who doesn't have a sword

Chapter 233 Mortals

Chapter 233 Mortals
Ao Xian immediately clenched his hands and said in unison with Shen Guanyu: "Is this the legendary Breathing Stone?"

"Ang." Nan Mi's eyes clearly read the words "uninformed".

But Shen Guanyu and Ao Xian didn't mind her eyes at all, and said: "Senior took me to release the restriction first, and I promise to stay honest."

With a flick of inspiration in Nan Mi's hand, she unlocked the body-holding technique on her body and said, "You can't do any tricks." Flipping her wrists, the jade cards of Shen Guanyu and Ao Xian's disciples had been sealed by her, The sound transmission jade pendant was also sealed.

As soon as Shen Guanyu regained his freedom, he didn't care about his disciple's jade card being sealed. Anyway, the brothers and sisters couldn't contact her, so they would send flying swords to pass on the letter.

She and Ao Xian began to study the Breathing Stone immediately. The two looked at it over and over along the way, and said to each other with their soul thoughts:

"Does this Senior Nan still have the Breathing Stone? After we send Senior Liu away, we will also keep a treasure."

"But Ah Tian will be taken away by her." When Shen Guanyu thought of this, his excitement went down.

But Ao Xian said: "If she really accepts Ah Tian as her disciple, it's okay."

Shen Guanyu touched the Breathing Stone, and couldn't show any strangeness towards Nan Mi on his face, so he lowered his eyes: "It's about cultivating demons, Ah Tian may not be happy."

Ao Xian didn't think it was different: "Taoism and demons are the same, the key lies in whether the practitioner himself is upright.

It goes without saying that most demons are eager for quick success and love to take shortcuts, but among the demon cultivators, there are also some who ascend to the fairy world.

It is particularly evil and has no lower limit. Not only the Taoist sect can't tolerate it, but the demon sect also doesn't like it, and many of them have been killed by the advanced sky thunder early.

Gongfa is like a cook's knife, a cook uses it to cook, and a villain may use it to kill people. "

"The little divine beast is worthy of being a divine beast, and it makes sense." Shen Guanyu couldn't help rubbing its horns, and Ao Xian never hid its beautiful horns when they were alone in the sect.

She asked Ao Xian to put the Breathing Stone away, and said to Nan Mi: "Senior, the journey is boring, can I ask you some questions about the spiritual world?"

"You know it's presumptuous to ask?" Nan Mi was playing chess with himself, "Otherwise you come and play two games with me, and I'll tell you if you win."

Shen Guanyu came across from her, picked up the sunspots and put them on the chessboard, Nan Mi immediately shouted: "Why didn't I think of this trick?"

She quickly played the white piece to intercept the black piece's move, but then found that Shen Guanyu didn't bother, but instead put the black in the corner, and even lifted her three white pieces down.

"Ah, with such a move, won't my white chess turn from victory to defeat?" Nan Mi swished twice, messing up the chess pieces. "Come again."

Shen Guanyu had no choice but to accompany her to start again, halfway through the fight, Nan Mi's downfall was evident, she immediately disrupted the chess pieces and said, "Start again."

Ao Xian couldn't help complaining: "What's the point of you always regretting chess?"

It had just finished speaking when it heard a bang of thunder, and after the continuous thunder, the rain fell again.

Ao Xian ran to the deck to look into the distance, and within a short time of tea, it came back and said: "It seems to be raining heavily ahead, and the night sky is full of black clouds."

Shen Guanyu finally found an excuse not to play chess, and ran to the deck to look out, "The clouds here seem to come from the front, and it doesn't look like it was caused by the fighting skills of the monks. There won't be any natural disasters, right?" ?”

Nan Mi also came out and said: "It's not good to be a mortal, when it rains, the rivers on the ground burst their banks.

