who doesn't have a sword

Chapter 283 Lotus Crown

Chapter 283 Lotus Crown

Qing Gai's spiritual consciousness was vaguely attached to the box on the second floor of the teahouse. While listening to the conversation between the two post-Yuan monks inside, he echoed Yin Chenshui with his soul: "The place where the teleportation array of the Dongming Realm is located Fangshi Tea House."

Before Chen Shui left the secret realm to participate in the exchange meeting, when everyone was divided into two groups at the inn, Qing Gai and Hua Zui, under the cover of the three of Chen Shui, quietly went to the boundary teleportation array, so that when something happened, someone could Leaving the cave world at the fastest speed.

It was also a coincidence today, Hua Drunk disguised himself and came to Fangshi Tea House to inquire about the news from all directions.

Qing Gai, who was temporarily staying in her Qiankun room, scanned the entire teahouse with her spiritual sense, and found a female cultivator in the late Yuanying period with a bone age of two thousand years.

It was quite surprised, the lifespan of a human nascent infant is [-] years old, but if you take the top grade Shouyuan Pill, you can increase your lifespan by [-] years.

It's the first time I've seen a person who has increased his life by a thousand.

So it couldn't help but follow the female cultivator upstairs with its spiritual sense. Unexpectedly, in the box that the female cultivator entered, there was a Nascent Soul Realm demon in disguise.

Hearing them talking about the monks from the Tiannan Realm entering and leaving the secret realm of the Dongming Realm, Qing Gai quickly sent a message to Chen Shui with his soul.

"Help keep an eye on them, find Hua Zui, no, find fellow Taoist Qianxi to find out about them." Chen Shui knew that he couldn't go there when he heard that the Yuntian Sect was 10,000+ miles away.

He couldn't help but breathe a little harder, and then he adjusted immediately.

The fellow Qianxi Taoist who returned to Yuanzong acted calmly and was good at making puppets, so he was more suitable for exploring the bottom than the aggressive Hua Zui.

As for Gu Zhou and Qing Cun, one is the head of the Qi Hall of the Tiannan Cultivation Alliance, and the other is the elder of the number one demon sect in Tiannan, neither of them are suitable for stalking.

Not mentioning how Qing Gai will act after receiving this statement, just say that Chen Shui stands behind Feng Yue, there is a little bit of strangeness in him, and Feng Yue Xingjun is the first to perceive it.

She quietly turned the tea cup to see the color of the tea soup, a little movement covered up Chen Shui's heavy breathing.

In the tea room, Elder Yuan Chu and Zong Zhengqi, the god of transformation beside Li Xia, are finalizing the follow-up cooperation between the Tiannan Realm and Dongming Realm.

Interacting with other realms is still very important for the Holiness Realm, which is not a large realm.

Otherwise, it would not suppress the news that the monks from the Tiannan Realm visited the secret realm, and this is also in line with the mind of the Tiannan Realm who has not been connected to the outside world for a long time.

Li Xia on the side just took a sip of tea when he found his Jade Talisman of Communication flickering.

After reading the content with her spiritual sense, she almost crushed the teacup.

This caught the attention of Zong Zhengqi, who was talking with Lord Yuan Chuxing, and asked her with a smile: "Friend Daoist Li, but Feihuazong has an urgent mission?"

Li Xia shook his head, "I've already sent someone to deal with the private matter, let's talk about it."

As for Yan Tian's private dealings with the demons in the Tangyao Realm, he actually has no position to intervene.

However, the person who came this time was actually a member of the direct branch of the Jiaqiu clan, so she planned to look back.

Back then, she was suppressed under the Shanshui Temple and used the Yushui Jue given by Shen Guanyu. She practiced it all at once until Yuanying broke through the boundary, and she went to Tangyao Realm to see it.

The Jiaqiu clan who was born and raised over there has fallen, but the Jiaqiu clan who moved from the Tiannan Realm took power.

Thinking of Shen Guanyu, Li Xia couldn't help but glance at Chen Shui, she felt that this person didn't tell herself the whole story.

Shen Guanyu, who has top-notch exercises in his hands and has a great opportunity to meet him across borders, cannot be an unknown little monk.


Little monk Shen Guanyu, with the help of his parents, finally reached the end of the fruit forest.

As soon as she stepped out of that path, she immediately untied the tangled vines behind her back.

