Chapter 280
The road ahead is flat and wide, and you can even vaguely see the edge of the fruit forest when you look up.

When Shen Guanyu summoned the Wandering Dragon Spear and picked up the two baskets of fruit one after the other, the little dragon king in the space became restless.

"Shen Guanyu, are you really leaving without completing the picking task?
Since you agreed at the beginning, why are you leaving now. "

"I'm just testing to see if this fruit forest really exists." With a little effort, Shen Guanyu lifted more than 1000 catties of spiritual fruit. "Think about it, since we came up and met this demon king stone statue, how did Star Grass react?"

Ao Xian looked back at Star Grass: "No response at all."

Shen Guanyu took a steady step towards the open road. As soon as he stepped on his left foot, the basket of spiritual fruits in front of him disappeared instantly.

And the weight of the spiritual fruit behind him suddenly increased, bending Shen Guanyu's waist like a mountain.

Ao Xian gritted his teeth and said, "Little fish, there is no spiritual fruit in the basket at all, but that stone statue.

Throw it away! "

Shen Guanyu smiled wryly as he saw the huge fruit forest and the open road disappear before his eyes, and said, "I can't throw it away."

Ao Xian was about to come out, but Shen Guanyu simply sealed the entrance and exit of the Dragon Ball space with his soul power.

The little dragon king flew to Xing Xingcao and asked, "You didn't remind me just now, it's so uninteresting."

At this time, the arm-branch king's laughter sounded: "Why don't you leave?"

"Dare to ask where the senior is going?" Shen Guanyu's front and back were full of fog, and he could not see any direction.

The Brachial Ape King said casually: "Just go."

Shen Guanyu had no choice but to take a step forward, but she had only taken nine steps before she was knocked to the ground.

"Tsk tsk tsk, but can't you bear the weight of a thousand catties?" The stone statue of the gibbon king broke the vine net made by Lingli and stood on the ground with a bang.

He urged: "Don't waste time, before the moon rises again, you must carry me out, otherwise your friend at the bottom of the cliff will never come to the top of the cliff."

A cold light flickered in Shen Guanyu's eyes, and his spiritual power circulated all over his body for a week, but luckily his bones were fine.

She slowly got up, held the cracked barrel of the gun and said: "Since senior wants to go out, just say it.

Why do you have to go around in a big circle and trick me into picking some fruit. "

Manlinzi's spiritual fruits of different attributes and grades can be planted in the same garden, but they cannot love each other with the woody green cherry fruit and the golden golden thread fruit.

"Heh, aren't you very happy when you pick the spirit fruit?" The Brachial Ape King laughed.

Yes, Shen Guanyu was very happy at first, but when she heard that Ao Xian wanted to eat the ninth-level spiritual fruit instead of following the order, she crossed the seventh-level spiritual world and went to the ninth-level spiritual world first, only to realize that something was wrong.

She once again expended her spiritual power to conjure many vines, "Senior, I was joking. I am a monk, not a god. When I saw a garden full of fruits, my mind was full of: Quickly pick them up, they can be exchanged for spirit stones."

"Don't dawdle, put away your long spear. Concentrate on leaving this king on your back." The Brachial Ape King promised, "After this king leaves this place, Fairy Spirit Valley will return to its original path.

At that time, there will be great benefits for you. "

Shen Guanyu didn't believe it, but he still carried the stone statue on his back, and asked as he staggered, "Will my friend be in any way under the cliff?"

"will not."

"But she went up and down, can she come up again?"

"Yes, don't waste your time, if you throw me down again, you will be crushed."

Shen Guanyu immediately shut up and didn't ask any more questions. There was still thick fog in front of her. The only advantage was that if she made a mistake, she would go all the way to the dark.

It's just that she didn't see that after she left, Ah Tian appeared with a large basket of spirit fruits, and it wasn't at the bottom of any cliff at all.

The Gibbon King saw that Ah Tian had honestly carried the spirit fruit and was looking for the way out, and after leaving a message on a tree, he only smiled faintly.

Inwardly, he prefers this little female cultivator with a sword to carry himself out seriously. Sword cultivators have always been able to fight at higher levels, not only with solid cultivation but also physical training.

Helplessly, I actually saw the peace talisman of Shanshui Temple hanging on Shen Guanyu's body.

Looking down at Shen Guanyu who was carrying him on his back, a person who took one step at a time with deep footprints is also a good seedling for cultivating immortals.

He swept his consciousness towards the edge of the cliff, and heard someone say: "I don't know if Shen Guan Yuyu will see the marks we left on the way to pick spirit grass."

Looking back at Ah Tian who was always catching up with Shen Guanyu, she couldn't help laughing: Among the three below, there are really relatives and friends of the little girl!


After Shen Guanyu recited that he had met a friend who was chasing after him and exposed him, he had something to say.

Hehe, the few people below are also her friends, and I really have a way to keep them from coming up.


"Maybe, Xiaoyu is faster than we think, and he is already practicing beside the fairy spring." Xia Chuyi and the three of them came out of the illusion the fastest. At this time, they were climbing from the bottom of the cliff. We have reached the top of the cliff.

"You think too highly of her, unless she finds this place as soon as she comes in." Li Chuan grasped and slid two feet down the tent, "You say you, climbed three feet and slid down two feet, it's better to start Just climb a foot."

Su Changwen was also very annoyed, every time he climbed a little bit, he would slide down a lot for no reason.

"If I say thank you, this junior will not repeat it again. In the future, if Senior Shen wants to refine any magic weapon, this junior will be on call for you three times for free."

"Can you ask your master Yousheng Zhenjun to refine the natal magic weapon for free?" Li Chuan has no attack magic weapon at hand yet.

With a push, Su Changwen quickly jumped to the top of the cliff with the help of Li Chuan's pull.

The three of them who returned their spiritual consciousness and spiritual power again saw a huge fruit forest in front of them, and the tree was almost crushed by the full spiritual fruit.

Su Jianwen couldn't help but take a deep breath of the fruity fragrance wafting from the aura: "Are these all real? Could it be that I've been hallucinating after crawling for too long?"

Li Chuan also rubbed his eyes vigorously: "Xia Chuyi, can we go in and pick some?"

"No." Xia Chuyi pointed to a spiritual fruit tree that had been harvested, and said, "Qiushan pear, fourth grade, cool in nature, mainly used for mild cough.

Once the pear is picked, the tree will wither and melt within a day.

You can see that the tree is still green and yellow, which means that someone just picked it two hours ago and left. "

After a pause, she continued, "But someone left words on the tree trunk."

"What word?" Li Chuan and Su Changwen Qiqi released their consciousness to see each pear tree trunk clearly.

I finally found a tree with the words: Shen Zheng, this is the third time I have encountered this tree.

"This fruit forest is a natural barrier." Su Changwen, as a direct disciple of a master craftsman, learning formations is a compulsory course for crafting.

Li Chuan glanced around, "There is no way out here except the forest in front, we are afraid that we will run into trouble now."

After he finished speaking, he threw a Thunder Talisman into the forest, and at the same time dragged Xia Chuyi back a foot.

Su Changwen didn't expect him to shoot without saying hello, and when he quickly dodged and leaped, he caught sight of a cyan skirt flashing across the forest...

(End of this chapter)

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