who doesn't have a sword

Chapter 245 Shen Chenghuang

The stone tablet rushed towards Chenshui like a sharp arrow in the Thunder Bamboo Forest, followed by buzzing, hundreds of stone tablets lined up like soldiers.

The names and titles of people are written on each tablet, Chen Shui carefully scanned them one by one.

A monk's memory is very powerful, which stems from the fact that his spirit is strong and he has cultivated an extended spiritual consciousness.

Nascent Soul monks can even remember hundreds of thousands of years of things or people, as long as they have appeared in front of their eyes or read these materials, they can remember them.

It's just that insignificant things or things will be kept in my mind without flipping.

Chen Shui stood in front of the stele for only a dozen breaths, and found out the memory about Shen Congyun.

Speaking of which, this person is also somewhat related to Xiaoyu, and he can be regarded as a figure from the ancestors of the apprentice.

When Xi and the princess led many mortals and low-level qi refiners to retreat to Baihua Valley, the three surnames Tang Yao, who occupied half of Tiannan, sent [-] qi refiners to chase and intercept them in three directions.

As a master of martial arts in the princess's mother clan, Shen Congyun led two hundred innate warriors to form an array with a mortal body, and successfully blocked a team of Qi-refining monks from the dignified world from chasing and killing them.

In the end, he and the two hundred dead soldiers also returned to the team with the team of Qi refining, and had no chance to see the completion of the Baihua City outside the Baihua Valley.

It is said that the place where they died disappeared after colliding with something flying from outside the sky during the battle with monk Tangyao in the southern part of the sky.

Wipe the storage ring with Chenshui and take out the spirit wine and spirit incense. After burning the incense, sprinkle a jar of spirit wine on the front of the stele, respectfully and salute with three bows: "Junior monks of Taiyi sect in Tiannan Realm, respect all ancestors."

Although he is a monk, the people in front of him are all mortals. However, without the sacrifices of these sages and sages, there would be no Hundred Flowers City. A gasp and a full-scale counterattack later.

Therefore, Chen Shui worshiped very sincerely.

On the stele of Shen Congyun, the leader, after he finished his salute, a young man sitting on the top of the stele flashed out: "You can count me waiting for a Tiannan monk."

Chen Shui raised his eyes to look at him, his expression was slightly startled, his appearance was clearly the same as Li Chuan's.

Moreover, the other party was a mortal before his death, but now it looks like he has a much higher level of cultivation than himself.

Shen Congyun also noticed his absent-mindedness, "Why, have you seen me? But I remember trying to use the forest of steles to send messages to the Tiannan Realm several times, but I haven't seen you.

But a few days ago, when I projected to Tiannan, I met a group of little guys who said they were Taiyizong. "

He rubbed his chin with his thumb and said, "Could it be that you have seen me in the underworld?"

Chen Shui shook his head lightly and said, "It's Shen Lichuan, the father of my apprentice Shen Guanyu, who looks too similar to senior."

"Oh." Shen Congyun jumped off the top of his stele and said, "Are you a descendant of my Shen family?"

Chen Shui nodded: "Yes." He took out Shen Guanyu's talisman brush and said, "I just discovered her usual talisman brush and followed the forest of steles."

Shen Congyun took it and said with a smile: "It's really a good relationship.

A few days ago, this pen was in front of the stele I projected, and I also traced words. "

He put away the pen without any hassle, "Since you are the teacher of my younger generation, you should be considered my younger generation if you round it up.

Since you have Thunder Lingen, I will give you a big gift. "

He waved his hands towards the forest of steles, and the array of steles changed positions rapidly, gradually forming two bettas, one black and one white, connected end to end.

Chen Shui's spiritual consciousness followed closely, and slowly figured out that this is the Liangyi Hunyuan Formation.

Shen Congyun stepped on it, and stood at the intersection of the two fishes, his handprints fluttered, and in a short while, a purple beam of light arched out from the ground.

When the beam of light stopped, Chen Shui flew towards him and said, "The Thunder Dragon Stone in the Tiannan Dragon Stone?!"

