapter)

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