who doesn't have a sword

Chapter 224 Good Wine

Chapter 224 Good Wine
Chen Shui doesn't have any identity card, he doesn't even know Luoyu Secret Realm, "No, I just want to watch the fun over there.

The two of you know, who will help to make up one over there?
Of course, I will give the two corresponding rewards, how about a jar of high-level spirit wine each? "

"Fellow Daoist is joking, we don't lack spirit wine." Another Nascent Soul cultivator on the opposite side finally couldn't help saying this.

But after Chen Shui took out a flagon to pour wine, he just took a deep breath of the smell of alcohol, and the people behind him suddenly forgot what to say.

There is still a big difference between spirit wine and spirit wine. At least if a drop or two of monkey wine is added to alchemy, the quality of the elixir can be improved instantly.

The Nascent Soul cultivator who answered earlier had to calm down and said in surprise: "Monkey wine?

Fellow Daoist, this thank you gift is too precious. "

There are countless spiritual wines in the world of cultivating immortals, but there is a kind of wine produced by the spirit monkeys of the monster race, which is priceless.

If there are spirit stones, they may not be sold to you.

"Both of you, please taste one or two." Chen Shui simply poured another glass, and brought it to the two of them with spiritual power.

The two Nascent Souls couldn't wait to take the tasting.

Suck, what a good wine!
"Do you have any friends around? How about we have an altar for each of us? Check out the above-grade spirit stones."

"I don't share two catties in total, so I won't sell it." Chen Shui refused, but said again: "But I can give each of you a pot."

"Thank you, fellow daoist, how about we change to flying boats?" The two nascent souls reciprocated, "If so, I can tell fellow daoists about the situation in the Luoyu secret realm."

"I'm the one to thank you two. I haven't been to Dongming Realm for many years, and some places are different..." Chen Shui followed the two Nascent Souls into the flying boat they took out, and the three chatted on the deck... …


The Myriad Hidden Formation on Shen Guanyu's side was quickly set up, but it was impossible for everyone to stay here without moving.

"Brother, why don't you let me search for Uncle Zui He and the others together?"

Zhan Jiu had his own reasons for his decision: "All of us are leaving, what about the injured disciples?"

Previously, it was basically a one-to-ten fight against Ghost Xiu, and half of the dozen or so people suffered serious injuries.

These injuries are nothing to the outside world, but in this unknown formation, Yin Qi is always unfavorable to injuries.

"Besides, you are the master of the Myriad Hidden Formation. If you sit here personally, no ghost cultivator will dare to barge in."

"..." Shen Guanyu was speechless, cooperating with her led herself into a ditch.

After watching Master Zhan lead most of the people out to search, Shen Guanyu couldn't sit still in the Wanyin Formation.

The remaining brothers and sisters are all meditating to heal their wounds. She didn't meditate but could draw amulets.

Taking out a small plan and pen and ink talisman paper again, Shen Guanyu took a deep breath and began to draw talismans.

Ao Xian watched from the side, and saw that she was still a little bit sluggish in drawing the talisman, and it seemed that something had fixed the talisman in half.

Shen Guanyu continued to input spiritual power into the talisman pen, but it was in vain.

No matter how much spiritual energy you lose, it seems to fill a bottomless pit.

After working hard to draw it and take a closer look, "Hey, why is the texture of this talisman different?"

"It's different, it's not all fire talismans." Ao Xian took a closer look.

Shen Guanyu pointed out: "Look at this point, and the order of this stroke and the fire talisman are reversed."

Ao Xian's dragon claw wiped his face and said, "Reverse? Could it be a Yin Talisman?"

"Yin Talisman?" Shen Guanyu read it carefully twice, "When will I be able to draw Yin Talisman?"

As soon as the words fell, she felt the fairy sword moving again, so she took it out: "Duo Duo, do you think this is the Yin Fire Talisman?"

Three-inch Ding Duoduo is an honest baby girl: "Ghost drawing talisman."

"Hahaha~~" Ao Xian smiled unkindly.

