who doesn't have a sword

Chapter 241 What is it?

The white beam of light expanded bigger and bigger, Shen Guanyu and Ao Xian were dizzy from being stabbed, and felt their bodies were light and light, as if they were stepping on cotton.

At any time, there is an urge to fly into the beam of light and blend with it.

Shen Guanyu bit the tip of his tongue fiercely, and tried his best to put the fairy sword and thunder dragon gun head into the Dragon Ball space, "Ao Xian, hurry up."

As soon as he finished speaking, the flying sword under him was already involved in the beam of light, and the earth escape talisman didn't work either.

She had no choice but to wrap her arms around Ao Xian who wanted to fly into the beam of light, not daring to use her spiritual power, and ran to the distance at the fastest speed with her inner power.

And those ghosts, big and small, who had nowhere to run, after being fixed by the white light, a lot of black smoke swayed from their bodies, and their entire soul shadows turned into blue smoke.

Even Huangfu Chaoyan stood foolishly among a group of ghosts, turning his somewhat transparent arm to look at it strangely.

Shen Guanyu and Ao Xian fled quickly, and as soon as they turned around, they saw that Nan Mi and Zhishu did not escape the white light, their souls were directly forced out of the bodies of Yan Youtian and Huangfu Chaoyan and fell into the white light within.

The difference is that Nan Mi didn't want to occupy Yan Youtian's body, she cooperated with her to leave Ah Tian's Sea of ​​Consciousness, and at the same time kicked him out of the white beam of light.

Shen Guanyu flew towards him like an arrow, grabbed Ah Tian who was still a little dazed, and retreated quickly.

Huangfu Chaoyan was not so lucky, her soul was still confused, completely unaware that after the ghost Wang Zhishu was forced out of her body, he clung to her body without soul support.

Nan Mi, who was on the side, couldn't see it anymore, and kicked Zhishu away with a kick: "The majestic ghost king actually dragged a small building foundation to prevent disasters, isn't it ashamed?"

As she spoke, she turned her spiritual power into her palm again, grabbed Huangfu Chaoyan who was still crowded in the crowd of ghosts, and kicked very hard, sending Chaoyan's soul into her body.

Not to mention here, the ghost king Zhishu climbed up to grab Huangfu Chaoyan, and was kicked several times by Nan Mi.

Let's say that Shen Guanyu just caught Ah Tian who was half awake, and then saw Chaoyan flying out of the white beam of light.

I also heard Nan Mi say: "Your friend has come back to life."

Shen Guanyu handed Ah Tian to Ao Xian, and when he turned around to catch Chao Yan, the white light in front of him suddenly disappeared, except for a group of ghosts, big and small, whether it was Nanmi Zhishu or the one who was hit The stone pillars are gone.

She didn't dare to be careless, and first sent Ah Tian and Huangfu Chaoyan to her Qiankun hut.

After that, he patted the spirit beast bag and Ao Xian again, and sent the still somewhat confused little beast into the Dragon Ball space for the time being.

As soon as Ao Xian fell into the Dragon Ball space, he collided with the spinning star grass.

"Aiyo." The little divine beast felt a pain in its forehead, finally woke up and cried out, "Xing Xing, when did you wake up?"

"Just woke up."

"Just woke up." After finishing speaking, Ao Xian felt something was wrong. He quickly looked at Xing Xingcao and said, "You can talk? No, you can transmit sound with spiritual sense?"


"That's really good news. But why are you talking so suddenly?"

"The white stone pillar of light that disappeared outside." Xing Xingcao said, "It woke me up before leaving."

Ao Xian blinked, "What is that stone pillar? Where did it fly to?"

Outside, Shen Guanyu slowly approached the original boundary of the stone pillar, scanning back and forth with his consciousness, those ghosts knew that she had helped everyone, and when she came in, they all gave way to her...


"Friend Daoist Yizhun, make a list of what you need, and I will bring you everything when I come back in ten days."

Mr. Fengyue Xing, who had already obtained the vacation, did not expect that a group of people would find excuses to rush out of the abyss, but in the end the place fell on him, a casual cultivator who did not fight for it.

Compared with the other cultivator who got a quota and was chased by everyone to take this and that, there is really no one here to ask for it from Lord Fengyue Xing.

It's not that Feng Yue is unpopular, but that as the last of this batch of cultivators who have come in to garrison, no one knows her except for one or two people.

Decades ago, she was like someone who jumped out of a rock, and there was no record about Feng Yue before.

After she transformed into a god, she took the initiative to garrison. Except for reporting her name and sticking to her position on the first and fifteenth day of the lunar new year, she was always practicing for the rest of the time.

If others want to find her, they are too embarrassed to interrupt such a diligent person.

As a result, over the years, people who have spoken to her for more than ten sentences have more than five fingers.

However, the Cultivation Alliance knows her, the descendant of Yushui Palace, who has been practicing in closed doors and hardly cares about world affairs.

Of course, Yizhun Xingjun also knew her, after all, Fengyue's master had brought her to visit Taiyizong when she was young.

The first time I came to Taiyizong, Yizhun Xingjun used a second-level red letter snake to scare people.

It's a pity that the little Fengyue kept her face straight from the beginning to the end, except that she was expressionless.

Yizhun only found out later that the little girl had been seriously injured during a catastrophe in her family, and she never smiled again.

Now, when he saw Feng Yue taking the initiative to talk to him, he was a little unprepared for a moment, "Ah, you can bring food and drink as you like, but there is no shortage of wine.

Well, my little disciple and grandson should have a lot of wine in storage, you can ask her to go.

It's best to let her buy some third-order triangular spirit sheep for me, and roast them with short-tailed deer.

And..." The training materials are allocated by the alliance, but the alliance will not patiently prepare and eat one by one.

Feng Yue felt strange in her heart, and she said after Zhuzhun finished speaking: "Aren't monks all bigu? Eating too much food can easily cause turbid air to enter the body."

"Hey Fengyue, if you don't eat or drink, I'll be a ghost fairy." Yi Zhun patted his thigh, and then realized that this action was unsightly, so he quickly put his leg-pat hand on his back, pretending that he didn't do anything just now.

He said: "We are sword cultivators. When we fight until we have no spiritual power, whoever has more physical strength will have a better chance of winning, right?

Besides, I practice immortality to eat all I want, and bigu is impossible.

You have been misled by the remarks of some predecessors.

The ancestors did bigu not because they were afraid of the little turbid air at the entrance, but because they were too hungry after retreating for too long, so they bigued.

And there are records from ancient sages that in ancient times, no matter what level of cultivation, monks who kept eating ten catties of spiritual rice every month were more powerful than those who were completely bigu... blah blah blah...

Also, those foods are reincarnated every season, and they are all gifts from heaven and earth. If you don’t eat them, you will be sorry for the favor of the gods on the human race. Who told us to cook cooked food?Monster beasts have fire spells, so they don't know..."

After he finished this long paragraph, Feng Yue only thought of two words: foodie.

Fortunately, Elder Yuan of the Alliance called for someone, and Feng Yue finally got quiet.

She and another deity quickly left the abyss. Just as they were about to part ways, they saw a white light with a tail in the sky, crashing straight into the abyss with lightning speed.

The direction is exactly where the defensive circle is.

Without even thinking about it, Feng Yue chased Bai Guang back to Jiyuan.

The God Transformation cultivator who stayed on top sighed on his back for the vacation he had so hard to pick up, and then flew back with a wry smile.

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