who doesn't have a sword

Chapter 281 Solicitation

Chapter 281 Solicitation
Xia Chuyi and the others naturally saw the corner of the skirt, but she and Li Chuan grabbed Su Changwen, who was pretending to be looking forward, while the other took an invisibility amulet for the three of them at the same time.

The thunder talisman that Li Chuan threw just now, hitting the fruit trees, actually only caused those trees to move a few flickeringly, and even the popping sound was canceled out by the swaying branches.

He said via voice transmission: "There are three of them, hold your breath."

As his words fell, the owner of the blue skirt walked in and out of the fruit forest in a panic, followed by two female cultivators in beautiful palace costumes chasing him.

Just as she was about to be caught up, the female cultivator in the cyan dress threw two arrays in a row, "Explosive."

boom, boom

The defensive magic weapons of the two female cultivators in palace costumes were blasted, and the surrounding trees retreated and shifted.

Those two people were not too injured, they jumped up from the ground and chased after them again.

Seeing that one of the female cultivators raised her hand and shot a needle-shaped hidden weapon, it was about to shoot into the back of the escaped man's head.

Xia Chuyi sent a voice transmission: "Li Chuan, it's Wu You, the little formation master I met in Cang'er."

Li Chuan's Lingjian was already in his hand: "Rescue?"

"Help!" As soon as she spoke, she and Li Chuan flew out at the same time, striking two female cultivators in palace costumes with their swords.

But Su Changwen picked up the soul-chasing needles with a sword, and took away Wu You who fell to the ground with a strand of spiritual power.

On this side, the two female cultivators in palace costumes who had already consumed a lot of spiritual power were first knocked down by Li Chuan's sword energy, and then Xia Chuyi's poisonous pill hit their faces, and they had already collapsed to the ground unconsciously.

Li Chuan easily restrained the dantian of the two, and was about to take the two out of the fruit forest with immortal ropes, but found that the fruit tree was moving rapidly, and they couldn't get out.

He slammed the two of them to the ground, "It's a loss."

Xia Chuyi let out a deep breath, and took the person in Su Changwen's hand: "You have to come in sooner or later, let's save people first."

Li Chuan saw that she had created the fog barrier, so he asked Su Changwen, "These two female cultivators are wearing Miaoxi Pavilion cassocks, do you recognize them?"

"I know, they are the disciples of Zhenjun Miaoyu, the envoys around Mingxin." Su Changwen frowned slightly, "Under normal circumstances, they should stay by Mingxin's side.

Moreover, like Ming Xin, they are all in the late stage of foundation establishment, so they should not have come in. "

Li Chuan glanced at the two people on the ground, and said with a smile: "But they are only in the middle stage of foundation establishment now.

Maybe, that Ming Xin also entered the middle stage of Foundation Establishment. "

Su Changwen blinked, "During the teleportation, they lowered their cultivation level?
As expected of the Demon Sect, it's really ruthless!He dared to lose a layer of cultivation in a few breaths. "

Before squatting down to wake someone up, he asked, "Should we interrogate them?
Someone from Demon Sect robbed and killed Taoist disciples in an organized way, which may have been discussed before entering the secret realm. "

Li Chuan shook his head, "They definitely won't tell you." If Xia Chuyi didn't let the murder just now, he would have finished these two people long ago, saving them from seeking revenge in the future.

Su Qianwen was right after thinking about it, "I thought you would ask them why you left alive."

"We have to kill people here." Xia Chuyi put away the fog barrier at this moment, and Wu You behind her came out with a pale face after first aid.

Wu You pointed to the small red umbrella-shaped flowers under each fruit tree and said: "Senior Xia is right, if someone is killed here, these umbrella flowers will snatch the dead body away and expand the illusion of this forest.

At that time, it will be even more difficult for us to go out. "

Xia Chuyi approached Umbrella Flowers, "However, we can collect some.

This thing can be hallucinogenic when it is growing, and it is a very good psychedelic main drug after refining. "

Li Chuan took out the jade shovel and said, "Then what are you waiting for, pick it quickly."

Xia Chuyi opened his hand and said: "This flower cannot be harvested with a jade shovel, it can only be harvested with wood spirit power.

You also need to look at the direction before collecting, otherwise it will spray your face with red juice.

And after picking the income jade box, you need a high-level prohibition talisman. "

"I have." Su Changwen immediately took out a stack. "As for determining the bearing, I also have a compass here."

As he spoke, he took out a black compass, input spiritual power and began to measure.

On this side, Xia Chuyi saw Wu You hesitated to speak, "Fellow Daoist Wu, is there a better way?"

Wu You: "No, I was chased all the way to break into this place, and I once picked a plant to deal with those two people, but the umbrella flower here is very strange, it sprays not red juice, but black ink .

Moreover, the ink did not cause any harm to the two of them, on the contrary, it made their faces brighter and more energetic. "

"Hey, it also has a beauty effect. Then we should pick more." Li Chuan raised an eyebrow at Xia Chuyi.

Xia Chuyi shook his head and said, "Do you dare to eat this beauty pill made from human-eating bone flowers?

I only use it for potions, nothing else. "

Li Chuan sighed, "Okay, let's make a team of men and you women, let's start picking.

By the way, Fellow Daoist Wu is an array master, can you calculate which direction can be harvested? "

Wu You nodded: "Yes." She looked around, clicked on the shock position and the departure position, and said, "These two options can make Guolin's phantom formation weaken, and help us find a way out."

Su Changwen looked at her, cupped his hands and said, "May I ask which sect my junior sister belongs to?" Unexpectedly, she could quickly find out the direction only by eyesight without using magic tools.

He has not seen this person in the disciple materials of other sects.

Wu You returned the gift and said: "My little sister, Wu You, thank Senior Brother Su for your help. My family belongs to the Five Elements Sect, but I was in the Mortal Realm when I was young and did not enter the sect."

"Is Junior Sister Wu interested in joining the Taiyi Sect?" Recruiting talents for the sect is also one of the responsibilities of direct disciples.

Wu You hurriedly said: "I want my brother to know that my grandfather is an elder of the outer sect of the Five Elements Sect, and it is not convenient to join other sects." Growing up, I only met my grandfather once, but I missed the opportunity to join the sect because of being poisoned .

However, her parents are alive and living with the Wu family in the mortal world, so she cannot join other sects.

Su Changwen showed regret. He was also from a family of cultivators, and he knew very well that a good-looking seedling had not entered the sect, and many grievances and grievances were involved in it.

Immediately, he quickly changed the subject: "Why is Junior Sister Wu being hunted down by the two of them?"

Xia Chuyi and Li Chuan were also surprised. They both fell into the cliff and climbed here again. The aura of Xianquan could be sensed a long time ago. Not to mention the two female cultivators of the Demon Sect quickly broke through the formation to find a place to practice, and even chased and killed people. How much hatred is there?

Wu You himself was also very surprised: "Not long after I teleported in, I met them and Ming Xin killing a demon girl casual cultivator.

Then, the two Tong envoys wanted to kill me to silence me under the explicit signal.

But I don't know that demon cultivator, and I don't know how to tell the outside world, so I don't understand why they keep chasing him so hard.

Moreover, this is the first time I see Ming Xin. "

Su Changwen glanced at the two demon cultivators who were still in a coma on the ground, and said, "Maybe, they are jealous of your youth?"

Wu You...

(End of this chapter)

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