Shen Guanyu couldn't help but laugh, and put away the square table and pen and ink with a few clicks.

Then he raised the fairy sword and waved it, and after a few breaths, his steps naturally changed into gang steps.

She murmured something, and cooperated with the swordsmanship to make a formula: "I would like to ask Jiufeng to break the filthy real person, burn the filthy general, and eliminate the filthy general to descend to the altar to relieve the disgusting."

As she completed the spell, the fairy sword flew out of the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation, and Duo Duo also knowingly flashed back to Ao Xian, and was thrown into the space of the medicine garden by it.

Wow, so many spiritual herbs.

Duoduo couldn't see that there were sundries and bugs in the spiritual field, so she took care of those half-dead spiritual fruit trees without thinking about anything.

Shen Guanyu didn't know that someone had gone to catch insects for him. At this moment, he saw the escaped sword rushing out of the formation.

She followed closely and stood on the edge of the formation gate, seeing the four foundation-building ghost cultivators strung together by the fairy sword, a big smile appeared on her face.

The few wounded stopped pretending, and all ran to the formation designated by Shen Guanyu to guard.

Outside, more than 30 ghost cultivators attacked at the same time, and the state of this team of ghost cultivators was obviously different.

Shen Guanyu started to use the Spiritual Eye Art, and saw the tops of these ghosts' heads, each of which was bloodshot.

Is this the retreat to the Yin Gathering Ground here to rest after killing many creatures?

A group of ghost cultivators outside the formation came back with a full meal in the mortal town. Unexpectedly, when they came back, their lair was robbed by the cultivators.

Can't stand it!
Therefore, the leading ghost cultivator did not act until the human cultivators were divided into two teams.

But it didn't expect that a rounded sword would kill four of them in just one round.

It never occurred to him that the group of people who had just left came back again?
Shen Guanyu was very happy when he saw Senior Brother Zhan come back at the appointed time.

Then he unleashed the Dragon Spear and flew out to fight against Ghost Xiu.

Zhan Jiugui didn't say anything this time, and he just watched coldly without drawing his sword.

He nodded in satisfaction when all the ghost cultivators were killed.

"Senior brother, this is a good move." Shen Guanyu boasted sincerely.

Zhan Jiugui: "Just cheated once."

Come again, I am afraid that the ghosts will not come.

Just now when they left, they agreed tacitly and did not transmit voices to each other, because they were afraid of being heard by someone with a higher cultivation level.

What Shen Guanyu was more concerned about was, "Brother, how far have you guys gone?

Have you seen the clues left by Chi Ai and the others? "

"The flight is about a hundred miles away, but after twenty miles, we've been flying in circles." Zhan Jiugui couldn't be more upset.

Huazhan said: "I hope only our team has encountered such a formation.

Otherwise, if we don't receive any message from us for another three days, it will not be my master who will come to support us, but the Daoist Jiedan from each peak. "

"Why, look down on Jie Dan?" Zhan Jiugui gave him a sideways look.

Huazhan immediately denied it: "I don't have it, I'm just discussing the facts."

"You don't even want to save yourself, but you want to be saved." Zhan Jiugui stabbed him again.

Huazhan's hairs are standing straight: "Senior brother has prejudice against me."

Zhan Jiugui raised his eyebrows high: "Yes, what's the matter?"

"I~~" Huazhan was suddenly at a loss for words, and out of the corner of her eyes, she saw her junior sister Shen Guanyu and Xiaolong Wang Aoxian starting to sleep.

He immediately turned his head and fired: "What do you two mean, seeing me and my brother quarreling, won't you try to persuade me?

Got some camaraderie? "

Shen Guanyu sent the melon seeds in his hand forward: "It tastes like pineapple, brother, try it."

"Don't eat."

"I'm friendly, but you refused." Shen Guanyu complained.

"You!" Huazhan shook her sleeves and left.

Shen Guanyu turned his head and said to Zhan Jiugui: "Senior brother, will this formation affect people's mood?"

(End of this chapter)

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