who doesn't have a sword

Chapter 293 Who Knows

Shen Guanyu grabbed Zhang He's sleeves tightly, "Master, Ao Xian Du Jie must stay away from here."

"Why?" Zhang He followed closely behind the gibbon king Xuan Yunzi who was holding Ao Xian.

Jieyun in the sky followed them closely, and there was a faint roar of thunder in the clouds.

Shen Guanyu nervously looked at Jieyun in the sky, and whispered something in Zhang He's ear.

While sending a message to the two juniors who had just left the secret realm, Zhang He immediately stepped up to catch up with Xuan Yunzi and said, "Master Xuanyun, Ao Xian is..."

"I know, that's why I took it away in a hurry." Xuan Yunzi is already a demon king of the ninth level Dzogchen. Before Ao Xian used the phantom breath charm to become invisible, he had seen the little guy many times in Taiyizong .

He looked down at the little dragon king who was curled up in his arms because of his restrained cultivation. At this moment, the dragon horns on Ao Xian's head could no longer conceal his appearance.

And Duo Duo, who was hidden in its long beard, also took the opportunity to jump into Shen Guanyu's hand, "It's so scary."

Dodo couldn't stand the leak of the beast's breath.

Shen Guanyu sent it into the Qiankun Room, and said to Xuanyunzi: "I have seen the ancestor Xuanyun, do we want to set up a magic circle to cover up?"

"No, someone will help." Xuan Yunzi turned around and led them to turn to the left, followed by the Nascent Soul Realm monster and monk, and saw a burst of space breaking in the air.

A pair of eagle claws tore open the sky and said: "Here." On the other side of the sky, you can clearly see the lush mountain tops.

Xuan Ziyun took the lead and jumped into it, Zhang He grabbed Shen Guanyu and followed closely behind.

As soon as he landed, Shen Guanyu discovered that it was an island, "Chasing the wind."

She hugged and jumped over to Little Tiger King, and saw King Eagle, King Bird and King Ao Qinglong were all here.

When Ao Xian was released to the edge of the island, Ao Qing said: "Ao Xian, let go of the dantian to welcome the thunder."

A series of calamity thunders kept hitting Ao Xian, and Ao Xian kept volleying to meet the thunder and lightning. In order to completely open its own dragon ball, it didn't use the defensive shield thrown by Zhang and his uncle.

"Aww!" After the fifth lightning strike, Ao Xian's body was already covered in blood and bones.

When the burning smell of blood came, Shen Guanyu grabbed Zhang He: "Master, let me send the Thunder Dragon Spear in to help Ao Xian fight the thunder?"

"You know you can't do it yourself, so why ask me?

The little guy is a demon clan, carrying thunder and crossing the catastrophe with his fleshy body will only do him good and no harm. "Zhang He's spiritual consciousness is always observing the surroundings. She really wants to collect Ao Xian's Jielei so that she can refine the Tianleizi in the alchemy state in the future.

But Ao Xian's roar of the dragon's roar in the sky has already attracted the peeping of the big monster in the sea area.

Several demon kings are already guarding the surroundings, and she needs to be here just in case.

After all, a little dragon with pure blood is too coveted.

She looked at Shen Guanyu, who was hugging Chasing Feng tightly, stepping on his sword and trying to get closer to Lei Jie, she didn't know how this little girl dared to keep Ao Xian by her side.

After thinking about it, they haven't discovered Ao Xian's real body for so many years, it must be something done by his junior brother Chen Shui.

At this time, Chen Shui and his party will come to the spirit world from the teleportation array in the cave world.

As soon as they stepped out of the teleportation array, they were greeted by Tanye, a Huashenxingjun from the headquarters of Qiyaotian Cultivation Alliance.

Huazui transmitted the sound to Chenshui: "It seems that the Qiyao Federation has received information about what happened in the Dongming Realm.

Are they planning to follow us back to Tiannan? "

Chen Shui looked at Yuan Chu Xingjun who was talking with him in the sound-proof barrier, pondered for a moment and said, "I just don't know how many people they will send, Elder Yuan Chu has sent back the news, I hope Ji Yuan can spare some people." .”

