who doesn't have a sword

Chapter 242 What to Do

As soon as the two of them flew down, they saw the white light break through the barrier that everyone was protecting together, and got into the magic circle.

The mask of the enchantment suddenly punched a big hole of Zhang Xu.

They immediately returned to the barrier, and a group of cultivators were divided into two places, one quickly repaired the barrier, and the other quickly chased and intercepted Bai Guang.

Swords, guns, swords, halberds, spirit nets and long whips, magic weapons rushed up one by one, but they couldn't stop this big guy.

With a bang, the white light hit the boundary center.

Aim for a few people who are close, and quickly rush over to form a human-shaped barrier to protect the boundary heart from damage.

Crack, click.

In the next instant, Yizhun and Jiexin were struck by the lightning arc at the same time.

In the flash of thunder and lightning, Mr. Yuan Chuxing could clearly see two souls sealed in the white light.

He was about to step forward to grab those two, click, another arc flashed.

Yizhun's whole body trembled from the lightning strike, he gritted his teeth and shouted: "Yuan Chu, what are you running, quickly tie this damn thing up with a dragon rope."

The companion also said: "Old Yuan, if I slow down, my flesh will burn."

Only then did Yuan Chu remember that behind Jiexin was the trapped dragon cable that once fixed it.

He quickly took out the trapped dragon rope with his fingerprints, and together with several Huashen, input spiritual power to bind the white light.

Nine chains flew out with a clatter, and one of them was as fierce as a flying dragon, coiling around Bai Guang.

Yizhun jumped up from Jiexin and grabbed the chain together with the others.

Mr. Yuan Chuxing said: "Pull!"

Everyone's spiritual power is coming out, boom, boom

The white beam of light was erected not far from the center of the world, and the sleepy dragon lock flew out longer with a "swish", wrapping the beam of light ninety-nine and 81 times from top to bottom.

Boom, boom

The Huashen Xingjun lost their spiritual power again, and Yuan Chuxingjun's hand tricks all played double images.

thump, thump, thump

After three beeps, the white beam of light was finally fixed, and only then did everyone see its original appearance clearly.

"I'll go, it's just a stone pillar after a long time."

"What kind of stone pillar, look carefully, the skin on it is falling down."

"This is?" Yizhun took a closer look, the stone skin on the stone pillar fell off a little bit, and a jade-colored dragon stone pillar appeared.

There are still two unawakened souls hidden in the golden dragon's claws.

"Tiannan Dragon Stone!" Tu Xingjun shouted excitedly, "It's the five-clawed golden dragon in Tiannan Dragon Stone!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a shake in the enchantment, and the gods of transformation quickly flew back to the eye of their defensive formation. Just when they stood still, the enchantment stabilized again.

Some Nascent Soul descendant exclaimed: "Sun, I see the sun outside Jiyuan."

"Sunshine really shines in." It's so rare, Jiyuan is dark and sees no light all year round.

Another person said: "Do you feel that the enchantment has become bigger?"

Yizhun walked five steps forward from the front of the formation, "It has become bigger. It used to be only three steps from me to the edge."

Someone said: "Quickly ask outside, has anyone found other Tiannanlongshi?"

At this time, Huashen who had repaired the enchantment led Yuan Ying to fly together, and saw the white light of the dragon stone looming, and the head of the dragon was about to fly...


At the same time, rumbling, crackling, crackling, the thunder in the sky seems to be indefatigable, and it strikes this invisible space almost non-stop.

Chen Shui here, holding Shen Guanyu's talisman pen, sensed the direction it was pulling.

Along the way, there were thunder and lightning strikes everywhere, and Kunwu Dao was always blocking Chen Shui's head, absorbing more and more thunder force happily.

Chenshui, who possessed the Thunder Spirit Root, quickly adapted to this Thunder Power. He even found a few Lightning Repellent Grass and Thunder Spirit Grass dug up while he was on the way.

Here, there are thunders everywhere, but no other living beings can be seen.

Think about it, no matter humans or monsters, they are all afraid of thunder. Even those with thunder spirit roots have a limit to withstand it. Not all thunder can resist it.

