who doesn't have a sword

Chapter 282 From 1

Chapter 282 Together

Xia Chuyi looked at Li Chuan, Li Chuan stared, and said via voice transmission: "What are you looking at me for? I'm not them.

The magic cultivators here are different from those in our hometown. "

Then, he waved his hands and said loudly: "No matter why, let's pick the umbrella flower first, and leave here as soon as possible."

Su Changwen nodded again and again. It is impossible for the two female demons to cultivate themselves as envoys of a bright heart to open their mouths and ask for something. It is better to pick more useful flowers and plants with this time.

He tried it with a sword, cut off a spiritual fruit and said, "Is this spiritual fruit real?"

Wu Youfei came over and couldn't stop it in time, and said regretfully: "As long as the spirit fruit here is touched, we may fall deeper."

When Su Changwen hurriedly threw away the spirit fruit in his hand, not only did the two demon cultivators on the ground disappear, but even Xia Chuyi and Li Chuan disappeared.

He hated himself secretly, and didn't have the heart to pick umbrella bones: "Junior Sister Wu, let's quickly break through the formation to find someone."

Xia Chuyi and Li Chuan, who were looking for them, quickly held each other's hands tightly when they sensed that the wind was blowing towards them.

Just a whirl, the two of them fell heavily onto a ninth-level spirit fruit tree.

But the branch was so flexible that they threw it to the ground with a whistling.

"This damn place, it really hurts from falling." When Li Chuan helped his waist up, he wondered why Xia Chuyi couldn't get up on the ground.

As a result, as soon as he raised his head, he heard Shen Guanyu shouting in a hoarse voice: "Father, mother."

"Ouch!" Li Chuan jumped over to help Xia Chuyi first, and then ran to the side of Shen Guanyu, who was dripping with sweat and carrying a stone statue on his back: "You son of a bitch, do you carry a stone on your back to train your body?"

Shen Guanyu stopped him from helping him unload the stone, "I can only go out if I carry it on my back."

Xia Chuyi supported the side of the stone statue with his hand: "Then we will be together."

Li Chuan quickly helped to lift the other side and said, "Let's switch backs."

There were two people supporting each other, one on the left and one on the right, the pressure on Shen Guanyu's body dropped suddenly, but: "I can't change it, I can only carry it on my back."

She was too tired to rest just now, but she didn't know that after the stone statue stood on the ground, she was pried up into the air, and the pine couldn't let go.

After roughly explaining the reason, she asked: "Father, mother, why did you come in?" Shen Guanyu still doesn't know what happened outside.

When Xia Chuyi came to her one by one, the Brachio King in the stone statue heard everything, and thought: If I lied to this girl, I will soon expose it. He doesn't want to waste mana to stop the little girl's mother from speaking.

After hearing this, Shen Guanyu said: "So, you didn't meet Ah Tian at the bottom of the cliff."

Xia Chuyi gave her several clean dust spells with one hand, and Li Chuan stared at the stone statue: "No, it should be the place where it fell is different."

Shen Guanyu was much more relaxed, and her mind was spinning faster. She sent a voice transmission to the stone statue: "Senior, can you let Ah Tian go with us?"

The Armed Ape King: "No, only if you walk out with me on your back, will the trap of spiritual fruit forest be solved."

Shen Guanyu doesn't even trust him much now, this demon king is different from his previous exiles, his words seem to be true and false.

She simply stopped and said, "Father and mother, let's take a rest."

With a bang, the stone statue stood on the ground, and Shen Guanyu seemed to be tied to the stone statue, unable to touch the ground.

Fortunately, she has experience. When Xia Chuyi took out a high stool, she used her spiritual sense to control a large wooden box and lay it under her feet.

Shaking the cane tied tightly around her body, she said: "Mother, you and Dad can just pick umbrella flowers, and I can rest here for a cup of tea."

Xia Chuyi is already boiling Lingquan water here, ready to make some soup for her: "Don't worry, there are many trees under the roadside."

Li Chuan was busy washing the ingredients, and when the family of three tasted the nourishing lung and nourishing qi soup, the little dragon king was stuck in the dragon ball space and couldn't get out.

Compared to it that can bite the spiritual fruit and watch, Little Tiger King Zhuifeng can only eat Bigu Pill at the moment.

Zhuifeng was very unhappy: "It's useless to eat this. It's not as good as meat. If it doesn't help me, I can eat the Spirit Beast Pill."

