Ao Xian thought about it seriously and said: "Forget it, according to your human race: if you are not in your position, you will not seek your own politics."

Shen Guanyu said with a smile: "Only when the level of cultivation reaches a higher level and becomes the layer that makes the rules will there be a chance to manage many things."

"Hey, what can we do in the foundation building period?" Ao Xian was worried about the two of them. Whenever they met someone with a high cultivation base, they would run away. Many magic weapons that could be used against invincible opponents at the same level were doubled to save their lives.

Others can lose the opponent's net worth by counter-killing the opponent, but they still have to stick things inside.

The two chattered for half a cup of tea, only to see that Lu Youshen led the ghost out, and Ao Xian knowingly got into the spirit beast bag, and actually returned to the Dragon Ball space.

Shen Guanyu saluted the ghost messenger, but the ghost messenger stared at her for a long time before saying: "Your master is Chen Shui?"


"Hmph, the strange way will restrain the mind." The ghost guard showed his coercion, and Shen Guanyu's waist was forced to bend downward.

Ka Ka Ka, the sound of dislocation of bones appeared, Ao Xian thought it out, and she pressed it down.

She tried her best to run the kungfu to counterbalance, and after the first little bit of bowing, she never bent again.

Lu Youshen next to him didn't understand why, but he couldn't act rashly, but said: "Brother Cui, it's getting late, after opening the gate of ghosts, let's find a place to get together."

The ghost officer surnamed Cui turned his head to look at him and said, "As for your sour wine, even ghosts really don't like to drink it."

"Hey, it's not my drink this time?"

"The thick wine bought in Qinzhou City?"

"That." Lu Youshen pointed to Shen Guanyu and said, "She has."

The ghost guard Cui raised his eyebrows, put away his coercion and said: "I forgot, Chen Shui brews good wine, as a favored little disciple, you should always have spirit wine.

And most monks use spiritual wine to replenish their spiritual power, so bring it. "

Shen Guanyu didn't make any unnecessary movements, and happily offered two altars of spiritual wine, and took a few steps back to heal his wounds with spiritual power.

Cui Guicha opened the opening a little, and the mellow aroma of wine came to his nostrils in an instant.

Lu Youshen smelled the aroma of the wine, and the gluttons were about to come out, "Could it be monkey wine?"

Shen Guanyu: "Yes, this junior got it by chance, and dare not hide it." Senior Lu's reminder was obvious.

Regardless of the other party's surname, Cui, he knew that he was the master's young apprentice when he met him. After opening a ghost gate to attract ghosts, he was able to have time to gather with other ghost messengers. This identity is ready to be revealed.

"Hmph!" Judge Cui snorted coldly and said, "It's not exactly the same as what your master said, but it's [-]% like it.

However, he was thrown to the cave by me, how could the art of invoking gods that was tricked from me be passed on to you so quickly? "

The location where Ghost Bird Forest and Yang Realm intersect was given to Chen Shui by someone else, but he wanted to teach him a little lesson.

The first time I met this guy selling wine in Ghost Xiu City, Judge Cui saw that he was a living soul.

He wanted his subordinates to drive him away, but he smelled the aroma of the wine Chen Shui made in the wine shop.

He tasted a lot of altars at the moment, and one accidentally drank too much, only to realize that he didn't have a ghost stone with him.

So he was asked by Chen Shuidong, and Xi guessed that his trick was right. Not only did he reveal his identity, but he also told him a question to please God.

After waking up, I searched Baodu Mountain for a long time before I realized that the other person ran back to the vicinity of Taozhi Mountain.

"My master went to the cave world?" Obviously, Shen Guanyu only chose what she wanted to know.

Shen Guanyu quickly outlined the basic situation of the Dongming Realm in his mind.

The Dongming Realm is one-third smaller than the Tiannan Realm, what is the most?
2 years ago, of course, there were the most mountains and forests, and the most Nascent Soul monks, at least twice as many Nascent Soul monks than Tiannan Realm.