Shen Congyun raised his eyebrows, secretly sighing that he is worthy of being a Nascent Soul cultivator of the Great Sect, "That's right, it was the Thunder Dragon Stone, one of the nine dragon stones that the ancient sages preached when the Tiannan Continent was formed."

"How do we get it back to Tiannan?" Chen Shui's first thought was this question.

"It's not easy." Shen Congyun sighed: "I didn't stay in the underworld for a long time, but I found it in the place where I died.

It's a pity that his cultivation base was low back then, and he watched it wander in the Seven Lights Heaven with nowhere to go.

Later, when his cultivation level was improved, his duties became heavy, and he wanted to find an opportunity to return to Tiannan to send Longshi back to his position, but Yan Jun said that the underworld is not just the underworld in the Tiannan realm, and he should not leave his post without authorization.

I deliberately made a small mistake in Fengdu City, please Yan Jun seal part of my cultivation, and send it to Longwei Mountain in Tiannan Realm to be a carefree Shen Chenghuang. "

Chen Shui took out a jar of wine and opened it, but this one, even after entering the underworld, said, "Senior, try the spirit fruit wine made by myself."

Shen Congyun took a gulp, swallowed hard and said, "Have you ever drank?"


"In good conscience, is it good to drink?"

"It's delicious!" Chen Shui replied without hesitation.

Shen Congyun gave him a squinting look, he had to defend himself to say yes, "If this wine is given to Cui Tang, it will definitely be sour, like water."

"Judge Cui?"

"Hmm. You know?"

More than knowing each other, Chen Shui took advantage of his drunkenness to dig out a lot of things. "It's an acquaintance."

He didn't want to mention more, touched the wine jar with Shen Congyun, took a sip of the wine that was ridiculed by the apprentice as spirit fruit vinegar: "Since you have become a city god, why did you come to the secret realm of Dongming Realm with Lei Longshi? "

Shen Congyun drank two sips of wine in a very face-saving manner, and slowly tasted that it didn't taste like wine, but his spiritual power was strong, he said: "I went to Longwei Mountain and searched for a way to bring back Thunder Dragon Stone for many years.

Later, by chance, he met Zhishu, a cultivator who transformed himself into a god from Baihua City, and cooperated with him. He accidentally discovered a five-clawed golden dragon stone near Longwei Mountain.

But the golden dragon stone was eroded by yin energy, and for a while, he had to use his own merits to form an array and bury it underground to purify it. "

He recalled the past and said: "However, not long after the Thunder Dragon Stone was confirmed, the elder of the Alliance was eroded by Yin Qi and lost his mind, and he actually started a fight with me.

What's more, she wants to refine the thunder dragon stone dragon heart to drive away evil spirits.

At that time, my cultivation base was sealed, and I couldn't get the knowledge book for a while. When she crazily exploded the Thunder Dragon Stone, I used the secret method to lure the Dragon Stone away from there.

Unexpectedly, the space storm was triggered, and the thunder dragon stone and I were sent to the broken secret realm of the star field. "

Chen Shui speculated: "You managed to connect the secret realm to Qiyaotian, but the secret realm itself melted into the cave?"

"That's it." Shen Congyun nodded again and again, "Over the years, I tried every means to get out of Lei Zhulin but couldn't get out."

Although he can reshape his body, he used to think it was okay to be a ghost, but when he encountered the purple gold bamboo forest struck by lightning everywhere, he was dumbfounded: "Later, I was able to visit this fusion secret realm in two parts, but after all, I couldn't lead Thunder Dragon Stone back by myself.

So he tried to use the stele array to send a message to the monks in Tiannan, but he never succeeded.

Well, now that you are here, go back and find the cultivator from the Tiannan Realm in the secret realm, and bring the Thunder Dragon Stone back together. "

Chen Shui pondered for a moment and said: "Since the senior said that he met a group of Taiyi sect disciples, maybe this time it will be successful.

As for the secret territory, I am the only Tiannan cultivator. "


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