who doesn't have a sword

Chapter 225 Words

Chapter 225 Words

Seeing the younger brother swinging his sleeves and leaving the Wanyin formation, he checked the eyes of the formation with all the younger brothers and sisters,
Zhan Jiugui was slightly taken aback, and said: "Thank you for reminding me, Junior Sister, I'll talk to Junior Brother Hua.

We must break through this formation as soon as possible.

Wan Yin Formation, you take it away yourself first. "

When he shrunk to find Huazhan, Shen Guanyu and Ao Xian said via voice transmission: "How many fire talismans we have saved before?"

"Is it in the Dragon Ball space?" Ao Xian thought for a while and said, "There are 210 six pieces of middle-level and high-level pieces together.

Are you going to use the Fire Talisman to forcefully break the formation? "

"Get ready." Shen Guanyu looked not far away from Wanyin Formation, and was looking for the same sect at the eye of the formation with the spirit plate of the formation, "In our team, there are only two foundation-building stage brothers, Senior Brother Hu and Senior Sister Miao. Array division.

It is feasible to break out of the natural formation, but it is not easy to break it. In case of an emergency, the magic talisman is the most time-saving and labor-saving. "

Ao Xian sighed: "It's a pity that Duoduo has stayed here for a hundred years, and she doesn't know how to get out."

Dodo, who is still digging the ground in the medicine garden: I'm just a wood spirit, not a formation master.

Two senior brothers and sisters came to help Shen Guanyu dismantle the formation.

When they were about to finish dismantling the Wanyin Zhenzhen flag, they suddenly heard a few brothers and sisters shouting loudly: "I found it."

Shen Guanyu quickly probed over with his spiritual sense, and saw Senior Brother Huazhan standing in front of the narrow passage first: "I'll go find the way first."

Senior Sister Miao stepped in front of him: "You talisman master, don't steal the work of our formation master."

"Senior Sister Miao, is it okay that the talisman formations are not separated?" Huazhan was not happy.

Senior Sister Miao raised her chin and said, "Then you can make a talisman array and show me."

"I'll show you when I get back to the sect." Huazhan was about to step up after speaking.

Shen Guanyu approached, and clearly saw Senior Sister Miao hook her feet, and Senior Brother Hua stepped back half a step.

At the same time, Senior Brother Hu squeezed in quickly, and threw the Array Measuring Disk to Senior Sister Miao, saying, "You two, don't try to steal credit."

Taking advantage of Senior Sister Miao's stupefied opportunity, Huazhan jumped into the small passage out of thin air.

Senior Sister Miao wanted to chase her again, but was stopped by Zhan Jiugui: "You and I will be the queen."

Regardless of Junior Sister Miao's reluctance, he turned his head to the others and said, "Pass quickly."

Shen Guanyu patted the spirit beast bag, and Ao Xian immediately disappeared into the space of the medicine garden.

Not to mention the praise it gave Dodo after seeing Lingtian's new look, but Shen Guanyu followed the same door into the passage with a dragon gun in hand, and felt a sense of weightlessness and dizziness.

Almost in the blink of an eye, she was thrown out of the passage and hit the senior brother in front.

Shen Guanyu was about to use his spiritual power to fly, but found that the spiritual power in his body had disappeared.

She quickly raised her internal strength, tapped her right foot with her left foot, and stabbed the senior brother's front left with the Dragon Spear, and landed steadily with the help of the thick wood's elasticity.

At the same time, he grabbed it with his hand and moved the brother to the side.

She scanned the surroundings, and all the same sects were there, but many people were in a coma now.

Huazhan, who had caught up with her, stretched out her finger, and flew to catch Senior Sister Miao who fell.

"Not good, the passage is about to close." Brother Zhan at the end just entered.

At the same time that Shen Guanyu threw his gun, other people who happened to wake up also threw their swords one after another, hoping to buy the last brother Zhan a moment to breathe.

Seeing that everyone's swords were bent, and there was only one gap left to close the passage, Shen Guanyu threw himself in front of a stone tablet beside him, hugged it and filled the gap.

Inspired by her, all those who have the strength to pass the test will lift up the nearby stone tablet to support the passage.

As soon as a senior sister saw Zhan Jiugui, she stretched out her long whip and rolled him out.

When Zhan Jiugui fell out of the tunnel along the long whip, the stone steles that were supported were finished.

Everyone's magic weapon was thrown out, but they didn't suffer any major damage.

"Huh, it's really thrilling!" Not only one person had this thought.

Zhan Jiugui looked around and saw nothing but the forest of steles, "Is there any inscription on the stele you threw in just now?"

? ?I didn't pay attention.

"Senior brother Zhan, all we throw is this row, and the engraving has not been completed." Shen Guanyu pointed to the row at the edge of the forest of steles. At first glance, this row of stone steles is the most inconspicuous but very eye-catching.

Because there are inscriptions on the stone tablets in the second row, this row not only has no words, but also exists like a rough stone slab.

Some rough stone slabs have cutting tools and carving knives beside them.

"Hundreds of monuments have words, what are they written on?" With no spiritual power, and her spiritual consciousness being restricted, Senior Sister Miao approached one of them.

After reading it, I went to the second and third...

A dozen big living people disappeared from her eyes, Zhishu's heart tightened, and she flew over to check at the fastest speed.

Why is there a transmission channel in this gathering and breathing formation?
Zhengcha was working hard, and a piece of divine consciousness that had been split before saw Zui He and the other three disciples of Taiyi Sect meet together.

Among them, the injured female cultivator looked familiar.

She thought about it carefully: "So it's Lin Miaozhen's niece.

Hmm, did Lin Miaozhen actually discover my identity? "

Senior sister Lin didn't know that anyone could hear her, she was still talking to Zui He:
"After the ancestral house inadvertently touched the organs left by the master, I have been trying to find the Taoist temple that the master mentioned for more than ten years... I finally found the hand that the master left in the mortal world...

Only then did I realize that the person who forcibly snatched someone else's fiancée and used Zou Daoyou's Tongyu spiritual body to improve his cultivation was not my master himself at all.

She has been possessed for too long, occasionally sober and unable to face someone using her body for evil.

So that day when Daoyou Zou appealed to the Cultivation Alliance during the Alliance Grand Competition and demanded that Master be severely punished, she chose to kill herself with a trace of clarity. "

Zui He frowned, "A sliver of spiritual consciousness left by your master? Is she sure that she is possessed by a ghost cultivator, or is it fused?

Is this consciousness still there? "He didn't give up hope. During the alliance competition, Zou, with the support of some people, suddenly jumped out to ask for help from the Cultivation Alliance. He was present with the suzerain and others at that time.

Just as the suzerain was fighting for Hu Miaozhen and Guiyuan Zong Lieyang Zhenjun, Lin Miaozhen committed suicide in public without leaving any words.

On the contrary, that kid surnamed Zou had been living and drinking in Yushanfang City all these years, and they couldn't drive him away or kill him.

Senior Sister Lin: "No more, she disappeared after handing me the prick.

Master asked me to look for clues at the back mountain of Wusheng Guan, because she was here when she first woke up... She vaguely sensed that ghost cultivator's body was buried in this mountain. "My cultivation base is too low, so I still have to be helped by the elders of the sect.

She must return Master's innocence.

"Has she guessed who that ghost cultivator was before he was alive?" Zui He has always known that Miaozhen is a delicate person.

Sister Lin said: "Master guesses that the other party is a ghost king."

"God transformation?"

"Hmm." If she could find the remains of that ghost, and bring them back to the sect, she would know what he had cultivated before he was alive.

After listening to the audience, Zhishu could not help but narrow his eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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