The most common thing is that the Hole Realm can always blend with the secret realms wandering in the universe, attracting monks from all walks of life to flock to it.

Judge Cui naturally wouldn't answer her, but took the lead and flew towards the place where the ghosts gathered.

Lu Youshen reminded Shen Guanyu: "Follow up quickly, it will be to your benefit."

"Thank you, senior." Shen Guanyu simply flew up with his sword.

When she flew back to the previous mountain top, she saw that Judge Cui had opened the ghost gate with a pair of judge pens.

Many ghosts were actually humans before.Now that there is a chance to be a human again, who doesn't scramble to squeeze into the opened ghost gate.

"Zhang San, why the hell did you stop my half-stretched arm?"

"Li Si, you go in first to catch the child."

"Mother, mother..."

The scene is really chaotic, but no one cares about it.

Judge Cui and Lu Youshen watched too much, didn't feel much, and just stood at the door watching coldly.

But Shen Guanyu frowned when he saw a man punching a 50-year-old man and kicking a [-]-year-old child in order to get ahead.

Three or four children were kicked by him and fell to the ground.

Although the little ghosts fell badly, they are ghosts, as long as they are not burned by the thunder and fire, they can get up again.

The ghost was still rushing towards the ghost gate unscrupulously among the ghost crowd.

As soon as he squeezed to the door, hoo, a sudden attack hit his face, it was Shen Guanyu who flew over and kicked the ghost to the very back.

Lu Youshen sighed: "It's good to be young, you can kick when it's time to kick."

Judge Cui chuckled: "I hope she can cultivate to become a god, and she can do this." Who hasn't come here when she was young.

Shen Guanyu didn't know that the two were talking, so she flew into the air with her sword, and her spiritual consciousness locked several people who were forced to squeeze.

The coercion unfolded, "All line up, children first, among women and old people, and men last."

"Why should the brat be the first?" Some ghosts were not convinced.

Without saying a word, Shen Guanyu intensified the coercion until the ghost who yelled the loudest was rolled on his knees and crawled to the ground with the power of his spiritual consciousness.

The few troublemakers in their early years were also picked up by her in an instant, and with a few bangs, those ghosts were also crushed to the ground by Shen Guanyu's spiritual sense.

Seeing those ghosts struggling on the ground, and seeing other ghosts start to line up honestly, she felt very refreshed.

I finally understand why the high-ranking monks put pressure on the juniors at every turn. A higher level of cultivation is really crushing a person.

The team was lined up neatly, and the ghosts passed quickly.

Shen Guanyu looked at them, but his thoughts went to his master long ago, wondering when his master would come back from the cave.

Chen Shui will definitely not return to Tiannan Realm in a while.

He picked a lot of thunder bamboo fruit and bamboo shoots, and he didn't plan to go in because the thunder force had already exceeded the range he could bear.

However, he took two steps back when he came, only to find that the Purple Gold Thunder Bamboo Forest would spin freely by itself.

In less than three breaths, he was thrown into the depths of the Thunder Bamboo Forest.

There was a crackling sound, and after a few bangs, Chen Shui's hair was lost, and his cassock was almost turned into rags.

Chen Shui hurriedly changed into a new one, grasped the Kunwu knife tightly to find a direction to go out.

After turning around for an hour, I finally realized that I was trapped in the forest.

He looked at the place where the thunder force was the strongest, where the thunder and lightning were like dense fishing nets, intersecting each other.

Gritting his teeth, the horizontal knife rushed inward, clicking, booming, booming...

A cassock was ruined again, and he rushed ten feet away, and his body smelled like meat.

Since Chen Shui broke through, he wouldn't back down and insisted on walking forward. Lei Li kept rushing into his body, and his cultivation seemed to be entering Yuanying Dzogchen.

Suddenly, an orange light flashed in front of him, and he rushed over to look, and saw a stone tablet that read: General Zhengxi Shen Congyun floating in the air...

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