Tsk tsk tsk, look, there was an earthquake and rain in the middle of the night, how many people fell into the water?
We won't be leaving tonight, let's find a place to rest first. "Thunderstorms in the mortal world are not terrible. What is terrible is that if you kill five or seven in a row, you can't beat this girl named Shen Guanyu.

She turned the flying boat and wanted to find a place where it didn't rain.

Shen Guanyu's heart trembled, the mortal world in the later world is so convenient and fast, there are places where rescue cannot be done in the event of earthquakes and various disasters, let alone in today's mortal world.

I remember that when I was young, there was a rainstorm, and when the rocks collapsed, my grandfather followed the masters in the Taoist temple, and almost all of them went down to help the villagers run up the mountain.

Thousands of people were trapped in the Taoist temple for several days. It was young soldiers who flew down in thunderstorms to deliver supplies to save people.

Now, she is not a child, so she can't just ignore her if she has the ability.

Shen Guanyu tried his best to extend his spiritual consciousness to the farthest, but he only saw strong winds and continuous rain, and the big river not far away was rushing to the shore, as if it was about to pour down.

She remembered that the map showed that there were villages standing near the river bank in the first twenty miles.

click, click, click
Boom, boom, boom

"Senior brother Zhan sent a message a few days ago that the place where Tang and Chu intersect is often cloudy and rainy." Ao Xian looked at the thunder and lightning in the sky.

Shen Guanyu's face was full of worry: "The place where Qi State and Jiang State meet is exactly where the great river diverges.

One separates the state of Qi and Chu, and the other separates the state of Chu and Tang under the jurisdiction of Taiyizong. "

She paused and turned back, "Senior Nan, let's fly forward, maybe we can help save ordinary people."

Nan Mi controlled the flying boat to stop and said: "The big river stretches for nearly a thousand miles in front of it, and it is raining on both sides of the middle and lower reaches. How many people can you save with a small foundation building?"

"If we can save as many people as possible, our colleagues in the Tang Kingdom will not fail to come to rescue us.

Senior doesn't want to come near, so you can let me and Ao Xian go out first. "Shen Guanyu was worried that she would not let him go, so he immediately raised his hand to swear: "I, Shen Guanyu, swear to heaven that I will never leave without permission after saving people, and I will still come to find Senior Nan. "


"Shen Guanyu should send senior Nanmi to Jinping Mountain, and never break his promise, otherwise the world will perish!"

An electric arc that split into two fell from the sky and printed between Shen Guanyu's eyebrows.

The other chased after Nan Mi, but she did not dodge it: "Are you serious?"

The electric arc entered between Ah Tian's eyebrows, and actually hit Nan Mi's soul body. She trembled all over and said to Ah Tian's soul body, "If she hadn't made such a heavy oath, I wouldn't have suffered this crime."

Ah Tian took the opportunity to say: "Senior, you can rest here for a moment, and I'll go save people with Xiaoyu."

Nan Mi waved his sleeves, which he couldn't hold on to anymore: "Go, go, mortals have nothing to save."

Then, Ah Tian regained control of her body, and Shen Guanyu recognized her as soon as she opened her eyes: "A Tian!"

"Little fish!"

The two embraced each other, and Ah Tian immediately asked Nan Mi to remove the barrier on the cloud-piercing boat.

She and Shen Guanyu flew forward at top speed, and in a short while, they saw many mortals being sucked into the river in their consciousness.

"Do things separately." Shen Guanyu took out his broken cloud boat and flew into the river at the same time as Ah Tian, ​​"Ao Xian, try it, can you drive the clouds and rain to the boundary where it doesn't rain?"

"Aww!" Without saying a word, Ao Xian swung his tail into the sky against the thunderstorm.

When it looked back, it saw Shen Guanyu's hands surging with wood spirit power, and instantly countless vines flew out, engulfing the people in the water and throwing them into the flying boat...

 Can't help but ask for a monthly ticket recommendation ticket?Any ticket will do, the more the better.

(End of this chapter)

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