Chapter 226

Shen Guanyu has already followed everyone, and ran around half a mile. Except for the forest of steles, there is really nothing here.

"Junior Sister Shen, come quickly." Senior Sister Miao beckoned to her, "You five are the only ones who haven't observed the inscription.

Come and find what you want to see, you will be pleasantly surprised. "

Shen Guanyu: "Senior Sister, is there an inheritance on this inscription? Immortal-level skills? Supreme Dao?
Invincible swordsmanship, the secret to ascension? "

All the brothers and sisters looked at her more and more strangely.

Senior Sister Miao: Junior sister, you are so greedy.

Huazhan coughed lightly at the gesture of Zhan Jiugui who couldn't walk into the forest of steles: "You just need to remember the content above, and you will be kicked out.

As for what? When he was about to say it, he changed his mind again, "Everyone is different, you can know it when you see it." "

Shen Guanyu picked the stone tablet in the last row, and according to the method his senior brother and sister said, stroked the location of the tablet to inject internal strength.

After a while, [-]% of the internal force in the body was taken away by the stone tablet.

She closed her eyes and sat down slowly, and suddenly felt that she was connected with the monument, so she opened her eyes and took a closer look.

The inscription reads: The Tomb of Shen Congyun, General Zhengxi.

On the side are the dates of birth and death, and the name of the person who erected the monument.

She felt that the little beast looked depressed, "Ao Xian, is this a small independent space?" Very small.

"It doesn't look like it." Ao Xian said: "Shen Guanyu, what did you see on the stele?"

Shen Guanyu was very surprised: "The name and date of birth and death of a person surnamed Shen. Perhaps this person is also from the Shen family.

What do you see? "

"Many dragons are flying in the sky and breathing fire." Ao Xian said, "There is a very beautiful blue dragon inside, it should be my mother."

When Shen Guanyu didn't know how to tell it, the little dragon king said by himself: "After you ascend, I will take you to see my mother.

When the time comes, let her recognize you as her daughter. "

"Then I will be in your light."

"Dip it, dip it."

The two of them were talking without delaying Shen Guanyu to take a pen and paper from the Na Baolian to write and draw. When she looked up at the inscription in front of her, she found that there was only one word Shen on it.

She handed over the pictures she had drawn to Senior Brother Zhan and several others to study them together, and more than a dozen of them drew different things.

There are one or two poems, half-painted ones, prescriptions, sword manuals, recipes, and names and births and deaths just like Shen Guanyu... In short, there are all kinds of things.

Senior Sister Miao said: "I've tried all these monuments, and they can't be pulled out and moved away like in the beginning."

"Moreover, they are simply arranged without any trace of formation." Senior Brother Hu also said, "It's not like the mechanism technique of the mortal world."

A brother said: "It's so weird, I don't want to go in again."

"I don't want to either. I always feel that when I input internal force, the stone tablet will suck me in."

"Our Taiyi sect disciples have all practiced physical training, and most of them haven't lost their internal strength, so what if ordinary people come in?"

"Simple, just read the words on it."

"This is the strangest thing. There is a ghost but there is an illusion. The place is not big but we can't get out."

"Look at the other inscriptions."

"can not be seen."

"Try it and you won't lose a piece of meat."

"Perhaps the stele we selected has other secrets, so we can study it further."

We discussed for a while, but still no results.

Shen Guanyu agreed to go in again and said, "Otherwise, let's go back inside and read the inscriptions we selected again, or we may find something unexpected."

Zhan Jiugui pondered for a moment and said, "Just in case, let's go into the forest of steles to see it in groups of five.

We have time anyway. "

In fact, after entering here, time seems to stand still.

Everyone quickly returned to the Forest of Steles, and Shen Guanyu was in the first group this time.

There were clearly words on the other steles, but Shen Guanyu couldn't read them clearly when he wanted to see them.

Even if she and Ao Xian turned their faces to the inscription, they couldn't read the words clearly.

There was a brother in the same group who, like the two of them, found nothing when he put his face on the monument.

Reluctantly, Shen Guanyu sat down in front of the stele where the characters could be seen again.

After carefully staring at the remaining word "Shen" for a while, he finally found out from his memory that Shen Congyun was the uncle of Princess Xihe.

There is a sentence that records his life, when he was young, he was seeking art with the gods in the mountains, and it was extremely painful.

Is it a hermit monk?When Shen Guanyu thought this way, he suddenly heard someone say: "You are like everyone else, you also go to carry firewood and carry water to cook! Why are you still eating and drinking here for nothing?"

who is talking?
She felt an inexplicable coolness approaching her, and the talisman pen in her hand, which was used to trace Shen characters, also rolled to the ground.

At this time, the scene in front of him suddenly changed, and he saw a little boy carrying a bundle of firewood two ends taller than him, moving in the mountain road.

When the young man wiped his sweat from the side, Shen Guanyu couldn't help saying: "Master!" The master when he was young?
When she shouted, the scene changed again, and she saw her master worshiping someone to get married.

"How is this possible? It's all an illusion."

Shen Guanyu shook her head vigorously, other illusions might be able to fascinate her, but about Master, it's just nonsense if you don't look at it.

The master said that when he was young, he was practicing abroad. He once met someone he liked and planned to get married.

However, as a mortal future teacher's wife, her lifespan is too short, and she will leave early before the master gives up all her wealth in exchange for the life-prolonging pill.

As soon as she thought of these things in her mind, the picture of master getting married suddenly changed to seeing off her future wife.

Shen Guanyu almost rolled her eyes, she slapped her palm and said: "If you have the ability, you can portray the real face of my future mistress.

If you make false images one after another, you are not tired, but the people I see are tired. "

With this palm shot, the image displayed in front of her disappeared into nothingness in an instant.

But she still didn't come out of this place without sun, moon and stars.

Shen Guanyu frowned in confusion: "Is it possible that there is still a time limit? I can't get out until the time."

While thinking like this, Mo Yu appeared in front of her eyes again, and she also saw Chi Ai, who was in low spirits, and Senior Sister Lin, who was injured.

There are also Chaoyan and Senior Brother Cao, but why does Chaoyan look at Chi Ai differently?
Mo Yu seemed to be preventing Chao Yan from approaching Chi Ai.

But they are all wearing secular Taoist robes and attending classes.

The next moment the screen flickers:
"Wu Sheng Hall!" Looking up again, she seemed to see the lecturer in this hall.

It was clearly Master Zui He who was reprimanding someone in person.

Shen Guanyu's mind was running fast, and he always felt that this picture was the key to his departure.

Suddenly, the word Wu Sheng Dian flashed again, she clenched her fist with her right hand, and slammed it on the word Wu that was about to disappear.

The next moment, Ao Xian was calling her nervously: "Little fish? Wake up, the forest of steles is about to collapse."

As soon as Shen Guanyu opened his eyes, the ground shook violently, and some stone tablets began to shatter.

Without saying a word, she got up and ran outside. She saw Senior Brother Zhan Hua trying to run closer to her, but was blocked by an invisible barrier.

"Brother, don't worry about me, look at the door behind you."

Not only the two of them, but a door appeared behind everyone present.

Without them jumping in, a white light flashed in the door, and everyone was swung in like boats in the sea.

Shen Guanyu felt her mind go blank, and in the next moment, she couldn't help but smashed down.

The speed was too fast, Huazhan couldn't catch it even if she wanted to, and watched helplessly as the junior sister smashed through the thin wall, leaving a big hole in the shape of a human being...

(End of this chapter)

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