Tang Yue patted its fur, and said: "Now the team of hundreds of people are all eating Bigu Pills, it's not good for us to hide away and eat spiritual food."

"Okay." Zhuifeng first looked at Ge Buyi who had been following Fulin (Xiaoya), and he had a little impression that this person belonged to Baihua City.

He looked at Senior Sister Wu who was not far away, who was talking happily with monk Wan Jianzong, and then said to Tang Yue: "This Senior Sister Wu You, I always feel that she is different from what the Little Dragon King described to me."

Although it didn't enter Cang'er with the Little Dragon King, when it was practicing in seclusion, Xiaoyu and Ao Xian who came out of Cang'er would often bring things to him.

Among them are many jade slips that record Cang'er's encounters, and they are all kept in his storage ring now.

"I'm actually not very familiar with her, and we were not together all the time when we were in Cang'er." Tang Yue later stationed on Xingyun Island with his senior brother Le Shi, and didn't have much contact with other people.

Zhuifeng has a different idea: "She is always a Taoist disciple, so what's the matter with sneaking around and peeping at others?

Also, there was something about her that I didn't like. "

As he said that, it jumped off Tang Yue's lap and said, "I'll ask Xiaoya to see, she must be able to sense it."

"Come back." Tang Yue grabbed it and said: "Fu Lin is in the early stage of foundation establishment, and Wu You is in the middle stage, and her spiritual sense is stronger than that of the early stage monks.

You have the talent of a beast, so it doesn't matter if you explore her, but it's not good for the rich junior sister, it's hard to hide when you reveal your divine sense to her. "

After hearing this, Zhuifeng had no choice but to stay honest, "I don't know where my father and mother have gone, but don't encounter the demon cultivator's team to rob and kill.

There are also Xiaoyu and Xiaolongwang, I haven't seen them for many years.

Hmph, this time we get together, I will never be separated from them again. "

Tang Yue rubbed its tiger head: "As for children, when they grow up, they have their own things to do, and they will stay together forever.

Look at Xiaoyu, she doesn't stay with her parents and master often. "

"Master, I haven't seen you for a long time." Zhuifeng grabbed her and asked, "Is Master also entering the secret realm?"

Tang Yue: "It is said that it is, but I don't know if it has come out now."


At this moment, Chenshui had just been redeemed by the two Huashen Xingjuns of the Tiannan Realm, and he was standing behind several Huashens.

These two Xingjun are none other than Yuan Chuxingjun of Fengyuehe Alliance.

Li Xia and another Huashen from Dongming Realm were very satisfied with the exchange supplies brought by Yuan Chuxing Lord.

After she handed over some materials for building the boundary teleportation array to Mr. Yuan Chuxing, she said, "I hope fellow Taoist will leave as soon as possible with your descendants."

Lord Yuan Chuxing put away these treasures and said with a smile: "Friend Daoist Li, to tell you the truth, I have already been to the headquarters of the Qiyaotian Cultivation Alliance before I came here.

My Tiannan Realm has returned to Qiyaotian, and monks in the realm have the right to practice freely in the 28 realms. "

They also considered for a long time before reporting to the Qiyao Alliance.

Although the Jedi Gate is currently only accessible to monks with a cultivation level of Nascent Soul and above, some of the monks sent to inquire about the news from the Quartet have already been found and monitored by the Qiyao Alliance.

If you don't take the initiative to report to the alliance headquarters at this time, many things will be very passive in the future.

Li Xia raised his eyebrows, "So, you are going to participate in the competition for the places in Qiyao Secret Realm in a year's time?"

"Well, everyone in the alliance headquarters told the elders that Qiyao Secret Realm not only has opportunities, but also has many crises." After Elder Yuan Chu nodded, he said seriously: "It is the responsibility of all walks of life to protect me Qiyao.

For nearly 2 years, I, a cultivator of Tiannan, have been trapped in the world. Now I can conclude that I will definitely guard the Seven Lights Heaven. "

Chen Shui raised his eyes to look at the elder, but he sighed in his heart, and compared the competition for alchemy formation, it is better to build the boundary teleportation array first and then talk about other things.

Suddenly, he heard Qing Gai's voice transmission: "Chenshui, there are monks from the Dongming Realm and the demons from the Tangyao Realm delivering your news."

Chen Shui shivered: "Where is it?"

(End of this chapter)

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