who doesn't have a sword

Chapter 234 Let It Rain

Chapter 234 Let It Rain

Those who were still splashing in the water suddenly saw a person flying up from the river beside them, and forgot about the water.

With a thought in mind, Shen Guanyu made the Poyunzhou the largest, and it became a big boat that could hold hundreds of people, and more than a dozen sunstones were embedded on the roof of the barn.

Then released one or two flying boats collected from Ghost Cultivator and zoomed into the water, raised his spiritual power and said loudly: "Send those who can't swim and the children up first."

"Wow!" The child's voice was suppressed by the sound of rain.

There is the big boat that puts the child in the basin and swims hard to the water.

There were also people who swam there, pushed others away, and climbed into the boat by themselves.

It's just that this kind of people were sucked into the water by rattan as soon as they got on the boat.

Even if he called for help again, Shen Guanyu didn't like to answer.

She and Ah Tian cooperated with each other, and Yu Jian flew at low altitude to save people who fell into the water or hugged driftwood.

There was that shrewd old man who plopped on his knees and begged: "Master Xianshi, there are still flooded people soaking in it in the village."

"I beg the immortal master to save them."

"Father, mother... where are you?"


"elder sister……"


Flying back and forth for dozens of miles, the people rescued by the two were crowded into four flying boats.

Shen Guanyu still has a flying magic weapon on her body, but her current consciousness is limited and she cannot control many magic weapons at the same time.

Fortunately, Ao Xian drove away part of the thick dark clouds, but the rain was still heavy.

"A Tian, ​​it's not an option to go on like this, it's just too much effort for the two of us." Although some people are also trying to save themselves, there are too many people who fell into the water.

Shen Guanyu and Yan Youtian went upstream and saw that many river dams had burst, she said: "With such heavy rain and the aftermath of the earthquake, the government may not be able to send people to help quickly.

I have not heard back from the Feijian letter I sent in the direction of Tang, so I don't know which brother or sister is arranged by Master Lu to be here.

These mortals, we can no longer take them upstream, they are all from Chu and Tang.

Even if they were sent to the state of Qi, they could not be rescued. "

"Who said that my family members will never stop coming?" Ah Tian opened her mouth, but it was Nan Mi's voice.

She said annoyed: "Senior, if you don't help, don't ridicule others.

Xiaoyu, I will send them to Chudi where it does not rain, and we will keep in touch anytime. "

"Okay." Shen Guanyu turned his head and flew over several boats: "Everyone holding the children hugged tightly and squeezed together."

After finishing speaking, she and Ah Tian teamed up to merge the four boats into two boats, and watched Ah Tian connect the two boats away with a hundred claw locks. Shen Guanyu glanced at the river bank where the opening was broken.

No matter how Xiuxian was, she could split the embankment with one sword, but now she couldn't mend the embankment with one blow.

Facing the forces of nature, monks also have times when they are helpless.

She has to go upstream to save people now, the embankment?He took out a few sound transmission symbols and urged Brother Zhan and the others to come quickly.

Shen Guanyu's Poyunzhou was very fast, and when Huazhan rushed over, she was nowhere to be seen.

Quickly blocking the place where the embankment was broken, he also flew upstream.

Shen Guanyu rescued many more people, and was wondering where to put them, when Huazhan flew towards him. "Brother, here."

Huazhan flew over and said, "There was an earthquake on the border of Tang State, and two big mountains collapsed.

A large number of ghosts came out from there, Master Lu and the others couldn't come, so Uncle Zui He brought some people to support.

Brother Jiugui has sent a message to Gui Yuanzong and the Cultivation Alliance, asking them to quickly send people to the river to block the breach.

Where's Ao Xian? "

"Ouch!" Ao Xian peeped out from the clouds, "Senior Brother Hua, I'm here.

On the way back from the flight just now, I saw a prefectural city of the Tang Kingdom being flooded.

