Chapter 220

Chang Ju waved his hand and said, "To find the passage, you need Senior Huashen to go in.

Otherwise, those city lords who are ghost repairing the city will not pay attention to us at all. "

Shen De and You Sheng looked at each other, the previous ghost cultivators said that the ghost king had not crossed the catastrophe.

Now that the civil turmoil in Guifang City has not subsided for a hundred years, more ghosts from Guixiu City have been involved.

It's okay to say that the ones inside the ghost gate are guarded by hell.

But fights between ghost kings in the God Transformation Realm outside the Ghost Gate are almost becoming commonplace.

These Nascent Soul monks entered the underworld, are they going to give away their heads?
Shen De said: "The female ghost Xiu said that there are rumors that the ghost king of Zhishu did not fall under the catastrophe.

However, after a hundred years of trouble in Ghost City, she did not show up. Could it be that she really died. "

"Maybe, she came to the human world?" As soon as You Sheng finished speaking, the three seniors, sisters and brothers stopped talking at the same time.

The Taiyi Hall was eerily quiet...

At this moment, Zhishu, the king of ghosts, was admiring the moonlight in the high sky in the main hall of Wusheng Temple.

But her spiritual sense kept paying attention to Chi Ai, and after Chi Ai and Mo Yu were asleep, Zhishu approached them.

Mo Yu, who was pretending to be asleep, did not dare to change the frequency of his breathing, nor did he dare to protrude his consciousness.

If they were trapped here for a long time, ghost cultivators would attack them from time to time, so they shouldn't be asleep.

However, after practicing for a few weeks, she couldn't help feeling sleepy.

Mo Yu's heart ached when he heard the quiet footsteps stop at Chi Ai's place.

All along, she, Mu Heng, Zhao Di, and Fu Qi Fu Lin didn't like getting too close to Senior Sister Chaoyan.

Although they were young when they joined the sect, they had already tasted the warmth and coldness of the world, and they knew that Senior Sister Chao Yan treated them in different ways.

With her ears pressed against the wall, Mo Yu felt that Senior Sister Chao Yan seemed to be squatting down.

She felt that she couldn't sleep anymore, so she jumped up and said, "Senior Sister, hurry up, there is a ghost cultivator."

This jump doesn't matter, she clearly saw the hand of Senior Sister "Chao Yan" just now, sticking to Senior Sister Chi Ai's forehead.

The forehead between the brows is the most important position for a monk.

But Senior Sister Chi, who is a monk, was not prepared at all, and even the sound transmission of her own consciousness did not wake her up.

And Senior Sister Chaoyan looked at Senior Sister Chi Ai, just like chasing the wind when she saw a roasted spirit rabbit, greedy.

"I'm having a nightmare." Mo Yu quickly pounced on Chi Ai, and said, "Senior Sister, did Senior Sister Chi fall into some poisonous trick from Guixiu? She fell into a coma."

Zhishu, who was interrupted from casting the spell, suppressed her dissatisfaction and said, "I just came here to check when I found something wrong with her.

She is fine, she has been running and fighting these days, she is too tired. "

Alas, she just cast a spell on Chi Ai in order to guide the little girl to offer her soul. Why was she interrupted by this mute twice in a row?

Otherwise, kill it.

Mo Yu, who helped Chi Ai to sit up, felt a faint murderous aura behind her for a moment. She tried her best to ignore it, and tried her best to calmly take a Qingxin Pill for Senior Sister Chi.

Behind her, Zhishu didn't make a move in the end, not because she was kind, but because she felt that the nearby formation was touched.

Flipping his palms, colorless misty smoke floated out, and bang, Mo Yu and Chi Ai fell to the ground together.

After Zhishu set up an invisibility formation, he quickly left Wushengguan and went to the eye of the formation...

When Shen Guanyu and the others teleported to the boundary between immortality and mortal realm, it was already Haishi.

There is a medium-sized city square here where immortals live together. After finding the small facade of Taiyizong here, and settling down Senior Sister Xiang who has not yet woken up, she said: "Senior Brother, why don't you let Senior Sister and the others stay here with Master Juewu?" a few days.