"Tighten it up, the Empress Yuan will change guards and let Senior Huashen come out." Hua Zui really wanted to make sure of one thing: "Lei Longshi, have you really returned to our Tiannan?"

Of course they are back, but they are still in Shen Guanyu's Dragon Ball space.

At that time, she was excluded from the secret realm too quickly, and was picked up by the bird tribe in Tianwu Mountain, so she didn't have time to release the dragon stone.

At this moment, the only reason why it keeps coming to Ao Xian's Tribulation Thunder is that Xing Xingcao wants to borrow the thunder force of the last Heaven Tribulation from the Little Dragon King to release the Thunder Dragon Stone.

"Ao Xian, Good Fortune Pill." Shen Guanyu saw Ao Xian being hit hard on the top of the head by the seventh thunderbolt, and threw two pill bottles towards it with both hands.

Ao Xian tried his best to catch it, and when the next wave of thunder and lightning was brewing in the sky, he hastily swallowed two pills.

Haohua Pill can bring back life and death to the bones of a human being. It melts in the mouth and quickly spreads all over the body. Although the effect is good, the pain of connecting the bone and continuing the veins will not be alleviated at all.


boom boom boom

Silver lightning and thunder came together, Ao Xian did not expect the eighth and ninth thunder to come down together.

From far away, Ao Qing flew over quickly, "Zhang He, throw a set of defensive arrays at it."

No matter where Ao Xian came from, they are all the cubs of their dragon clan, and there must be no mistakes at the last moment.

"Throwing the formation disk is harming it." The ape king Xuan Yunzi also flew over and said: "The last tribulation thunder is the reward of heaven and earth to the living beings, blocking it will not be good for Ao Xian's future practice."

Ao Qing wiped his face anxiously and said, "Two ways to do it together, it..."

"Zhang He, your little disciple is dying." Halfway through his words, he saw Shen Guanyu throwing Zhuifeng down and rushing into the thunder net that stretched from sky to earth.

click, click, click

"Aww..." Ao Xian soared into the sky when Shen Guanyu transmitted the sound to him.

Ao Qing and the others saw a purple beam of light descending rapidly from the thunder net in the sky.

Little Dragon King Ao Xian turned around to face the beam of light, and countless lightning bolts and thunder concentrated on it.

Zhang He rushed here to look for Shen Guanyu, but was shot out of the range of Jielei by the purple thunder light.

Her heart jumped into her throat, where is her nephew?

"Master." A hundred feet away, Shen Guanyu emerged from the ground.

Without even thinking about it, Zhang He ran up to her and slapped her on the back: "Worry girl, you scared the uncle to death."

"I just gave Ao Xian something, and then Tudun." She actually rushed into the thunder net and sent out the Thunder Dragon Stone.

Zhang He wasn't so easy to fool, she picked up Shen Guanyu's skirt that was burnt by electric shocks and said, "Can you just draw the Earth Escape Talisman? The Earth Escape Talisman can protect you from lightning strikes."

Shen Guanyu was pulled by her, and his calf hit by lightning felt a burning pain, "Hiss, look, Master, Ao Xian's thunder calamity has passed."

Not only has he crossed over, but the little dragon king is still coiled on the top of the dragon pillar with purple light shining, receiving the spiritual energy funnel.

Its Dragon Ball of Sea of ​​Consciousness is swaying and shining at this moment, and when the spiritual rain falls from the sky, it is like a rare pearl rippling in the waves.

Chasing Feng ran over and sighed: "Senior Sister, the Little Dragon King is so beautiful!
And the dragon pillar under it, is it a new magic weapon? "

"Hahaha." Zhang He rubbed its furry head and smiled, "That's Thunder Dragon Stone."

It was definitely made by her nephew, she took a deep look at Shen Guanyu.

Shen Guanyu just smirked, anyway, if she didn't say anything, and Master and Ao Xian didn't say anything, who would know?

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