who doesn't have a sword

Chapter 284 Doubt

Ao Xian pointed to Lin Zi and said, "It's Ah Tian."

However, Shen Guanyu saw that it pointed to a place eight feet away from that road.

Inside, there was a female revisionist carrying a basket of spiritual fruits on her back with great difficulty.

The nun wiped her sweat while walking, as if she didn't see the group of people outside the forest.

In fact, Yan Youtian who was walking in the forest could not see the people outside.

Since she picked these spiritual fruits, they turned into water when they were put into the storage ring, but kept fresh when they were placed outside.

Eighth- and ninth-level spirit fruits are rare. Yan Youtian, who was not well-off in the past, is very reluctant to hang them on the tree all the time.

So, Shen Guanyu saw her wearing two storage rings, three storage bags but carrying a rattan basket of spiritual fruits.

Su Changwen, who had already jumped out of the alchemy furnace, looked left and right, followed Junior Sister Shen's rubbing his eyes and then asked, "Junior Sister Xiaoyu, which one is Daoist Yan?"

Before he finished speaking, there was another Yan Youtian in the fruit forest over there, but this one was climbing a tree to pick fruit.

Shen Guanyu closed her eyes, she was sure that these three were Ah Tian, ​​and they were the true images of Ah Tian at different times.

Glancing at the smiling arm-branch king Sun Tong, she resolutely sat cross-legged and meditated.

She believed that Ah Tian would come out soon even if she didn't go in to meet her.

As soon as Xia Chuyi put away the alchemy furnace to protect her, Li Chuan walked towards the two nuns in the Miaoxi Pavilion.

The two looked nervously at his smiling face, and Zuo Tong asked, "What do you want?"

Li Chuan put away his immortal rope, turned his head and said to Wu You who followed, "I'll leave it to you."

Wu You thanked him, and when he left, he asked, "Why do you keep chasing me so hard?"

Left and right Tongshi didn't answer, Wu You impolitely pierced their acupoints with a concentrated needle.

When the two were groaning in pain, the male cultivator of Qianye Sect on the other side wanted to speak, but the male cultivator of Xuanyue Sect beside him said via voice transmission: "Don't go, those two are envoys of Mingxin."

"Ming Xin? The junior sister of Daoist Ming Mei who specializes in cultivating the Sun Harvesting Technique, and a disciple of Zhenjun who passed on the witty words?"

"It's her."

"Then let's leave quickly, these people don't look easy to mess with."

The two backed away quietly while talking, but Sun Tong let out a cold snort, and the two of them slapped their heads and fell to the ground without getting up.

Wu You glanced at them, wondering if they were really dizzy, or they were too scared to wake up.

As soon as he was distracted, when he lowered his head again, he saw Zuo Tong envoy bite the poison and restrain himself.

She frowned slightly, and didn't even take the storage bags on the two of them, and directly played a few fireballs...

At the same time, Senior Sister Wu, who was flying in the middle of Xun Zhi's team, found that the two soul cards in her arms were broken.

The two envoys died together, which means that they failed to kill Wu You, so now I can no longer find someone to poison.

Senior Sister Wu, to be more precise, Ming Xin from Miao Xi Pavilion, is already thinking of a way to get out of the team smoothly.

Paying close attention to her chasing wind all the time, I immediately noticed the engulfing brilliance in this pair of clear eyes of Senior Sister Wu.

I always feel that the smile on her face is fake, just like the legendary smile on the surface.

And her hair, which was tied in a tie, faintly flashed red gold.

It remembered that the Eagle King who taught everyone familiar with the practice of cultivation in the Demon Court said that the monks who practiced the Miaoxi Pavilion Golden Crow Burning Heaven Art would turn their temple hair and ends into red gold as their cultivation level rose.

It communicated with Tang Yue the suspicious points and said: "Senior Sister Tang, maybe she is not Senior Sister Wu You, every time she..."

After Tang Yue listened, she quickly found Xun Zhi who was leading the team.

So, during the flight, the false Senior Sister Wu realized that the monks around her had changed.

She glanced at Xun Zhi bitterly, put on the ring with her spiritual communication, and said, "They may have discovered me."

In the soul ring, a ghost cultivator in the alchemy state said indifferently: "Then change the team. In short, we can't let Tiannan Realm advance too many late-stage foundation-building monks."

Foundation-building monks are the backbone of a cultivating realm, and the less they have, the better for them.

Mingxin hated the cold tone of this ghost cultivator, who had only recently appeared beside his master, Zhenjun Miaoyu.

He also told her that as a descendant of the Jimo clan, he has been supported by the clan for generations, and now it is time to repay the clan.