The stone statue let go of her very cooperatively this time, and dropped the stone skin like a rattle in front of the three of them.

The three members of Shen Guanyu's family only felt that the falling stones had a weight of a thousand catties, and they smashed into holes in front of them.

Li Chuan stared at the falling stone skin of the stone statue, looked at the receding fruit forest, swallowed hard and said, "Stay a while, won't there be a great sage popping out of it?"

Xia Chuyi and Shen Guanyu looked at each other and shook their heads at the same time.

pat, pat

The stone skin on the stone statue fell off faster and faster, and the three of them felt an unprecedented pressure on themselves.

They wanted to stay away, but they were firmly fixed on the stone statue.

Li Chuan's rusty copper bell, Xia Chuyi's defensive talisman, none of them worked.

Shen Guanyu's Dragon Spear that was in front of her was broken in two on the spot, she stopped thinking about it, and said to Ao Xian: "Move Duoduo and Chaoyan into the Qiankun hut on your body, we need the protection of the alchemy furnace .”

Ao Xian moved very quickly, almost transferring the person out of the alchemy furnace in the blink of an eye.

It also came out together, wrapped around Shen Guanyu's wrist to control the Yimu Dan furnace to become the largest, sucking the three of them in and spinning back two miles.

Shen Guanyu and the others only heard a loud bang, and the stone statue in their consciousness exploded completely.

A young man wearing a lotus flower crown and wearing an indigo robe with a gold thread edge flew out of the stone statue.

He glanced at the few people in the Yimu pill furnace, and after putting away his pressure, he just looked at the fruit forest in the distance.

Shen Guanyu and Ao Xian sent a voice transmission: "Can we retreat further?"

"I can't." Ao Xian looked at the young man, wondering if his mother brought him who was still in her mother's womb to the territory of the gibbon.

Xia Chuyi shook his head at Shen Guanyu, "He has put away his coercion, we must not act rashly to provoke him."

This person, at first glance, is not easy to provoke, his eyes just glanced over were icy cold.

Li Chuan put his index finger on his lips, indicating to them to look at the demon king who stretched out his arm in mid-air and turned into aura into the forest.

Shen Guanyu saw several long arms of spiritual light transformed by the demon king, pawing around in the forest, and all the spiritual fruits that her spiritual sense could see fell to the ground.

Some fell directly into mud, and some instantly turned into fist-sized stones.

Just as she was amazed, there were two ah-ah sounds from the forest, and two monks were grabbed by the demon king's long-armed spiritual palm and thrown to the ground mercilessly.

Shen Guanyu took a closer look, and it turned out to be two people from Qianyemen and Xuanyuezong.

Looking up again, two more people were caught out of the forest.

She hurriedly said: "Ao Xian picks up, it's Senior Brother Su."

"Okay!" The Little Dragon King controlled the Yimu Danlu to fly higher, catching Su Changwen and Wu You who fell down.

And at this time, the two who were thrown here again, when Su Changwen said "they are from Miaoxi Pavilion", Ao Xian swiped the pill furnace to escape.

Bang, bang, the two female demon cultivators fell to the ground hard. The pain woke them up, but they were bound with immortal ropes, and their dantians were sealed and unable to move.

On this side, Shen Guanyu saw the Demon King descending from mid-air, put down Ao Xian and jumped down from the alchemy furnace, approached him and said, "Senior Ape King, where is my friend Ah Tian?"

The Armed Ape Wang Suntong said with a smile: "Isn't the alchemy furnace your friend?"

Shen Guanyu clenched his hands, clenched his fists and said eagerly: "It's Ah Tian who met you with me at the beginning."

"Oh..." Sun Tong pointed to the fruit forest in the distance, and the fruit trees parted the road, "That, there."

Shen Guanyu saw Ah Tian, ​​who was carrying a basket of spiritual fruits, collapsed under a tree, and ran towards that road with all her might.

A green vine "swished" and flew towards her, tightly entangled her.

Shen Guanyu turned her head: "Mother, I'm only going to bring Ah Tian out."

Xia Chuyi said, "I didn't see Ah Tian, ​​there were only trees and a cluster of umbrella flowers half the height of a person."

Shen Guanyu paused, rubbed his eyes fiercely, it was clearly Ah Tian!
But she knew that her mother would not lie to herself, "Ao Xian, do you think it is Ah Tian?"

(End of this chapter)

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