Let's go to Chu State first to find out what's going on? "

"Otherwise, let them enter your Qiankun hut first?" Huazhan doesn't own it herself. This is another skill of Baiqiaomen. Although it is not exclusive, it is also very expensive, and he is not willing to buy it.

"After she got this reward from the Cultivation Alliance, she hasn't recognized the master yet." Ao Xian's Dragon King was carrying a very delicate budding lotus, only two fingers wide and two inches long.

At first glance, I thought it was an accessory hanging on the body, but in fact there is something else inside.

Shen Guanyu: "I will recognize the Lord now."

Recognizing the Lord quickly, she brought Ao Xian and her senior brother in together. Inside, there was a bed and a set of desks and chairs in a room about ten square meters in size.

There is no problem at all with a few people living in.

Huazhan was a little hesitant. There is aura in the Qiankun cabin, but it will change with the movement of the younger sister.

Once entering the mortal realm, the wounded will recover more slowly due to the lack of spiritual energy, and it will be even more unfavorable for them if they arrive at a place where Yin energy gathers.

Not a moment later, after receiving the message on the Jade Talisman, Huazhan decided not to take any of them away: "Master Zui He sent it, he went to look for Wu Sheng Guan in the suburbs of Chu State.

However, the Taoist temple disappeared out of thin air, and was locked in the formation for hundreds of miles.


Ao Xian couldn't wait to know: "And what?"

Huazhan's face was solemn: "He saw Yuyuan coming out of the formation."

"Demon Sect? There are also ghost cultivators who harm people at the Demon Gate." Shen Guanyu didn't see the scene, so he didn't dare to conceive of the collusion between demon cultivators and ghost cultivators.

But Yuyuan didn't practice well in seclusion, so why did he come to Taoism?
"So let's go to Chu now, brother."

Chu State is still two mortal kingdoms away, but with Poyun Zhou, Shen Guanyu and the others arrived before dawn.

However, it was originally said that Uncle Zuihe would show up to respond, but it will be a dark night, and there will be no shadow of Uncle Zuihe.

The sound transmission symbol and the communication symbol can't contact people.

"Has Master Uncle gone in?" Shen Guanyu ran the Lingmu Art, and there was no dark mountain in front of him, it was clearly a paddy field.

However, the paddy field seemed to be in front of my eyes, but when I stretched out my hand, it was blocked by an invisible barrier.

If it attacks, the aura of this enchantment will definitely appear.

Zui He, who was studying the formation in the dark before, happened to meet Yuyuan after he left, and followed the place where he came out to find a formation eye.

Zui He was attacking the eyes of the formation, and saw Huangfu Chaoyan flying over in a hurry, "Isn't Chi Ai with you?

When was the last time you saw her? "

Zhishu didn't want to say anything, but pursed his lips in a sad gesture.

"Say it!" Zui He couldn't help but raise his voice by three points.

But he only said three words, Huangfu Chaoyan raised his hand and touched some kind of restriction, they all fell into the formation.

When he raised his eyes again, Zuihe still saw Huangfu Chaoyan, he said to himself: Someone is pretending to be Chaoyan?
No, why was my heart tensed just now?

He stretched out his consciousness and scanned again and again, but after all, he didn't see any people or ghosts.

However, Zhishu, who holds the Zhenpan Zhenshu in his hand, sees his every move clearly.

She contacted Miaoyan in a special way and said: "Now a male cultivator of alchemy comes in. If you want to improve your strength, you should get rid of this person."

Miao Yan is very reluctant to listen to orders, but she has not yet fully adapted to the ghost body, and urgently needs the soul blood of living people to make up for it.

However, when she flew to Zuihe's place, Zuihe started fighting without any explanation, and the winner has not been decided yet.

So Shen Guanyu who was outside the formation guessed correctly, but there was no prize.

I had no choice but to fly around the formation with my senior brother, and calculate the position of the gate and eye of the formation...

(End of this chapter)

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