She said: "I don't have many soul-controlling pills on me, and Taoist cultivators and demon cultivators have formed a large formation to guard against death, so I can't induce some people to take the pills and kill people everywhere.

Those spiritual servants who were sent in together, I am afraid that not many are alive now. "

It was this ghost cultivator who, somehow, used a token to make his master's witty words and true king obey his orders.

He also handed over the spiritual servants who had been carefully cultivated over the years to this knot-dan female ghost cultivator.

"If there is no solution, find a way." Guixiu said coldly: "The Tiannan Realm has been closed for many years, and the devil master has also devoted himself to finding a way to let me come to the Tiannan Realm with the help of the identity of the ghost cultivator from the Dao Hades."

Mingxin wiped the soul ring to seal the so-called "ghost servant" of this contract, and smiled secretly: This demon master really knows how to turn a good person into a ghost cultivator!

The speed of her Yujian slowly decreased, and she was about to find a gap to activate the teleportation talisman to leave. Anyway, she was facing the face of the granddaughter of the elder of the outer sect of the Five Elements Sect, and these people dared not hurt her easily.

Unfortunately, things backfired. When she found an opportunity to leave, Zhuifeng let out a beast roar, which made her dizzy and dizzy.

Trying to activate the teleportation talisman again, he was caught by a big net.

After Ge Buyi used a special potion to uncover the thousand-faced immortality on Ming Xin's face, Xun Zhi grabbed Zhui Feng's beautiful colored-patterned tiger fur and said, "Zhui Feng, you have made a great contribution."


Shen Guanyu, who didn't know that Zhuifeng had made great achievements, was sitting in meditation when he heard the Tongarmian King Sun Tongdao: "This king, Sun Tong, is the thirteenth-level demon king, which is what you humans call the Taiyi Wonderland.

We Yaozu don't have so many twists and turns, we are very straightforward, so I'll call you Shen Guanyu. "

well!Only when he returns to the Immortal Realm will he be at the thirteenth level. Here, his cultivation is infinitely compressed, and there are only tenth levels.

"Senior Sun, please speak directly if you have something to say." Shen Guanyu complained secretly, you put me in a trap from the beginning, and you said you were straightforward?
Sun Tong said bluntly: "Back then, this king made a bet with a Taiyi Immortal Elder from your Tiannan Realm, and after losing, he should make an appointment with the lower realm to help guard this fairy valley.

The promised 12 years have passed, but now it is too late to wait for him to open the passage back to the fairy world.

So, I need a little favor from you. "

Shen Guanyu still knew some information about the fairyland, she whispered: "The Taiyi fairyland has a lifespan of 245 million years, so that fairy elder will not be reincarnated, right?
If I build a small foundation, will I be able to help you? "

This demon king really dares to bet, could it be possible that he has been guarding there like a stone statue for a long time?Its affection is commendable.

Shen Guanyu felt that he still had a little pity.

Sun Tong paused, he seemed to have forgotten that the lifespan of the human race is much shorter than that of the monster race, and after two or three breaths, he said again: "You have helped me recite the spirit fruit trap before, and you should be able to help me out again." to me."

"What's good for me? You said that you will be of great benefit if you recite it. I haven't seen it until now." This demon king is also a man of temperament, and Ah Tian hasn't come out yet. .

Sun Tongdao: "All the ninth-level spiritual fruits in this forest are given to you."

Shen Guanyu shook his head: "I can't recite that much.

There is no time to keep picking spirit fruits. "She also wanted to practice hard at Xianquan.

Sun Tong plucked a vellus hair from the back of her neck, and sent the spiritual power to her hand: "This is for your self-defense."

Shen Guanyu quickly collected the storage ring. The hair of the thirteenth-rank great demon king is hard to come by. Even if he can't move it with his own cultivation, it is still a treasure.

She said: "This is a spiritual fruit."

Sun Tong: "If you get it cheap, you'll still act like a good boy."

Ao Xian looked over eagerly, Sun Tong coughed lightly, "I can't pull it out anymore." After speaking, he gave Ao Xian an emerald green leaf: "Flying Lingbao."

Then he approached Shen Guanyu, making Xia Chuyi back away as soon as he grabbed someone, and Li Chuan tightly circled Xia Chuyi.

Sun Tong pointed them out and said, "I don't eat people."

Shen Guanyu patted Xia Chuyi's hand, stood up and said, "Senior, please speak frankly."

The things she and Ao Xian got are thousands of times more precious than the hundreds of spiritual herbs they picked.

With a flick of Sun Tong's hand, the Yimu Pill Stove in Xia Chuyi's hand was in his hand, "Let me use this to open the passage."

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