Many people climbed onto trees and roofs.

Shen Guanyu, give me some of your Qiankun gourd, so I can go and pump the water out of that city. "

Huazhan was the first to give it the jade bottle at her waist.

"Here." Shen Guanyu threw all the storage utensils that could hold water to it, "Little Dragon King, don't dare to pour all the water that has been pumped into one place."

Ao Xian put away all the instruments of heaven and earth and said: "Understood, the Kingdom of Shu is further away from the Kingdom of Chu, and they are also praying for rain. I'll help them make some rain."

Before he finished speaking, the little dragon king flew away with a thick cloud.

All the people on the boat who were previously panicked kowtowed to Ao Xian.

He kept shouting: "Little Dragon King."

Huazhan looked at Shen Guanyu, and found that she had moved the person to her boat without paying any attention, and said, "Senior Brother Hua, this is from Qi State, you have to send it to Qi State."

"Well, Senior Brother and the others will be here soon." Huazhan took them away, leaving Shen Guanyu alone.

She flew straight ahead, trying her best to move the mountain and rocks to block the big breach while flying.

Unexpectedly, when he reached a certain place, he saw a few mortal boats, carrying some people and things, going down the river.

Seeing that those boats were big and strong, Shen Guanyu didn't help them any more, instead he fished the people whose backs were hugging the bamboos and pieces of wood onto his own boat.

"Ah, I'm saved!" Qian Jiu, who had just come up, burst into tears with excitement.

He ran to the side of the boat, trying to catch his wife, but found that his wife and daughter were brought up by a vine.

Then, he saw Shen Guanyu flying in mid-air to rescue the drowning person, before he could clearly see the appearance of the immortal, a dozen or so immortals flew over one after another from a distance.

He only heard the immortal who rescued him at the beginning say: "Brother, there are protective amulets on the mortal boats over there, why don't you send someone to borrow them, and we can transfer more people from Yan'an to the high ground in time."


With more people taking action, Shen Guanyu devoted himself to saving people, and handed over the matter of blocking the embankment and opening the river to Senior Brother Zhan.

After all, forming alchemy is a qualitative leap compared to building foundations. Zhan Jiugui only needs a few formulas and mountain-moving techniques to block the shore for seven or eight miles.

Previously, Shen Guanyu could only make up for the breach of a mile and a half at a time.

At this time, she saved people until dawn, but never saw Ah Tian returning, so she quietly sent a message talisman.

But she didn't want to, Ah Tian ran to the flooded city that Ao Xian said earlier.

"Xiaoyu, are you done with your work?"

Shen Guanyu replied: "Someone from Guiyuanzong has come to meet us, and we are preparing to go to Tang Kingdom."

Yan Youtian: "Then you come early, there are a bunch of ruffians in the city here, and they stole a lot of treasures when the city was flooded.

Now, Zhizhou has not returned from dredging the river, they took advantage of the water being taken away by Ao Xian, secretly snatched many children with spiritual roots and took them out of the city. "

After deliberating for a while, she continued, "There is a boat coming to pick you up outside. When I went to ask for someone, there were two late-stage Foundation Establishment monks on it. They said that they were looking for children with spiritual roots under the order of the Cultivation Alliance."

Pa, "They are talking nonsense, how could the monks of the alliance sneak into the Fan City of the Taiyi Sect to recruit disciples.

I'm going to find you now. "Shen Guanyu hissed and withdrew the hand that had just slapped on the tea table, not understanding how the table still hurt his hand.

Huazhan just came back and said on the flying boat: "This is a tea table made of iron wood and gold rocks. It is very durable."

Shen Guanyu slandered, it must be that Senior Brother Hua was nearby, she just took a picture of the table and was unprepared, and she lost her usual standard.

"Senior Brother Hua, let's go to a border town in the Tang Kingdom first. Someone from somewhere will forcibly take away the children with spiritual roots."

(End of this chapter)

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