No, Longzhi Ginseng Huahua, who was staying in his Qiankun room, shrank her body and hid under the bed.

As for Qing Gai, from the very beginning, he stayed outside the Luoyu Secret Realm because of his cultivation beyond the limit of the secret realm.

Chen Shui looked at the thunder that fell from time to time, and felt a little pity for Qinggai, what a great opportunity to refine the thunder power.

A bluish-purple light suddenly flashed, and his spiritual sense followed to inspect it, and unexpectedly saw a purple-gold thunder bamboo forest.

There are hundreds of high-grade spirit stones for a single Thunder Bamboo, let alone a large piece.

Bamboo, although it is hollow, is a treasure all over. Not to mention its bamboo body can be smelted into utensils, and even bamboo leaves can be picked to make tea.

The mature thunder bamboo fruit can not only exercise the body, but also withstand thunder disasters when eaten.

It's really hard to come by.

Not to mention fresh and tender bamboo shoots, mixed with all kinds of spiritual meat, monks at any stage can advance to a small level after eating for three days.

Chen Shui quickened his pace and approached, but there were lightning strikes everywhere, no matter how fast he walked, it took him half an hour.

When he went into the forest to pick ripe purple gold thunder bamboo fruits and dig the tenderest thunder bamboo shoots, Shen Guanyu was worrying about the whereabouts of tens of thousands of ghosts.

She just saw the trace left after the disappearance of the stone pillar, which turned out to be a dragon pattern.

I also heard Ao Xian relay Xing Xing's words, saying that the stone pillar has returned to its place and went where it should go.

Shen Guanyu didn't delve into it, she couldn't catch up with such a big stone pillar and couldn't afford to support it, so let it go.

However, the stone pillars and the ghost cultivator who seized Chaoyan's body disappeared, and the ghosts imprisoned by the ghost cultivator are still there.

It's not that they have no ghosts to leave on their own, but they will be less than a hundred feet away from this mountain, and their souls will automatically float back to the top of the mountain, unable to leave even if they want to.

What should I do, ask Shen Guanyu.

Shen Guanyu could handle one or two begging, but she couldn't stand a group of ghosts crowding in to beg her for help.

Pushing and squeezing, howling like ghosts and wolves, Shen Guanyu pressured him twice, each time under the sound of tears and sobs from a few-year-old kid.

What should I do if I can't be beaten or kicked out?Let go of Ao Xian.

The little divine beast let out a dragon chant, and all the ghosts became honest, and they didn't dare to talk loudly and cried and screamed.

Shen Guanyu scratched his ears, and said in a difficult way: "Ao Xian, I don't have the other side flower, and I don't have merit, how can I open the gate of ghosts?"

Ao Xian doesn't know, this ghost is not within the scope of their Dragon Clan's attention, and there are few records, "How about we go down to Fan City to find the City God?"

"Will the City God care about us?" If they were Nascent Souls, or Jiedan, they could also invite them. For those who have just stepped into the threshold of cultivating the foundation, the City God is not uncommon for them to talk.

"Me, me, me." Three-inch Ding Duoduo raised her tender little hand in the space of the medicine garden and said, "I will ask God."

Both Shen Guanyu and Ao Xian's eyes lit up, they calmed down the ghosts, and quickly flew down the mountain to find the Town God's Temple.

After arriving at a small county town, they entered the city incognito.

This Town God's Temple is not big, and few people came to offer incense at this time, so it was a little deserted.

But it was exactly what Shen Guanyu wanted.

She released Duo Duo and said, "Please."

Duoduo said: "The imperial edict is like this... and then you... you will be invited."

Shen Guanyu was dumbfounded after hearing this, and Ao Xian laughed loudly and said, "Duoduo, so you said you can invite God, but you can only speak edicts, and the one who really came to invite God has to be Shen Guanyu."

"Ang." Dodo said as it should: "These are made by the human race, and of course the human race has to do it themselves."

Boom, a cauldron fell behind Shen Guanyu.

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